[In the middle of this hall is am overturned bottle of wine. It's empty. It isn't a particularly good year, or even a good brand, but it's empty. Further down the hall is another bottle, also empty. And even further down the hall is an empty bottle of whiskey.
Even further down? Well, that's where the hallway comes to a small, tucked-away bar --
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I haven't seen ya in ages, boyo! Wine? 's good~!
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Believe 's almost been... 'bout six months, yeah? [There's the distinctive sound of shifting bottles before Lavi reappears with a bottle of red wine, cork popped, and holding it out.]
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Hold it 'nd drink it, yeah?! 's a good day. Plus, yer here!
[Reaching back to grab his whiskey bottle and holds it up for a toast.]
Ta fine days 'nd great friends!
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[Everyone's determined to just drink a teeny bit with Lavi. It never works out that way >:D
He laughs and tips back his own drink, grinning afterward. See those pretty pretty teeth~?]
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Headtilt. That's a strange reaction. The Krory from his world had never seemed too surprised.
Oh right, different worlds. /belated realization.]
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