Oh, the agony of choice!

Sep 21, 2010 23:37

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people. (you know the drill, people)
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and kill.

zed_pm is an evil, evil person who lives to do evil. She gave me the Tenth Doctor, Sherlock Holmes (BBC), and Arthur Pendragon.

shag: Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
It's all about The Coat, you see... and if you don't know what I mean, then you CLEARLY need to
watch this vid by humansrsuperior (well, if you haven't already, then you also have to, on principle :P).
I mean, OK, so it's not *all* about The Coat, there's also the man inside it, and if you know me and if you've
been around this LJ at all for the past month, you know how I'm absolutely not obsessing over him at all. *ahem*
So this was really a no-brainer. Shag: Sherlock. Because he would NEVER want to marry anyone.
If he did, then I'd marry him. But he wouldn't. So yeah.

marry: Arthur Pendragon
I had to give this more thought than anything else... Because I love both Arthur and Ten a great deal.
But if I marry Arthur, there are a lot of things that come with it:
1) Arthur himself, which is already very good, indeed;
2) I get to have a wizard BFF in Merlin, which is AWESOME;
3) there's a bonus Lancelot that comes with him. :D (SHUT UP! That's totally how it works!)
4) I GET TO BE QUEEN!!!! ♥
LOL so you see how my decision had very little to do with the man himself. But I love him, I really do.
But I just love the idea of being Queen and all. *squee* I'd take Camelot down the path that ROCKS!

kill: Tenth Doctor
Awwww, my heart!!! I feel so bad doing this to him... But you see, if I kill him, he regenerates!
And he turns into Eleven, who doesn't look as good as him, I'll admit, but is pretty darn awesome and adorable!
Besides, Ten is all about Rose anyway, I'd always come second... Martha would agree with me!
So umm... yeah, sorry, Ten.

(*to Ten* GAAH don't look at me like that! You totally saw it coming)

tv: sherlock, tv: merlin, tv: doctor who, memes

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