Benedick/Beatricespawn. Run while you can.

Dec 30, 2006 02:21

Enter a young man, about twenty-one, with fair skin and red hair. He's well-dressed, if a bit dandyish (something his father mocks him for) and not unpleasant to look at, though to his great dismay he has not yet managed to grow a beard (something his mother mocks him for.) He takes a look around, eyes most likely lingering on the women of the community -- and grins, a broad, open grin.

"What place is this? Sure it cannot be fair Messina, though fair --" (with a glance at a young lady of particular charm) "O, most certain fair! -- in its way. I'll bide me here a while, if I may."

Typist: Valentino, son of Benedick and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing. Name courtesy of Don Pedro. Terrifyingly enough, he is an incurable flirt. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

margarathea zelle, tori hades, diomedes b. hades, helena, kydoimos a. hades, joanna, valentino, matthew, xathanael hades, introductions, april hades, ryan pendergast, vincenzo pendergast, delilah

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