3 weeks of honest workouts - reflection

Jan 21, 2007 10:46

So I have completed the first 3 weeks of serious workouts at the RPAC (I also had 4 weeks prior to these 3 which I will call pre-serious workouts). Some of the reflections from these 3 weeks:

1) Although I don't really see a noticable difference there are some bright points in terms of progress. Firstly, I feel 1000% better pysically than I did on December 4 (the day I quit playing WoW and resolved to be less sedentary). I have energy to get up in the morning, and I get up earlier. I'm also ready to go to bed at a decent hour like 11:00P instead of the insomnia I had before. Secondly, I'm no longer depressed. The future looks bright for the first time in a long time. Thirdly, my belt now sits at 4 notches instead of 3 notches (LOL, I know this seems rather trivial, but like I said there's not much to tell in terms of progress seen). Fourthly, and I count this as a very minor fourthly-- Fallon said she can see a difference. Although I am speculating that she's may be patronizing me, I appreciate her optimism. One day I'll be a less suspicious person haha.

2) Yay for PR's. I'll go in order which I work out.

Firstly, the treadmill-- I now do 2 straight miles instead of 1 mile, walk, run until 20 minutes (total). 2 straight miles usually gets me to about 18 or 19 minutes anyways hehe. 2 straight miles is closer to running a marathon this spring. Just have to add one more mile on it right?

Secondly, the rowing machine. I started out doing 2000m in 10:00 or approximate. Then it became my goal to always be UNDER 10 minutes. Just last week I broke the 9 minute mark and will be making that my standard. Also, I got a chance to talk to one of the girls on the OSU rowing team and ask her about the speeds that they do 2000m. Although she said she only does the 1000m races, she told me that the girls do about 7:00 for 2000m. I was shocked. That's incredibly fast, especially when you consider the guys are most likely even faster. I've got a long way to go before I'm a professional rower lol.

Thirdly, biking. This is acually an area I've made little progress in. I used to do 10 minutes on 2 different bikes (the upright one, and the sitting one where you pedal forward instead of down). Now I do 15:00 on the upright and 10:00 on the lateral one. 5:00, it's something. One of the reasons I don't do bikes so much is because I feel like it takes a long time to get anything accomplished (as in, I'm wasting time that could be spent on a better machine)

Fourthly, EFX lol. Last week was the first week I actually did the EFX for the first time. I seriously think the girls around me were laughing as I struggled to figure out how to work the thing haha. I couldnt even find the place to put my water, so I put it on the ground. Later I found the water bottle holder. In any case, I did 20:00 on that thing (which was the amount of time it took the girls on either side of me to finish). I actually enjoyed it because it got my heartrate up better than a bike, but not a high as a treadmill. More importantly it's low impact (I sometimes worry about my knees).

3) One of the girls that works at the gym has a secret admirer :) Of course, I'm not planning on talking to her or anything (This reminds me of Amanda telling all her stories about guys hitting on her at the gym and how creepy they were lol) but it's something to distract me when I'm in the middle of a 20 minute workout.

4) I've seen way more man-ass in these 3 weeks than I would like to. Do you just lose all of your shame when you hit 30??? Jesus guys, put on a towel. Thats all fine that you are comfortable with your body enough to walk around naked but no one else wants to see it.

5) I haven't showered in 3 weeks! At home, that is. The showers at the gym are r0x0rz. No waiting for hot water, good pressure, and whats best: after you get out of the shower the ventilation system in the lockerroom keeps a nice warm airflow going so you basically air dry on your way back to your locker. It's fantastic

Well, thats about all I can think of right now although I'm sure there's more. All in all, it's a slow steady process but I really do feel much better and as some as you have noticed I'm actually kind of addicted to it. Or maybe I just go because there's nothing better to do haha. Here's to another great 3 weeks and more upcoming!
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