FIC-let: Sanura, FRC, Gen

Jul 22, 2006 14:30

Title: Sanura
Author: Kez
Character(s): David Hodges
Rating: FRC
Summary: David gets a pet.
Disclaimer: Do I even need to say that David isn't mine, CSI isn't mine, nothing is mine.
Notes: Random little ficlet with no point at all except that I thought it was cute.

The small ginger kitten was curled up on David's front step when he came out that afternoon. He glared at it, but when it bothered to look up, it just yawned and gave a little mewl.

"No. Go home." David told it, leaving it there, certain it would be gone by the time he returned the next morning. He was apparently wrong.

When David arrived home the next morning, the kitten had barely shifted, except to apparently dig a little in the small flowerpot beside his step. David glared again, but the kitten wasn't at all impressed, brushing up against his legs, purring loudly.

"I'm not going to feed you, there are no females allowed in my house, not since Jacqui completely redecorated without my permission, but with my credit card," David said, crouching down beside it... her, he was sure it was a her.

The soft, kittenish mewl, coupled with big green eyes and a slow gentle nuzzling against his leg was the kitten's only response.

David glared again, but apparently, it just wasn't having the desired effect. "Oh fine, but if you tell anyone about this... or make a mess in my house... I will throw you into Mrs. Kandy's dog for supper," David grouched, picking up the kitten, which immediately dug its claws into David's shirt and snuggled close against him.

"Okay... Sanura," David named the bundle of fur, as he dropped it onto the floor in the kitchen. "I have tuna and I'm willing to give you some, but you have to stay out from under my feet while I get it."

The kitten cocked its head at tuna, like maybe it knew what it was, but continued to rub itself against David's leg following his steps.

David gave up on glaring, because it obviously wasn't working and set down a plate with some tuna, watching at the kitten sniffed cautiously before jumping on its feast like it hadn't seen food in three days and actually, David considered, it was possible she hadn't. She looked to small to be hunting on her own and there had been no sign of a mother. David sighed and pulled his notepad from the top of the fridge, making a list of cat supplies. It seemed he'd just adopted one.


Notes 2: Sanura is an Egyptian name, it means, Kitten.

fiction, rating: g, pairing: none, user: kerry_louise, title: sanura

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