A long review of Deathly Shallows

Aug 22, 2007 14:10

Hi there, guys! Not sure if the comm is still up and running, but if any of you are interested, I did a looong...well, it's more of a list than anything else, but you'll get the idea.

175 Things I Hated About Deathly Hallows:

Part 1: http://aloysiusweasley.livejournal.com/47788.html
Part 2: http://aloysiusweasley.livejournal.com/48043.html

Also, as if that wasn't enough, 50 Things I Liked About Deathly Hallows (wow - that's sad.)


Anyhow, feel free to comment or offer suggestions for things I missed! Bewarned, snark, bitterness, and sarcasm ahoy! :D
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