(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 02:59

So. Wow. A lot of stuff happened today on the iPoD front.

Yandros> *pof*
Gabriel> *flames in!*
IckleMae> *stares at the glowy guy*
IckleMae> *both glowy guys!*
Gabriel> *flaming archangel! whee!*
Yandros> *watches Gabriel* ....:D...
Gabriel> ......*blinks at Yandros*
Yandros> *floats over, warping the floor under him* Afternoon.
IckleMae> *goes up to Gabs and Yandros* Why're you two all glowy?
Gabriel> *blinks, then nods* *turns to ickle!Mae* I am an archangel.
Yandros> Luck of the draw, little one.
IckleMae> What's an archangel?
Gabriel> Similar to an angel, only slightly more important.
Yandros> Oh? Only slightly? Why are you around, then?
IckleMae> *wrinkles nose* What's an angel, then?
Gabriel> *gives Yandros a Look* There must be a hierarchy of order, or things will fall apart. *looks back at Mae* An angel is a servant of God whose purpose is to do good.
Yandros> Fall apart? Oh, delightful.
IckleMae> Like the Ainur?
Yandros> Personally I think you could do without a heirarchy of order. Maybe one of chaos.
Gabriel> *nods* Right. *raises an eyebrow at Yandros* *shortly* Well, I don't agree.
Yandros> So blunt. No opinions of your own?
Gabriel> That -is- my opinion.
Yandros> You don't back it up very well.
IckleMae> *processes what they're saying* Yeah, but you can't have -too- much order. Then you're just, like... forcing people an' it's bad.
Yandros> *smiles at Mae* Exactly. See? This little boy knows more than most people I've ever met.
Gabriel> *raises an eyebrow and decides to Angelically Ignore Yandros* *looks back at Mae* ...Well, our rules are for the most part strict. We only encourage doing good, though.
IckleMae> Hmmmm. How d'you decide what's good or not?
Gabriel> We hear the word of God, and if it is His will, it shall be done.
IckleMae> That's cool. So you just, like, ask him?
Yandros> The word of God?
Yandros> *looks...amused*
Gabriel> *slight smile* He speaks to us when He sees fit. *glares at Yandros* Yes.
Yandros> Really.
IckleMae> Okay. *thinks* But what if you're not sure about something, and He never said anything about it?
IckleMae> How d'you decide then?
Yandros> And how can you be sure it's God, and not some interfering Devil?
IckleMae> *looks at Yandros* Well, if he talks to His all the time, he'd know what His voice sounds like, right?
Gabriel> Then we stay out of it. *glares at Yandros* I have seen Him. I know.
Yandros> Really. You know, I could always change myself to look just like Him. And imitate his voice. Tell me, what then?
IckleMae> Well, technic'lly, you wouldn't have the same.... thing. Ineffabilty or whatever.
Gabriel> *smiles slightly at Mae again* Exactly. I would know the difference.
Yandros> I'm nearly ineffable.
Gabriel> *eyebrowraise* That is like saying one is "nearly immortal".
Yandros> And I am.
Gabriel> Nearly? Or immortal?
Yandros> I'm a god. We can leave it at that. And you serve a god, hm?
Gabriel> I serve the one true God.
Yandros> There isn't one true god. There's several.
Yandros> I happen to be one of them.
Gabriel> *dismissively* Minor immortals.
IckleMae> Well, there's only Eru who created the world. Youd be like... the Valar, I guess. *shrigs*
Yandros> *raises eyebrows* Minor? I control Life and Death.
IckleMae> *wrinkles nose* You don't control -my- life.
Gabriel> *coolly* Whoever holds the weapon controls life. That's hardly saying something.
Yandros> I control if you live or die. Would you like a demonstration?
IckleMae> I can't die 'till the world does.
Gabriel> I am immortal. I cannot die.
Yandros> Can you be wounded?
Gabriel> Yes, but I can heal myself. *level look*
IckleMae> I broke my arm once, yeah. But my Ada would get you back.
Yandros> *sighs, looking despondent* And here I am, just trying to spread my ideals. I suppose I couldn't persuade you? *looks pointedly at Gabriel*
Gabriel> Persuade me? *eyebrowarch*
Yandros> *smileleer*
IckleMae> *off on a tangent now, hi* Anyway, the only person who died around here was Grandmother, and she just sorta went to sleep and wasn't wounded or anything.
Gabriel> *glares* *...doesn't actually get it, because...hi, angel. IQ is lacking. and is PRUDE.*
Yandros> *leans in and kisses Gabriel all chaste-like*
IckleMae> *makes egaggerated eeeeewww face*
Gabriel> ...........*takes a step back and looks at Yandros levelly* What was -that-?
Yandros> Persuasion.
Gabriel> ...Persuasion towards -what-?
Yandros> Towards my beliefs. Or at least towards believing that I am a God.
Gabriel> *glare* ...by kissing me? How do you hope to accomplish anything by -that-?
Yandros> *shrugs* It works on some people.
Gabriel> ...I am an -archangel-. *steely glare*
Yandros> I imagine it would work on you as well as mortals. *smilesmile*
Gabriel> Hardly. *glare*
Yandros> Shall we test it?
Gabriel> No.
Yandros> Why not? Too scared?
IckleMae> *still staring up at them, sorry*
Gabriel> *glare* No. I would simply prefer not to engage in such relations.
IckleMae> Why not?
Gabriel> *blinks at Mae*
Yandros> Yes, why not? Are you afraid of commitment?
IckleMae> *shrugs* Just wondering.
IckleMae> 'Cause even Manwë an' Varda are married. Why don't you want to?
Gabriel> *glares at Yandros again* No. I would prefer acts of that sort to be out of love.
IckleMae> Well, yeah. But you've never met anyone you loved?
Gabriel> ......*slight twitch* *sensitive subject, hi*
IckleMae> *takes that as a no* How come?
Yandros> *smiiiiles*
Gabriel> ...I do not leave Heaven often.
IckleMae> Why don't you love anyone in Heaven?
Gabriel> ...*cannot lie, but can absolutely not tell the truth* *so...will just ellipse*
IckleMae> Are they that bad?
Yandros> *smiles, but says nothing* I believe he is very tight-lipped about this situation, little one. Perhaps we should leave him be.
* IckleFingon has joined #desperatefans
Gabriel> *would appreciate this, hi*
IckleMae> *wouldn't ordinarily, but HI FINGON!*
IckleMae> *bounces and waves* Hi Finde!
Yandros> *watches Mae bounce away* ...was he a demon?
IckleMae> *oh, isn't bouncing away*
Gabriel> ...Who?
Yandros> *oh. well, spokein VERY LOW TONES, then.*
Yandros> You loved someone. Was he a demon?
IckleMae> *has elf-ears.... but we'll be nice and have him be distracted*
IckleFingon> *bounces in* *waves back and goes over* Hi!
Gabriel> *level glare*
IckleMae> *grins* Hi. *points up* That's an Archangel an' he's not in love, an' that's a god or something and they were kissing an' it was gross. Wanna have an adventure?
Gabriel> *...we'll pretend he didn't hear that*
Yandros> *heard that, and thinks it's funny*
Gabriel> *still just glares*
Yandros> *smiles back at Gabriel*
Gabriel> Why does this interest you so much?
Yandros> Because it does. I'm a trustworthy god. You can tell me.
Gabriel> *glare* You're one of chaos. You implied so yourself.
Yandros> I am one of Chaos. *smiles* But I'm still trustworthy. *glows!*
Gabriel> *glares* I do not believe that.
Yandros> Believe what you will. I still am.
Gabriel> Very well, then. *turns to walk away*
Yandros> *follows* Was he one of the FAllen?
Gabriel> Why are you so insistent that there -is- someone?
IckleMae> *whispers to Fingon* *loudly* They're arguing. They should definitely be married.
Gabriel> *we'll pretend he didn't hear that either*
IckleMae> 'Cause everyone knows that's what you do when you're married.
Yandros> You're far too hesitant to talk about it for there to be no-one. *heard that, and is all GLEE HEE.*
Gabriel> Maybe I simply don't enjoy the subject. It is something of a sore spot.
Yandros> Then there /was/ someone.
Gabriel> Did I say that? Not for myself in particular. For angels in general.
Yandros> So you despise the idea of love because it's hurt other angels. How noble of you.
Gabriel> *scowls* I did not say that either. Simply recently. I'm certain you've taken note of the abundance of...demons and angels.
Yandros> Are you jealous that you're not getting any? *is really picking up slang fast, here*
Gabriel> *whirls and GLARES at Yandros* *low and cold* Drop the subject, now.
Yandros> *smiles just as icily* No.
Yandros> So it is that, isn't it. You're jealous.
Gabriel> *hisses* And of what, precisely, do you suggest I am jealous?
Yandros> The fact that you can't find love. The idea that you, such a high-ranking archangel, has never had someone to truly say you love. And perhaps, here, the memory that when someone you know did find love, they suffered for it so greatly that they had to turn to Chaos to be repaired.
Gabriel> .....*just -stares- at him, then scowls* ...Which one of our number did you..."repair"?
Yandros> The Metatron was in pain. I gave him back the wings that were torn off by his lover's underling.
Gabriel> *looks a little stunned* ...the Metatron lost his wings as well...?
Yandros> You didn't know? A shame.
Gabriel> I...I did not, no.
Yandros> He did. And I gave them back to him. *smiles, less icily now* You see? I am not entirely evil.
Gabriel> ...*eyes him a bit suspiciously*
Yandros> *smile is just a grin now* Was there anybody?
Gabriel> ...*cannot lie, cannot tell the truth*
Yandros> Who was it?
Gabriel> ...*shakes his head*
Yandros> *chaosprodding on Gabriel's mind* Who was it?
Gabriel> *glares sharply* Don't do that.
Yandros> I'm entirely trustworthy, Gabriel.
Gabriel> *stares. at. floor.*
Yandros> I swear it. Tell me who he was.
Gabriel> *slightly frustrated flaily noise at the back of his throat*
Yandros> *all glowy and such, leaning in not too close*
Gabriel> ...*something inaudible*
Yandros> Hm? What did you say?
Constantine> Yeah, lots of people fucking in this place.
Gabriel> *slightly louder but still incoherent mumble*
* Fabian is now known as Lucifer
Lucifer> *and this is his cue to silently enter the room...*
Yandros> *leans in, a bit closer, to listen* One more time...?
Gabriel> *harshly* -Michael.- *looks up, eyes blazing* Michael. My closest companion, the chief of our guard, the most glorious of His angels, and the one who happens to be in love with the Lord of Hell.
Yandros> You love him.
Lucifer> ... *-freezes-*
Yandros> How...typical.
Gabriel> *glares* It isn't as if I chose it.
Yandros> *smiles a bit wider now* One angel loves another angel, but could never admit so. Then the one he loves, not realizing this affection, falls for the one person in the world his admirer cannot stand...
Gabriel> *so not noticing Lucifer, by the way*
Gabriel> Stop that. *glareglareglare*
Yandros> *stops* I'm sorry. It slipped out.
Yandros> *still smiling though*
Gabriel> *glaring* *and more than a little shaky*
Yandros> If it wasn't your fault, then whose was it?
Gabriel> *deflates slightly* I didn't -choose- to fall in love with him.
Yandros> Ah, yes. I know about this, at least. *straightens up, grinning* The arrows of love strike randomly.
Lucifer> *is so not letting him notice him ... *
Yandros> Just your luck to be shot with one while looking at your superior.
Lucifer> *is also going to assume that just because Gabs loves Michael that there's at least -something- in return, because is a stupid Ruler of Hell* *and Father of Emo*
Yandros> *notices Lucifer, but doesn't seem to care*
Yandros> And does he love you in return?
Gabriel> *scowls slightly* *under his breath* Of course not.
Yandros> No reciprocation. Does he even /know/?
Gabriel> *still faintly scowling, stares at the floor and shakes his head*
Yandros> *smiles wider, avoiding laughing*
Yandros> How absolutely cliche.
Gabriel> *looks up to glare*
Yandros> *only smiles, glances over at Lucifer*
Gabriel> *follows his gaze and..........oh, -shit-*
Lucifer> *does not look too happy. really.*
Yandros> *notices expression and aura changes and goes: YAY CHAOS*
Gabriel> *....would imagine so. expression is going ohbollocks ohbollocks ohbollocks, to quote Anansi Boys.*
* Michael has joined #desperatefans
Yandros> ...let me guess. That's the Lord of Hell?
Lucifer> ...
Gabriel> *slightly strangled* That...would be him, yes. ......*oh, look who ELSE it is.* *absolutely pales*
Lucifer> *and you thought you knew awkwardness before this*
Gabriel> *seriously. this is...just really, really bad.*
Yandros> *thinks this is all quite hysterical*
Gabriel> *stfu, Yandros*
Lucifer> *clears his throat, and nods a bit coldly, because he's trying to still wrap his mind around it all* Hello, Michael.
Michael> *notices the awkwardness permeating the room and frowns slightly* Hello.
Gabriel> *attempts to blend into the wall* *kind of fails*
Yandros> *glances at Michael and smiles*
Lucifer> *shoots a really obvious and sharp glare at Gabriel*
Michael> *glances between Lucifer, Yandros, and Gabriel* What's going on?
Yandros> A love triangle, I believe.
Gabriel> .......*could really just kill Yandros right now*
Michael> A what?
Lucifer> ....
Gabriel> *attempting to give Yandros surreptitious WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING (only more angelic) looks*
Michael> *looks at Lucifer, confused* What love triangle? *not suspicious at all, no*
Gabriel> *thisclose to just flaming out*
Lucifer> Maybe I should ask -you- that ...
Gabriel> *...this is so not sounding good*
Michael> ...
Michael> ... Are you accusing me of something?
Gabriel> *so much guilt, omg*
Lucifer> *dangerously calm* ... Should I be? *is still glaring at Gabriel. of course.*
Yandros> *smiles. REALLY wants to say something, but this is more amusing.*
Gabriel> *meets the glare a little nervously with a slightly accusing look*
Michael> *stern* Of course not.
Lucifer> Then ask -him- what the matter is. *points at Gabriel*
Gabriel> *freezes*
Michael> *turns to him slowly* Gabriel?
Gabriel> *tenseliekwhoa* ...Michael. *not looking at him*
Michael> What are you not telling me?
Gabriel> *bites his lip and studies the floor*
Lucifer> *stands to the side, and the typist can't even -say- how angry he looks*
Michael> *waits, eyes fixed on Gabriel*
Yandros> *so having trouble not laughin*
Yandros> laughing*
Gabriel> ...*very much not saying anything*
Michael> *right, if Yandros laughs, will actually smite him.*
Lucifer> *gets really impatient* Fine. It looks like he isn't saying anything, so I will. *turns to Michael* He -loves- you. He fucking loves you, all right?
Michael> *opens his mouth, utterly stunned* -What?-
Yandros> *thinks this is great. WAY too great.*
Gabriel> *winces* *the floor is especially fascinating without porn*
Lucifer> *glares (wtf) and repeats it again* He loves you. *thinks "and obviously, you must have encouraged him, otherwise he wouldn't have continued loving you"*
Michael> Is this true, Gabriel?
Gabriel> *studies the floor firmly and says nothing*
Michael> Gabriel?
Lucifer> *glower, fume, etc.*
Michael> *confused, a tiny bit wibbly, feeling guilty for some reason he can't understand, etc.*
Gabriel> *looks up at Michael shakily and somewhat helplessly, etc.* *still quiet but...the expression pretty much says it all*
Michael> *closes his eyes and stands in silence for a moment before hiding his face in his hands*
Yandros> *really, REALLY tempted to say things right now*
Gabriel> *looks down and closes his eyes, deflating completely*
Yandros> ...Well. Isn't this interesting. Everybody's accusing everybody else of things they didn't even know existed.
Michael> *lifts his face from his hands* Excuse me?
Yandros> I wonder, what will happen next? An emotional outburst? A hole in the ground? Will someone die, even?
Michael> ...
Michael> Will you go away? *glare*
Yandros> *just GRINNING like nasty evil here, kthx* I don't see why I should. I brought all this up, after all.
Lucifer> *glares too omg, and see, they can finally agree on something*
Gabriel> *pffft. trustworthy, my love interest's boyfriend's second-in-command's crimson boxers.*
Michael> *is no stranger to nasty evil, and does NOT like that grin* *does nasty righteous things to nasty evil things, so...* You did, did you.
Gabriel> *...doesn't actually know about the crimson boxers or care at this particular moment, but the typist had to mention them*
Yandros> Angels and demons in love. Who could have ever thought of such a thing? And now the naturally-paranoid natures of all of you will cause extreme, wild confusion, chaos, and unneccessary pain.
Yandros> *hey, didn't actually say anything! you did it yourself!*
Yandros> I asked Gabriel why he was so hesitant to speak of love, and look what I found?
Yandros> .*
Michael> Leave. Now.
Gabriel> *slight wince*
Michael> *that was to Yandros, obviously*
Gabriel> *yeah, was wincing at Yandros too*
Yandros> *ignores him!* Then in walks the King of Hell. *smile smile SMILE* And it all goes downhill from there.
Lucifer> *...glares, and if Yandros doesn't watch it, he'll probably have Heaven -and- Hell after him*
Michael> *glare of angelic wrath* I think we can take it from here.
Gabriel> *has slumped against a wall by now, really not paying attention to anything*
Lucifer> *doesn't really know what he's glaring -about-, though. but since he can't find anything to say, he might as well glare!*
Yandros> I suppose you can. *pofs away, and is suddenly completely gone, although is actually in kitchen. oh, and left a warped patch of floor, like SERIOUSLY WARPED TO DEFY TIME AND SPACE AND LOGIC AND PHYSICS AND SUCH, where he was standing*
Gabriel> *...this is so very not awkward(
Gabriel> **
Lucifer> *no, not at all...*
Michael> *looks at the patch of floor where Yandros was before turning to the two of them*
Michael> *awkwardness, whee*
Gabriel> *still with the eyesclosed*
Lucifer> *suddenly just says something under his breath that sounds like "I can't take this anymore", turns on his heel, and walks out*
* Lucifer is now known as Lucifer-outside
Michael> Lucifer!-- *follows*
* Michael is now known as Michael-outside
Gabriel> ...*opens an eye, closes it again, and lets out a shaky sigh before flaming out*

Michael-outside> Lucifer!
Lucifer-outside> *is leaning against a wall, and violently smoking a cigarette (if one can do that)* *flatly* What is it?
Michael-outside> I... *stands still, still blown over and not sure what's happening* What's upset you?
Lucifer-outside> ... I'm not sure, actually. *has outwardly calmed down, but is still smoking the cigarette and ... not making eye contact with Michael*
Michael-outside> *quietly* I had no idea.
Lucifer-outside> ... I did. I think. *exhales a cloud of smoke*
Michael-outside> ... Why didn't you tell me?
Lucifer-outside> I thought you -knew-. *finally looks over at him* From the way you were acting, at least.
Michael-outside> What way?
Lucifer-outside> You-- ... I don't know. He wouldn't have continued loving you if you hadn't encouraged him in -some- way, I don't think. Even subconsciously. *angrily grinds his cigarette out with his heel*
Michael-outside> -That- is ridiculous.
Michael-outside> Did I do anything to encourage you to love me? Did you do anything to encourage me? That means nothing.
Lucifer-outside> ... *looks away and mutters something*
Michael-outside> What was that?
Lucifer-outside> Sometimes-- ... Most of the time, I think he'd be better for you than I am.
Michael-outside> *quiet for a long moment* He might be. But I don't care.
Lucifer-outside> ...-I- do, though. *pauses* ... You deserve better than me. *THERE. Finally got the root of all his emo-ing out into the open.*
Michael-outside> I don't -want- better than you. *practically spits the "better"*
Michael-outside> All I want is you. *kisses him, upset and wound up and worried*
Lucifer-outside> *kisses back, and is calmer now* *pulls back* I... *sighs* Sorry.
Michael-outside> *still all worked up, but happy things aren't as tense* Yes, well... *kisses again*
Lucifer-outside> *after awhile* What are you going to do about -him-? *can we hear the hate in his voice? yes we can, indeed.*
Michael-outside> I don't know. I'll find something... I'll speak to him. *moves to kiss him again*
Lucifer-outside> *nods and kisses him back*
Michael-outside> Please don't be upset.
Lucifer-outside> I'm not upset. Really. At least, not with you.
Michael-outside> *sighs* Liar.
Lucifer-outside> ... *looks away, and ok fine, gets rid of the strikeouts* Well, not with -you- ...
Michael-outside> But with him. *is not happy about this, either*
Lucifer-outside> *nods*
Michael-outside> Please don't hurt him.
Lucifer-outside> ... *stays silent*
Michael-outside> *narrows his eyes* Don't.
Lucifer-outside> *sighs* I won't. Or I'll try not to. ...I can't promise anything.
Michael-outside> You can. Promise me this.
Lucifer-outside> ... I can't.
Michael-outside> *closes his eyes* Try.

Gabriel> *flames in, a little dully*
IckleMeta> *LA LA LA SIX YEARS OLD* *gives Gabriel a piece of cake*
Gabriel> ....
IckleMeta> *beams* Feel better, Mister Gabriel sir!
* IckleMeta is now known as Metatron
Gabriel> ....*nods to Meta, really too drained to be confused*
Metatron> *bamf!!1 back to normal* ... *blinks* *blinks again*
Lucifer> *walks back in from outside; doesn't notice Gabriel quite yet*
Gabriel> *freezes* *shitshitshit*
Metatron> *looks slightly grumpy about this, but doesn't know what's been going on, so* Hello, Gabriel, Lucifer.
Lucifer> *looks up at hearing Meta say Gabriel's name, and -now- sees him* *narrows his eyes*
Gabriel> ..........*could. just. die.*
Metatron> ...
Metatron> Wait, what?
Lucifer> *could help. I mean, what?*
Gabriel> *winces and turns, muttering something about needing to leave -now-*
Metatron> ... *lost*
Lucifer> ... *very coldly* Gabriel.
Gabriel> *stops* *does not turn to look at him* *mumbles* Lucifer.
Lucifer> *is trying very, very hard to control his Wrath. for Michael's sake, at least*
Metatron> ...
Metatron> *so confused ;__;*
Gabriel> *so...gets ready to leave again, because...hi, awkward*
Metatron> ...What's wrong? *innerflails sadly*
Gabriel> *shakes head slightly*
Lucifer> *mutters something about "bloody angels" (er. not supposed to be taken the violent way. ... or -is- it?) and shoots a glare at Gabriel*
Gabriel> *winces again*

Insert minor break

Metatron> *exists!*
Gabriel> *...totally exists too, wow. but...is about to leave, so.*
Metatron> *CONFUSED. SO CONFUSED. ;__;*
Gabriel> *Lu can explain it...? er.*
Metatron> *...that doesn't really work*
Gabriel> *...well, is leaving, so...*
Metatron> *...yes*
Gabriel> *...right*
Lucifer> *in a surprisingly (dangerously?) even tone* I told him that you'd be better for him, Gabriel.
Lucifer> *there*
Metatron> ... *blink*
Gabriel> *...augh, was about to leave in peace, too* *still not looking at Lucifer* That isn't true.
Lucifer> ...It is. Even he said it was. *watches Gabriel's reaction curiously*
Gabriel> *blinks and actually turns around, looking slightly shocked* ...he did?
Metatron> ... *comprehension dawns!*
Gabriel> *amazing!
Gabriel> *
Lucifer> *nods* He did. He also said "I don't care", but ... -I- care, and I can't stand to see him throwing himself away on someone like me. *sighs frustratedly; almost a growl* And the two of you don't -understand-. That's the bloody reason why I'm angry.
Gabriel> *watches Lucifer, more than a little startled and...rather on the flaily side as well* ...What do we not understand?
Lucifer> *opens his mouth and looks like he's about to say something very important. and then, the mask comes down again, and he's the Ruler of Hell and Prince of Darkness once more* *shakes his head, almost hissing* Nothing. Just forget it. *for the second time today, turns on heel and stalks out of the room*
* Lucifer is now known as Lucifer-gone
Gabriel> *....sigh*
Metatron> ...
Metatron> *blinks* ...Um.

Gabriel> *flames in, again slightly more dully than usual, and...hides somewhere out of sight*
Michael> *whoa, is here, and has a distracted typist*
Gabriel> *is here and...is hiding*
Michael> *is he hiding so well that Michael can't see him? ...probably not* ...Gabriel. *sighs*
Gabriel> *...yeeeah. can't hide from Michael* *bites his lip and stares at that utterly fascinating floor*
Michael> Gabriel, all I'm asking is that you speak to me.
Gabriel> *barely audibly* ...how can you -want- to speak to me...?
Michael> I want to know if you're all right.
Gabriel> ...*sighs* Quite honestly, far from it.
Michael> Tell me.
Gabriel> ...tell you? *weakly* Tell you -what-? I've told you -everything-, even what I never wanted you to find out.
Michael> Why did you keep it from me? What were you worried about?
Gabriel> *laughs quietly and a little bitterly* It would have changed things. It already has.
Michael> It would have.
Michael> But not forever.
Gabriel> *sighs, closing his eyes* ...I would not have put you in such a position. If you didn't know...nothing was wrong.
Michael> It would have been, with you.
Gabriel> That does not matter. *opens his eyes and actually looks at Michael, a slight ferocity there* It never did matter and never would have. If you were fine, if you were well and happy, everything else could be. I did not matter.
Michael> *narrows his eyes just a little at Gabriel* My wellbeing does not outweigh yours, Gabriel. Do not put me on a pedestal.
Gabriel> *slighty desperately* I can't help it. It's what comes of love.
Michael> *buries his face in his hands* -Gabriel.-
Gabriel> *closes his eyes again* *bordering on hysteria* I'm sorry. I can't say it enough, I cannot apologize enough, this is why I never wanted you to know. Especially not now. *takes a shaky breath in an attempt to calm down*
Michael> *completely at a loss for words*
Gabriel> *after a few equally failing shaky breaths, turns away* ...I should go.
Michael> ... please, don't.
Michael> ... please, don't.
Gabriel> *turns back, expression completely lost and disbelieving* ...you still want me here?
Michael> I do.
Gabriel> *lost and flaily and helpless and...yeah, very broken archangel here* ...how...how can you...
Michael> You have been at my side from the very Beginning, even through the Fall. I would not wish you leave me now.
Gabriel> *bites his lip, looking down again* *very quietly but intensely* I will not.
Michael> I am grateful. I would trust no other.
Gabriel> *looks up and gives a very very faint, very very shaky smile* ...I'm sorry.
Michael> *has nothing to say to that, but gives him a small smile and pulls him into a brotherly hug*
Gabriel> *...really, really cannot help clinging, especially now* *closes his eyes tightly and may or may not cry a little*
Michael> *was expecting the clinging, and clings back rather pathetically*
Gabriel> *slowly lets go after a while, wiping his eyes quickly, and takes a step back* ...Tell Lucifer I'm sorry. *shaky, sad smile and flames out*
Michael> *rather shaken by that, but auugh, mun has to go*

And after Mephistopheles gets discorporated...

Mephisto> *discorporated again, dammit* My lord.
Lucifer> ... *blinks* -Mephistopheles-?
Mephisto> Yes, my lord. *containing his anger rather well, actually*
Lucifer> ... What happened -this- time? *won't be, once he finds out*
Mephisto> Discorporated again, lord, as I was torturing John Constantine.
Lucifer> *looks vaguely pleased for a moment* Excellent. But ... who?
Mephisto> I do not wish to say.
Lucifer> *glares and looks imposing* Tell me. *has a bad feeling about this...*
Mephisto> *cowers, but does not refuse* ...Michael, lord.
Lucifer> ...
Mephisto> *OHSHIT* *edges away*
Lucifer> *might possibly pale, but wouldn't be one to admit it* *has a dangerous edge to his voice* What. ... Tell me that isn't true.
Mephisto> I cannot, my lord.
Lucifer> *tries to look furious, like he's expected to ... but might actually be shaking a bit* How -could- he?
Mephisto> I know not... he took Constantine under his protection, and claimed that I-- *were he incorporated, would probably be close to hyperventilating in fear, but is merely shaken spiritually*
Lucifer> *growls under his breath* And Constantine just -happens- to be the one I hate the most.
Mephisto> I am sorry.
Lucifer> Don't be. It wasn't your fault. You did your best, Mephistopheles.
Mephisto> *nervous sort of spiritual shuffle* Sorry for Michael, lord.
Lucifer> *nods, thoughful* Yes, I suppose you should be.
Mephisto> *may be Third Fourth Fifth, but does not always understand Lucifer* What will you do?
Lucifer> ... I'm still unsure. *stands up abruptly* I must go.
Mephisto> Yes, lord. *does not question; not his place*
Lucifer> You will receive your new body soon. *attempts to smile, which ends up more like a grimace, then leaves...*

God> Hello, Lucifer.
Lucifer> ... *is probably the most startled he'll ever be in his life* ... God?
God> Yes.
Lucifer> Well, well. This is certainly a surprise.
God> *nods placidly*
Lucifer> Decided to drop in on your .. former favourite, did you? *emphasis on the 'former'*
God> I like to see how you're doing every once in a while.
Lucifer> And tell me, how am I doing?
God> You can answer that for yourself.
Lucifer> I suppose. ... This really is an awkward conversation. But, tell me. Was it really -your- plan for me to get involved with Michael?
God> *smiles* Why not?
Lucifer> ...
Lucifer> But-- ... *looks really confused*
God> *is ineffable. And confusing. Yes.*
Lucifer> ...Doesn't that break some sort of, you know, Heaven versus Hell rule?
God> Didn't I make them?
Lucifer> ... *opens and closes his mouth* ... Yes. I suppose you did.
God> *smiles and creates a microcosm*
Lucifer> ... Right. *gathers up courage* Why -did- I Fall, anyways?
God> You know why you Fell. *eyes sparkling; quite obviously knows more than She's saying*
God> It would be useless to keep the Rebels in Heaven, wouldn't it.
Lucifer> ... Yes, I can see your point there. Did you have to make it so -painful-, though?
God> You did that.
God> I did not make the decision for you to be evil.
Lucifer> ...
Lucifer> You didn't realize that -Falling- would make me evil? -Right.-
God> *repeats Herself, because he doesn't get it-- not that anyone ever does* I did not make the decision.
Lucifer> ... *frowns*
God> *looks at him with a piercing, though not unkind, gaze*
Lucifer> *right, stops considering -that-...* And I suppose that I'm the one who made Hell what it is, right? *sighs*
God> No. Only I could create Hell.
Lucifer> ...So you eternally damn half of your creations, hmm?
God> One third.
Lucifer> Why?
God> That's what you wanted.
Lucifer> ... And you give me what -I- want?
God> Haven't I?
Lucifer> No, you don't.
God> You wanted to be separate from me, and you are. You wanted to corrupt my creation, and you have. You wanted the love of my general-- he loves you.
Lucifer> ...But- .. *doesn't have anything to say to that*
God> *smiles* -Lucifer.- You can't always get exactly what you want.
Lucifer> I know that. It's just ... *sighs* All I have to ask is 'Why?', but I know I'm not going to get an answer.
God> That's an awfully broad question, Lucifer.
Lucifer> Fine, then. Why -me-?
God> Because you could handle it.
Lucifer> *looks almost fragile for a split-second* ... Can I?
God> You're still alive.
Lucifer> .. *still looks unsure* I suppose.
God> It has been what you made of it.
Lucifer> I see. *begins to look enlightened, which is what happens when you talk with God, yes*
God> *either that or complete befogment, yes* Good.
Lucifer> Or at least, I'm beginning to. Though, I think I've hardly scratched the surface.
God> You've come a little farther than most people have. *smiles*
Lucifer> ... That's ... good to hear.
God> I knew you would.
Lucifer> ... Right. So, if you don't mind, I should probably get back to doing whatever nefarious deed I was in the middle of doing.
God> *nods*
Lucifer> *salutes, perhaps a bit sarcastically, perhaps with a bit of meaning behind it* Nice talking with you.
God> Thank you.

fingon, yandros, michael, maedhros, gabriel, lucifer, mephistopheles, metatron

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