
Jan 21, 2010 22:12

So, Cinema Bizarre. I love their music but not their members so much. Go figure, it's the ones everyone thinks are hot that I don't care about all that much. These are my two more favorite ones.

Shin likes to crossdress. I really like that about him. He's such an awkward boy but when he looks pretty, he looks hot.

Soo pretty.

Yes, that is him with what looks to be a melon down his shirt. Seriously. Aww, Strify.

Meh. He needs to work on his upper lip. Giggles at the fake mole/beauty mark.

Looking at his his not-quite-nonexistent boobs. I really like this picture.


Here's Romeo looking kind of sexy:

I can't help thinking it looks like he's doing an arm fart.

I like how both Shin and Romeo look hotter when they screw their faces up.

Btw, I'm not sure if it's standard American slang or just ghetto English, but when I say "I like how" I don't literally mean "I like this". It's a bit sarcastic/dry humorish, more along the lines of "It's strikes me as funny" except, y'know, not all that intelligent-sounding..

fandom: cinema bizarre

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