Rise and Fall

Jun 17, 2011 18:49

 It was late at night when he finally descended the sky. His purpose was none other than find a person he would help to find “the one”. Known as the angel of love, he had been doing the job for quite some time. But it’s never easy. It’s not just about shooting the arrow randomly and boom! The two people become couple. It has process, ethics, rules and some other things he had to follow. He hung his head low. It’s been a long time since he last did it. Becoming the best among the troop, he had the privilege to take a little vacation, refreshing his mind from all complicated love stories that he had created. Being a cupid, his job was not done just after he shot the arrows. Monitoring the couples he had made was a must, but not to the extent of controlling them. Of course, the flings and the not-so-serious relationships were also part of his kinds’ work. After all, the world needed its little excitement of the little sparks that would go away before finally landed on “the one”.

Haven’t done the job for a little while, he had lost his touch a little bit. That’s proven by how he had hurt his wings, and his arms got bruises here and there. The ride down was rough; he forgot to control his excitement. Heaving a sigh, he tried to contact his master. He needed some time to heal before continuing his mission. He cannot be invisible now with his wings hurt so he could not roam around and observe his target.

“Ah what to do?!” he grumbled, looking at his bleeding back. “Aish! What the hell is wrong with me?!” he was desperate because he had never done something so reckless. It was new, making a mistake was.

“Don’t worry. You can live there for some time until it heals” his master spoke up.

“That’s a disaster! Do you know how complicated living on earth can be? So many evil people!” he grumbled once more, obviously did not like the idea.

“Are you being a cry baby now? Just stay there until you heal and strong enough to be invisible”

“Master! Where will I stay?!” he was screaming to the sky, not minding people that looked at him like he was a lunatic.

“Deal with it yourself! Oh, and your name is Jung Yonghwa! Remember, Jung Yonghwa!”

“Master! Wait! Aish jinjja! Why is he being like this?!” he stomped his feet, huffed and had no other choice than walking in the night.


He sat himself in a coffee shop as he had been walking for hours and his feet started to hurt. He was frustrated with his situation. With nowhere to go, he felt so lost and confused. Luckily his master was kind enough to at least send him some money. While he was walking, he realized that his pocket started to feel heavier and tada! He found money there. Well, being a master, he could do just anything.

Yonghwa sighed again, his lips pouting just like a child would do and he started to whine to himself. Being the best cupid didn’t mean that he had the highest maturity level.

“Ehm” a girl started to speak behind him. “Excuse me… but we are closing soon. So, mmm, customer, I think you should leave. We are really sorry”

“I don’t have any place to stay” Yonghwa stated, short and simple. Looking up to meet the girl’s eyes he finally faced her. She’s glowing for him. With her long hair let down naturally, her eyes sparkling, and her lips formed a small ‘o’ out of shock. He chuckled. “You are really cute”

“Ne?!” her expression made him laugh even more. “I think you should leave” she started to walk away from him, thinking that he was a psycho or a stalker.

“Wait! Please, help me just this once. Just one night, I promise” he begged with his puppy eyes, pulling his best aegyo that usually would work. But seeing the girl, he didn’t think it would be because of his cuteness that she would help him. It would be because the girl was just very kind, period.

“I will let you stay one night in my house. But, you have to tell me your background. Like where you come from and all. I… I never let boys, let alone strangers, live in my house. But I think you are being honest, and I think you will not do anything weird to me. So with that I-“

“Got it! Okay, I’ll tell you once we get to your house. The truth, all of them” he smiled and she smiled back, heading to the back office to change her clothes.


The morning came rather fast for him. Sunrays filled the little apartment as the windows were opened. They had a long night, Joohyun and Yonghwa, to get to know each other. Even though he was the one doing most of the talking, he got to know her a little bit. He laughed as soon as he opened his eyes, remembering her shocked face when he told her that he was a cupid. She even forced him to leave, thinking that he was lying. Duh, who would believe in that story anyway? But after showing her his wound and his broken wings, she finally believed him. Not without her screaming out of fear though. She was going frantic, run around the house saying she must be dreaming. Yonghwa laughed even more. Last night was the funniest night ever for him.

Suddenly, her room door flung open and there she was, wearing a really cute pajama and her hair was messy. Stepping out of her room, she walked pass him and headed to her kitchen. Maybe she didn’t even remember that Yonghwa was there. Wings, cupids, falling from sky, pffft! She shook her head. In her heart, she still believed that last night never really happened.

“Good morning, Hyun~n”

“OMMA!!!!” she tried to cover her body parts which actually were already covered by her pajama. “Oh my God! You are real!” she exclaimed, now covering her mouth.

“Of course! You think I am just an imaginary friend of yours? What’s for breakfast?”

She busily tidied up her hair and her pajama, not even one second looked away from him. “Uhh, I only have bread. It should be enough…right?”

“It’s perfect. Toast some for me too, okay?” she nodded as he took a seat in the dining room.

“Umm, Yonghwa… How will you adjust here?”

“Don’t worry, I have been in the business for long. I have created many couples and along with that I learned many human things”

Seohyun nodded, now that she knew Yonghwa would get along just fine on earth, her heart was finally on ease. At least she wouldn’t have to take care of him 24/7, not that she had the time to do so. “I will let you stay until your wings are better” she said, still busy spreading butter on her bread.

“Really?!” she nodded. “Okay! It’s a deal then!”

“A deal?”

“Yep! I have decided. You…will be my next mission. I’ll look for your other half that suits you. Not just a guy who would pass by, but the one that you can spend the rest of your life with. How’s that sound?”

“Thank you, but I don’t need that”

“Nonsense! You need love in order to live! Come on, I promise I’ll find you a good man” he flashed his best smile.

“Okay then. Once you are all better, I will let you do that. For now, let’s find you a job. You at least have to live like normal people while you’re at it, right?” her face was once again glowing for him. Little did he know that the strange heartbeat was not just nothing, not at all.


A month after she met him, they grew closer one to another. She helped him find a job in the coffee shop she also worked in. He mingled with all of her friends and she began to open up about herself more. The thing that he noticed from her was that she was never in love. Her greatest passion in life was to do art. Music, dance, and acting are her desires. He used to think that it’s impossible to be so determined, so compound to reach the goals. Truthfully, he rarely encountered people as hard working as her. And how she would practice in her free time, how she would do her ballet routine once she woke up and stole a little time to play the piano, he was simply mesmerized. Indeed, she was like no other. She’s unique in her own way, this much he knew. Stubborn, a whiner like he was, big dreamer, smart, and innocent, all of these he saw in her. Simply, he was mesmerized. Day by day he fell deeper into her world, wanting to know her more. He realized that once his wings are healed, it would be such a huge task to find a man for her; someone near perfection would be the only ones suited her.

In the whole month, they shared a lot. All the pains she had to gone through, all the happiness she felt once she regained her composure, her job in the café, his job as cupid, his stories of people he had observed and other things flew in the middle of their dinner time. They clicked, in a way that they could not understand. It was just easy, for her to be all open up and be herself. Just like that, naturally, they grew fond of each other.

It’s now became a habit that she would serve breakfast for two. Coffee and tea would always ready on the table for him and her to drink. In the afternoon, right after her classes finished, he would always pick her up and they would walk to the shop together. With her, he found an interest in music. Having heard of her playing the piano everyday made him wanted to learn too. So like that they would spend extra hours after working to learn guitar together. Joohyun was all eager to master it while Yonghwa was like a natural talent. Together they would create music at night, with her on the piano and Yonghwa on the guitar. They would call it the jamming session, just randomly playing notes and soon one of them would follow. It’s just that easy, to fell into a pattern. Like a puzzle, they fit perfectly.


Another month passed like nanoseconds for them. People said when you have fun, when you’re happy, time is not the best company. It fell to them perfectly. Sometimes they spent hours together, talking and laughing and the next thing they knew the sky was already dark. In another occasions, they would spend a good time together walking in the park to get some fresh air and just savoring the moment until the moon made its appearance. Everything seemed so perfect when they were together. It was the happiest moment for her and the same went for him. Her friends would start teasing them, saying that the two were too in love. Even Sooyoung, Joohyun and Yonghwa’s coworker, would bark at them the moment they became so sweet. Oh it was nothing actually. It was just Yonghwa waiting for Seohyun to change her clothes and when she came out he would flash a smile which brightness could beat one of the stars. Right then Sooyoung would scream “Come on! Have some pity on me!” and stormed out of the coffee shop, a little angry and lonely.

But with all that being said, they never really put any name on their relationship. None wanted to admit that they’re in love. None wanted to confess and they just let it flow. Maybe it’s because it became really comfortable this way. How they would be engross in their own world when it’s just the two of them. It happened several times when they just didn’t mind of their surroundings. One time, they were in the bookstore, her favorite place, to pick on the latest self-improvement books and without them knowing they had been arguing on what’s fun what’s not for a while that people started to stare at them, maybe wondering when the two would quit such silly argument. Aside from that, maybe it was safer this way. They didn’t know what might happen once he recover nor did they want to find out. The thought of it made them sick. It would be impossible for him to go find a man for her, that much he realized. And for her, it would be so not right to find another “the one” when she already felt she had found him.

In the two months, his wings were getting better. But he didn’t like that fact. For once in his cupid life, he didn’t want to do his mission. If aborting it was possible, he would do so. But before getting to the serious task, he would just be happy to stay with her and worry about that later on. For now, the way she was the first person he saw in the morning and the last he saw at night was enough. It’s much more than enough.


They spent the day in the coffee shop, too occupied by the customers that day. Unlike usual, the place was a little crowded. Well, winter was finally here so people start to search for hot drinks at night. They had been busy making drinks, washing the dishes, done orders and stuff. But there was one man that kept bugging him. A tall, well-built, handsome man that seemed to be very attracted to Joohyun. His Joohyun. When the man walked in earlier that day, he could not keep his eyes off of her. He flashed a smile which was a little too bright, a little too warm even in winter. Trying several times to made a conversation with her. Yonghwa’s inside was in fire upon seeing this. His blood rushed to his head and anger kept building up. The man was not giving up no matter how hard Joohyun ignored him and that made Yonghwa even more furious. Fed up with all the stares that the man had been giving, he finally walked out from the counter. Grabbing Joohyun’s hand forcefully, he approached the man.

“Sir, I am sorry. But can you please stop staring at her?” the question shocked both Joohyun and the man.

“Yah! What are you doing?” she tried to let go of his hands.

“Stop moving!” he warned in low voice. “Sir, please have a little respect on my girlfriend. I really dislike the way you stare at her and she’s also getting very uncomfortable. If you take the sign earlier, she pretty much rejected you” the customer was flustered, finding no words to say to them. Joohyun was pretty much fuming of Yonghwa’s act. For her it was too reckless. And what the hell with that girlfriend thingy?

“Yonghwa! Sir, I am sorry. He doesn’t mean to-“

“It’s okay.I am sorry for troubling you. I’ll take my leave then” the customer got up and left the two of them in a staring battle

“What the hell was that?!” she screamed. Luckily for them, the coffee shop was getting less crowded.

“Let’s have a talk”

“I don’t want to talk to you right now! You are pissing me off! He was just a customer!”




“YOU ARE BEING NONSENSE!” the shop was pretty much a battlefield for both of them. They were shouting at the top of their lungs, once again not minding their surroundings.

“BOTH OF YOU! OUT! OUT!” Sooyoung was the first one out of their other coworkers to step out and put the fight on a halt. “Gosh! How stupid are you guys? Lovers quarrel is not bound to be done in the shop! Find somewhere else for that! Stay here until you guys resolve whatever that is needed to be resolved!” Sooyoung turned her back on them. “Don’t! Don’t! Come in to the shop if you guys still want to shout and yell at each other!”

They sighed, taking a little break from all the screaming and trying to be a little calmer before they can talk this thing out. It took minutes for them to finally be able to look at each other in the eye.

“I am sorry” they both breathed out, looking at the ground.

“I was overreacting, I know” he continued. “But is it wrong, Joohyun-ah? Is it wrong to feel that I wanted to rip his head off the moment I saw him looking at you like that? Is it wrong that I felt bothered by the way he looked at you as if he wanted to have you so bad? Tell me…Is it wrong?” he didn’t want any beating around the bush now. He’s so over that game. They had been on it for so long.

“Yonghwa…I-I-I don’t… I don’t understand”

“Oh come on Hyun-ah! All the things we did together, all those nights we spent, all the mornings we went through… Hyun, isn’t it obvious already? I am crazy about you. I am so damn crazy about you” She smiled so tenderly at his confession. “Hyun, just… answer me. Please?” his begging face made her laugh.

“I think you are being very adorable right now” she closed the distance between them, bringing her forehead onto his. “If you want to know, I am crazy about you too” that words successfully brought smile to his face. He was ecstatic. For the first time in so long, he felt really content. Such happiness he hadn’t felt ever.

“And if you want to know, I am going to kiss you right now” with that, he claimed her lips into one sweet lingering kiss. A night could not be more perfect.


Another 2 months passed after that night. The days were so beautiful for the new couple. They spent their nights in each other’s arms. Mornings spent by snuggling some more and made breakfast together. The little apartment was filled with so much more laugh, love and happiness. And to take it to better level, lives had been good for both. Joohyun had stepping up her game as she finally landed a role in a musical. And Yonghwa stayed home before his shift in coffee shop to compose songs. It was all good. Everything was perfect.

Except for the fact that Yonghwa was still a cupid. He still had wings that were slowly healed. He still had obligations that he had to do. At nights, he would lay awake and thought of something he could do with this. He never had broken any rules so he did not know about the consequences. In times he would pray so hard that his wings would never heal.

But fate was playing with him when one day his wings spread opened in the middle of their dinner. Joohyun was terrified. Not because of their appearance, but because of what would happen next now that his wings were perfectly cured. She was frantic inside but kept her composure as she chewed down her food. On the other side, Yonghwa wanted to cry so much that his wings were back in their flawless shape and condition. Upon seeing her expression, he wanted to cut them if that’s possible. He just didn’t want to leave. He did not want to leave her, ever.

“Congratulations, they are back in their beautiful shape” she tried to smile the most genuine smile ever, but her eyes could not lie.

“I will work things out, Joohyun. I will” he promised, rushing to her side and took her hands.

“I believe in you, Yonghwa” she hugged him. “I do. I will wait for you here” she assured him and he nodded.

So that night, with a last kiss on her lips, he flew back to the sky to meet his master. He didn’t want to prolong this stuff anymore. The sooner the better, he thought.

As he came face to face with his master, he composed the words in his mind. No matter how, he had to be back to Joohyun. Whatever it took.

“I love her” a straightforward statement came out of him. “Just that, I love her. I want to stay by her side” his master looked down and huffed.

“I know you do. I have been watching you. You seemed fit on earth. How’s life? Been well?”

“Master, I am serious. I really want to stay by her side, not as cupid. I cannot bring myself to find a pair for her. It’s just-“

“Hhhh, Yonghwa boy. In every decision, there are consequences. And I know that you know that fact well” Yonghwa nodded. “You can leave cupid world, and live on earth. But it’s not gonna be that smooth” he paused. “Yonghwa, for that…you have to sacrifice your memory. You will start anew. Really, like a baby who is just born, you will not have any memories at all. You won’t even remember her. It will be hard for her. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Yonghwa was petrified. He didn’t know if this would be okay with Joohyun. “Yonghwa, if you want to stay here, then I can erase her memory about you. She would not be hurt”

“Please let me discuss this with her first. Please, I need some time” he begged, tears nearly came down as he realized no choice was going to be easy.

“I’ll give you until tomorrow”


They were side by side as he interlaced their fingers. She was lying in his arms and was done crying. He had told her about the choices and truthfully, both ways would hurt them. Wiping her tears, he kissed her forehead tenderly.

“The choice is yours, baby” he said in a low, gentle voice that sent shivers throughout her body.

She hesitated for a while and took the time to control her voice. “Yonghwa, it would hurt if you cannot remember me anymore” he closed his eyes at her response. “But I think, I know, that in my heart, it would hurt more if I cannot see you again. I will be forever empty. And instead of that, I would rather help you from the start to adjust here. I will find a way to make you love me again. We will be okay, I will try hard for us. But don’t leave me” she sobbed. “Just don’t”

“Hush, don’t cry Hyun-ah. It hurts me so much to see you cry” he kissed away her tears. “Are you sure you want this?” she nodded. Yonghwa sighed, hugging her tighter. “I will tell you when it’s time” she again nodded and kissed his jawline.

They decided to take some time to talk about each other. Their future plans, the way she would make him fall for her all over again, the things she would teach him first, the job she would find for him (something bigger than being a barista in a coffee shop) and other trivial things. They laughed and cried at the same time as they made their plans. They just had mixed emotions. They were happy on one side, knowing that they could be together forever. But on the other side, the fact that he would not remember anything was also killing them. And no matter how long they could extend the moment they had, it’s the time for the hurtful reality to be faced.

“It’s time, Hyun-ah” she smiled so lovingly at him, giving him her best assurance.

“When tomorrow comes, I will be here, Yonghwa. And I will help you find your way back” with that they closed their eyes, secretly hoping that a little miracle could happen.


No matter how hard each of them prayed that night, the miracle did not happen. The next morning, Yonghwa really lost his memory. He didn’t recognize her, kept asking where he was, who he was, who she was, and things like that. She stood her ground by softly reaching out to him, saying that everything was going to be okay. He was scared at first, went to the corner of the apartment and cried. Could not recall anything was so frustrating that he became too sensitive. It took a whole month for her to just get him to open up. She was a warrior, her friends said, to be so patient to him, to never let out even a single complaint. She passed through each day trying to make him felt safe and comfortable. The tears she secretly let out were so much that sometimes she thought she had nothing left. But tears were still forcing to come out each time she looked at Yonghwa’s sleeping face, peaceful like a baby.

Things were getting better in the second month as he got a grip of himself. He would wake up all smiley and happy and no longer screaming and in fear. He would cheerfully greet Joohyun and they would make breakfast together, like old times. Though all seemed better, there was still no progress in their relationship. Yonghwa still felt all awkward around her, therefore she wouldn’t force him too far. There was no physical contacts, no sweet words, and she would still cry at night because of that. She could not lie, she missed the old Yonghwa. The love and care he gave her before all these were so good that they felt like flying. She missed the sensation she felt when he kissed her gently, sweetly, passionately. But it didn’t matter anymore. The moment she saw Yonghwa’s eyes shining brightly like they would before and his toothy grin was back on his face, she knew she would be okay. They were getting there, that much she would believe in.

Another month passed and much more relieved sighs were let out. Yonghwa was better than ever. Slowly, after she taught him how to play guitar all over again, he was finally getting it. So hyper about his new hobby, he would spend hours playing it while Joohyun gone. The relationship between them was also heading to the light. He cheered on her every time she performed and would fetch her after her classes were over. They would spend the night singing and playing music and laughed. In times she would tell him their stories though she knew that he would never regain his memory. Her tears were no longer hidden and he would pacify her and said that he was sorry for not remembering anything. She was happy, thrilled, that he finally was back to his old self. The little jealousy he showed when she had to perform with another guy. They would hold hands on the street, shopped together, worked together and he would accompany her until she’s asleep. Aside of that, he got his old job in the coffee shop, and once again got along just fine with his coworkers. Sooyoung would share some tidbits about their relationship and how he was very protective of Joohyun. He would laugh along when she told him about the fight he had with a customer. In his heart, was back the sparkles and he felt the giddiness once again. His heart would be filled with so much happiness realizing that Joohyun never gave up on him. He knew, he was falling for her all over again.


“Marry me” he breathed out when they snuggled on the bed and was ready to sleep. It’s not a fancy proposal, nor a romantic one, but it made her heart jumped a lap.

“Yonghwa, don’t kid around about-“

“I’m serious, marry me, Joohyun. Spend the rest of your life with me”

“Yong, I-“

“Joohyun-ah, I love you. I know I do, I am sure of it. So don’t be scared”

“Yong…” she bit her lips. “Thank you” she smiled at him happily and tears started to form in her eyes.

“Aigoo, why are you crying, Hyun?”

“It’s happy tears” she sobbed.

He smiled and hugged her tight, closing the distance between them. “Is it a yes?”

“Well, Mr. Jung Yonghwa. Do you have to ask?” he grinned, cupping her face and claimed her lips lovingly. Tons of ‘Thank you’ filled their kisses. Their one year anniversary was indeed beautiful.


The ceremony was filled with so much laughter. People congratulated them and told them what a beautiful couple they were. It was such a happy day for the newlyweds. After all those ups and downs, they were finally one in a marriage. He could not say how happy he was, but it was all written on his face. The way he would constantly looked at her and said how beautiful she was, the way he clasped her hand, the way they kiss and the stare that they exchanged. It was full of love, making every guest envied them.

“Congratulations, young man” Yonghwa looked back at the figure.

“Thank you. I am sorry, but, do I know you? I lost my memory 1 and half years ago, so I cannot remember any people I knew”

“Oh I know, I was the cause of it” the older man smiled.


“This is my wedding gift for you. Have a happy married life, and say hi to your lovely wife” and the man disappeared after touching Yonghwa’s head.

The world was spinning for him. Memories were flashing in his mind. Them lying on her couch, watching her first performance proudly, walking back to her house after his first night at the shop, fighting in a bookstore, fighting over coffee or tea, confession about his background, and other things came into his head.

“Yong?” Joohyun came over, clearly worried of him.

He suddenly laughed out loud, taking her into his arms and spin her around. “I was a cupid, wasn’t I? I had such beautiful wings” he winked at her and she could not utter a word.


“My master came a while ago, he came to our wedding and gave us a wedding gift”

“He gave you, your memory back?!” she asked in disbelief.

“Yes. Why? Not happy?”


“Joohyun!” he covered her mouth in hurry. “I don’t think the bride should scream so loud” he teased her and she hit his arms.

“I am so happy!! I cannot believe it!” being a cry-baby, her tears started to fall again.

“Yah! How much tears do you have?! Stop crying” he wiped her tears and smiled so affectionately at her. “I cannot tell you how thankful I am right now. Thank you, for not giving up on us” she shook her head.

“It was all worth it”

He smiled even wider, kissing her forehead. “I love you…wife”

“I love you too…husband” they smiled in unison before leaning into a kiss. They just got the most precious wedding gift.

cupid, fantasy, seohyun, yongseo, yonghwa

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