Stargate SG-1: Episode 10x06 "200"

Aug 19, 2006 10:41

I'm so happy right now. Oh, boy! :)

*is in shipper Heaven*

(SG-1) Episode 10x06 "200":

= OMG!!!! I was simply squeeing and giggling throughout the whole thing...:) Pretty pathetic when I stop and think about it, actually. But hey, I was just so happy!

= The Furlings look like Ewoks without the hood. Actually, they're some sort of mix between Ewoks and the Care Bears. But they're cute. :)

= Teal'c cracked me up every time he was onscreen... I dunno why, really, he just did. :)

= I'm amazed at all the references they had about infinite sci-fi shows... like "Who makes a movie out of a series that only lasted 3 episodes?" - "It allegedly did well on DVD"... Firefly/Serenity, anyone??? :) And then there was the whole 24 reference with the clock ticking onscreen thing... And I don't know half of all the shows out there, I'm sure I missed a lot of other references.

= I also loved all the jokes they made at their own expense...:)

Marty: How am I supposed to tell a story without my lead character?
Mitchell: Easy! Just bring in a character to replace him.
Everyone in the room: *stares at him*
Mitchell: What?
Marty: You guys have to help me. I mean, how can I keep the main character in the story without actually having the actor who plays him?
Sam: Well, you could have the other characters refer to him all the time. Maybe get him on the phone once in a while.
Marty: Oh, yeah, right. I mean something cool, like uh... face-switching or body-swapping.
Vala: As if anyone would believe that!
Daniel: *stares at her*

= LOL Invisible O'Neill was hilarious... The dog driving the car, Sam talking to an empty chair, the snoring during one of Daniel's tedious I love O'Neill!

Sam: Sir, are you there?
O'Neill: Nope.

Teal'c: You are most transparent.
O'Neill: I get it! Good one.
Teal'c: I can see right through you.
O'Neill: Don't push it.

= Poor Mitchell... he's such an SG-1 fangirl. :P He was just so excited to go through the gate for the 200th time. lol I love Mitchell in fangirl-y mode!!!
And he was so crushed when the guy told him the main character wasn't him, but O'Neill.

= Awww Vala's Wizard of Oz version was adorable! I loved the look on the boys' faces.

= OMG! The Star Trek sequence was hilarious!!! They all did their characters so well! :) Heck, I never liked the darn show, and I still loved it! Trek-Daniel and Trek-Sam were so frelling PERFECT!

Sam: 'The singularity is about to explode'?? Everything about that statement is wrong!
Daniel: How exactly is having weapons at maximum gonna help the situation?
Marty: The audience isn't gonna know the difference. They love weapons at maximum!

= Stargate 90210 was kinda scary... "I don't think Mitchell likes me anymore." :P

= And the Farscape bit???? *iz DED*
OMG... Everything about it had me giggling and squeeing and laughing... Sam as Chiana, Teal'c as D'Argo going "HEZMANA!!!", Mitchell as Stark... That Asgard as Rygel KILLED ME! So FRELLING fantastic!
And of course... Daniel and Vala as John and Aeryn??? I simply couldn't be any happier... They merged two of my biggest OTPs together! HOW PERFECT WAS THAT!!!! Heck I even made an icon out of it 'cause it was so perfect!

Marty: Ok, you got me. I've no idea what that is!

= I loved this!

Mitchell: What happens at the end of act 3?
Marty: With these cuts not much! Act 3 just ends!
Act 3: *ends*

= Mitchell getting punk'd was hilarious as well. Heck, I loved every single bit of the whole episode!!!

Vala: Wait! Are you saying that Jack O'Neill is...
Mitchell:... my daddy?
Di: *squees herself to death*

= The Team America bit was so funny! I've never been a fan of General Hammond, but he was the best in this! And I loved that they stepped through and the wires stayed behind. :P

TA-Daniel: I was right! The pyramids really were landing sites for interplanetary starships that enslaved primitive human populations by posing as their gods.
TA-Hammond: ... uh... we found the ring in the sand.

TA-Hammond: Make it spin!
TA-Walter: Spin? S-sir, it doesn't spin.
TA-Hammond: What? It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not-spinning. I'm the General! I want it to spin. Now.

= O'Neill's entrance couldn't have been more perfect! He even said "orifice" with a straight face! :P My favorite lines of the whole episode:

*O'Neill shows up*
Vala: Well... I don't think anyone would see that coming.
Daniel: Nope, there'll be spoilers.
Sam: You kidding? It will be in the commercial.

= Teal'c deserves his own series! And he was so adorably happy about it! :) *loves Teal'c*

= The wedding sequence was adorable! The theme song, the Jack/Daniel slash thing, Walter crying, Sam still calling Jack "sir" even during their wedding... :)

= Awww! Walter stepping through the gate!!!!!! :) So perfect... The original team going first, then Mitchell, Vala, Landry and Walter... Perfect! I love all these guys.

= The interviews at the end were the perfect way to end the episode. :) "Holy *bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep*!!!!" is the best catch phrase evah!

I suppose you can all see I simply adored this episode.

Oh, and I'm trying my hand at making animated icons... Here's what I could come up with:

(this one because I adored this bit of 200 so much!)

reviews, episodes, tv: stargate sg-1, icons

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