Watching Tuesday

Nov 22, 2016 21:14


Star Wars Rebels: S03E07: Eh. Teenagers, more teenagers, not enough Sabine and Sato and his nephew don't look related to me (but then I'm bad at faces). Thrawn and Sato's ~worthy adversary~ brief dialogue made me ship it.

Lucifer: S02E09: DR LINDA! Standing up to primordial forces of the universe for her patients <3. Chloe ( Read more... )

fandom: legends of tomorrow (tv), fandom: lucifer, fandom: the librarians, on the telly box, fandom: class (tv), fandom: all, fandom: star wars, fandom: luke cage (tv)

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Comments 4

_profiterole_ November 22 2016, 22:24:45 UTC
Jake had my favourite line with "'Pure Evil'? As opposed to 'fake evil'?"
Oh oui, j'ai bien rigolé ! :D

Je pense que c'était mon épisode préféré de Class même si je les aime tous énormément. Les scènes Matteusz/Charlie étaient absolument géniales ! ♥


dhampyresa November 25 2016, 22:57:55 UTC
Au début j'étais hyper bof sur Matteusz mais franchement c'est derniers temps je pense que c'est mon personnage préféré.


egelantier November 22 2016, 22:29:33 UTC
i missed the librarians crew SO MUCH and they were SO ADORABLE and eve is even more radiant and jake with ezekiel geeking over the submarine was hilarious. and poor stumpy! and jenkins being his usual cheerful self! ahhh.


dhampyresa November 25 2016, 23:01:08 UTC
I KNOW. I hadn't even realised that (a) there was going to be a season 3 and (b) that I'd missed them all so much!


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