Community // Fringe // The Office

Dec 11, 2010 02:44

I haven't done TV reviews in a while, but I really couldn't let these 3 go without at least dropping a word about them.

Community 2x11: Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
You just have to hand it to the Community creators and writers, they are just constantly trying to bring something new to the show and try new and different things... I never know what to expect from an episode of Community! (except maybe always expecting them to be awesome. Which they are.)

I think everyone who's heard of this episode was looking forward to it. STOP MOTION! Community did STOP MOTION!!! That is cool and awesome and crazy and and and... I LOVED IT, OK!!!
I loved the alternative characters, I loved that Duncan had a major role in this episode (we can never have too much John Oliver on this show!), I love that Annie and Troy were the ones who stuck with Abed and believed in him, I love the message about LOST - you know, the part of how it's going to let you down, but also how it means what we want it to mean... which is very interesting when I realize that I never got it from the 6 seasons of that show, and I got it from two lines in this show.
I could go on. But I won't.
I loved pretty much everything about it.

Fringe 3x09: Marionette
delennbr and I believe that there is a secret society of TV show writers that goes around trying to make the lives of their characters as miserable as possible. I call it the Writers Against Happiness Association (or WAHA... which incidentally sounds really fun if you say it with enthusiasm, like "WAH HAAA!"-- OK, I'll shut up now *blush*).
The writers of Fringe are definitely part of that secret society. THE THINGS THEY KEEP DOING TO POOR OLIVIA!!!
Oh my, if you didn't want to at least hug Olivia at the end there, then you have no soul. Anna Torv was really brilliant, though, as she has been this entire season. You go girl!

Can I just point out one thing that I feel is missing from this show this season? It needs more moments between Walter and Peter. I don't know, that's just how I feel. I miss their moments together... and that one scene they shared this episode (other than the one where Walter makes Peter smell the body, that one doesn't count) made me realize how much I miss them.
It's been a fantastic season. But I miss Walter and Peter.

The Office 7x11-7x12: Classy Christmas
Oh my! I loved this episode so much!!! I don't even know why, but it felt like the early seasons for me with this one. I ADORED Pam's gift to Jim! It was awesome and fantastic! Come on, *I* want a comic book of me turning into a super hero! Where is MY comic book, Pam? HUH? XD
Dwight being absolutely insane and poor Jim getting paranoid was really funny. I really felt bad for poor Darryl and the story with his daughter, and I'm glad it ended up OK. The gift exchange was so sweet as well, how they got each other's presents right. ♥

But what I loved the most about this was Michael! Aw, Michael! I just... I don't know how Carell does it, but every single time Michael gets sad like that, my heart shatters into tiny pieces. He had tears in his eyes, you guys, and that is just cruel!
And it's also the little things that make me love him, like... the way he remembered the name of Darryl's daughter and how sweet he was with her.
(One of my favorite moments of Michael was in one of the older episodes when Angela's cat died, and when Angela told him about it, not only was he devastated, but he also remembered the name of her cat, when no one else in the office seemed to care. It's little moments like that that make me love him)

I also love that Pam was the one to talk to him. I've always loved how protective she and Jim are of Michael in this show, it's so sweet.

I really can't see how The Office can carry on without Steve Carell and how that office can carry on without Michael. I don't know how they're going to do it.

And on a broader note... did the shows this week just have an agenda of trying to break my heart? Community did it with Abed, Fringe did it with Olivia, and then The Office did it with Michael. STOP IT WILL YA!!!
Think happy thoughts for next week, TPTB! Happy thoughts.
(Well, at least Abed had a happy ending. I guess that's a start!)

reviews, episodes, tv: community, tv: the office us, tv: fringe

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