(no subject)

Oct 18, 2005 01:54

Beelzebub is a busy little demon...! He gets some impromptu therapy from Famine, interrupts said therapy to beat up Hastur, and then goes on to beat up Famine. And then apologises to Meta. Um. Don't ask me how this makes sense.

[15:41] * Ham1337-lurkity is now known as Beelzebub
[15:42] * Famine has joined #desperatefans
[15:43] Hastur: *glances over and waves* Sir Rave!
[15:43] Beelzebub: *flamityflameflame*
[15:43] Hastur: *looks at Beezie* And Beelzebub. The stew thickens.
[15:43] Famine: *blinks, then nods to Hastur and...look! a Beezie!* *frowns slightly and heads over to him* Beelzebub.
[15:44] Beelzebub: *glares at Hastur* I hear thou hazzzt thy wingzzz. Thou shouldzzzt not-- *glances to Famine* Horzzzzman.
[15:44] Famine: May I have a word?
[15:45] Beelzebub: Something tellzzzz me I cannot stop thee from talking.
[15:45] Hastur: *arches an eyebrow* Shouldn't what? Help the angel stop *flipping out*? Too late.
[15:46] Famine: *winces slightly and will definitely talk to Hastur about that later* There are a few things I need to ask of you.
[15:48] Beelzebub: *ignores Hastur, yay* Why am I not surprizzzzed, Horzzzman.
[15:48] Hastur: *shrugs and leans back in his seat, demonmodding up a bowl of popcorn*
[15:49] Famine: *raises an eyebrow* Perhaps because you hurt my closest friend more deeply than I've ever seen him hurt before.
[15:49] Nemesis: *Throws something at Hastur*
[15:49] Hastur: *looks at Nem* What?
[15:49] Nemesis: ....popcorn? You're odd.
[15:50] Hastur: *offers the bowl* Want some
[15:50] Beelzebub: *narrows his eyes* Thizzz izzzzz no concern of thine.
[15:50] Nemesis: .....sure. *Takes a handful*
[15:51] Hastur: *snarfs on popcorn*
[15:52] Famine: *calmly* When he's curled up on the couch sobbing so hard he can barely speak, it's damn well -become- my concern.
[15:53] Hastur: Oo, plot twists.
[15:54] Nemesis: .....shut up. *Throws a piece of popcorn at Hastur's head*
[15:54] Hastur: *catches it in his mouth* Thanks!
[15:54] Beelzebub: *growls a bit and twitches in the sort of way that suggests he is very barely keeping himself from hitting Famine* I have spoken to him. *grits teeth* I don't need to exzzzplain myzzzelf to thee.
[15:55] Nemesis: *Wrinkles nose* You weren't supposed to do that.
[15:55] Hastur: Oh, wasn't I?
[15:55] Nemesis: *Throws another piece, just 'cause*
[15:55] Hastur: *obediently lets it bounce off his nose* Better?
[15:55] Famine: *knows it would be the smart thing to do to take a step back or to back off now, but...* Have you? *quietly* Do you understand why he's hurt?
[15:56] Nemesis: Yes, very.
[15:56] Hastur: All right. *picks up the popcorn and eats it*
[15:57] Nemesis: *Rolls eyes* Remind me to never throw food at you again.
[15:57] Hastur: Okay. Never throw food at me again.
[15:57] Beelzebub: *...yeah, probably, because demonic self-restraint? not so much* -He- doezzz not underzzztand.
[15:57] Nemesis: .....not nooooooow.
[15:58] Hastur: Oh. Okay.
[15:58] Hastur: *listens to Beezie and Famine and faaaaaacepalms*
[15:58] Famine: *slightly frustrated noise* Neither one of you understands. Because he's an angel and you're a demon and neither one of you understands, nor can you properly -explain- it.
[15:58] Hastur: *clears his throat* Not true, Rave!
[15:59] Famine: ...what?
[15:59] Hastur: I already explained it to Clancy.
[15:59] Hastur: He's feeling better about the whole thing.
[15:59] Beelzebub: *turns and starts toward Hastur* Stay OUT of thizzzz.
[15:59] Hastur: *throws his hands up in the air* Fine. Whatever.
[15:59] Famine: *looks slightly relieved* Well, that's one down. *nods in a "thank you" way to Hastur, then turns back to Beezie* ...-he- understands. But you don't.
[16:00] Hastur: *noshes on more popcorn*
[16:01] Nemesis: Wow, I think that's the first time he's ever given you a vaguely nice look.
[16:01] Beelzebub: *turns back to Famine, still glaring, because it's what he does* Thou knowzzzzt nothing of me, Horzzzman.
[16:02] Famine: I wouldn't quite say nothing. I can make a few generalizations. For example, you don't seem to understand that you aren't the only one who cares for the Metatron's well-being.
[16:03] Hastur: *tosses a piece of popcorn up in the air and catches it in his mouth*
[16:06] Beelzebub: *snarlbuzzything* The carezzzz of otherzzzz are not my concern.
[16:07] Nemesis: *Throws popcorn at Hastur for amusement*
[16:07] Hastur: Doodlebug? No throwing food, remember?
[16:08] Nemesis: ....Oh, right. *Does it anyway*
[16:09] Hastur: *catches some in his mouth again*&
[16:10] Famine: But they are mine. *level look* Will your pride allow you to -listen- to me before anything worse happens?
[16:11] Beelzebub: *gives a little cold smile that shows his teeth* No.
[16:12] Nemesis: ...I don't like the way this is going.
[16:12] Hastur: Yeah, I noticed.
[16:14] Famine: *keeping calm is really taking an effort* Things can't get better if you don't understand why he feels as if you've betrayed him.
[16:21] Beelzebub: *does the twitch-not-hit thing again-- is losing control* I betray no one.
[16:21] Hastur: *eats popcorn and resolutely stays out of it*
[16:22] Nemesis: *Chews on shirtsleeve lalalalala*
[16:22] Famine: *slight twitch here too* ...see? You don't understand. From your point of view it was normal. From his, it was the worst possible thing you could have done.
[16:24] Hastur: Well, I dunno, the worst *possible* thing would probably have been to take pictures and plaster them all over the mansion, labeled 'Haha! Suck on that one, Clancy!'
[16:24] Famine: ...thank you, Hastur.
[16:24] Beelzebub: ...
[16:24] Beelzebub: *LUNGES, HI*
[16:24] Hastur: Welcome!
[16:26] Hastur: *in chair, can't really dodge, lunged at, woot!*
[16:27] Famine: ...*facepalms* *mutters under his breath* -Demons-.
[16:27] Beelzebub: *whee! catches him by the shirt collar with both hands and pulls him forward*
[16:28] Hastur: *yoinked!* Er. Hi.
[16:28] Famine: ...Beelzebub, that isn't going to help.
[16:31] Beelzebub: ...Thou muzzzed remember, Horzzzman, *doesn't look at him* that I didn't azzzzk thee. *lets go with one hand and promptly punches Hastur nice and hard in the nose*
[16:31] Nemesis: Anyone else want tea? I want tea. *Goes to get tea*
[16:32] Hastur: *wince, grabs nose, speaks kinda muffled* Nice one.
[16:33] Beelzebub: *smiles a little and throws Hastur back into the chair* Shut up.
[16:33] Famine: *sighs heavily* Can we get back to the relevant subject, please?
[16:34] Hastur: *prods gingerly at his nose with a grimace*
[16:38] Beelzebub: Go think about thy own sexzzz life.
[16:40] Hastur: *murmurs* Who really wants to think about *his* sex life? Ew.
[16:43] Hastur: *continues nursing his nose*
[16:43] Famine: *slight twitch at that but...actually amused by Hastur-comment* ...This isn't about that so much as the feeling behind it.
[16:47] Nemesis: *Um, right, done with the tea and goes back to see if things are normal again. Kinda. Sorta.*
[16:48] Famine: *well, we're done with comments on the big brother's sex life, hopefully...*
[16:49] Hastur: He's dot godda listen, Fabine.
[16:50] Beelzebub: : *not. amused. at all.* Pity. And here I wazzz hoping to tell thee about the angel on hizzz kneezzz.
[16:51] Hastur: ............................
[16:51] Nemesis: .........*Runs back into the kitchen*
[16:52] Famine: *eyetwitch* ...Thanks, I'd rather you didn't.
[16:53] Hastur: Bedtal images I didd't deed.
[16:53] Nemesis: *If you listen closely, you might be able to hear an anguished "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww"*
[16:53] Beelzebub: *smirk* Oh, but some of hizzz favourite toyzzz are quite... interezzzting.
[16:54] Hastur: *looks at his popcorn* Beelzebub, please, sobe of us are drying do ead!
[16:55] Famine: ..........*eyetwitch again* Fascinating as this subject is, I -really don't need to hear it.-
[16:58] Beelzebub: Luzzzzifer izzz better at bondage, though.
[16:59] Hastur: *nods*
[16:59] Nerdanel: I suppose that is good to hear. *luckily ignores the sex education going on*
[16:59] Hastur: *demonmods his nose better, cuz he's sick of pronouncing improperly* Beelzebub. STOP already.
[16:59] Famine: ...............*twitchtwitchrevolution* For once, I agree.
[17:00] Nemesis: *Random shout of "YES" from the kitchen*
[17:02] Beelzebub: I didn't choozzzz the subject. *pauses* Bloodplay?
[17:02] Hastur: Okay. Really. Appetite. Ruining. Can't take that. *stands up, sets popcorn aside, strides up to Beezie, and clamps a hand around his mouth* Shut up for a minute?
[17:03] Famine: *...approves of appetite-ruining on the whole, really, but this is just too much*
[17:03] Beelzebub: ... *bites Hastur*
[17:03] Hastur: *arches an eyebrow* Kinky.
[17:04] Beelzebub: *smirk* That'zzz nothing.
[17:04] Famine: .....can we please not discuss demons and sex in any way, shape, or form and in no less detail than is absolutely necessary and relevant to the topic at hand?
[17:05] Hastur: True. Listen. As much as I *love* hearing about your sexcapades.. I'm trying to *eat* over here. Rave over there's trying to give you some psychoanalysis you don't want, which, fine, don't listen, but *don't ruin my popcorn for me*.
[17:05] Famine: *glares at JohnBoy* You aren't helping. *gives Hastur a Look* ...I don't know if I should thank you or hit you.
[17:05] Nemesis: *Sticks head out of kitchen* Not when it involves older siblings.
[17:07] Hastur: *ignores Famine* In short, Beelzebub, what Famine's running in circles trying to say indirectly is that Clancy's an angel. As such, he kinda forgets about the distinction between sex and love. Therefore, he was like... OMG BEELZEBUB HATES ME. WOE WOE. But I schooled him, he's better now, and please stop talking about your fetishes.
[17:07] Famine: ...*facepalms at Hastur*
[17:08] Beelzebub: *gives Hastur a look that hopefully very clearly expresses the desire to re-break his nose*
[17:08] Nemesis: ....*facepalm*
[17:09] Hastur: *smiles sweetly and pats Beelzebub on the head* Now that that's taken care of, want some popcorn?
[17:09] Famine: ...did every demon in Hell somehow manage to completely miss the concept known as "tact", or am I just lucky to deal with the few who did?
[17:09] Nemesis: ........um.
[17:09] Hastur: *looks at Fam* Tact isn't gonna work, Rave.
[17:11] Beelzebub: *is headpatted... er. grabs Hastur's hand and snaps the nice little bones in two* ...
[17:11] Hastur: *cringes* ... Right. *punches Beezie in the face with his noninjured hand*
[17:11] Famine: ...oh, Jesus fucking Christ, would you -stop-?
[17:12] Beelzebub: *catches Hastur by the broken hand-- and twists* ...Thizzz wazzz thy doing, Horzzzman. Wouldzzzt thou like to be involved?
[17:13] Hastur: *hisses under his breath and takes the opportunity to knee Beezie in the groin*
[17:13] Nemesis: ....*Winces and sighs*
[17:13] Famine: ...*facepalms again* Is this necessary?
[17:14] Beelzebub: Yezzz. *...kneed and snarls-- and lets his free fist make contact with Hastur's ribs*
[17:15] Famine: ...I'll wait until you're finished, then. *leans against the wall and watches*
[17:16] Hastur: *grimaces* Hello to you too. *stomps on Beezie's foot*
[17:18] Beelzebub: *low grunt of pain--* *grips his throat tightly-- it's expected, after all*
[17:20] Hastur: *glares at Beelzebub and rasps* Feel any better?
[17:22] Beelzebub: *punches him-- the nose again* I do now.
[17:24] Hastur: *rather beaten up* Dice to dow. Feel free to bead on be whedever.
[17:24] Nemesis: Famine? I don't understand demons. Like, at all.
[17:25] Famine: ...I don't either, I'm afraid. *scowls* Are you -finished-, Beelzebub?
[17:27] Beelzebub: *throws Hastur towards a wall, like the drama queen he is* For now, Horzzzman. Unlezzz thou hazzzt something to add.
[17:28] Hastur: *leans heavily on the wall, catching his breath*
[17:29] Famine: I do, actually. *steps forward* Listen. The Metatron believed that because you slept with someone else, you didn't love him anymore. He can't understand the desire to be physically intimate with more than one person without love being involved. Whereas you can draw the line between your activities and your relationship with him, he can't. You may not understand this, but you have to respect it.
[17:30] Nemesis: *Sighs at Hastur* Want me to fix you?
[17:30] Hastur: Yeah, feel free.
[17:31] Nemesis: *Goddessmod-ly heals Hastur, yep yep*
[17:31] Hastur: Thanks. Much appreciated. Heal him now?
[17:32] Nemesis: Beelzebub? Only if he won't kill me.
[17:33] Hastur: Aren't you immortal?
[17:33] Nemesis: ...oh, shut up.
[17:33] Hastur: Just saying!
[17:34] Nemesis: .....fine, then. Only if he won't -try- to kill me.
[17:34] Hastur: If he does, I'll unheal him again just for you.
[17:34] Mark: *nods* Yeah, I can see that. *smiles* It's good to see you, siskins.
[17:34] Beelzebub: *ignoring the pain and all, glaring at Famine* Yezzz. Fine. Thou hazzzt said it.
[17:35] Nemesis: Aw, that's sweet. *SARCASM* *Heals Beezie, then* *From across the room or something, OMG TALENTED GODDESS*
[17:38] Famine: Do you understand? *glares*
[17:39] Beelzebub: *HEALED FROM AFAR ZOMG*
[17:39] Beelzebub: *snarls* I rezzzpect it.
[17:45] Nemesis: *Yay he doesn't want to kill me!*
[17:45] Famine: *continues looking at him levelly* ...Very well. I can't hold you to it or force you to keep it in mind, but I hope for both of your sakes that you will.
[18:00] Beelzebub: *...is still looking vaguely angry*
[18:00] Famine: *patiently* Would hitting me make you feel any better? *takes his glasses off and uncrosses his arms*
[18:01] Beelzebub: ...Actually.
[18:01] Famine: Go ahead.
[18:02] Hastur: Here we go.
[18:02] Beelzebub: *punches Famine squarely in the jaw--*
[18:02] Nemesis: *Squeaks* Oh, noooooo.
[18:02] Hastur: ... This is just getting ridiculous.
[18:03] Famine: *twists his head back into place with a slight wince, holding his jaw* *raises an eyebrow* Any better?
[18:03] Nemesis: You're one to talk. You let him hit you.
[18:03] Hastur: Well, yeah, but I didn't specifically *ask* him to.
[18:04] Beelzebub: No. *hits him again*
[18:07] Nemesis: I could really live without everyone fighting with everyone else, even if I'm the goddess of revenge.
[18:09] Famine: *hit again!* *just takes it because...he's had worse and this is a small price to pay if he's helped at all*
[18:09] Hastur: Y'know.. I'm starting to think Rave has a fetish for getting his ass kicked by demons.
[18:11] Beelzebub: *hits Famine in the face again, pauses, punches him in the stomach for good measure, and then nods*
[18:16] Famine: *wincing slightly from the punches, leans against the wall but manages to keep his gaze steady* Done now?
[18:17] Beelzebub: Yezzz.
[18:17] Famine: *nods* Feeling better?
[18:17] Beelzebub: I'm fine. *demon!smile* *typist is so confused*
[18:18] Famine: *nods again* Well, that's good. *pause* ...did you actually hear any of what I said?
[18:20] Beelzebub: ... *dully* Yezzz.
[18:20] Famine: *nods* All right, then. ...Good luck.
[18:21] Beelzebub: Luck. *spits*
[18:21] Famine: *dryly* Well, you'll certainly need it. *and is out*
[18:21] * Famine has left #desperatefans
[18:24] * Perilurks is now known as Metatron
[18:24] Metatron: *flamey flame flame with the flaming flame of the... flaming... flames. ...yeah*
[18:26] Beelzebub: *is here for about four minutes, hi!*
[18:27] Metatron: * oh, look, a Beezie* *solemn Meta look* Beelzebub. *and a smile*
[18:27] Beelzebub: *little smile-- and tries not to look like he's just beaten up a few people* Angel.
[18:28] Metatron: *thoughtful, slightly dazed, as his mindset has just been slightly twisted by Hastur* How are you?
[18:30] Beelzebub: ...Well. *slightly awkward pause* And thee?
[18:31] Metatron: *shrugs* I'm -- er, I've been better, I suppose, but... I did talk to Hastur.
[18:32] Beelzebub: ...Azzz did I. *also broke his nose and his hand-- but. nevermind*
[18:33] Metatron: *blinks* You did? Was he at all helpful? *...kind of oblivious here, hi*
[18:33] Beelzebub: I did. And the Horzzzman. *pauses*
[18:34] Metatron: Oh! *brightens slightly* Famine's always helpful.
[18:36] Beelzebub: ...Yezzz.
[18:36] Metatron: *pauses* ...No?
[18:36] Beelzebub: ...Thou couldzzzt say helpful.
[18:36] Metatron: Er... *angel senses tingle* ...What happened?
[18:38] Beelzebub: A little-- strezzzz relief. Nothing important. He seemzzz to think we're doomed.
[18:38] Metatron: *blinks. again.* ...Doomed? Why?
[18:41] Beelzebub: *shrugs*
[18:42] Metatron: *sighs -- okay, will stare at his feet some more* I -- I'm sorry.
[18:43] Beelzebub: Wai-- what? ... *confused demon calling!* ... *quietly* It izzz my plazzz to be sorry.
[18:45] Metatron: I mean, I don't understand, but -- wait, what? *totally nonplussed, looks up and blinks at Beezie*
[18:48] Beelzebub: *looks back, perfectly seriously* I'm sorry I hurt thee.
[18:49] Metatron: [...XDDD]
[18:49] Metatron: *stares for a moment before catching himself* ...Thank you. Really. And... it's all right. That is, I forgive you.
[18:50] Beelzebub: *quietly-- oddly--* Heaven forgivezzzz. *...is definitly getting weirder*
[18:52] Metatron: *tilts his head to the side* Forgive him, Lord. He knows not what he does. *...okay, is apparently taking part in Beezie's weirdness pageant*
[18:55] Beelzebub: *smiles a little-- uncomfortable, but also oddly thankful* I-- muzzed go now, angel. ...I love thee. *leans to kiss him with OMGLUCIFERCOOTIES and flames out*
[18:56] Metatron: *kisses, yes* I love you, too. It'll be all right.
[18:56] Metatron: *will go into the kitchen and drink tea now*
[18:56] * Beelzebub is now known as Ham1337-away

beelzebub, famine, hastur, nemesis, metatron

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