
Jan 18, 2011 20:28

[What's that heavenly smell? It's your favorite food in the whole world, and it's coming from just beyond that doorway. In fact, there's a feast laid out. Surely it can't hurt to find that one thing ( Read more... )

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Comments 789

fallforthe_sky January 19 2011, 03:12:23 UTC
[Someone's already settled quietly at one of the tables, tempted into the room by a three-tier chocolate cake. She's pretty much covered in badges; "attempted suicide", "maximized invocation", "learned how to be a lady", and "fell asleep in a tub" being some of the more 'interesting' ones. At the moment, she's attempting to wrestle one badge in particular off her coat, to no success-- it says "kissed an enemy" and it's kind of freaking her out.]


flowercomplex January 19 2011, 03:20:34 UTC
I hate this place. [But he's still trying to get a view of some of her buttons]


fallforthesky January 19 2011, 04:02:01 UTC
[Ack, Kandaaaa. She gives him a falsely cheery grin, moving her palm to cover that one badge while she fiddles with it.] It gets irritating, yes.


flowercomplex January 19 2011, 04:52:42 UTC
Have you got any of them off?


notpapa January 19 2011, 04:45:02 UTC
[Bookman as a plethora of badges, ranging anywhere from "Horror Hall Survivor" to "Frequent Subject of Bad Fanfiction" to "Questionable Loyalties" to "Makes an Interesting Shark and/or Giraffe". He is unamused, and not even grilled meat makes it only slightly better.]

((Placeholder while I sleep!))


besomeothername January 19 2011, 07:25:35 UTC
Questionable loyalties? [Huffs] That's no secret.

[All his badges are written in tiny cursive scrawl so he's going to have to squint to read them. "Identity crisis" seems to be the only overlap he has with Lavi]


notpapa January 19 2011, 17:30:58 UTC
Oi, shut it. [And squinting he is!] You're not much better off.


besomeothername January 20 2011, 06:10:21 UTC
[He may make out "Liar" and "Inability to have genuine feelings for anyone" among the tiny handwriting]

I am loyal to the only thing that matters.


flowercomplex January 19 2011, 04:52:09 UTC
[This is why we can't have nice things, Dressing Room. He doesn't even want your stupid soba anymore, keep it.

He's got badges ranging from "Killed a Noah" to "Caught in mistletoe" to "Got a girlfriend (shockingly)", "Affected by a tea party" is on there twice, "Killed and revived" at least twice, and currently he's try to tear an "Attempted murder on your best friend" off.

There's also a "Lost memories of previous stay in the Dressing Room" on the very hem of the back of his coat, if anyone can actually see it. Kanda can't]



isaiditsallen January 19 2011, 05:20:15 UTC
[Begins readin badges while munching. Pauses to read allowed the ones that interest him.]

"Mistletoe? Tea party?"

[Notices the one he's fighting with currently and smiles.]

"Attempted murder on your best friend. I see, so you and Lavi are close. I didn't know he was your best friend." [Continues eating with zest, gobbling it down. He's actually really hungry. For some reason, these badges seem to suck strength from him, which makes him hungry.]


flowercomplex January 19 2011, 05:39:17 UTC
[... Decisions, decisions. He can either a) deny it, and have Beansprout follow implications he'd rather not follow or b) let him continue on with the impression that he and that hopping, red-headed ball of annoying are actually best friends]

... Sure. [Attempting to yank it off with new found vigor]


isaiditsallen January 20 2011, 03:48:35 UTC
[Confused] ....You don't sound like you're talking about Lavi. [He quickly thumbs through the list of people he knows Kanda talks to in his head--it's a short list. It takes less than three seconds.]

Did you mean Lenalee? But I've never seen you attack her. And you and Marie get along great. The only one you really fight with...is me? But you hate me so I can't be... So that makes it Lavi, right? [Thinking, thinking... Oh shoot, his badges! Allen looks down. Yes, it's still there. He quickly hides a badge, taking his coat off. It doesn't work. The badges now attach themselves to his vest and shirt. He looks over the badges until he finds the one he was looking for. It's on the edge of his sleeve. He rolls up the end so Kanda can't see it. He wants to at least finish eating before he dies.]

D-do you need help with that badge? [Nervous, nervous, so nervous and it shows.]


stitched_akuma January 19 2011, 04:53:12 UTC
[She's not happy at all. Not at all. The promised feast beyond that doorway has betrayed her horribly, and she glares at it, even despite how lovely and delicious it looks.

Her badges include "drowned at sea", "turned into an Akuma", "wearing dead brother's body", "killed people", "really a girl", "had arm amputated", "lesbian", and also more bizarre ones such as "turned into a robot shark", "ate an egg baby", and "got jealous of a pet wolf-cat". And "forehead used as an ash-tray".

Maybe she can hide under the table, if she gets there quickly enough. She makes a dash for it.]


fallforthe_sky January 19 2011, 06:32:52 UTC
[It is not to be so! Lenalee's making a distracted beeline for the exit, her head down as she messes with her more incriminating badges, and... well. She essentially walks right into Robin.]

Oh! I'm sorry!


stitched_akuma January 19 2011, 07:22:00 UTC
Aah - I'm sorry! Are you okay?

[She stops, worried she might have somehow stabbed Lenalee on the safety-pin part of the badges; she doesn't trust them all not to have the sharp bits loose]


fallforthesky January 19 2011, 07:39:42 UTC
Oh, no, I'm fine, don't worry! Are you? I didn't mean to run into you, I was just... [Distracted by the badges, which is sort of happening again, only this time she's looking at Robin's Akuma-related ones.]



meansprout January 19 2011, 05:05:50 UTC
[How dare you use food for such nefarious purposes, DR?? ;;]

[He has quite a collection of badges. "Killed And revived" is there twice. "Lost Innocence", "Turned into a puppy", "Participated in a tea party", "Turned into a kid", "Hit a girl", "Abandoned by birth parents", "Lost a heart", "Visited modern-day New York City", "Rode in a car with the Biblical serpent", "Stolen property", "Sold to the circus", "Easily lured into this room by delicious food smells", etc., etc.]

[He is ignoring them in favor of stuffing his face.]


besomeothername January 19 2011, 06:44:35 UTC
[Stealing a piece of whatever Allen is eating]

Biblical serpent? Care to explain?


meansprout January 19 2011, 06:55:31 UTC

[He will eat more to compensate.] ...The one from the Garden of Eden. He had a car.


besomeothername January 19 2011, 07:08:51 UTC
[Nibbling on the cracker]

I'm guessing this was before the Fall. Otherwise, he'd be hard pressed to drive the thing.


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