May 01, 2009 17:38
Well, Tracy might - but she's got more discretion than Denise.
So it's entirely possible I might move back to Georgia to get a doctorate at UGA. Long story, but here are the details:
My professor at UNM is going on sabbatical next year, and if UNM provides the money they promised (still searhcing for a little), this guy who just finished his degree at UGA (having gone here for a master's) will come to fill the position. He's taking the inaugural year of a string quartet assistantship at UGA because they have no other real candidates, and this would mean that UGA requires a replacement for him to come here (for what is clearly a better opportunity for teaching experience).
So there's me, who would be more than happy to fill his spot in return for a doctoral assistantship.
It looked unlikely for a while because the funding for the job is not what it was supposed to be, but now it's back up to 50/50 if the department of music diverts unused scholarship money...
I should know more in the next week or two; I just can't tell my parents yet, because I can't imagine how much they'd get their hopes up.
I also wonder if I should live in Athens, or elsewhere and commute if it does happen. There's no way I can live with my parents anymore. Are there cute studios in Athens that aren't so expensive?