Interesting juxtaposition:Bush did apparently reiterate the firmness of the June 30 handover of sovereignty to Iraqis and likened it to riding a bicycle.
"He talked about 'time to take the training wheels off,' " Rep. Deborah Pryce (Ohio) said. "The Iraqi people have been in training, and now it's time for them to take the bike and go forward."
Washington Post.President Bush suffered minor abrasions after falling off a mountain bike while cycling on his Texas ranch on Saturday, the White House said.
The 57-year-old Republican president had cycled 16 miles of a 17-mile afternoon bike course when he toppled over while riding downhill on what the White House described as soil loosened by recent rainfall.
"He had minor abrasions and scratches on his chin, upper lip, his nose, right hand and both knees," White House spokesman Trent Duffy told reporters.
And, for an ideological balance that you won't find here that often:Kerry told reporters in front of cameras, "Did the training wheels fall off?"
-- Drudge, according to
Josh Marshall. Bush's rival in this year's presidential election, Democratic candidate John Kerry, who fell off a bicycle and grazed his hand earlier this month, wished the president well after learning of Saturday's spill.
-- The Reuters story linked above.
Just a quick reminder that nation-building is hard whether it's done with liberal or conservative intentions. Harder, I suspect, than falling off a bicycle.
ETA: Ted Barlow at
Crooked Timber points out something
interesting:Last year, I fell off my bike, and had to have my arm in a sling for a couple of days. I don’t care, even a little bit, that Bush had a spill. It happens.
But if the White House is going to come out and blame the fall on
“what the White House described as soil loosened by recent rainfall”… (Here’s the quote:
“It’s been raining a lot. The topsoil was loose.”)
I can check that. There hasn’t been any rain in Crawford all week. The last day with more than an inch of precipitation
was May 1.
Again, not a big deal, but why would they say that? And do you share my suspicion that Caren Bohan, who wrote the Reuters report from Crawford, knows perfectly well that there wasn’t any rain?