There are some times when I surprise myself with how bitter and cynical I can get, times when I wonder whether my motives in fandom areright and whether I should look into cheap tricks like timing and flashy banners to get my fic read. Times when I want to say fuck you to all the people getting premieres on my various archives because fuck if I ever got one since Foster Child and lord knows my writing's improved since. And then I go over to the KiPi archive and see The Premiere at 7,800 hits and I can't help smiling. It's the most abandoned thing in the world and yet that count goes up and up and up. I don't know who's reading, I've only ever gotten one review, but it's fricking amazing to watch that thing go up.
I remember when it first hit 6000 and I realized that one little fic has more than all of my Panik on all of my archives has. All of my LJ communities, too. I don't understand it or it's fellows (Somnolent Smut at 2450, In the Mood at 1593, I Sleep Better With You Around at 2353, Just A Ring at 2364and Dirty Bedsheets at 1284) but it sure does make me smile.