Merlin 2x04 [Picspam Recap]

Oct 11, 2009 16:26

I don't know about you people, but I loved this weeks episode of Merlin.
I mean, I really, really did (I blame it on Lancelot and Arthur!!!).
I loved it so much that I've decided to make a picspam recap of it. OK, so maybe it wasn't so much because I loved it, and more because I was feeling so silly. Well, sillier than usual...

Don't ask me what that's all about 'cause I don't even know what I just did, I just went along with it.
I had loads of fun with it, though, OH YES, I did! :)

OH and I should warn you: not dial-up friendly. AT ALL! There are TONS of pics.

Merlin 2x04: Lancelot and Guinevere [Picspam Recap]
I should probably mention before we begin that I had been waiting all week for this episode, being the HUMUNGUS Arthur/Gwen 'shipper that I am, and at the same time loving Lancelot very, very much and loving me some ANGST! So... yeah, this episode was pretty much made for me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is... if I suddenly start squeeing or going "AAAAAWWWWWWWWW" or writing "♥" all over the place, don't be surprised.
You have been warned.

That said...

AAAAWWWWWW!!!!! *ahem*
hehehe Sorry, just teasing you. :P But come on! Only 20 seconds in and we're already getting Arthur/Gwen longing looks!!!
Wow... We're in for a treat, aren't we? Oooh yes, we are.

Arthur: So... *ahem* Hope you have a nice trip.
Morgana: Yeah, yeah, I saw you looking at Gwen just now.
Arthur: WHAAA? Naaaah. [to random knight] Make sure you return to Camelot before dusk OR ELSE I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD mmkay?
Random Knight: Yes, sir.
Aaaand as they're leaving, more longing looks... Gotta love Arthur's puppy dog eyes.
Although, someone must tell Gwen that it is best to look forward when you're riding a horse. I'm just saying.

Morgana: You look troubled, Gwen.
Gwen: I'm fine!
Morgana: You're very secretive these days. I'm beginning to think there's a man involved.
Gwen: HA! When do I get to meet any decent men?
Fangirls: I can't believe she just said that...
Morgana: Well, lets see... there was Lancelot last season, and Arthur a couple of episodes back, not to mention that crush on Merlin you had at the beginning of the series. I guess that means you're not interested in any of them, are you? So can I have a go?
Gwen: Don't.You.Dare! Well... Maybe Merlin. Maybe!
Morgana: YAY! :D

Then we get the bad guys attacking the good guys. I'm actually surprised neither Morgana nor Gwen decided to just gallop away during the fight. Because, you know, they could. They had horses. They were ON HORSES. Everyone else was fighting. They were not. They were just standing there. On their horses.
They had to wait until some random guy pulled them off their horses to actually try and run away. On foot. When the bad guys were on horses. My point is, this is not a good day for the girls.
And on the bad guys camp it gets even worse! Even though it seems like the girls have a plan, at first glance the plan does look... well, weird. Because, lets face it, THIS is not the cleverest thing to say when you're being held captive:

Morgana: I wish to bathe.
Mr Second in Command: Say what?
Other bad guys: *are suddenly interested*
Random bad guy: DUDE this is the best mission EVAH!!1!
Gwen: *is killing you with her eyes*

But of course it's all part of the plan and suddenly Gwen steals the sword from one of the pervert bad guys and Morgana fights both of them. OH YEAH! Look at her! She even does the sword twirl thingy Richard Cypher style.
Gwen, unfortunately, trips and twists her ankle, but asks Morgana to go on without her, since it's Morgana the bad guys are after. Morgana gives her the sword and leaves...

Finally, the good guys arrive!!! Very late, but that's how things go these days, isn't it? Merlin finds a ransom note saying they've taken Morgana hostage, but more importanly, they find Morgana... although Arthur's clearly not interested.

Merlin: *peekaboo*
Morgana: "Oh my, Morgana! Are you alright?", "Oh, thank you, Arthur, I'm A MESS if you haven't noticed!", "Why, yes, now that you've mentioned, I've noticed you happen to be half naked and visibly shaken! Did they do anything to you?", "No, they didn't, but thank you for your concern, Arthur!"...
[random squeeage: I LOVE how Arthur is the only one who calls Gwen 'Guinevere'... I don't know why, I just love it!]

When she gets to the castle, Morgana goes straight to Uther and asksbegs him to go after Gwen (Femmeslashers: YAY!). Of course he says no. Then she says 'please'. He says 'no' again. Then she says 'pretty please'... and well, this goes on for a while, and meanwhile Arthur is trying to look as if he doesn't care... and failing miserably. Then Morgana goes to Arthur, but all she gets is "Arthur is not here at the moment, either try reaching him when his father is not around or leave your message after the beep. BEEP!".

Meanwhile, Mr Second in Command has dressed Gwen in Morgana's clothes because, apparently, if he doesn't take Morgana to Mr Real Bad Guy, something really bad will happen to him. So he just pretends Gwen is Morgana while the real bad guy (Hengst... Heingst... Heiznst... Henist... whatever the guy's name is!!!) tells her she's there only until Uther gives him the ransom money.
So these are Gwen's options right now:
1) tell them she's not Morgana and get killed.
2) let them believe she's Morgana and wait for the ransom... which will never come because she's NOT Morgana, which they'll eventually find out and she'll get killed.
It pretty much sucks to be Gwen right now.

Morgana: Arthur Pendragon, you heartless piece of @$%T, how can you not go after Gwen, you @#%#@ of #$#@!?!?! I'll cut your @#$%!& off and boil them on &%¨@! if you don't go after her right now, you *%$#$!!!!!!!
Arthur: Wow, that's all... very flattering. However, I've got a rescuing thing to do now, so... yeah, gotta go.
Morgana: Oh... Right. I knew that. I'd go with you, you know, but I care too much, so it makes much more sense for me to just stay here.

Arthur: I'll fetch the horses, you distract the guards.
Merlin: How do I do that?!
Arthur: I don't know! Do I have to think of everything?
*Arthur leaves*
*Merlin starts magically distracting the guards with barrels, but gets a little too carried away*
*Arthur conveniently shows up only after the whole incident is over*
Arthur: What did you do?! I said "distract them", not "knock them out"!!!
Merlin: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
HAHA! AW, I love those two so much... And they share so many wonderful scenes in this episode, you just wait and see! Also, I love how Arthur doesn't even wonder how the weak and skinny Merlin could manage to knock out those two guards by himself. But who cares? We still love him. :)

Back to Henrt's Lair of Endless Hygiene, he has prepared something for GwenMorgana. He opens the door to some cage, and in comes some scary, muscular dude... GwenMorgana is not impressed. But after him comes his adversary and, SURPRISE, look who it is!

It's the guy from Heroes-- I mean, Lancelot!!! And he's still looking hot!
So Lancelot fights Scary Dude and it's a tough fight. Also, is it only me or does it look like some random guy watching just got stabbed in the stomach when Lancelot got thrown at the bars? (just look at the second cap) It does, doesn't it?
Anyway, so Lancelot obviously wins, and apart from the guy watching, he doesn't kill anyone. He's about to kill Scary Dude when he looks over at Gwen at decides not to. So he just steps out of the cage, gets his money with Heinz and gets to know they all think Gwen is Morgana.
OH and then Heirnzt releases some beast to kill Scary Dude, but I didn't cap it. I decided to leave more room for Lancelot and I'm pretty happy with my decision. :)

Merlin: Bravely bold Prince Arthur rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, O brave Prince Arthur! He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave, brave Prince Arthur!
Arthur: Shut up, Merlin!!!
Merlin: But if you won't let me sleep, that's the only way I can keep myself awake!
Arthur: Well don't, then!
*ten minutes later*
Merlin: *THUMP*
Gotta love this scene!
Merlin falls asleep. Arthur throws water at him. Merlin wakes up.
If this was any other show, it wouldn't matter so much, but it's Merlin and we love these two.

And here's when my 'shipper heart starts going all crazy... Arthur/Gwen is my OTP in Merlin (along with Merlin/Morgana)... I'm faithful to my OTPs! But FRELL ME, I love that Lancelot... And I'd be lying if I said I didn't "awwww" when he smiled. I mean LOOK AT THAT SMILE, DAMMIT!!!
That is SO not fair!!!
*ahem* So where were we? Oh yeah, Lancelot tells Gwen he'll do anything and everything to get her out. Hoo...ray?

Back to Merlin and Arthur, we find Merlin asleep (again) and Arthur wakes him up (again) by throwing water at him (again!). Funny how Arthur seems to waste all his water waking Merlin up and forgets that maybe, at some point, he might get thirsty. But what do I know? :P
Merlin also wonders if Arthur cares about Gwen and Arthur's like "Naaaah!". Merlin doesn't seem to believe it, though.

I don't know, this might very well be my favorite scene from this episode. I just loved Merlin all scared and then Arthur explaining the beasts were "Giant... baby rats", which made Merlin suddenly turn confident, so Arthur went "They feast on human flesh", and Merlin quickly replied "Maybe we should go over the mountains!". hehehe I love those two! I know I've said it countless times, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Colin Morgan and Bradley James play off each other fantastically well. :)

While Arthur and Merlin go through the caves with the beast-whose-name-I-forgot, covered in stinking berries because apparently those things hunt using their sense of smell, and Merlin gets up close and personal with one of them (it's quite disgusting, actually), Gwen and Lancelot have another meeting.
He tells her he has no reason to live. She tells him he's a good man. He realizes she's his reason to live. She realizes she's never felt like this for anyone before. And I just want to scream "FOR FRELLS SAKE, ARTHUR, GET THERE BEFORE THEY GET MARRIED ALREADY!!!!".

Merlin: Why can't you just admit your feelings for Gwen? It's so obvious, a blind man could see it. Is it really that hard to admit you like her? Just say it!
Arthur: I can't! How can I admit that I think about her all the time? Or that I care about her more than anyone? How can I admit that I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her?
Merlin: Why can't you?
Arthur: Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings, knowing that... hurts too much.
Merlin: Who's to say nothing can happen?
Arthur: My father won't let me rescue a servant, do you honestly believe he'll let me marry one?
Merlin: You wanna marry Gwen?!
Arthur: No! No, I... I don't know! It's all talk and that's all it can ever be.
OK, so I lied. This one is definitely my favorite scene from this episode, hands down. Not only does Arthur open up about his feelings, we also get he and Merlin acting as friends for at least a moment, and not to mention all that incredible range of Bradley James expressions.
This scene did leave me a bit worried for Colin Morgan's health, though... I mean, the guy is just skin and bones!!!! He was already skinny before, but somehow he looked even skinnier here...

Meanwhile, Hegnrts is getting impatient. He's wondering why Uther hasn't yet paid the ransom, considering Morgana's like a daughter to him and all... Then he actually touches Gwens hands and, when he sends her back to her cell, he asks for Mr Second in Command and asks him "How come a lady has the hands of a servant?" and Mr Second in Command then becomes food to the Giant Baby Rat. And it seems like it's time to get reeeeally worried for Gwen.

But not for long because it's Lancelot to the rescue! HURRAH!!! And he puts something on the guard's food... or something. I wasn't really paying attention.

It doesn't matter anyway, because it works and Gwen's free and both of them run away. However, since Lancelot isn't Gaius or Merlin, his potion or whatever lasts less than a nanosecond and the guards are back up. So he tells Gwen to go while he stays behind and fight them off heroically, but not before they kiss and he tells her he'd die for her "one hundred times over", and she tells him as long as she lives her feelings for him "will never fade"... That better not be true, Gwen, because it will cause so much trouble in the future, you have noooooo idea!

So Lancelot is left to face the guards alone while the dramatic music turns EPIC in the background. He heroically fights for the woman he loves and is heroically captured. Yeah, he's awesome and I hate him for that.

Merlin and Arthur finally arrive at the castle (IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME! It took the bad guys, what, one scene to get there?).

Herst: You're gonna diiiiiiie!!!!
Lance: I do not care, for the love of my life will live on! Even if I die a horrible, painful death, I'll know her heart is still beating and the angels will sing and the roses will bloom when she--
Hegnet: Yeeeeah, about that...
*Gwen enters*
Gwen: ehh... hi?
Lance: Dude!! What part of 'I'll die and you go and save yourself' did you not understand, woman!? Did you not hear that epic soundtrack? Did you not see my heroic moment?

Yeah, that's Arthur and Merlin going all Spider-Man on the castle walls. I love this show, it doesn't even try to be reasonable sometimes!

Next, they distract and knock out more guards to steal their clothes. Gotta love Arthur-Merlin teamwork!

They arrive just in time to save Future Mrs Arthur Pendragon and Future Mr HA I Slept With Your Wife! from the Giant Baby Rat. How lovely is Arthur, doing crazy stunts to save his girl? Aw, bless him, he's so precious!
((OH and that fourth cap is NOT just a gratuitous shot of Bradley James' bum. Nope. Nuh-uh))

Arthur and Lancelot protect Gwen. Arthur goes "The f&*k you doing here???". Lance goes "Came to save Gwen". Arthur goes "You too?!?!". Merlin does magical stuff in latin or whatever language that is to save the day, then climbs through the cage bars after Arthur, which is apparently quite easy to do, since everyone's doing it and no one wants to stop them anyway (which makes me wonder why Mr Second in Command and Scary Dude didn't think of that). Hemsgt goes after them and they go into Giant Baby Rat's tunnel. Merlin closes the tunnel behind them using magical thingies again, Lance goes "LOL! I totally knew you were gonna do that!", and Hengist dies a horrible death while screaming like a little girl. Just when I finally figured out his name. Sad.

Merlin: Brave Prince Arthur ran away! Bravely ran away, away! When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled--
Arthur: MERLIN!!!
Gwen and Lance *ignore them and get all lovey-dovey holding hands*
Arthur's heart: *cracks*
Gwen: What was that sound?
Arthur: What? Nothing. Can we just... go?so that I can find me a nice little corner and cry myself to sleep?
Merlin: Oh, crap. He's gonna take it all out on me, I just know it...

Lance: Thanks, man! You saved my life!
Arthur: Ha! Yeah... Funny how things go these days, isn't it?
Lance: Why would you say that?
Arthur: No reason *cough*traitor*cough*.

Arthur and Gwen: *share more longing looks*
Lance: How curious that your father sent only the two of you to the rescue, huh?
Arthur: What? Who says I care about her? I don't! I only came here because I was forced to, not because I wanted to. You can ask Merlin, he'll tell you. Am I right, Merlin? Of course I'm right! I don't care. No one cares. Maybe I should stop talking. I kinda forgot what I was talking about. What was the question? You know what? I'm just gonna go to bed. NIGHT!
Merlin: Yup, definitely gonna take it all out on me...

Lance: So, uh... Does Arthur have feelings for Gwen?
Merlin: I'll just sit here and look at you and see how long it takes for you to figure it out on your own.
Lance: Oh, right.
Merlin: What about you? Do you have feelings for Gwen?
Lance: My feelings do not matter.
Merlin: Actually, they do, considering you two will betray Arthur in the future if you keep going like this. And considering all the work that Arthur will have me do in the next few days because he's sulking. Thanks, by the way.
Lance: Don't worry, I will not come between them.
Merlin: HA you've no idea, do you???
Lance: I'll leave now. Tell Gwen she's changed me forever, but some things can never be.
Merlin: Is that your way of not going between them? Because that's kind of a stupid plan!

At the next morning, Gwen wakes up all happy, wanting to see Lancelot, but Merlin gives her his message. Funny how all men she falls for these days seem to go "Yeah, sorry, I like you, but it would just never work out between us" on her. No wonder she's a mess!
Oh and Arthur sees her crying over Lancelot... Because he just wasn't suffering enough.

Was Morgana really just standing there the whole time????
Oh well, anyway, she gets reunited with Gwen, which is so sweet, but all the time Gwen and Arthur are looking at each other. Like, you know, they did the whole episode. Even though they didn't actually TALK at any moment, but hopefully that will come at some point in their relationship.
However, Arthur's face RIGHT THERE just kills me every single time. Every. Single. Time. Aw, Arthur... AW, ARTHUR!!! *hugs Arthur*
Also, I love that last cap. It just looks like Gwen's going "Yeah, Morgana? Easy there. Choking. Not breathing!"

Merlin: Look on the bright side: you still got me!
Arthur: Was that supposed to make me feel better?
Merlin: Well, I can sing for you if you like.
Arthur: DON'T!!!
Merlin: Bravely bold Prince Arthur...
Aw, Merlin! You're adorable. And that's, truly, a lovely way to end this episode.

If you're still here after all this... WOW! What the hell is wrong with you??? *ahem* Just kidding. :)
But yeah, I don't expect many people to survive it, so if you did, I SALUTE YOU, brave warrior of the endless picspams!

Wow... this was really fun!
I just hope I never do it again, otherwise my life will go by really fast.

ETA: ruby_caspar mentioned something and I just had to check it and cap it myself, and I'm not even putting it behind a cut because OH MY THE EPIC FAIL!!!!

Beer cans, soda cans or whatever, apparently Hengist and his men own a flux capacitor... because last I checked, the industrial revolution and mass production wouldn't happen until... well, many centuries later.

picspam recaps, reviews, episodes, pic!spam, tv: merlin, arthur/merlin, otp: gwen/arthur

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