Hiatus herp derp

Jan 26, 2011 09:38

Not as if I've been away for months... >.> But here's the official post. Less to inform people I'll continue to be gone, but more as a means of contacting me if you need to know what one of my characters has been up to or if you really need or want me to post/thread somewhere. I will be slow in the case of any threads.

My characters and where they are. For reference. )


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cardio_swindle January 26 2011, 17:47:14 UTC
Now I can't get the image of him reading manga out of my head. "Fight Tohru, win Kyo's love!"

I miss you guys like you wouldn't believe. I'm tempted all the time to come back, but I don't think that'd work out well yet. Things are a lot better right now though, so chances of me popping up with Dragon and Miss Cross at least, are high.

I love. That. Icon.


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hara January 26 2011, 18:07:56 UTC
He probably WOULD enjoy manga. Only the really dark stuff. Though pre-corruption Tyki would totally be cute about shoujo--"Ahhh, Kyouko, can't you see Tsuruga loves you? Don't give up Tsuruga!"

I miss the derping too! So much. I'm fighting the urge to post dragon now since technically I have the time. But I should really do other things.

It's an amazing icon. and so is your Ahura one! Woman doesn't get enough love.


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cardio_swindle January 26 2011, 19:54:31 UTC
'Cause he was totes a nice guy before the Old Gods corrupted him... And he can still do adorable! It's just, manipulative, 'I want to enslave your mind and soul and body to eternal torment for my amusement,' adorable.

Doing them! *is good*

Dude the woman is awesome. But I'm a huge fan of the entire original cast. Have you ever watched Babylon 5? EVIL CHEKHOV.


failingfelicity January 26 2011, 20:04:16 UTC
Man, he's scarier than when canon!Tyki gets serious :q Terrifying adorable is the best, though XD

Hooraaaaaay /o/ *gives cookies*

Fffffff, me too. I love some of the other series but none can be quite as awesome as the TOS crew. No I haven't TELL ME MORE.


cardio_swindle January 26 2011, 20:24:25 UTC
Black Dragons are sorta misanthropic, to put it mildly. DEATHDEATHMAIMKILLWARTORTUREMWAHAHAHAHA style of thing.

*noms happily*

Yeah, I'm a big TNG fan but TOS is the best. Okay I can't find much on youtube that displays EVIL BESTER well, but this scene is sort of funny while I look?



cardio_swindle January 26 2011, 20:42:35 UTC
Alas youtube fails on having Bester scenes. "A Race Through Dark Places" is one of the episodes he features in though, as is "Dust to Dust" if you want to find some to watch.

I like the show for it's own merits but Bester is easily one of my favorites as a character and a villain, though he'll always be Evil Chekov to me.


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cardio_swindle January 27 2011, 03:18:32 UTC
Yes! Hell Black Dragons even prefer dark skin and hair in mortal form, it was too perfect.

Bester is just. Amazing. He's such a kindly sort of creeptastic villain. He's a Psychic Black Ops guy, so when he mentions if his powers were working, it's because he was given a drug to suppress them, 'cause the good guys don't trust him (with good reason).

I wasn't really interested in B5 at first, but I got sucked into watching late into the first season, and by the middle of the second season I was very hooked. It has a strong, plotted storyline, and really amazing characters. And Evil Chekov.


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cardio_swindle January 27 2011, 03:36:28 UTC
I don't know if this site works but it was the first one I found. Hulu used to have it but they don't right now. Youtube seems to fail with it as well.

Evil Chekov is awesome but alas not one of the every day cast. This is made acceptable however, since the main cast is pretty damn amazing themselves, especially Susan Ivanova and the main alien cast.


sleightofhearts January 27 2011, 14:59:28 UTC
Easier to read than those fancy novels, huh? ;D


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