(no subject)

Oct 14, 2005 13:09

...so, a (human-equivilant) five or six year old Celegorm wandered into the plothole. And met Eöl. And they bonded.

...no, I'm not kidding.

[Eol] *same batcave, new bat time*
[WeeTyelko] *startled to find himself someplace that isn't the mansion, and creeps along the hallway*
[Eol] *sitting against the wall, hands still bound*
[WeeTyelko] *peers into the door with big eyes*
[Eol] *looks up and blinks* Lost, little one?
[WeeTyelko] ...yeees. There was this big black thing and it went all swirly and then I wasn't where I was any more.
[Eol] Well now you are here. What is your name, little one?
[WeeTyelko] Tyelkormo Turkafinwë.
[WeeTyelko] ...who're you?
[Eol] *blinks at the finwë* ... Eöl. *tilts his head to the side, studying Tyelko*
[WeeTyelko] Why d'ya have those? *comes into the cell fully, and points at the rope*
[Eol] Why are my hands bound, you mean?
[WeeTyelko] *nods*
[Eol] I did something I oughtn't have.
[WeeTyelko] *big eyes* What did you do?
[WeeTyelko] It must'a been even worse than sneaking out.
[Eol] Oh it was /much/ worse than sneaking out. I've killed someone.
[Aredhel] (Ar: Little one? Remember the story I told you? THIS IS THAT BAD ELF.)
[Eol] *is the BAD ELF yes*
[WeeTyelko] ...what's that?
[Eol] What's what?
[WeeTyelko] Killin'.
[Eol] *smirks* Innocent little thing. Come closer, I'll explain.
[WeeTyelko] Okay. *wanders over*
[Eol] Have a seat. *gestures to the ground in front of him*
[WeeTyelko] *plops down with a curious expression*
[Eol] Do you know the basic concepts of life and death?
[WeeTyelko] Well...um...rabbits die before they go on the table. *sage nod*
[Eol] Well I should hope so! They'd be awful wriggly if you tried to eat them alive.
[WeeTyelko] Indeed! And furry! Fur doesn't taste good. *makes a face*
[Eol] *laughs good naturedly, if that's possible for Eöl* Indeed.
[Eol] But yes, the rabbits have to be dead before they go on the table. The act of making them dead is called killing.
[WeeTyelko] Ooooh! ...why'd you kill someone? *blink* Peoples aren't for eating.
[Eol] [strike]Depends on who you talk to, kid.[/strike]
[WeeTyelko] [strike]Eeeeeewwwwwww![/strike]
[Eol] No, you're very right about that. I didn't mean to kill her. It was an accident. [strike]I have bad aim[/strike]
[Aredhel] [strike]No, I'm just quicker than you.[/strike]
[WeeTyelko] Ooooh. That's sad. But if it was an accident you shouldn't of gotten in trouble.
[Eol] I meant to kill someone else.
[WeeTyelko] Oh.
[Eol] That's why I'm here. *gestures to the room in general*
[WeeTyelko] It's gotta be lonely.
[Eol] Horribly lonely. Not even my wife visits me.
[WeeTyelko] You've gotta wife?
[Aredhel] *NOT. YOUR. WIFE.*
[WeeTyelko] That's not nice of her, to come...
[Eol] I do. Her name is Aredhel.
[WeeTyelko] Is she pretty?
* Retrieving #df-mandos modes...
[Aredhel] *...HE KILLED ME, CLEEG. HE KILLED ME WITH A [strike]SWORD[/strike] [S]JAVELIN[/S] DART.*
[Eol] She's the most beautiful lady in the world.
[WeeTyelko] Nuh-uh. My Amme is.
[Eol] That's sweet. Have you ever seen Aredhel, though?
[WeeTyelko] ...well...no.
[Eol] She's... so... she's perfect.
[WeeTyelko] *curious* Wha' does she look like?
[Eol] Long, silky black hair. Like a raven's wing. Beautiful, smooth pale skin. Grey eyes, intense, penetrating.
[WeeTyelko] She looks like the Pretty Lady.
[Eol] The Pretty Lady?
[WeeTyelko] The one last night that told me a story and gave me milk.
[WeeTyelko] '
[WeeTyelko] Amme called her 'Rissë.
[Eol] *blinkblinkblink* You met Irissë?
[WeeTyelko] *nodnod*
[Eol] Well, young Tyelko, many elves have more than one name. Irissë and Aredhel are the same.
[WeeTyelko] ....oooooohhhhh. Well, she is very pretty and very nice. I don't know why she'd be mean and not see you.
[Eol] We had an argument.
[WeeTyelko] ...oooh. That's not fun. I had an argument with Mai once and we didn't talk for a whole -day.-
[Eol] Oh, I haven't seen Irissë in... weeks.
[WeeTyelko] *looks scandalized* -Weeks?-
[Eol] She hasn't come to see me in all that time.
[WeeTyelko] That's really, really mean. *big eyes*
[Eol] I wish she would. I miss her greatly. *sighs* You're the first person I've seen in... several days.
[WeeTyelko] Oh. That's really sad. *looks sympathetic*
[Eol] *looks pitiful* It is...
[WeeTyelko] I don't like being by myself.
[WeeTyelko] You shouldn't be all alone. *pats his knee*
[Eol] *smiles* I don't like being by myself either.
[Eol] *radiates 'hug me' vibes*
[WeeTyelko] Maybe I'll come visit more. *hugs him* Nobody should be lonely.
[Eol] I would like that a lot, young Tyelko. And thank you for comforting me.
[WeeTyelko] *beams at him*
[Eol] *pats him on the head awkwardly*
[WeeTyelko] *sits in his lap*
[Eol] Will you do me a favour?
[WeeTyelko] ...sure!
[Eol] *awww, puts his arms around Tyeklo* Will you tell the Pretty Lady that I love her and miss her?
[WeeTyelko] *beams and nods* I will!
[Eol] *grins* Thank you!
[WeeTyelko] *grins back*
[WeeTyelko] I better go, before Amme starts looking for me...
[Eol] Ok. *lets him go* Will you come back to see me?
[WeeTyelko] I will! Promise! *bounces to his feet*
[Eol] *waves... awkwardly*
[WeeTyelko] *waves back* Bye Eöl! *runs off*

eol, celegorm, crackplot!

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