We have to stop seeing each other. Why? Because I have to kill you

Mar 07, 2010 05:29

First of all... The world is not going to end in 2012


Marty McFly went to 2015 :P

Then 2 meme!

from faded_facade
1. Leave me a comment if you want to do the meme.
2. I will reply with 6 of your icons and then you have to post this up and describe them!



1. I will never thank superkappa enough for introducing me to the awesome that is Nathan Fillion, and, of course, Castle.
2. Adelle was my second favorite character on Dollhouse, and that scene is from the masterpiece that is Epitaph One. Also, is funny!
3. KB and ZQ having fun together... good old times *sighs*
4. Casey quote from last season finale. Can't stop smiling thinking at it and Baldwin voice saying it. :D
5. Logan Cale ♥ . Micheal Weatherly before the clown Di Nozzo (what happened to you MW? Why so chubby?). Pretty scruffy boy with glasses. A Mac. The purple. A lot of things I love in one little icon.
6. Abracadabra. Oops, my first and only very lame attempt of animated icon from a gif. I should work more on it. I think I'm the only one who have 2 Noah Gray icons... what can I say, I love that little boy.

From everyone on my flist...

1) List 10 ONE TRUE PAIRINGS that you admire.
2) Put all of them in order (10-1, 1 is the ultimate OTP).
3) Supply photos for said people.
4) Post your favorite quote.
5) Tag 5 people: not taggin', do it if you want to!

NB: doing this meme I noticed that I have not 10 OTP. in fact I have 1 ONE TRUE PAIRING, or better 2 (1 from a book and 1 from a tv show), and 1 pairing (or better 2, again) I've done fannish things for. the rest I like/ship, but I couldn't list more than 5, so these are just 9 pairings... but there's no meme police right? I can also spot a certain pattern here...

9.Denna/Richard [Legend of the Seeker]

the new entry, and its all for the lulz. Epic Mistress/sub games lulz... :D

Denna: It's an honor to add the Sword of Truth to my collection.
Richard: I wouldn't grow too fond of it if I were you.
Denna: It's just that sort of rebellious attitude that's made you something of a problem for Lord Rahl.
Richard: Rahl's days are numbered.
Denna: He was going to kill you, but now, in his wisdom, he sees that this would only make you a martyr. Perhaps turn even more people to your misguided cause. So instead, he's given me the honor of training you.
Richard: No one's gonna train me.
Denna: Did you not feel my Agiel? The harder you fight, the more painful its magic will become. And after I've finished training you with it, you'll do anything to please me. Anything. And nothing will please me more than to see the Seeker, stand at the gates of the People's Palace, and there, before the multitudes, take the hand of Lord Rahl and pledge his undying love and fealty to him.
Richard: I'm going to take that Sword and I'm going to kill him with it, after I kill you.
Denna: I do enjoy a challenge. Shall we begin?

8. Sydney/Sark [Alias]

uhm. My only non canon ship. but who can resist Sark?

Sydney: Approaching the building.
Sark: Good luck, Sydney.
Sydney: I don't need you to wish me luck, you son of a bitch.
Sark: That's a wonderful attitude.

7. Spock/Uhura [Star Trek]

This scenes sold me the ship. He is so whipped!

Uhura: Commander, a word?
Spock: Yes, Lieutenant?
Uhura: Was I not one of your top students?
Spock: Indeed you were.
Uhura: And did I not, on multiple occasions, demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity *and I quote* 'an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmissions tests?'
Spock: Consistently, yes.
Uhura: And while you are well aware of my own qualified desires to serve on the USS Enterprise, I'm assigned to the *Farragut?*
Spock: It was an attempt to... avoid the appearance of favoritism.
Uhura: No. I'm assigned to the Enterprise.
Spock: Yes, I believe you are.
Uhura: Thank you.

6. Neo/Trinity [Matrix]

My favorite movie, one of my favorite female character and the actor I used to fangirl, all together...

Neo: What are you doing?
Trinity: I'm going with you.
Neo: No you're not.
Trinity: No? Let me tell you what I believe. I believe that Morpheus means more to me than he does to you. I believe if you are really serious about rescuing him, you are going to need my help. And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don't like it... I believe you can go to hell. Because you're not going anywhere else. Tank, load us up.

5. Max/Logan [Dark Angel]

I've been rewatching Dark Angel lately... And I fell in love with Max/Logan (ah ah or should I say Logan??) all over again. S1, of course... none of that stupid virus thing.

Max: Don't hold up the world on my account.
Logan: The world will still be broken in the morning.

4. Mark Darcy/Bridget Jones [Bridget Jones Diary]

"How to insult your love interest and her family and still win her love" by damanhimself Mr Darcy

Mark Darcy: I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting and you really are an appallingly bad public speaker and, um, you tend to let whatever is in your head come out without much consideration for the consequences. I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet that I was unforgivably rude and wearing a reindeer jumper that my mother had given me the day before. But the thing is, um, what I'm trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances... I like you. Very much...
Bridget: Ah, apart from the smoking and the drinking, the vulgar mother and... ah, the verbal diarrhea.
Mark Darcy: No, I like you very much. Just as you are.

3. Sylar/Elle [Heroes]

no need to explain why they are in this list, right? damn, you all took my favorite quotes...

Elle: I'm worry about you. All these 'yes sirs' checking in like a good little boy.
Sylar: I was trying to be responsible.
Elle: Oh sure. Responsible.
Sylar: Where is this damn rental car guy?
Elle: Probably calling the police, because I told him you're a serial killer and that you kidnapped me.
Sylar: You must be joking. Why the hell would you do that?
Elle: Because I'm trying to help you. Because it was wrong of the Company to hide our abilities. Because we can do whatever we want. We can take whatever we want. Trust me.
Sylar: Come on we're going.
Rental guy: You're not going anywhere!
Elle: Oh god. Oh help. Please help. Please.
Rental guy: Let go of the girl!
Elle: Thank you. Oh god. Thank you. Oh my god. Thank you.
Sylar: Sir, please put down the gun. You really don't understand what's happening here.
Rental guy: She filled me in pretty good. You serial killing scum of the earth!
Elle: They're all trying to make you into something. Boy scout. A monster. Who's it going to be huh? Who are you really?
Sylar: Shut up.
Rental guy: You should kill you right now. Say it was self defense. I'll be famous. A bone fide hero.
Sylar: I hate heroes.

2. Anne Elliot/ Captain Wentworth [Persuasion]

My book's OTP. and the quote is from one of my favorite scene. The other being the "letter" but it was too much long to quote it all...

When they came to the steps leading upwards from the beach, a gentleman, at the same moment preparing to come down, politely drew back, and stopped to give them way. They ascended and passed him; and as they passed, Anne's face caught his eye, and he looked at her with a degree of earnest admiration which she could not be insensible of. She was looking remarkably well; her very regular, very pretty features, having the bloom and freshness of youth restored by the fine wind which had been blowing on her complexion, and by the animations of eye which it had also produced. It was evident that the gentleman (completely a gentleman in manner) admired her exceedingly. Captain Wentworth looked round at her instantly in a way which shewed his noticing of it. He gave her a momentary glance, a glance of brightness, which seemed to say, "That man is struck with you, and even I, at this moment, see something like Anne Elliot again."

1. Cole/Phoebe [Charmed]

They are and they always will be my Ultimate ONE TRUE PAIRING. I stopped watching Charmed when they sank this ship.

Quote 1:
Cole: Phoebe, what are you doing here?
Phoebe: I... I came to tell you something. Actually... I was always much better at "show" than "tell."
[she kisses him]
Cole: You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
Phoebe: Neither do you.

And Quote 2:
Cole: (to himself) I'm sorry but we have to stop seeing each other, okay. Why? Because, because I have to kill you that's why. Smooth.

pairing|sylar/elle, character|logan cale, pairing|birdget/mark, tv, kickass women are awesome, meme & quiz, jane austen, pairing|spock/uhura

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