Meme time!

Dec 16, 2009 14:18

THANK YOU SO MUCH, jagwriter78, veritas724, ageless_aislynn, charmax, rae1013 and sol_se for the snowflake cookies!!!!! *GROUP HUG*
You guys are the best!!!! =D

Next, MEME, yanked from veritas724.

Name 10 shows you like in no particular order. Then answer questions about them.

1. Modern Family
2. Merlin
3. Glee
4. Legend of the Seeker
5. How I Met Your Mother
6. Doctor Who
7. House
8. Farscape
9. Community
10. The Big Bang Theory

01. Who is your favorite character in 1? (Modern Family)
Oh my... that's an impossible decision. I love that entire family so much, even the kids-- well, Manny's probably one of my favorite characters!
But I suppose, if I HAD to choose just one, it would be Phil. He's just hilarious and at first I thought he was going to be a lame, Michael Scott-wannabe sort of guy, but then I realized he was something completely different. He's just trying to be the best father he possibly can and he really does love his family. And then on episode 8 where he was just so completely sweet to Claire and really wanted her to believe he liked that band, I fell in love with him!
... and then even more on episode 9 when we found out he's afraid of clowns.
Also, episode 9 is the main reason Cameron wasn't picked for the title. I love him with all my heart, but he dresses up as a clown. I can't forgive him for that. :P

02. What's your favorite ship in 2? (Merlin)
ARTHUR/GWEN!!!!! Although, to be fair, it's got probably nothing to do with the shippiness of season 2 (even though I'm loving it!), since they were already my favorite couple even before they ever shared a scene together (I love the Arthurian legend and I'm a canon-lover, SO SUE ME!!! :P), but I really do love them, both as a couple and as characters. I think they make an adorable couple and even Merlin is a shipper, so how could I not be? :P
However, episode 2x12 had my love for Merlin/Morgana soaring to new heights. Why? I've no idea. Probably because of their angst-filled scene and the fact that I'm an angst-whore by nature (I ADORED An American Tail, The Land Before Time and Animals of Farthing Woods when I was a kid, so that probably explains it)... or maybe just because I've been thinking of the best way to use it in a vid.

03. What ship can't you stand in 8? (Farscape)
Hmmm... that's a tough question. The first time I watched it, I really didn't like even the idea of Crichton/Chiana (back when I still feared the writers would turn their back on me and NOT give me Crichton/Aeryn, which was probably Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2), but then later on I didn't mind them and I really couldn't stand Scorpy/Sikozu, but then the second time around I liked them and D'Argo/Chiana became the couple I couldn't stand, but only because of Jothee, so the third time around I thought they were cool again.
The one 'ship that I truly, truly despise and I don't think I'll ever accept, no matter what, is Chiana/Jothee. I still can't believe it ever happened, I can't accept it, it turned D'Argo/Chiana and the whole show into a cheap soap opera (well, it always was soap-ish, but we can all agree that a girl sleeping with her lover's son is a bit too much!!!), I completely hate Jothee, and HE SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE DIED IN PKW INSTEAD OF D'ARGO, THERE I SAID IT!

04. What drew you into 6? (Doctor Who)
Vidding. Seriously, I had watched a couple of DW vids and I thought the show looked kind of interesting, even though the thing with the two guys being the same guy confused me a bit, but the whole of LJ seemed to love it and was praising it so much I had to have a look. And I remember zeromuchjenn's "Is It Any Wonder" vid played a huge role there, because after watching that vid, for the first time, the Doctor looked like the kind of character I would fall in love with and I just felt I HAD to meet him! And I did. Actually, I loved him so much that when "the new guy" showed up in series 2, I quit because he could never be the Doctor for me.
Then delennbr, who I had convinced to watch the show, watched series 2 and told me how wonderful David Tennant was and she convinced me to go back to it. So I suppose she's to blame as well.

05. Something you love about 3? (Glee)
Sue and Kurt. The rest I could go without.
... Although the last episode restored some of my faith for this show, now that the fake-pregnancy stories have apparently come to an end.

06. Something you hate about 5? (How I Met Your Mother)
Can this whole season count as a "something"? Honestly, it just feels like a completely different show for me. Actually, it IS a completely different show! Barney became a charicaturized charicature, I can hardly stand Robin, and Ted is suddently the funniest, sweetest character onscreen! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN???
The only redeeming quality is Lily/Marshall, but even that isn't what it used to be! Marshall is becoming a Joey-type character, only used for comic relief, and Lily sometimes gets a bit too weird. I'm glad the last episode went back to how they used to be a bit. Robin was nice in it, Lily and Marshall were great and Marshall actually had a storyline, and Barney was funny as always.
Hopefully the next few episodes will carry on like this.

07. Favorite episode of 7? (House)
"Three Stories".
I know, I know, it's commonplace to have it as a favorite, but I just can't pick any other. "No Reason" was brilliant, "Son of a Coma Guy" broke my heart, "House's Head"/"Wilson's Heart" owned my soul, "Broken" was the best episode of any show this year, but I still think "Three Stories" was, is, and always will be this show's finest hour. Well, 45 minutes.
It deviated from the Patient-of-the-Week format and the whole "walking around the hospital" thing. It started with House teaching a class and it suddenly turned into House telling a story... and not just any story, HIS story. The beginning is just brilliant with the comedy, the way the three stories are edited to fit how House is telling them to the class, and then at the end your heart is breaking for him.
I love this episode. I love it, I love it, I love it.

08. Favorite character in 9? (Community)
That's another tough decision... Usually, my favorite tends to change with each episode (it's never Britta, though). I tend to always love Abed and Annie, and Troy ALWAYS cracks me up, so it's probably one of those three. But then again, there's Jeff and his awesomeness, Pierce and his geniusness, Shirley and her quirkiness, Señor Chang and his weirdness, the dean and his Not-Moby-ness, and Duncan and his britishness, so I don't know!

09. Favorite ship in 4? (Legend of the Seeker)
*GASP* You can't possibly be asking that. It's such a ridiculous question I won't even bother answering it, so moving on...

10. What ship can't you stand in 10? (The Big Bang Theory)
Penny/Leonard. I want to love it, I really, really do, but this 'ship has one major problem and it rhymes with Beonard. He used to be a sweet guy, but now that he's with Penny he's turned into such a huge douche when he's with the others! He just DOESN'T CARE! He doesn't even try or pretend to care! For heavens sake, in 3x01 he gave a rats ass about the fact that he had nearly destroyed Sheldon's career, when we all know that if their roles were reversed, he would have been a humungus drama queen about it and would have complained on and on at the others until they made up for what they'd done.
In 3x10 it got to a point where it seemed like he just doesn't like the others at all! He goes on and on about his problems with the others, but when they talk to him about their problems, he's just bored.
Also, I don't really care if they ever get together or not, but Penny has INFINITELY more chemistry with Sheldon than with Leonard.

11. What drew you into 10? (The Big Bang Theory)
Basically, the majority of my online and real friends was loving it at the time, so it was only natural that I'd watch it at some point. Besides, its geekiness and nerdiness and physics-ness was epic and I couldn't not love them. Not to mention the fact that they would ocasionally mention Star Wars, BSG and Doctor Who, and I thought that was AWESOME!
Also, there's Sheldon. :)

12. Something you love about 9? (Community)
The characters. The plots. The dialogues. Abed and Troy. Joel McHale. John Oliver. The sometimes Sims-like soundtrack. And many, many more.

13. Something you hate about 7? (House)
Hmm... Actually, there are many things I'm hating about it. I guess one of the main things is the fact that it sometimes feels like it's all about House/Cuddy, when it really isn't. At least it shouldn't be! There are some episodes where the only thing House cares about is Cuddy, the only one he talks about is Cuddy and the only thing he thinks about is Cuddy. While I'm sure the shippers love it and sometimes it is sweet, the show is NOT about House/Cuddy!
I was a much bigger fan of them back when they had their funny banter and we could see Cuddy had things to do at that hospital that didn't involve House.

14. Favorite episode of 2? (Merlin)
I guess maybe "The Labyrinth of Gedref"... although others from the end of season 1 also come to mind... and "Sins of the Father".
But I suppose "The Labyrinth of Gedref" is my favorite because of that scene with Arthur and Merlin. You know which one I'm talking about. The one with the two cups. It's probably my favorite scene of the whole series and I can't even explain why! Something about the way neither of them was about to let the other die for them... and how Arthur actually killed himself to save Merlin. I mean, in the end he didn't, but he thought he was going to die at the time, and that speaks VOLUMES!

tv: merlin, tv: farscape, tv: doctor who, tv: how i met your mother, tv: the big bang theory, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: modern family, tv: community, tv: house, tv: glee, memes

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