Ahem. A log.

Oct 05, 2005 03:34

Okay. So Hastur's been... rather eerily pod-person-esque nice lately. Which is really kinda freaking me out. And he's taken to flirting with Nemesis. Which is also really freaking me out, but it's crazy cute, but I have NO IDEA WHY HE'S DOING IT. I think he's just rebounding or something, but we get interesting moments like this one. Hehe.

[19:49] Hastur> *flames in with kittie* Hello, my adoring public!
[19:49] Nemesis> ....adoring public?
[19:49] Hastur> Yes. Adoring public!
[19:49] Nemesis> Since when?
[19:50] Hastur> Since I decided so.
[19:50] Nemesis> Ego much?
[19:50] Hastur> Never denied *that*. Pride, and all.
[19:51] Nemesis> I never said you denied it.
[19:51] Hastur> *grins and sits down, setting Popcorn in his lap* So, how're you, Doodlebug?
[19:52] Nemesis> *Snorts* Good. You?
[19:53] Hastur> I could probably be worse.
[19:53] Nemesis> Huh. Worse probably wouldn't be good.
[19:53] Hastur> Yeah, I agree.
[19:54] Nemesis> That's nice.
[19:55] Hastur> What've you been up to?
[19:55] Nemesis> ......sleeping, actually.
[19:58] Hastur> Oh, sorry, did I interrupt?
[19:59] Nemesis> No. I woke up....an hour ago, maybe. It's not like it matters, anyway.
[20:03] Hastur> Oh?
[20:03] Nemesis> *Shrug* I guess. *rubs at eyes a little*
[20:04] Hastur> What's wrong, Nem? You're not exactly your usual vibrant self.
[20:05] Nemesis> My usual self is vibrant? Hm, I didn't know that. I don't know, I guess I'm just not really into it today.
[20:06] Hastur> Anything I can do?
[20:06] Nemesis> For what?
[20:06] Hastur> To make you feel better?
[20:07] Nemesis> Oh, I'm not feeling any different. I don't know what it is, though.
[20:07] Hastur> Huh. *demonmods up a daisy and hands it over to Nem* There.
[20:08] Nemesis> [Awww, Hastur. You're being really -nice- today.]
[20:08] Phlegethon> [Meta: *shoved in a closet*]
[20:08] Hastur> [Hastur: Am I?]
[20:08] Nemesis> *Smiles* Thank you.
[20:08] Hastur> Welcome.
[20:09] Nemesis> [Dude. A daisy?]
[20:09] Lethe> [*giggles*]
[20:09] Nemesis> [Why is Meta in a closet?]
[20:09] Phlegethon> [Because he'd freak if he saw this.]
[20:10] Nemesis> What prompted the flower?
[20:10] Nemesis> [AwwwMeta.]
[20:10] Hastur> You looked like you could use one.
[20:12] Nemesis> *Grin* I wasn't aware that anyone could look like that.
[20:13] Hastur> *smiles a bit* You managed.
[20:13] Nemesis> I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
[20:14] Hastur> Bad that you needed it, good that I could do something about it.
[20:14] Nemesis> Probably. Maybe. Possibly.
[20:17] Hastur> Want another fairy tale?
[20:17] Nemesis> I like fairy tales.
[20:17] Hastur> *laughs a little* All right, then. Lemme think.
[20:18] Nemesis> *Grins* Make it creative.
[20:19] Hastur> Creative. Okay. Any requests besides creativity?
[20:19] Nemesis> ....nope.
[20:20] Hastur> Okay. Lemme think. Once upon a time, there was a kitten.
[20:20] Nemesis> Awesome. Kitten.
[20:21] Hastur> *grins and scritches Popcorn* I think so. Anyway, this kitten was more or less a happy kitten. She was playful and cute, as all kittens are.
[20:21] Nemesis> Except for evil ones.
[20:22] Hastur> Oh, even evil kittens are playful and cute.
[20:22] Nemesis> ....Hm, I didn't know that. Anyway. Go on. Because you should.
[20:24] Hastur> So, one day, this kitten was taking a walk down a rather out-of-the-way path...
[20:25] Nemesis> ...I'm so not going to ask why.
[20:27] Hastur> She was a curious kitten!
[20:27] Hastur> And she found herself chasing a butterfly, or something.
[20:27] Nemesis> Ah, okay.
[20:27] Nemesis> Or something.
[20:28] Hastur> Right. So anyway, just as she was about to pounce on the butterfly, or something, this sparkling light appeared.
[20:29] Nemesis> Yay light.
[20:31] Hastur> And it was a sparkling fairy. Who thought the kitten was cute and stuff.
[20:31] Nemesis> And stuff. Of course.
[20:33] Hastur> And this fairy actually speaks kitten. So she tells the kitten that she'll grant one of the kitten's wishes.
[20:33] Nemesis> Excellent.
[20:33] Hastur> And the kitten thinks about this for a moment. And wishes for a saucer of milk.
[20:34] Nemesis> ...I like this kitten.
[20:35] Hastur> *laughs* So did the fairy. So she laughed and gave the kitten a saucer of milk, and watched as the kitten drank it all...
[20:35] Nemesis> Annnnnnnd?
[20:36] Hastur> And then the fairy picked up the kitten and took her back with her to her kingdom, for she was the Queen of all the Fairies. And she announced that the kitten would be her beloved pet. And the kitten was kept in luxury for the rest of her days. And the moral...
[20:37] Nemesis> Moral?
[20:37] Hastur> ...is that sometimes the smallest wishes will get you the most happiness.
[20:38] Nemesis> That's a nice moral.
[20:38] Hastur> Yeah. True one, too.
[20:39] Nemesis> It is.
[20:40] Hastur> *nods*
[20:40] Nemesis> *Grin*
[20:42] Hastur> *clasps his hands behind his head*
[20:43] Nemesis> *Plays the the daisy and sticks it in a braid* So, am I anymore myself yet?
[20:44] Hastur> Yeah, I think you are.
[20:44] Nemesis> Excellent.
[20:45] Hastur> *grins* I think so.
[20:46] Nemesis> Glad to hear it, even though I wasn't sure I was different in the first place.
[20:47] Hastur> You were. Just a bit.
[20:48] Nemesis> Huh. That's not normal.
[20:53] Hastur> You're right. But everyone has off days.
[20:54] Nemesis> I guess. For someone who doesn't have to sleep and never does, I've slept a lot in the past few days.
[20:55] Hastur> Yeah. That's generally considered a sign of depression, you know.
[20:56] Nemesis> Sleeping?
[20:56] Hastur> Sleeping more than usual.
[20:57] Nemesis> Does it really count, though? Because I -never- sleep.
[20:57] Hastur> Then why are you sleeping now?
[20:58] Nemesis> Like I really know.
[20:58] Hastur> Yeah, point. And it's not exactly like I'm a psychologist.
[20:59] Nemesis> *Sneeze* Maybe I'm just tired.
[21:00] Hastur> Maybe.
[21:01] Nemesis> *Shrug* That's probably it.
[21:03] Hastur> Yeah.
[21:03] Nemesis> *Grin* But hey, I'm acting like myself again! I think.
[21:04] Hastur> *grins* Yep!
[21:05] Nemesis> Well, maybe it isn't such a good thing. Y'know, temper and all.
[21:06] Hastur> I like your temper. When it's not directed at me.
[21:06] Nemesis> Have you ever seen it directed at anyone else?
[21:08] Hastur> Come to think of it, no, not really. But I *would* like it if it were directed at someone else.
[21:09] Nemesis> I thought not. There hasn't been much call...well, except that one time I was mad at you -and- Meta. That might count. Why would you want to? I mean, it's not any different then when it's directed at you....
[21:10] Hastur> Well, yeah, but I'm not the one getting hurt that way. Holy water is.. bad.
[21:10] Nemesis> I never would've guessed.
[21:11] Hastur> Yes you would, otherwise you never would've used it.
[21:11] Nemesis> Sarcasm. Ever hear of it?
[21:12] Hastur> ... Right. That was almost Clancy-like of me.
[21:13] Nemesis> Heeeey. No making fun of him.
[21:14] Hastur> Okay, okay, sorry. But it's true.
[21:14] Nemesis> Yeah, I know. Shut up.
[21:16] Hastur> Right. Shutting up now.
[21:16] Nemesis> ...wow.
[21:17] Hastur> *looks at Nem quizzically*
[21:17] Nemesis> *Raises an eyebrow* I wasn't expecting you to listen to me?
[21:20] Hastur> *shrugs*
[21:22] Nemesis> *Shrugs back* Yeah, I freak out when you listen to me. Shush.
[21:22] Hastur> *chuckles quietly*
[21:24] Nemesis> And I don't see why exactly you're listening to me because you've never done it before, especially when it concerns Meta.....*twists hair thoughtfully*
[21:25] Hastur> Why not?
[21:26] Nemesis> *Blinks* Why not what?
[21:27] Hastur> Listen to you.
[21:27] Nemesis> *Tilts head* Why -would- you?
[21:28] Hastur> Because I have no reason not to.
[21:30] Nemesis> Except that you're Hastur and that you're -supposed- to hate me.
[21:34] Hastur> I never *hated* you.
[21:34] Nemesis> You certainly acted like it.
[21:35] Hastur> Nah. I like you.
[21:36] Nemesis> Oh?
[21:36] Hastur> Yep.
[21:36] Nemesis> Since when?
[21:37] Hastur> Always did. Sure I messed with you. I'm a *demon*.
[21:38] Nemesis> "messed with" is an understatement.
[21:39] Hastur> No, not really. But if you say so.
[21:39] Nemesis> ....okay, so maybe not.
[21:42] Hastur> See, there we go.
[21:43] Nemesis> *Slight laugh* But the entire time? I thought you hated me. So there.
[21:44] Hastur> Ah, nah. Don't hate you. Promise.
[21:44] Nemesis> I believe you. To a point.
[21:45] Hastur> What point?
[21:46] Nemesis> ....I'm not sure.
[21:46] Hastur> Ah. Got it.
[21:46] Nemesis> Riiiiiiiiiiiiight
[21:47] Hastur> Tell me if you figure it out, though.
[21:47] Nemesis> If I feel like it.
[21:48] Hastur> Right. But I'll let you play with the kitten.
[21:48] Nemesis> I like kittens.
[21:50] Hastur> I hadn't noticed.
[21:51] Nemesis> That's a shame.
[21:54] Hastur> *laughs a little* Isn't it just?
[21:54] Nemesis> *Dramatic sigh* It is.
[21:55] Hastur> Alas! My lack of observation is my undoing!
[21:56] Nemesis> Poor you. Really.
[21:57] Hastur> I know.
[21:57] Nemesis> I can feel your pain. Deep down.
[21:59] Hastur> It's a terrible pain with no cure.
[21:59] Nemesis> That's upsetting. Really, it is.
[21:59] Hastur> I know. I'm sure you are beside yourself with worry.
[22:00] Nemesis> Is it that obvious?
[22:00] Hastur> I'm just perceptive.
[22:00] Nemesis> Oh. Well. That explains a bit.
[22:02] Hastur> Doesn't it?
[22:02] Nemesis> Not really.
[22:03] Hastur> Oh, okay.
[22:04] Nemesis> .....I think I've forgotten what we were talking about.
[22:04] Hastur> So did I, really.
[22:05] Nemesis> Well, we're pathetic, aren't we?
[22:07] Hastur> But the fun kind of pathetic.
[22:07] Nemesis> There's a fun kind?
[22:08] Hastur> Sure is.
[22:08] Nemesis> This is news to me.
[22:09] Hastur> It's *our* kind of pathetic.
[22:10] Nemesis> Now you're just going around in circles.
[22:10] Hastur> I am.
[22:10] Nemesis> Why?
[22:11] Hastur> Exercise.
[22:12] Nemesis> Oh, lovely.
[22:13] Hastur> *grins*
[22:15] Nemesis> Well, can we please go in a straight line, then?
[22:15] Hastur> All right!
[22:19] Nemesis> Excellent.
[22:20] Hastur> So, wanna talk about anything?
[22:20] Nemesis> Is there anything to talk about?
[22:21] Hastur> Purple.
[22:21] Nemesis> *Blink* Purple?
[22:22] Hastur> Good a topic as any.
[22:22] Nemesis> What about purple, then?
[22:23] Hastur> It's an interesting color!
[22:23] Nemesis> Not one of my favorites, but it is interesting, I guess.
[22:24] Hastur> It's like.. red *and* blue.
[22:25] Nemesis> *Laughs* Well, isn't green yellow and blue?
[22:25] Hastur> It is. But red's more fun than yellow.
[22:26] Nemesis> Why's that?
[22:26] Hastur> Red's the color of more exciting things.
[22:26] Nemesis> Hm?
[22:26] Hastur> [XD]
[22:26] Nemesis> [XD]
[22:27] Hastur> Fireballs!
[22:27] Nemesis> Okaaaaaaay.
[22:28] Hastur> [You know it!]
[22:28] Lupin> [Exactly!]
[22:29] Lupin> *is totally humming LM under his breath whilst researching*
[22:29] Hastur> And besides. Yellow's not as strong a color, really.
[22:29] Nemesis> *Shrug* I've always been fond of black.
[22:30] Hastur> Another good color.
[22:30] Lupin> [I STILL WANNA SLEEP WITH -- *shot*]
[22:30] Nemesis> One of the only colors I look good in....I have been told I can pull off wearing pink, though.
[22:31] Hastur> I haven't given much thought to pink. It's kinda like.. red that's not trying hard enough.
[22:31] Nemesis> That's one way to put it. It's a different color altogether, though.
[22:32] Hastur> Why is that? Why isn't light blue a different color from blue?
[22:33] Nemesis> Because pink isn't a light shade of red. There are lighter shades of red, but pink doesn't count as one of them.
[22:33] Hastur> But if you mix red and white, you get pink.
[22:33] Nemesis> *Shrug*
[22:34] Hastur> It's weird, is all.
[22:34] Nemesis> It is. I'm not really a fan of red, though.
[22:35] Lupin> [THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN. Man, I need to stop. XD]
[22:35] Nemesis> [....possibly.]
[22:36] Hastur> But you like pink and black?
[22:36] Nemesis> Yes. And blue, depending on my mood. Grey is nice, too.
[22:37] Hastur> *nods and demonmods Nem's daisy to have pink petals around a black center*
[22:38] Nemesis> *Laughs a little* Thank you.
[22:38] Hastur> Welcome.
[22:39] Nemesis> It's a very original daisy, if you ask me.
[22:39] Hastur> It is, isn't it? How many petals are on it?
[22:40] Nemesis> Ummmm...*Counts* thirteen
[22:41] Hastur> *looks thoughtful for a moment* Huh. Go figure.
[22:42] Nemesis> Hmmm?
[22:43] Hastur> Nothing. Just thinking about something.
[22:43] Nemesis> Thinking about whaaat?
[22:44] Hastur> *laughs a little* Don't worry about it. I'm just odd.
[22:44] Nemesis> I knew that. Now I'm curious.
[22:46] Hastur> Not telling, though.
[22:46] Nemesis> You suck.
[22:46] Hastur> Only when asked nicely.
[22:47] Nemesis> .......Hastur, will you please tell me what made you make that face and say "Go figure?"
[22:48] Hastur> Nope. You'll get the wrong idea.
[22:49] Nemesis> Pleasepleaseplease? *Puppy dog eyes*
[22:49] Hastur> *sighs* Fine. What do people use daisy petals for?
[22:50] Nemesis> Daisy chains?
[22:50] Hastur> Well, that's more than just the petals...
[22:51] Nemesis> Oh. Hmmm...*Bites lip all thoughtful and such* I don't know. I either leave them or pick them off.
[22:52] Hastur> Oh, well.. er.. Some people pick them off when they're trying to figure out things, is all.
[22:52] Nemesis> .......*Blinkblinkblink* Ooooh.
[22:54] Hastur> Yeah.
[22:54] Nemesis> I haven't done that in -years-. Huh. Why were you thinking about it?
[22:55] Hastur> *shrugs* Mind got to wandering.
[22:56] Nemesis> Oh?
[22:57] Hastur> I dunno. Don't worry about it.
[22:58] Nemesis> *Raises an eyebrow* If it wasn't such a nice daisy, I would totally play the game.
[22:59] Hastur> It is a nice daisy. It should keep its petals.
[22:59] Nemesis> My thoughts exactly.
[23:00] Hastur> There we go then.
[23:01] Nemesis> You still have me curious about why you were thinking that.
[23:03] Hastur> I don't know! I was just looking at the daisy!
[23:04] Nemesis> *Giggles* You only thought it after the petal number.
[23:05] Hastur> Yeah. Pretty much.
[23:06] Nemesis> .....hm. It's an odd number.
[23:07] Hastur> It is.
[23:07] Nemesis> If I remember right......odd numbers always land on the one thing.
[23:08] Hastur> Yeah.
[23:09] Nemesis> Huh. No wonder you were thinking.
[23:10] Hastur> Yeah, really.
[23:10] Nemesis> Why's that?
[23:10] Hastur> Because I don't, y'know.
[23:10] Nemesis> Ah, okay.
[23:11] Hastur> Just thought I'd get that out of the way.
[23:11] Nemesis> *Giggles* Alright, then.
[23:12] Hastur> Cool.
[23:12] Hastur> It'd never work out anyway.
[23:12] Nemesis> *Looks amused* Probably not.
[23:12] Hastur> Let's talk about something else now!
[23:13] Nemesis> *Laughs* Someone's nervous.
[23:13] Hastur> Me? I'm not nervous! Why, are you nervous?
[23:14] Nemesis> Not at all.
[23:14] Hastur> Then who's nervous?
[23:14] Nemesis> The cat.
[23:14] Hastur> Aw, Popcorn, why are you nervous? *becomes very very interested in the kitty. who is sleeping.*
[23:15] Nemesis> The cat is also asleep, you know.
[23:16] Hastur> Um. Maybe she's having a bad dream!
[23:17] Nemesis> Look at her. Does she look like she's having a bad dream?
[23:17] Hastur> Um. Not really?
[23:17] Nemesis> Exactly.
[23:18] Hastur> Then why'd you say she was nervous?!
[23:18] Nemesis> *Shrug* You were denying it. And I'm not. So, definately the cat.
[23:19] Hastur> She must be, then!
[23:20] Nemesis> Or, y'know, you're totally denying it.
[23:20] Hastur> Of course I'm denying it! It's not true! I'm not nervous at all!
[23:20] Nemesis> ....listen to yourself talk.
[23:21] Hastur> What?!
[23:22] Nemesis> *Laughs* Really. Listen to yourself talk. You're....I don't have a word for it. But it's vaguely funny.
[23:22] Hastur> I'm talking! What's wrong with talking! There's nothing wrong with talking! I talk all the time! I'm talking now, in fact! Doesn't mean anything! Other than that I'm talking! Which I am!
[23:23] Nemesis> ..............Right. That's why you're repeating yourself.
[23:23] Hastur> Just trying to make a point.
[23:25] Nemesis> Which point is that?
[23:25] Hastur> That I'm not nervous!
[23:25] Nemesis> But, you know, everything except what you're saying implies that you are.
[23:25] Hastur> What do you mean by *that*?
[23:26] Nemesis> The way you're speaking, the expression on your face.....yep.
[23:26] Hastur> What expression? I don't have an expression!
[23:27] Nemesis> Facial expression? The look on your face? Also, your quick denial of everything.
[23:27] Hastur> What denial? I'm not denying anything! Except that I'm nervous, because I'm not nervous at all!
[23:28] Nemesis> I think you just admitted to it, and then denied it again.
[23:28] Hastur> I did not! I said that I'm denying that I'm nervous! Because I'm not!
[23:28] Nemesis> You're not making any sense any more.
[23:29] Hastur> Fine. I might be a *tad* bit nervous.
[23:29] Nemesis> ......Oh?
[23:29] Hastur> Yeah. Just a little. Tad bit. Barely worth mentioning.
[23:30] Nemesis> You sure about that?
[23:30] Hastur> Absotively posilutely.
[23:31] Nemesis> Seriously completely and totally.
[23:31] Hastur> Yes.
[23:31] Nemesis> You're sure it's not more than a tad?
[23:31] Hastur> If it's more than a tad, it's only a tad more than a tad.
[23:32] Hastur> [He's a tad nervous like I have three puppets.]
[23:32] Nemesis> And a tad more than that tad?
[23:32] Nemesis> [XD]
[23:32] Hastur> Nope. Just the first two Tads. Like Tad Lincoln! He was just a little Tad. Mostly because he died young. Never got very big, that Tad.
[23:33] Nemesis> ....for some reason? I really, really doubt that.
[23:34] Hastur> What, just because I'm a demon means I'm always lying? Well, yeah, I lie all the time just like a good demon, and I'm mean and horrible just like a good demon, and I never so much as *think* about talking about love. Just like a good demon. There we go then!
[23:35] Nemesis> *oh so innocent look* Who said anything about love?
[23:35] Hastur> NOBODY! LEAST OF ALL ME!
[23:35] Nemesis> Um, what did you just SAY?
[23:35] Tobias> (YOU'RE KILLING HER DEMON)
[23:35] Hastur> Something about Tad Lincoln?
[23:35] Nemesis> No. After that.
[23:36] Hastur> Oh! I'm a good demon!
[23:36] Tobias> (TAKE OFF HER CORSET!)
[23:37] Nemesis> You mentioned something -neither- of us had brought up. You know, the L word?
[23:39] Hastur> Nyagh!
[23:39] Nemesis> *Grin*
[23:39] Hastur> Don't say the L-word!
[23:39] Nemesis> I -didn't-. -You- did.
[23:40] Hastur> That's ridiculous!
[23:40] Nemesis> No, it's not. Because you did.
[23:41] Hastur> If I did, it was only to talk about what I never talk about!
[23:43] Nemesis> Like I said, you brought the l-word up. Not me.
[23:43] Hastur> Right. Let's talk about something else?
[23:43] Nemesis> *Laughs insanely hard*
[23:45] Hastur> So! What do you think about monkeys?!
[23:46] Nemesis> ....*Can't stop laughing* They're alright, I guess.
[23:46] Hastur> Monkeys are fun!
[23:47] Nemesis> *Still laughing* Alright.
[23:53] Hastur> You're making fun of me.
[23:53] Nemesis> No I'm not.
[23:53] Hastur> *blinks* You're not?
[23:54] Nemesis> No.
[23:55] Hastur> Oh. Thanks, I guess.
[23:55] Nemesis> Why would I be making fun of you?
[23:57] Hastur> Because I.. Wait! You're laughing *with* me! Because I'm the jester!
[23:57] Nemesis> Because you....?
[23:58] Hastur> I'm funny! I'm a funny guy! Amusing! Ha ha! Laugh laugh! Giggle giggle! Tee hee!
[23:58] Nemesis> You're doing it again.
[23:58] Hastur> [XD]
[23:59] Nemesis> [He has a total of two minutes.....yeah. Not going to happen.]
[23:59] Hastur> [Totally not gonna happen.]
[23:59] Hastur> Right. I should calm down. Chill out. NOT ACT LIKE THE BLESSED ANGEL.
[00:00] Nemesis> .....*Starts laughing again* Calming down would be a good step.
[00:00] Hastur> *nods* Calm. I am calm. Positively zen.
[00:00] Nemesis> Right. Sure. I believe you.
[00:01] Hastur> That was sarcasm.
[00:01] Nemesis> Okaaaay.
[00:01] Hastur> Ha! I can still identify sarcasm! I win!
[00:01] Nemesis> .....You know, you really don't.
[00:01] Hastur> ... I lose?
[00:02] Nemesis> Yes.
[00:02] Hastur> Oh. Yeah. I lose.
[00:03] Nemesis> Woo. You're admiting defeat, then?
[00:03] Hastur> I am. I dunno what defeated me, but.
[00:03] Nemesis> [XD]
[00:03] Hastur> [I absolutely do not love Nemesis.]
[00:04] Nemesis> Denial, perhaps?
[00:04] Nemesis> [YOU DON'T? ...Neither do I.]
[00:05] Hastur> [Not yet. Too soon! I mean.. Heartbroken, yo!]
[00:05] Nemesis> [XD niiiiiiice.]
[00:05] Hastur> Probably.
[00:06] Nemesis> Anyway, as much fun as your oh so lovely denial has been, I have to go.
[00:07] Hastur> Oh. Er. Bye.
[00:07] Nemesis> *Laughs* Good night.
[00:07] * Nemesis has quit IRC (Quit)
[00:07] Hastur> *buries his face in a pillow* I suck.
[00:08] Hastur> *flames off*

hastur, nemesis

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