... in case anyone is interested and wasn't there when it happened, and for Claire who missed the end thanks to the Ping That Killed Maitimo.
[Visser_3] *stalks in, tail swinging*
[Visser_3] *only a little, though*
[Aredhel] *wanders in*
[Visser_3] *isn't pleased, yanno*
[Aredhel] *smiles vaguely at Visser Three* ...Hello! *wtf, Ar?*
[Visser_3] *glances at Aredhel* *isn't happy, and thinks: creature. I will destroy.*
[Visser_3] *approaches Aredhel...and tailblade flashes out!*
[Aredhel] ...Erm ... *tries to move out of the way*
[Visser_3] *slashes across her arm*
[Aredhel] *pulls out a knife and swipes at his tail*
[Visser_3] *blocks the knife and goes for her throat*
[Aredhel] *...can maybe pull back a bit, but it's going to nick her throat*
[Visser_3] *slashes again, as quickly as before*
[Aredhel] *scre - gurgle. Throat is slit, hi*
[Visser_3] *does it one more time to make sure it really cut her throat completely, and watches her fall*
[Aredhel] *collapses, all dead and bloody, hi*
[Maitimo] *NOW comes in, a little too late*
[Aredhel] *is busy being corpsified and gross*
[Visser_3] *watches her corpse for a bit, then turns and stalks off, wiping his tailblade off on the ground as he goes*
[Maitimo] *stops short, taking in the scene of DEAD COUSIN, HI, and EVIL MONSTER WHAT DID IT* *draws sword* Stop. Right. There.
[Visser_3] *does*
[Visser_3] *glances backwards, but only with his stalk-eyes*
[Maitimo] *very angry psycho elf, here* *almost conversationally* You did that?
[Visser_3] And if I did?
[Maitimo] *walks up to him* I'll take that as a yes, shall I?
[Feanaro] *comes in, not overly good-mooded to begin with*
[Feanaro] Hello Nel--- WHAT HAPPENED?!
[Aredhel] *is corpsified and gross. Hello, Uncle. :D*
[Maitimo] Hello Ada. This thing killed Irissë. I was about to kill it.
[Feanaro] *narrows eyes* That sounds like a good move.
[Visser_3] *tailblade knocks the sword from Maitimo's hand*
[Maitimo] *catches it, hi elf-reflexes* *slashes at V3's tail*
[Feanaro] *draws own sword, and holds it tightly, thanks a lot*
[Visser_3] *blocks the slash and gazes at Maitimo with one stalk eye, at Fea with the other*
[Feanaro] *makes his way to V3's tail end, holding sword at the ready*
[Maitimo] *okay, that's it, no parrying around* *isn't the best swordsman in the world for nothing, y0* *goes for the eyes, then the throat on the backswing*
[Feanaro] *meanwhile, goes for the tail, mostly as a distraction but still very much seriously*
[Visser_3] *knocks away Maitimo's sword again and ducks out of the way of Fea*
[Feanaro] *just keeps attacking, really*
[Maitimo] *was holding more tightly to the sword this time, as isn't daft* *smae with the attacking, in the areas that look like they contain vital organs*
[Visser_3] *leaps back, using mostly his back legs for leverage, and heads for the exit* I have no time for this.
[Feanaro] *draws dagger and throws it after V3, still holding the sword in the other hand*
[Feanaro] *might jump after the dagger, too* *slightly insane? Possibly*
[Maitimo] *well, is insane too, then, as is rushing after V3 with the aim of getting at least one good stab in*
[Aredhel] *Possibly? Probably? Definitely.*
[Visser_3] *avoids the dagger*
[Feanaro] *lands on V3's back and goes for the stalk-eyes, whee*
[Visser_3] *glowers and reaches back, grabbing Fea's arms and throwing him off*
[Visser_3] *or trying to, anyway.*
[Maitimo] *slashes at V3's (weak!) arms*
[Feanaro] *will mercilessly use the chance to cut V3's arms off*
[Visser_3] *whirls his tail up and attempts to slice Fea's head off from behind*
[Feanaro] *has decent reflexes, ducks out of the way and cuts at the lower end of the tail*
[Maitimo] *catches the tail with the sharp bit of his sword as it whirls up*
[Visser_3] *would snarl if he had a mouth, and instead allows himself to fall to one side, trying to crush Fea's leg or something*
[Feanaro] *jumps away from the falling body just to jump at it right again once it's down*
[Maitimo] *runs this handy sword through a soft bit of V3's body, which is so conveniently lying on the ground here*
[Feanaro] *definitely aims to cut the tail off now*
[Visser_3] *kicks out at Fea viciously with his hooves, and Maitimo, although gets stabbed and isn't happy at all.*
[Maitimo] *wrenches the sword around inside V3, because bigger puncture wounds are better*
[Feanaro] *might get a hoof-kick somewhere, but is in slaying!mode, so ignores*
[Feanaro] *and off with the tail?*
[Visser_3] *manages to kick out enough to lodge his hooves in the floor somewhere and pick himself up*
[Maitimo] *oh, good. With this sword still inside V3, that standing up'll be great for internal damage*
[Visser_3] *well, then, most of his tail gets cut, and part of the end goes off, and the internal damage = bad, but he manages to get far enough away to start morphing into something hideous*
[Feanaro] *won't let him get much rest, though, and runs after him again*
[Maitimo] *ditto* *figures catching his during a transformation should help*
[Visser_3] *gets BIG LIEK WOAH.*
[Visser_3] *manages to finish transforming into a large, hideous space-beast with vicious manythings and sharp pointy teeth and claws*
[Maitimo] *ooh, shiny* *attacks*
[Visser_3] *roars and slashes out, catching Maitimo in mid-lunge*
[Feanaro] *draws second sword and attacks with both*
[Feanaro] *slashes at anything that gets close enough to slash at, really*
[Visser_3] *also swipes at Fea, attempting to keep him from getting closer*
[Feanaro] *will cut off whatever he's being swiped at with*
[Visser_3] *has tentacl'd things, which will not be cut off, but will definetely get cut, and thus is wounded as he strikes out*
[Feanaro] *has a really sharp sword, though. As in, cuts through stone without much pressure. Genuine Fëanorian workmanship.*
[Feanaro] *... or two of the sort, actually*
[Maitimo] *flies backwards, and is damaged, but not enough* *picks himself up and goes right back into the fight*
[Visser_3] *ooh. well, is hurt, then. roars and smashes down with two more tentacles, one from two different sides*
[Visser_3] *smashes down Maitimo with one tentacle, effectively killing him because of the ping*
[Aredhel] *Is pretty ... and corpsified and gross. Hello, love!*
[Feanaro] [[Fëa: *vader-worthy NOOOOO*]]
[Celegorm] *...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!**well, that wasn't the best thing to walk in on**SWORD, WHEE*
[Feanaro] *goes for more of the tentacles with his two sharp pretty swords*
[Visser_3] *uses more tentacles to go at Fea, from several different directions*
[Celegorm] *advances, slashing at whatever is nearby and trying not actually to process who's on the floor*
[Feanaro] *ducks and slashes and slays and is not a good person to annoy, and killing a niece he was fond of and a son he loved dearly? ANNOYS HIM.*
[Maitimo]: *look! Is dead! With Ar! Hi, Cele!*
[Visser_3] *roars, screams, slashes wildly with claws and teeth and such*
[Visser_3] *at both of them*
[Feanaro] *does not scream exactly but battle-cries and curses viciously* *also, blocking and slashing and stabbing and kicking and all*
[Celegorm] *is way, way more than pissed off**generally slaying motions, here, and he's pretty damn good at it*
[Aredhel] *would feel loved if she was ... y'know ... alive.*
[Visser_3] *feels that this is kind of...impossible, at the moment, and so rushes for the door while in vilespacecreatureform*
[Feanaro] *is not in let-it-escape!mode* *runs after, attacking wildly, aiming always at what looks like vital parts*
[Celegorm] *follows, yo. You think retreating is going to /stop/ them?*
[Visser_3] *he can hope!*
[Aredhel] *......oh, but the pretty corpse should be tended to ... er. pretty corpse/s/. Erm.*
[Feanaro] *will take care of the corpses later. Fight now.*
[Celegorm] *hi, crazy Feanorian. One track mind, sorry*
[Visser_3] *lashes out at the ground between him and them, then, smashing in the floor and leaving a good-sized hole and a lot of dustclouds in the midst, and attempts to de-morph and escape out the door*
[Aredhel] *...one track minds are good. But can be put to better use. Not that that use should be done until the corpse is no longer corpsified and gross, but ...!*
[Feanaro] *jumps, ignores dust, and attacks as long as V3 is still in sight*
[Celegorm] *jumps out of the way, and gets his sword in anything vaguely like a body part*
[Yandros] *pof*
[Visser_3] *is half-unmorphed, and therefore is rather wounded, but manages to go tearing out the DF-door and escape into the night. very very fast.*
* Visser_3 has left #desperatefans
[Celegorm] ......... *CURSES. LOUDLY* WHAT. IN. ERU'S. NAME?!
[Yandros] *stares at the mess and the corpses* . . .
[Feanaro] *is not exactly known for his tendency to stop following enemies who are retreating, but we'll just assume he learned from his death*
[Aredhel] *............has a puppet sadist for a typist, hi*
[Celegorm] *stopped only because daddy did, yo D:*
[Feanaro] *curses a lot, though*
[Yandros] ...well. Isn't this interesting.
[Feanaro] *returns to remains of main room, then, breathing hard*
[Eris] .... you know, when I went to sleep, there were no bodies.
[Feanaro] *cleans the blade on his tunic as he goes*
* ArmandStJust has joined #desperatefans
[Celegorm] *...follows, face dark, not bothering with cleaning anything*
[Yandros] *watching the corpses carefully, positioned rather close to that of Aredhel*
[Celegorm] *looks at Yandros* Step. Back.
[Aredhel] *...hi! Cele? Love? Save my body from the sketchy chaos god, please?*
[ArmandStJust] *comes downstairs slowly and peers into the room*
[Feanaro] *glares at Yandros, and all else, really* *assumes Cele will take care of Ar, and thus kneels beside Mae*
[Yandros] *backs away from the body respectfully*
[ArmandStJust] *sees Feanor and what he's kneeling beside* Oh no. *way too shocked to move quickly*
[Celegorm] *let's watch the brain FAIL AT PROCESSING**kneels and scoops up Ar's body* ... *now doesn't know what to do, and doesn't want to turn around and face dead brotherness*
[Yandros] *only wants to help. really.*
[Feanaro] *of course. totally selfless.*
[Aredhel] *is bloody in Cele's arms. Hooray. ...Those stains aren't coming out anytime soon, are they?*
[Feanaro] *fighting back tears, hello* *draws Mae's dead body into his arms*
[ArmandStJust] *gets to about five feet near Feanaro and Maitimo and just freezes*
[Feanaro] *turns around sharply, battle-aftermath senses tingling* *relaxes when it's Armand* ...
[Celegorm] *...sits down. In the middle of the floor. and cradles Ar's body to him*
[ArmandStJust] *pale but staring at Feanaro and Maitimo* Ada, what happened?
[Feanaro] *numbly* Something killed Irissë. Nelyo and I went after it, and then it... it got Nelyo, too. *brushes hair out of Mae's face*
[Celegorm] *sharp intake of breath*
[Feanaro] *breaks down and cries now, whee*
[ArmandStJust] I'm sorry. *bites lip* *doesn't feel he has right to cry as he wasn't here but doesn't want to leave Fea this upset*
[Yandros] *is silent, although is quite gleeful inside. chaoswhee!*
[Feanaro] ... I know. *tries to regain control over self*
[ArmandStJust] Ada, if you're sad, cry. There's nothing wrong with it. *looks very sadly at what is left of biggest brother*
[Celegorm] *buries face in the crook of Ar's neck and shakes*
[Feanaro] *shakes head angrily* *strokes Mae's hair again, then walks over to Cele*
[Celegorm] *looks up again, eyes over bright and probably a hint mad*
[Feanaro] *lays arm around Cele's shoulders* *tries to be reassuring but probably fails because of grief*
[ArmandStJust] *looks very sadly at Maitimo*
[Celegorm] *lets him, still shaking* *hoarsely* Do you know its name? *tries very hard not to break down and cry on him*
[Feanaro] *shakes his head* No. Nothing but the taste of its blood, hahaha.
[Celegorm] ...I'll find him. *grip tighten's on Ar's body*
[Feanaro] *nods, numbly* You will need armour.
[Celegorm] ...yes. And swiftly. *didn't think of that, whee, but he's not thinking much at all*
[Feanaro] *nods again* I have it ready.
[Celegorm] Good. *voice quiets* Where will you take them? *looks at Ar's face, tearing*
[Feanaro] Their bodies? Lórien, I suppose.
[Celegorm] Will...will they...?
[Feanaro] *rather too sharply* Of course.
[ArmandStJust] *watches Fea and Cele very carefully*
[Celegorm] *nearly melts in relief, and buries his face against Ar and cries*
[ArmandStJust] You are going to take them someplace I cannot go, aren't you?
[Feanaro] I'm afraid so, Armand.
[ArmandStJust] *cries then* I hope Maitimo comes back soon then, for I shall miss him.
[Feanaro] *breaks down again and cries as well* Me too.
[ArmandStJust] *goes to hug Fea if Fea will let him*
[Feanaro] *is apathetic*
[Argon] *exists*
[Aredhel] *is bloody and corpsified and gross and in Cele's arms, all dead-like, hi brother! :D*
[Celegorm] *is on the floor, clinging to Ar's bloody dead body, crying*
[ArmandStJust] *hugs Fea and hopes it helps*
[Argon] ... *rushes over to Cele* What happened?
[Feanaro] *kneels next to Cele with Mae, looking very pretty and very bloody and very dea, lying nearby*
[Celegorm] *barely can look up* ...it killed them.
[Argon] Who killed them? Who is they?
[ArmandStJust] *sits back on heels, just staring at Maitimo's corpse*
[Celegorm] ...I don't know who it was. What it was. But it killed Irisse. It killed Nelyo. I'm going to kill it.
[Argon] And I will help you... *fights back tears*
[ArmandStJust] *just now realizing what that means* It's not dead?
[Feanaro] *shakes head angrily* It escaped. I deemed it better to look after... the fallen...
[Celegorm] *growls* It fled.
[Feanaro] it probably left traces, though. It was bleeding a lot.
[Argon] Man or beast?
[ArmandStJust] You won't let me help. Not that there is anything I can do anyway. *bitterly*
[Celegorm] Beast.
[Celegorm] But its form was foreign and unstable.
[Argon] Nevertheless, it will pay.
[Celegorm] *darkly* Indeed.
[ArmandStJust] *moves to where he can stroke Maitimo's hair*
[Argon] *stands* I have to go.
[Celegorm] *frowns and nods*
[Argon] *doesn't want Feanaro to see him crying*
[Aredhel] *awwwww, brother! love you! Back soon!*
[Argon] *exits*
* Argon has left #desperatefans
[ArmandStJust] *sings softly in French to Maitimo* *don't ask the typist what because she don't know*
[Celegorm] *stands, and goes to gently lay Ar beside Mai, smoothing the hair out of her face*
[Feanaro] ... right.
[ArmandStJust] *shuts up and looks at Fea*
[Celegorm] *reaches across Ar's body to lay a hand on Mai's shoulder**quietly* Do not worry, elder brother. We will take care of it.
[Feanaro] *carefully scoops up Mae's body and stands, swaying slightly, not so much because of the weight, which should be manageable, but because he's... sad. And angry. And mad.*
[ArmandStJust] Bye Mai. I'll be here when you get back.
[Celegorm] *is plain psycho. :D* *picks up Ar's body again to follow his father*
[ArmandStJust] *doesn't know what to say to Fea at all*
[Aredhel] *...likes psychos! Has a blindspot for them! Also, is dead! :D*
[ArmandStJust] *quietly* Bye, Lady Aredhel...
[Feanaro] ... Armand?
[ArmandStJust] Yes, Ada? *looks up*
[Feanaro] ... this, dear, is why you must be more careful.
[ArmandStJust] *closes his eyes* *does not want to argue right now so nods*
[Celegorm] Can...can we go?
[Feanaro] ... yes. Yes. *leads the way, then*
[Celegorm] ... *follows, still cradling Ar*
[ArmandStJust] *watches them go where he cannot follow*