Watching Tuesday

Nov 22, 2016 21:14


Star Wars Rebels: S03E07: Eh. Teenagers, more teenagers, not enough Sabine and Sato and his nephew don't look related to me (but then I'm bad at faces). Thrawn and Sato's ~worthy adversary~ brief dialogue made me ship it.

Lucifer: S02E09: DR LINDA! Standing up to primordial forces of the universe for her patients <3. Chloe helping Lucifer kill Lux. Maze deliberately embarassing Amenadiel, aw. This show continues to be great fun.

The Librarians: S03E01: IT'S BACK! :D I was worried for a moment that they were going to make Seth the bad guy -- there was a close-up on a dog-headed god carving and I was ready to rant especially since it was Anubis -- but it was Apep, so all is forgiven! (Seth gets a bad rep.) I shoudl have trusted the show more -- after all, it's the show that named Lancelot as the son of Ban. Anyway, Antikythera mechanism!!! I loved Cassandra this episode and Eve and Jenkins and Ezekiel and the Stumpy shoutout, but Jake had my favourite line with "'Pure Evil'? As opposed to 'fake evil'?".

Legends of Tomorrow: S02E06: It's my favourite Western genre: timetravelling western! (Look, there's Back to the Future III, this episode and one other from this show at least, that's three examples, that makes it a genre.) I ended up shipping Sarah/Jonah, ngl -- if nobody writes that fic and calls it "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy", I will be very disappointed with fandom.

Class: S01E06: This was a really lovely bottle episode and in real time on top of that! Creepy concepr, really well executed. I loved getting a better view of the characters, including their darkest sides. Matteusz and his dodgy Narnia analogy, awwwwwwwwwww. Quite excited to see what Quill's been up to.


Luke Cage: S1E09: STILL don't care about bloody Diamondback. Especially with his Bible obsession or whatever -- and yet nobody's made an Esau and Jacob reference or even a Cain and Abel one. I spend all the time he's on screen dreading one anyway.  Also, the music from the credits grates on me. I WOULD WATCH HOURS OF MAD SCIENTIST!CLAIRE, THOUGH.

Nirvana in Fire: E06: Have made no progress.

Miraculous Ladybug: S01E02: Have made no progress.

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comments over there.

fandom: legends of tomorrow (tv), fandom: lucifer, fandom: the librarians, on the telly box, fandom: class (tv), fandom: all, fandom: star wars, fandom: luke cage (tv)

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