Another photo from the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, this one showing not only the inner corona but that I underestimate the speed with which the Earth rotates.
It is probably only due to Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon that I am intrigued by the
upcoming transit of the Sun by Venus. Those who have read the book may remember that the titular astronomers were dispatched to view the two transits made by Venus in the 18th Century from separate locations in an attempt to measure the parallax and estimate the distance from the Earth to the Sun. As I recall, they were sent to first Cape Town and then (ahistorically) St. Helena. Cape Town was more fun.
The transit occurs on June 8, when I'll be in England, where I'll be in a position to watch the whole thing, though I am unsure of whether
rahael will be thrilled to have me sitting around staring at the sun for a few hours. Then there is the question of with what to view the transit. I'll bring a few pairs of mylar glasses, but considering that the difference in the apparent sizes of the Sun and Venus is considerable, I can't imagine that I'll be able to make out anything of the transit -- and I really do not want to cart my telescope overseas.
Then there is the slight possibility that London might be hazy or overcast; I can probably put that out of my mind right now. In any case, I will have to check whether anyone will be celebrating the transit with public telescope parties. And if I don't manage to see it, there'll be another one in eight years. I'll put it on my calendar.