Letting Out

Dec 03, 2011 23:45

Thank you so much for all the love you gave to my previous fic. I am sorry for not replying the comments, I feel sooo bad right now.
And to be honest, it's my first fic in a while, I am losing so much confidence and I do feel rusty. It does not come out the way I wanted it to. But I just want to share my story, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you so much once again.

Note: This is unedited.

Seohyun hears the car makes a screeching sound and her unnies start to sigh in relieve. Their chatters soon fill the silence and they start talking about how thankful they are that they finally are home. In korea, and ready to be welcomed by their empty apartment. She hears them talking about going to bed early, about playing games they have missed, about savoring the ice-cream they bought a long while ago, about them having their mask on before going to sleep and one of them planning to steal time to meet her boyfriend. She recognizes the voice belongs to none other than Jessica and as soon as she hears the word "boyfriend" a sad smile appears on her face. She looks down, taking deep slow breaths to calm her beating hard. How long has it been since she last saw him? Right, Sydney, almost a month ago. It seems like, lately, their schedules clash again. Him being in Hong Kong while she is in Singapore then him in Japan while she is on the plane back to Korea. She has lost count on how many phone calls left unanswered by him also her, how little texts they exchange nowadays and how it seems so hard to see a glimpse of his face through phone calls or Skype. The thought saddens her, or to be exact, she has been sad for a while. She can put a smile on stage and love her performance while it lasts. She is thankful that in those times, she can at least put her mind off of him.

"Maknae-ah? Let's go, honey. You don't want to be in here all night, do you?" Hyoyeon, her roommate who happens to understand what is bugging her lightly, taps her hands and smiles.

"Yes. Oh, I need to get my backpack first" Seohyun says, searching from the trunk. She gathers her things, making sure that everything has been packed and is with her. She hears her unnies gasp and squeal from the outside. A smirk appears on her face. "Now what?" She thinks to herself as soon as she hears it. Slowly, she hops down the car, once again checking everything inside.

"Aw! Now, how is this fair? Why do I have to be the one sneaking out to see my boyfriend and not him sneaking out seeing me?" Seohyun can hear Jessica whines. In an instant, she looks up to her sister, only to find her boyfriend is standing in front of her, smiling so lovingly. Her heart beats faster than ever. A dam she has been holding is threatening to break in any second. Her body is trembling at the sight of him. "How can it be? He said he's not in Korea. Where was he, again?" She does a mental note to herself, still frozen at her place.

"Come on now Jess, you know your boyfriend did may more sneaking outs for you" Seohyun can hear Tiffany says at the side.

"Thank you for being here, Yong Seobang. I don't know what makes you go here, but I sincerely thank you. She hasn't been herself lately that it was kind of hard for us to" Sooyoung pats Yonghwa's shoulder which is replied by his signature smile.

"I guess our maknae is petrified there. Well, take her to the dorm. It's safer there" Taeyeon says and let the girls follow her to the elevator, leaving Yonghwa and Seohyun by themselves.

"Baby, we should go too" he looks at her worriedly.

Seohyun nods a few times before finally moving from her place. Her hand is shaking a little when she pushes the button. She stands as far away as possible from Yonghwa, fearing that she is not strong enough to stand anymore if she moves an inch towards him. Soon after they arrive at the dorm, Seohyun walks a little bit faster that she would to her room.

"It's okay Yonghwa" Yuri says. "She just need time to register that you're really here"

"Yes. And to help you guys, I will be sleeping with Tiffany tonight. You can have the room all by yourselves" Hyoyeon announces proudly.

"Thank you" he bows to them then walks into the room when her Unnies seem to be so hyper, motioning him to go already. He quietly opens the door, finding Seohyun's standing at the corner of the room. Her hands on her chest as if trying to control her heart.

"You don't seem to miss me" he jokes, taking small steps towards her.

"N-n-no. It's not like that" she bites her lips, preventing the tears to fall. "Why am I such a cry baby?"

"I know. I miss you too" Yonghwa wraps his arms around her, pulling her close into a tight hug. That did it. The tears stream down her cheeks in a jiffy. Every feelings she had been holding flows out from her cries. Her heart wrenches in pain when she thinks of how much she missed him, misses him. Her heart swells in the fact that he is here, with her, holding her tight as always. The way he rubs her back in a soothing way makes her sigh in relief. How she has been longing for his touch, to see his face, to feel how warm his hug is, how comfortable she feels to be with him, how content she is when he is around, how he can boosts her mood in a short time. She sobs harder and harder in his arms, letting out whatever she needs. He kisses her forehead tenderly, letting her know that he misses her just as much. That he has been in pain as how she has. Slowly, he guides her to sit on her bed while still listening to her sobs. His hands reach out to wipe her tears. He sits in front of her and looks at her right in the eyes. She looks so vulnerable, so pure, so loveable.

“I am sorry I haven’t been around much” he says in low voice. “I am sorry that I haven’t been able to return your texts as many as I had to”

She nods. “I understand” she whispers, wiping her tears away fervently. “I am sorry I cried. I didn’t mean to”

Yonghwa shakes his head. “I understand Hyun. I really do” holding her hands, he rocks it gently to let her know how sincere he is.

“Aren’t you supposed to be out of the country, Oppa?”

“I am. But I asked Hyung to let me come here, so he booked me the latest flight. I have to go back with the earliest flight tomorrow though. I am sorry” he looks down, really regretting that he has to go back that soon.

Seohyun smiles sweetly at him, holding his hand tighter and says “It is okay. You being here is enough for me”

He returns the smile, leaning closer to kiss her puffy eyes. “Don’t cry, Hyun-ah. It pains my heart to see your tears”

“I am sorry”

“You don’t have to be. I should be trying harder to not make you cry”

“NO!” She nearly jumps from the bed. “I mean, you have done more than enough. It’s just…It’s one of those days when I feel it is so hard to not be able to meet you. So, so, hard that it hurts much more that it does usually. You don’t have to try harder, Oppa. I should be the doing that”

“I get it” he grins at her, pulling her down to sit on the bed again. “Wait” his eyes scan her from head to toe. “How come you are thinner each and every time I see you?” He pouts at her.

“I am not getting thinner, Oppa. I keep my weight steady, but not thinner”

“Really? Oh yeah. I guess the word is you are getting sexier each time I see you” she slaps his arm, finally able to let out a little laugh. “Lie here beside me” he taps the empty bedside. “You know what? Hyoyeon is not going to be here tonight. How fun is that, eh?” she blushes so hard when he whispers that to her. She feels hot in a sudden.

“Don’t think of something perverted, Oppa”

“No I won’t. I will just lay here with you, hugging you through the night. Watching you sleep. I miss that” he kisses her cheek, his arms wrap her tiny waist.

For a while, both of them are lost in their silence. Their eyes locked on each other’s, savoring the moment they have and try to memorize each other’s feature once again. Seohyun slowly touches his hair, his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his lips, his chin. She wants to remember it in detail. How it feels to touch his face, how his slow breaths can be felt on her hand, how his lips form a smile when she touches it. He stops her hand, holds it still, and looks at her intently.

“I love you and always will” he says in a low, sincere voice.

It feels like oasis in dessert for her. “I love you too, Oppa. So much”

He pulls her closer, inhaling the scent of her shampoo and her perfume, tracing her arms gently, affectionately. “And I want you to know that no matter what, no matter how, I will always be there for you. Maybe not physically, maybe I still cannot pick up your call the moment you do so, and maybe I still have to text you back one hour later. But I am here for you, emotionally. You know I will always cheer for you, I will listen to you when you need me to talk to, I will be the one you can lean on, I will be your protector Yong. Maybe you have to wait for a while, but I will always do it”

“I know you will. I believe in you. Always have always will”

He smiles through her hair, kissing her over and over again. She looks up to him to meet his eyes. Those eyes she has come to missed so much, those eyes that always look at her in a way that can make her feel so loved, so blessed, so grateful. He leans closer, claiming her lips to tell her how much he has missed this. How much he misses the feeling of her soft lips on his’. How they move in the same rhythm, both wants to tell the other how much longing they have inside. Each trying to convey the love they have. Their tongues dances together, their breaths get harder with each passing second, their kiss is instantly heated. His hands travel down her arms, her thighs, then travelling up to her stomach. She lets out a sound, a moan, into their kiss. Her hands holding onto his chest and neck, driving him crazy. Yonghwa pulls away from her, holding her face while still trying to even his breath.

“We have to stop before I do what we will regret”

“Yes” her face is flushed, and she is still trying to get oxygen into her brain so that she can think clearly. Because right now, she can only think about repeating and continuing what they were doing. She gulps, cursing herself inaudibly.

They fall into another silence, both trying to regain their senses.

“Anyway, I stumbled upon some photos online” Oh she just knew it, he did come here for some reasons. She giggles at the thought, knowing exactly what photos.

“You look gorgeous in that dress” trying so hard to suppress her laugh, she nods her head.

“Thank you Oppa”

“Yeah, yeah. You know, next time, let’s try this. Don’t wear something too low cut, okay?” he smiles sweetly but sarcastically at her.

Laughing a bit, she hits his arm lightly. “I covered it though”

“You did. You did. But covering it made it too obvious. While not covering it will make the boys out there all become perverts who will save your photos and stare at it all day, all night long. You see, Hyun, boys will love to see those photos of you. Normal men would. And no matter how you tried to cover it, there were moments when you didn’t. And I feel so raged inside when I think about men ogling over you. And ogling over…that” truthfully, it’s a little embarrassing for him to talk about this. But he needs to let it out. Jealousy has been eating him for the past few days.

“I get it. I will either wear those kinds of dresses but not cover it so that it won’t be obvious, or I will try something more conservative. Won’t be hard to do” she smiles naughtily at him.

“Oh dear God. Do number 2, please” he rolls his eyes on her.

“Ahrasso, Oppa. Still, that depends on stylist Unnie. She likes to doll us up and lately, she likes to give me sexy clothes. She said she didn’t expect I would fit sexy image so well”

“I told you. You are getting more beautiful and sexier each time I see your performance in TV or online. Please have a little mercy on me. Stop being more gorgeous to save my heart”

“Ah~ Choding”

“Whatever. I am serious. I will lock up those fanboys of yours”

“You cannot do that”

“Yeah. Wait until we announce about our relationship” he smirks in victory and Seohyun chuckles at his childishness.

“And until then, my heart will still be with you. Always will” she says, kissing his cheek. “Let’s go to sleep. Goodnight, my Jung Yong Hwa”

“Goodnight, my Seo Joo Hyun” both close their eyes after he pulls her into a tight hug.


Good morning Wife,

I am sorry, I need to catch my airplane. I hate to wake you up, you need to sleep more.
Hey baby, promise me that we will always be each other’s strength, okay?
Remember what I told you? I will always be there for you. And I know you will do the same for me too.
See? I drew seagulls for us. Well, they supposed to be seagulls but I don’t think I drew it right. Anyway, don’t seagulls represent us? They do, don’t they?

But no matter how far apart we are from each other physically, no matter where I am and where you are, we will always comeback to each other. I know it’s hard. But as you always say, we have to keep the faith. Trust is one element we cannot lose. And hope, you said it’s important to have it in life. I hope that someday, someday, we will surely be together the way we want to. Until that, please stay with me through this. Because with you, I know I can do anything.

PS: In case you miss me, I took a picture of us to get you through the days. I keep them too. Until we meet again, my love. Soon

Your Yo~ng

Seohyun searches inside the envelope, finding two photos and a grin appears on her face. One is a photo of him smiling like a child, making a half-heart sign with his hand and he drew the other half to complete the heart. Second, a photo of him kissing her lips while she is asleep with quote “Every single morning. Someday. Someday”

seohyun, yongseo, yonghwa

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