Hiatus herp derp

Jan 26, 2011 09:38

Not as if I've been away for months... >.> But here's the official post. Less to inform people I'll continue to be gone, but more as a means of contacting me if you need to know what one of my characters has been up to or if you really need or want me to post/thread somewhere. I will be slow in the case of any threads.

Canon Tyki cardio_swindle has mysteriously not been around. I'm not sure where he is, but he's not back home, and he hasn't left the DR. One can only speculate what hallway he's stuck in, filled with furbies no doubt. I can timewarp thread with him, but for all intents and purposes he likely won't be around until I get back.

Miss Cross no_ave_maria is plotting quietly. When she is to be found, she's in one of her labs, concocting god knows what. When she isn't to be found, chances are she's trying to find reliable ways to spy on the Countess and modify Akuma without them reseting all the time.

CV Daisya kicking_balls is home.

Dragon/Warcraft Tyki obsidian_devil is brooding in his magma cave plotting your death and the death of all you love and care about while licking his wounds. Possibly accompanied by random fits of maniacal laughter. I may post with him before I'm officially off hiatus. Because he wants to give you a quest!

If you need to know about anyone else, ask away, but if I didn't mention them they likely wandered back home.


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