French Hamilton

Feb 11, 2016 22:25

I posted this in a comment to this post by
rachelmanija . I'm reposting here, slightly longer.

Here's a language-flipped version of Lafayette's introduction.

Yes yes my friend my name's Lafayette
Le Jeanne d'Arc* de 1777**
Venu de loin just pour vous dire "Hello"
Pour le Roi "Fuck off". Qui est le plus beau?
It's me!

It's not a literal translation, but it works better and keeps the rhyming. If I had to cast a French production of Hamilton, I'd have Kamini as Lafayette (because it would be hilarious, given Marly-Gomont). MC Solaar is a given, obviously; he'd kill it and he could really make the lyrics pop. Also, Manau. I was going to say Diam's, too, but afaik she doesn't sing anymore. /shows age like whoa

I feel like Kamini would be down to racebend some folks, given J'Suis Blanc (the chorus goes "Money, housing / People, cops / Quite a change / Since I became white"). Manau is all up in history as social commentary, if L'avenir est un long passé is anything to go by. MC Solaar has some fucking amazing lyrics and yes, social commentary again (random song: Impact avec le Diable.

Shit, I really want this now.

*Yes, I know it says Lancelot. That comparaison is wrong.
**Pronounced as "dix-sept cent soixante-dix-sept" to keep the rhyme

This entry was originally posted at and has
comments over there.

fandom: all, fandom: hamilton (musical)

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