Hallucinating Komui...

Jul 08, 2009 15:16

*he is walking to his room, gripping the wall with one hand and holding his throbbing head with the other, feeling dizzy and disoriented. He just needs to lie down. He didn’t know the headache would turn out to be so bad ( Read more... )


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nurselenalee July 8 2009, 20:28:40 UTC
[She had finished her shift at the clinic and had cheanged into her normal cltes when she spots the amiliar form of her brother]

Brother! [She runs over to hm]

[ooc:Nurse!Lenalee from the Scrubs univese. She in her late twenties and married to her world Lavi]


curiousmalady July 8 2009, 20:48:11 UTC
He gasps. Because it's Bak he sees in front of him, limping down the hall, covered in blood. A terrible, putrid odor fills his nose as Bak collapses onto the floor. His Bak. He scrambles to his feet, ignoring Lenalee's call, running and tripping, making his way over to his fallen friend's mirage, real tears running down his cheeks.

(ooc: heey, I know you! =D I play hero!komui.)


nurselenalee July 8 2009, 21:19:41 UTC
Brother! Wait!

[She runs after seeig he's no condition to walk let alone run]

[ooc: ^.~ I know you do~ You're the reason why thind Lenalee has taken off her ring~]


curiousmalady July 8 2009, 21:30:17 UTC
*Reaches Bak's side, and he is kneeling down, his vision blurred by tears, the terrible smell getting stronger. He reaches out to touch his friend, much more than a friend, really. And then he hears Bak's voice clearly inside his own head. "I never loved you. Your kisses meant nothing to me. You hateful creature!"

He draws his hand back sharply, gasping, feeling his torn heart ripped to pieces. He opens his eyes, trying to clear them, to look at Bak's face, to make sure the words are really his. And he discovers Bak's face is blank of features. No eyes, nose, or mouth. Nothing. He begins sobbing, not daring to reach out again.*
(ooc: haha, am I? He did have a bit of an overreaction, didn't he? But he's a Komui. XD)


nurselenalee July 8 2009, 21:35:26 UTC
[She manages to reach his side and goes to touch his shoulder. Clearly, she can see he's a hallucinating after seeing many patient do the same]


[ooc: Yup~ He did~ Still, her brother is a big part of her life. He did raise her after he parent's death. So his opinion is quite important to her


curiousmalady July 8 2009, 21:58:41 UTC
*He jumps when she touches him, eyes widening, panicking. He knows she wants to take him, control him, and it makes him shudder in fear, but he can't leave Bak's side.*

No...I don't want to go... *because in the back of his mind he knows she wants to take him to the clinic, and the thought bleeds into his conscious mind just enough to make him extremely wary of her.*

(ooc: yeah. Poor Lenalee, she must feel torn sometimes.)


nurselenalee July 8 2009, 22:05:18 UTC
Brother. Please you don't look well...You need to rest

[Right, now all shw ants to do is help her borter. He looks so ill and she knows what ever he's hullucinating must be terrible. ]

[ooc: She usually does. Thankfully she has her job to keep her mind off it sometimes. There relationships is getting better though. Komui only triee three times a week to kill her husband]


curiousmalady July 8 2009, 22:12:30 UTC
N-no! I won't go home. *He turns to Bak, sobbing again.*

I...I loved him. *Moves to rest his head on his dead friend's bloodied chest, still sobbing, and in reality he is quite an odd position, his head held about eight inches off the ground, sobbing again.*

(ooc: XDD really? That's an improvement. Haha, this Komui's not much better, if you read the thread with his Bak you'll see he's hallucinating that his own Lenalee is married. XD)


nurselenalee July 8 2009, 22:19:23 UTC
Brother...[She swallows and wants to pull him away but he's deep in hallucination. The only way to get to move is to let's the hallucination pass which seems impossible. The only other way is to snap him out of it which also quite impossible]

I'm sure he knew...

[ooc: It is, he used to try and kill Lavi everyday. I know. I read~]


curiousmalady July 8 2009, 22:44:19 UTC
*Resting his head on his friend's body, still crying and feeling desperate, and his neck begins to ache, as a result of unwittingly hanging it in midair.*

B-Bak...I loved you... Don't say that...p-please!

(ooc: wow. really? XD btw, what scrubs character does he represent?)


Oops Icon Fail ^^' nurselenalee July 8 2009, 22:50:27 UTC
Komui...[Sne kneels down next to her brother and goes to gently take his hand]

[ooc: Not sure really. He probably on of the staff in charge of analysis I suppose]


I do it all the time. XD curiousmalady July 8 2009, 23:17:57 UTC
N-no! I'm not going! *He pushes her hand away and continues sobbing. Then, something odd begins to happen. Bak's body begins glowing purple, sparkling, and it dissolves slowly in waves into the floor. Komui feels something else wrench in his heart. His friend is disappearing. He tries to clutch Bak, to stop this, but Bak becomes intangible. Komui's hands, jacket, and face are covered in blood only he can see. He moans, crying harder.*

(ooc: ah. then who plays Dr. Cox?)


Yay~ At least I;m not the only one nurselenalee July 8 2009, 23:24:59 UTC
[She is surprosed when he pushes her hand away. From the looks of it, the hallucination is getting worse]

Brother...What ever you're see it's NOT reall...

[ooc: Cross... *snicker*]


You should've seen me when i first started RPing. Ohboy. XD curiousmalady July 8 2009, 23:40:57 UTC
...B-Bak...come back....noo...*He pulls himself inward, bloodied hands covering his face, sobbing painfully. He hears vague whispers in his ears, and he tries to shut them out.*

I-it is real. H-he died...

(ooc: haha, awesome.)


We all sort of FAIL when we start RPing~ It's how we learn :3 nurselenalee July 8 2009, 23:47:00 UTC
[SHe goes to place her hands on his shoulder]

No, it's not Komui. What ever you're seeing in NOT real. It's a hallucination. I'm sure he's alright.

[ooc: But nothing is more awesome than Kanda!Janitor XDDDD]


Haha, i guess so. I don't know what i would have done if i hadn't had help getting started. curiousmalady July 9 2009, 00:02:38 UTC
*Now he's becoming angry. She's denying he just watched his best friend die.* It is real! He's NOT alright! *pushing the hand away and hanging his head, tears still flowing silently.*

(ooc: omg...that WINS.)


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