Fandom Favorites Meme

Aug 21, 2006 11:38

Because posting fandom pics of favorites is just loads of fun!

stolen without mercy from agent00 and ana_br

From each of your fandoms, choose your favorite character, 'ship and episode. One only!
HA! You just try and pick only one...

OBS: I listed the fandoms in the order I fell in love with them.


Character: Harvey!!! (ok, it's a tie between him and D'Argo... but Harvey is just so unique that I had to pick him)
Episode *GASP* Impossible to choose just one. I have no favorites. I took a pic from "Scratch 'n Sniff" just because I love that scene and because D'Argo dances in this episode. I'm that random!
Pairing: John & Aeryn (my ultimate OTP for all eternity!)


Character: Sayid
Episode "The Pilot". There are a dozen other excellent episodes, but this one was fantastic and it got me hooked in the series, so... yeah.
Pairing: Jack & Kate (I have many pairings in this series, but Jack/Kate was my first and remains my biggest OTP)


Character: Gregory House (I also adore Wilson, but House is just... House!)
Episode: "Three Stories". I ADORE this episode! The second season finale, "No Reason", was also amazing, but "Three Stories" is still my favorite.
Pairing: Wilson & Cameron (just look at them!!)


Character: Rodney McKay
Episode: "Duet". So funny! And so full of McKay goodness. I have other favorite eps, but this one popped up in my head first, so I'm sticking to it.
Pairing: Sheppard & Weir


Character: Daniel Jackson (when I was at my phase of not caring for SG-1, Daniel was the one character I kept seeing and thinking "Hmm... I like him!")
Episode: Oook, many, many favorites here. I love the funny ones like "Window of Opportunity" (pic) and "200", but I also adore "Legacy", "Lifeboat", "The Changeling", "Avalon", "The Pegasus Project"... want me to carry on?
Pairing: Daniel & Vala (I love Jack/Sam too, but... right now I'm obsessed with this pairing)


Character: The Doctor, 'cause he's just the best!
Episode: I'm a new fan of this series and I haven't finished watching the 9th Doctor season, so... My favorite so far was "Dalek" 'cause that dude was just awesome and cute. Yeah, daleks are cute!
Pairing: Rose & The Doctor (they're just adorable!)

tv: stargate sg-1, tv: house, tv: stargate atlantis, tv: farscape, tv: doctor who, tv: lost, memes

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