Nov 04, 2008 19:22
Today was a day. I'm sitting in Starbucks now because my internet is blown up. I really want to keep abreast of the election and since I don't have a TV I'm basically here. I'm surprised that NONE, not a single bar, has it up on a single TV screen. Whatever - I'm having a cup of decaf and trying to let the time go by.
Something feels amiss today but I can't say what. I took an hour long nap after work in case the gym was wiping me out, and since waking I've felt kind of unsteady on my toes. Maybe I'm just bored. I don't know, but I haven't been in the mood to make music lately and the Sudan book is really heavy stuff. All kinds of gruesome details of children being hacked to bits, vomit, starvation, the cheapness of human life in certain parts of the world. Maybe I could've picked a more affirming book. And video games just aren't cutting it right now.
I went on an interview with one of my guys today. The poor kid - and I say kid because he's 19 - just couldn't interview his way out of a paper bag. He's just totally quiet, painfully quiet, and he rarely makes eye contact, if ever. I was able to jump in quite a bit and the lady interviewing him was very nice and seemed to be on board. I can call in a week to see if he's in, but I think that given his performance I'll call tomorrow just to say thank you. He's a big challenge that way.
The guy at Walmart today was a total clusterfuck. He was supposed to work from 7 to 4p. I got a call when I was less than five miles from Walmart. His house staff told me not to go in, that he came home after an hour of work because his toe got run over by a bunch of shopping carts being pushed through the door.
I just winced and hung up the phone. Time to cowboy up and be the bad guy. Like I said, I hate that shit. I went straight to his house and there he was with one shoe on, making a big show of hobbling to the door. According to him this happened Saturday, though no one remembers him mentioning it on Saturday night, and he was still well enough to go out to his Mom's with nary a complaint.
So it happened Saturday but he just put up with it and didn't say anything, and it happened again today and that's what aggravated it. Funny how he had to go home in the first hour of work. I think he's lying.
So I had to give him the "scared straight" speech, and I told him that VR would throw the book at him if he flubs this, because they very well might. I dunno - I was pretty tense but I handled it well. It really is up to him. I was upset but I kept my perspective. Hopefully that'll be the end of the nonsense for a while.
Tomorrow it'll be back to Walmart, where I'll most likely spend the rest of my day. Babysitting. I don't know - I'll run it by the boss man, but it seems to me that this is how he wants to be treated. I should probably just stick it in a box somewhere and forget about it. It shouldn't matter if I spend my day in the office or at the store, right? And hey - at least I'll be busy. I can make phone calls if need be, and I can just sit on a bench. Hell, I could finish my book if the inspiration really strikes. Maybe bring a sketchbook? Eh, but I haven't drawn a picture in so long. How farty am I?
I'm encouraged by the fact that my back is the only sore spot. It means that I didn't overdo it, and that my back most definitely needs to be a point of focus. Good. That means I can wrench the weights up on everything else. I really do need to figure out what to do about the lunges though - I didn't even make it through a set without something feeling weird in there. I absolutely despise lunges, but I despise it even more than I haven't figured out how to do them. That's something I'm going to work on this time around. I don't think I should give up. They've got to be good for something, right?
Eh - enough. I'm just friggin' bored is all.