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Oct 17, 2005 04:03

Beelzebub and Michael have a sweet little chat...!

[02:11] * Michael has joined #desperatefans
[02:12] Beelzebub: *oh, look, is conveniently here!*
[02:12] Michael: *slumps in, still very very depressed, and barely registers anything in the room*
[02:14] Beelzebub: *eyes him, still a bit rattled from the Meta-confrontation and all that, and would like to make it well known that Michael caused all this*
[02:15] Michael: *has not really registered -that-, either; is having enough trouble with the effects to point fingers about the cause*
[02:16] Beelzebub: *is not at his brightest today, which really says a lot, and so stalks over to Michael* *a growl catches in the back of his throat* -Angel-.
[02:17] Michael: *raises his head and looks at Beelzebub through bleary eyes* *nods* Demon.
[02:22] Beelzebub: *glowers* Thou wouldzzzt do bezzzt to avoid our Side. *it is harsh, curt, accusative, threatening*
[02:23] Michael: *hardly responds* *is not really up to being the Angel of War this second* Oh? Why?
[02:24] Beelzebub: *slight, cruel smile-- has had a rough evening, really* My Lord izzzz unhappy with thee.
[02:25] Michael: *oh, he thinks -he's- had a rough evening?* *snaps, but it feels a little forced* I know that.
[02:29] Michael: *swings into it a bit* I'm not too happy with you, either, demon.
[02:31] Beelzebub: *holds the smile, colder, but somehow with cold flame* Becauzzzz of what thou didzzzt-- thou canzzzzt plazzzz no blame on me. It izzz all thine, angel.
[02:31] Beelzebub: He knowzzzz. I know. Thy Lord knowzzzz.
[02:32] Michael: *narrows his eyes* What I did was nowhere near as grave as what he did. *is thinking of the kiss, yes, because is still hung up on that part of it*
[02:36] Beelzebub: *...doesn't know about that, actually* Thou dizzcorporated one of Hizzz demonzzz. *scowls* Thou didzzzt -betray- Him, angel.
[02:38] Michael: *grits his teeth* I didn't.
[02:41] Beelzebub: What wouldzzzzt thou call it? Why elzzzz would such a man need-- *breaks off and pauses*
[02:41] Beelzebub: *spits* Thizzz izzz what thy Love doezzz to Him.
[02:43] Michael: *winces and decides to stick to the first issue* He -deserves- it.
[02:50] Beelzebub: -Betrayal.-
[02:51] Michael: *dangerously low* Don't accuse me of your own crimes.
[02:57] Beelzebub: *growls and steps forward* -I- have committed no crimezzzz. -I- have remained loyal. *low, barely buzzed* -I- love my Lord.
[02:58] Michael: *snarls* As do I, but I don't -serve- him.
[03:00] Beelzebub: *eyes flash* Only hurt Him.
[03:01] Michael: I didn't try to.
[03:03] Beelzebub: Perhapzzz thou dozzzzt not need to. *grits his teeth* Yet look what thou hazzzzt done.
[03:04] Michael: *turns suddenly and slams Beezie against the wall* -I didn't mean to.-
[03:06] Beelzebub: *doesn't fight, not yet, just looks into his eyes* The road to Hell izzz paved...
[03:07] Michael: *glares into his eyes* I'm not on that road.
[03:09] Beelzebub: *lower, softer, yet still with a hard, hard edge* How many hazzzt thou hurt without meaning to?
[03:10] Michael: Just-- *loosens his grip, and unwisely, answers honestly* Two.
[03:11] Beelzebub: *slightly mocking* Juzzzzt two?
[03:13] Michael: *steps away from him, though his glare alone may be sufficient to hold Beelzebub to the wall* Just Lucifer. And Gabriel. Just two.
[03:15] Beelzebub: And thee. *smiles coldly* And I suppozzzz all did dezzzerve.
[03:16] Michael: *closes his eyes* No.
[03:16] Beelzebub: *pauses-- knows when a pause is significant, when it is enough*
[03:18] Michael: *shivers*
[03:19] Beelzebub: *low, again* He should not love thee. And after thizzzz...
[03:20] Michael: *suddenly wrathful* Don't say that. Don't even dream about saying that.
[03:21] Beelzebub: An angelzzzz love izzz unconditional... *leans in* Not so with Hizzzz.
[03:23] Michael: *coldly* As I gathered.
[03:25] Beelzebub: And when thizzz comezzz to pazzzz... only thou shalt bear the blame.
[03:27] Michael: And what have I done? Destroyed one demon? He'll be returned. I've done nothing that can't be repaired.
[03:29] Beelzebub: Canzzzzt thou repair lozzzt love? *offhandedly* A broken heart?
[03:31] Michael: *almost smiling, but has a stratospherically cold look in his eyes* Ah, but you did that. You and he, not I.
[03:36] Beelzebub: He wazzzz already lozzzt to thee.
[03:37] Michael: No... no, he wasn't. He isn't...
[03:38] Beelzebub: *cruel, so cruel* He izzzz. How could He return to thee now?
[03:41] Michael: I- I don't know. But he could, he could-- *closes his eyes*
[03:45] Beelzebub: *icy cold* -I- know.
[03:46] Michael: *weakly* How do you know.
[03:48] Beelzebub: *licks lips* Exzzzperienzzz.
[03:49] Michael: *opens his eyes and stares at him, looking surprisingly innocent*
[03:49] Michael: *small, small voice* No.
[03:50] Beelzebub: *twisted-- pained? yet strangely triumphant-- smile* Yezzz. What'zzz done izzz done.
[03:51] Michael: *lets out a slow hiss* But it's not done yet.
[03:52] Beelzebub: Izzzn't it?
[03:52] Michael: It isn't. I'll make sure of it.
[03:53] Beelzebub: *arches an eyebrow* What canzzzt thou do?
[03:54] Michael: *determination-- a shadow of his old self* Anything I can. Everything I can. I'll fight for him.
[03:57] Beelzebub: *grabs Michael, turns, and slams -him- against the wall* Thou dozzzt not dezzzerve Him. Lezzzz so now than ever. No fight shall be enough.
[03:59] Michael: *winces, but doesn't lose that determined spirit* I've never yet lost a fight.
[04:01] Michael: It isn't over. You'll see. There'll be more. *pushes Beelzebub away and flames out*
[04:01] * Michael has left #desperatefans

beelzebub, michael

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