Jul 05, 2008 07:48
Recently, I've had a few semi-interesting things happen, so I might as well fill you in.
- I sent an audition tape to a string quartet who hasn't rejected me yet, but I still haven't heard if they want me to come to Maine for an audition.
-Santa Fe's Pro Musica asked me to play four concerts in their season with them, so I'm feeling like an actual professional with legitimate gigs.
-I had four days off from work, which was fantastic, and is going to turn into a couple more because:
-My car was broken into for the fourth time in two years. Twice before, the door and dash/window/radio (respectively) were screwed up at my ex boyfriend's apartment. Once in October, the other door was messed with, and sometime over the past couple days, someone tried (unsuccessfully, I guess?) to hotwire it - so now it won't start. Awesome. The three other times, my car alarm (who knew I had one!) was what deterred the thieves (although fine, the second time they smashed the window and took the radio), but this last time I would've heard it, and I'm not really sure what happened. I guess it's a testament to the Neon's survivability that it still wasn't actually stolen - or maybe the potential thieves just sucked at what they were doing, because the car certainly won't start now.
Anyone have any suggestions on additional anti-theft stuff since apparently my alarm isn't enough? I haven't been leaving valuable things in it, and it hasn't got a radio anymore... I'm sort of at a loss. Maybe a sign with an attempted/success record of potential thefts? (Neon: 4 Thieves: 0)