Visiting the Family

Jan 20, 2007 09:09

He acts as if he's been around here before, and likely he has. He's dressed similar to what you'd expect Marius Pontmercy to wear, since he normally lives in Paris and practices law. How much history he's weathered is probably not obvious at a glance. There's something defiant and almost rebellious about him, despite that he tries to conduct himself soberly.

He looks around curiously as he enters, scratching thoughtfully at the slight sprinkling of beard his father has been after him for years to shave. "I expected it to be bigger," he remarks with a slight French accent, owing to having considerable influence from elves and the English from his late teens on. Then he just shakes his head. "Etienne is such a tiny thing, he must have got it wrong."

The remark is somewhat justified. Henrì isn't tall by most standards, only 5'10", but he towers over his father and half-brother. His eyes are a cloudy blue, and his hair is that shade of light brown that darkens considerably in the winter and pales in the summer. He doesn't wear it long enough to tie back and it's always in his face.

"The weather in Paris is beastly, so I finally decided to visit. Where is everyone?"

typist: Meet Henrì Saint-Cyr St. Just, Armand's illegitimate son by Angele Saint-Cyr before she got her head chopped off. The Saint-Cyrs didn't want him and Armand didn't know he existed until he showed up one day at the restaurant in Paris when he was a teenager. He's about 5 years older than Etienne. My first gen2 pup, and he's loud. Talk to him!

henri st. just, introductions, dmitri ivanaceivitch, ryan pendergast, donatien girard, aleksandra ivanaceivitch, etienne st. just

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