
Aug 29, 2011 15:44

[Cue Jaws theme. Well, no, not really literally. But perhaps a bit figuratively. There has been something a bit off today. And a bit off in the funny farm known as the Dressing Room never bodes well does it? No, no of course not. But you'll have the feeling of being watched. Turn to catch the source and -ah, no, just a potted plant in that ( Read more... )

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Comments 94

salutmelodie August 29 2011, 22:52:15 UTC
[Allen stops, raising an eyebrow at him. Don't mind his multicolored eyes.]

...What's with the last, Lavi?

[[ooc; This guy's info here :3c]]


thirdpersonpov August 29 2011, 23:04:15 UTC
[See Lavi. See Lavi take a step forward so that he's practically nose to nose with Allen so he can get a better look at those multicolored eyeballs. Oh me, oh my. One of those isn't gold, is it? If so, there might be a delayed reaction coming soon. Gold eye and Allens - that screams bad combination. Like pop rocks and soda pop bad.]

Oh this little thing? [Lavi gives a shake of the list and it unrolls a few more pages. Ugh. What a mess to pick up later.] The powers that be gave it to me, yes. Just a little errand.

[Lavi still has that smug grin as he takes a step back from Allen, kicking up a section of the list so he can grab onto it easily. Amazing the thing has torn in half really. Skimming skimming skimming lines of text. Excuse him for a moment.]


salutmelodie August 29 2011, 23:06:02 UTC
[Allen just blinks, confused.]


thirdpersonpov August 29 2011, 23:15:36 UTC
[With a rustle of paper, Lavi will be directing Allen's attention to one specific line of text. And by directing, we mean shoving it up in Allen's face so that's about the only thing that he can see. In crisp, printed times news roman size 12 font appears the words:

__ Allen with only enough cash to afford one colored contact

The text above and below will be varying degrees of ridiculous such as "Allen that is a magic zapping unicorn pony" and "Allen who prefers drinking O- blood."]

Is this you? I'm 847 Allens away from completing this section of the Scavenger Hunt. Any help well- helps.


not_unhaunted August 30 2011, 00:10:39 UTC
[SFSDAJKL flinching back.] --For that thing?

Not really...


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 00:31:15 UTC
[Alas, move back and Lavi just moves that much forward. Lavi's Law of Action and Reaction at its finest. Though he does pretend to look aghast that Tyki would refer to his list as a mere thing. Not a mere thing, my dear Hobo. It was Lavi's super secret get-to-find-out-who-his-next-door-neighbors-are plan. 'Tis a bit long though. Maybe he should have just knocked on their doors.]

Then how about a favor for a favor? You help me cross a name off of this list, and I will help you in whatever task you were scurrying off to do. [As a quick disclaimer:] As long as it does not involve harm to me, my dashingly handsome alterselves, or anyone I wish to affiliate with in the future. [And no substitutions, exceptions or refunds.]

Have we got a deal?


not_unhaunted August 30 2011, 00:51:53 UTC
[>: Moving baaack.]

Wasn't scurrying to do anything, though. Seems a bit unfair.


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 01:18:11 UTC
Scurrying. Strolling. Sauntering. Whatever. Let's not argue semantics. I haven't had my coffee yet.

[And already flipping toward the Tyki section of his little scavenger's list. What would suit this particular hobo? Hmmm hmmm. Hit by a train? Oh no no no. He seems much too on the move for that. Beat Allen at cards? Ha! As if.]

I could write a raincheck if you'd find that a better arrangement.


inkedblade August 30 2011, 00:45:59 UTC
[Yu stares at him calmly though her hand might be on a rather unfamiliar pouch, unless Lavi was in the habit of looking at those carried around by Crow. She raises an eyebrow, just slightly, as she glances from Lavi to the list and back again.]

A minute is all of my time that you'll get, Bookman Jr. What is it?

OOC Her information is all on her journal.


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 01:08:09 UTC
[Hello, nurse! It takes physical effort to keep the word 'Strike' from escaping from his lips. Work before play, Lavi. Work. before. play.]

A minute is all I need.

[Lavi takes a step back so he can kick up the Kanda section of the list. Ugh, why did it have to be so long. Grabbing the desired section out of the air, he skims it quietly. Nope. No way. Uh-huh. That- just might work.]

I've got it narrowed down to three. Just need your signature on the one you like the best.

[He holds the list up in front of her face, using it as a shield to cover the attempt to slip a ballpoint pen over her right ear. Oh, he did love to live dangerously. But he was also so very very curious. Was she really a Kanda with Crow-like reflexes? And was Lavi going to have the offending hand taped to the side of his skull in a few seconds? Who knew! But if she does chose to glance at the parchment in front of her, she will see three x's by the following:

___ Kanda the ninja
___ Kanda with the beautiful blue eyes
___ Kanda that obviously needs more ( ... )


inkedblade August 30 2011, 01:15:06 UTC
[She watches the entire process of digging for the correct section impassively, lacking the regular irritation that Kandas normally have for the redheads. Yu catches the pen before he even gets close to her ear, taking it and grabbing his other wrist to pull the list away from her face so she can properly read.]

I will not sign anything without knowing its purpose, Bookman Jr. [All of his attempts to be annoying or "live dangerously" as he puts it are ignored with a Crow's indifference as she looks at the three choices, then back at Lavi for his explanation.]


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 01:27:25 UTC
[Lavi raises an eyebrow at her in a curious kind of 'oh-this-is-what-they-meant-by-doubles' way. His hand, now free of the ballpoint pen, shifts to rest against the hand on his wrist. Curiouser and curiouser, Yuu.]

Explaining will probably take more time than what you've allotted. How much patience does it cost to buy an extension?


fallenkeytotime August 30 2011, 04:20:14 UTC
[She cowers just a tiny bit. Apparently she's still not used to be startled by Lavis.]

Y-Yes?... Do... Do you need something?...


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 04:30:39 UTC
[Oh fudgesicles. Startling a Miranda probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. He might accidentally put her into cardiac arrest or something. But OH WELL, too late for that now. Onward--!]

Chin up. Back straight. You're going to have to see someone about that back of yours later if you don't take care of yourself now.

[Oho. On second thought, this is Miranda. And he still had 241 Miranda signatures to collect before he could turn this into management. Better get cracking on the first one. y/y?]

I'm doing some census work for the Dressing Room. If you could state any obvious characteristics that separate you from the other Mirandas around these parts, I'd be in your debt.


fallenkeytotime August 30 2011, 04:32:27 UTC
[Chin up, back straight, done! She would've saluted, but she doesn't do that, sorry~]

M-my world is different from others because I seem to have more of a connection with my own Lavi than I-I seem to in other worlds.


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 05:04:27 UTC
[Well done, soldier. You are hereby awarded with Lavi's thumbs-up of approval!]

[--For only a moment. Lavi quickly busies himself in thumbing through the list to see if he can find something to match that description.]

Miranda that wields the Metal Hammer? No... Miranda the Destroyer of time? No...

[Cue awkward silence as there is more paper rustling.]

Are you sure you don't want to be the Miranda that bested General Winters in a drinking match?


meansprout August 30 2011, 05:00:25 UTC
[YELPING and stumbling backwards before his surprise gape is quickly supplanted with a nice, stern glare.]



thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 05:27:27 UTC
[Oi oi. What is with the hatin', bro? That's the kind of look he expects from a Kanda. All snarly angry wet dog. Minus the teeth.]

[Then it hits him like a ton of bricks. The proverbial light bulb flashes over his head accompanied by the music played when Zelda!Link picks up an item.]

Lucky! I didn't think I was every going to run into you.

[And swift as a raging river, Lavi will be flipping to the Allen section of his scavenger hunt list.]

Magical unicorn? No... Fairy Allen? No...


meansprout August 30 2011, 05:34:37 UTC
[That sort of expression and enthusiasm from a Lavi is never a good sign. But against his better judgement (just walking away might've been the smart thing to do), he'll be leaning in a little to try to get a look at that impressive ream of paper he's got there.]

What're you talking about? What is that??


thirdpersonpov August 30 2011, 05:54:44 UTC
[Snoopy, aren't we? But Lavi is making no secret of what is on his laundry list. Allen will catch glimpses of some of the most ridiculous Allen descriptions he's ever heard of. Some of which he might have met in the Dressing Room.

__ Allen the Pied Piper of cute furry animals
__ Allen who sees dead people
__ Allen who doesn't like dango

Lavi suspects that last one will be almost impossible to find. But ALAS! That is a problem for another thread.]

Aha! Found it!

[With a triumphant grin, Lavi will be holding a very specific portion of the list in front of Allen's face. Extremely close, might I add. Close enough that Allen might go crossed-eyed if he tries to read it.]

Allen with brown hair that could win a glaring contest with a Kanda. Mind if I get your signature? Then I'm only 845 Allens away from completing this thing.


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