Dec 09, 2010 04:26
After about 7 years since the last movie of the series aired, I have finally, finally watched all the Extended Editions of the Lord of the Rings movies.
And before you go about telling me I should have done that a long time ago, let me just point out that this had not been entirely my fault, 'cause you know when the Extended Editions were released here? LAST MONTH!!!
That's how much my country is up to date on all this fan stuff.
So yes, I have FINALLY watched all 3 extended movies.
Because no, even though I am a huge Faramir/Éowyn fan, up until today I had not yet seen the Houses of Healing scene (well, except in fanvids).
OH! And I remembered why I named my cat after Sam. Honestly, you guys, this little hobbit owns my heart. He is the true hero of the trilogy, I don't care what you say.
Am I the only one a bit freaked out by the fact that it's been nearly 10 years since Fellowship of the Ring aired???
samwise gamgee,
film: lord of the rings