Well the Superbowl has come and gone and the colts won much to the delight of Amanda, the chagrin of April and Ricky, and the indifference of Dave. It was really nice to see everyone again, and I'm glad they were all able to make it out, especially Ricky and April for driving so far in the freezing cold to watch it on a TV much smaller than their own. Highlighting the party was Joey cooking pizza boxes in the oven. To everyone's amazement a new pizza flavor was introduced: campsite! Needless to say, we have lots of bad-for-you food left over, which i have been eating too much of. couple that with the fact that I had a midterm yesterday so i couldn't work out. couple that with the fact that i have TWO midterms tomorrow and work today so there is AGAIN no time to work out. i almost called off today from work so i could study all day. i didn't and I'm glad I didn't because I probably would not have spent much time studying anyways.
Blast, my calluses from rowing are healing because of the long time off. I'll show those calluses. With DOUBLE rowing on Wednesday night!
this article on reddit
(comments) about a guy who hit rock-bottom then started taking ecstasy to even himself out. Three branches of thought here. 1) What he talks about near the middle of his account is probably my biggest fear about growing up. One day you are living your life like you always thought you would. House in the suburbs, two car garage, a child. The next day you are a slavering fool who sits in the dark all day wondering if what you just saw out of the corner of your eye was real. 2) When he describes why he never took drugs in school I feel the EXACT same way. I am interested in drugs. I want to explore new experiences, but I don't want to fuck myself up permanently. There is no undo button in real life. Then again, what kind of life is it if you never take any chances? My indecision has kept me safe thus far. 3) Ecstasy just got closer to my "might try if given the chance" list. Reading about it online has shown both good and bad sides of it, but from what I can see there are no long lasting effects and when used in moderation and with good preparation/people/pills can actually be a very positive experience.
This last thought leads to 2 more thoughts. 1) Where would I get ecstasy? I've never bought anything illegally that wasn't handed to me in my lap. Would I go to the club? I don't really like clubs. Even if I did go to the club and ask someone about it they would probably think I'm a narc. It seems to me that if I saw myself asking someone in a club about ecstasy I would think I was a narc for sure. 2) Even if I happen to get my hands on some pills, how can I be sure that it is the real deal? I'd be pissed if I paid good money for sugar pills, or even worse something that might be harmful. It also seems there are differing levels of ecstasy pills out there, just like good and bad marijuana. Then there's also the issue of paying for the ecstasy. I have no idea how much it costs. My guess is somewhere around $10-$20 a pill. Coincidentally around $10 is what another reddit user says he was offered to have sex with not one, but TWO hookers in China. Jackpot! All riiiight.
Bah, I think too much about lots of little things when it comes to mind-altering drugs which probably means I will never try them unless I hit rock bottom like this guy. Until then, this e-pill's for you.