a quiet proposal

Sep 28, 2005 22:25

Finally, I post a up-to-date log. Legolas, Alistair, and Hermione worry about Elrohir, then Legolas gives Alistair the offer of a lifetime.

Legolas: *hugs*
Alix: *is hugged* This is a pleasant surprise!
Legolas: I know, my mun got sent home from work early today
Alix: Mine's sick. I'm feeling perfectly fine, however.
Legolas: ...I'm not. *looks a bit sad*
Hermione: *peeks her head around the doorpost*
Hermione: *bites her lip as it looks like she'd be interrupting something*
Alix: Oh? What's wrong? *pats him on the shoulder*
Legolas: *is looking like he needs all the friends he can get*
Legolas: Elrohir is gone...
Hermione: *gasps loudly, forgetting for a moment that she's interrupting* Ro?
Alix: *blinks* What happened?
Hermione: WHERE IS HE?
Hermione: *claps her hand over her mouth and looks horrified*
Legolas: *is still looking at the ground* ...Morgoth...
Hermione: *walks in carefully, looking quite upset*
Hermione: ...errr... excuse me...
Alix: Oh, my goodness.
Alix: It's no problem, Hermione, come in.
Hermione: Please tell me I heard wrong... -Please-?
Legolas: *looks over at Hermione* *sighs heavily*
Legolas: you did not hear wrong
Alix: *softly* What can we do about it?
Hermione: *closes her eyes tightly as she remembers reading about captured elves*
Legolas: Pray to whatever god you can that he is returned safely....and hope Manwe and Varda can talk some sense into him
Alix: I will, Legolas. Be assured of that. I'll also tell Ms. Ibuki about it; she cares for him a lot.
Hermione: *sighs* Do you suppose Eru would help? He's done so before...
Legolas: Eru might...
Alix: *nods* It's a suggestion. Something needs to be done.
Hermione: *softly* He's saved my life twice... and I am not even one of His children... Surely he would do the same for one of His own?
Alix: *nods*
Legolas: ...I don't know what can be done.
Alix: We could *looks at Hermione* pray to Eru, if it would help?
Hermione: Well, I am certainly going to petition Him.
Alix: That's the word. Thank you.
Hermione: You are welcome. Would you like to petition Him separately?
Legolas: I need to get in touch with Manwe and Varda too, they should know
Alix: I should, yes?
Hermione: Perhaps you can owl them, Legolas?
Hermione: And Alistair and I will petition Eru?
Legolas: *nods*
Legolas: *holds Alix, because he needs the comfort*
Alix: *is held* We'll get through this.
Hermione: I should get a roll of parchment...
Legolas: can you both do me a favor, please don't tell Armand about Elrohir.
Alix: I won't. I promise. He doesn't need the agitation.
Hermione: And neither will I.
Hermione: Though I will admit to having a personal interest in seeing Ro returned safely.
Legolas: *nods*
Alix: I have a quasi-personal interest, through Ms. Ibuki who also doesn't need the stress. If I tell her, she's likely to go investigate.
Legolas: Ms. Ibuki?
Alix: Rion. The girl who can feel spirits. She said Elrohir helped her.
Legolas: *nods*
Alix: I feel helpless. And I hate that.
Legolas: I feel the same way, meleth. And what is worse, they are both headmates and I can't do anything about it.
Alix: *nods slightly and is silent*
Hermione: *is scribbling away furiously at her parchment*
Legolas: Suilad
Alix: *looks up and sees* Hello.
Hermione: *finishes off her petition and sends it off with Pigwidgeon*
Hermione: There... I hope it helps... *bites lip nervously*
Legolas: I hope so too
Alix: I'll write mine later, dear, and it will help. I know it. Have faith.
Hermione: *sits down and slumps... well, as much as she can, given the hump that's getting in the way*
Alix: Hermione? Do you need one of us to sit by you? *looks very worried*
Hermione: No... I'm just worried.
Hermione: And my tummy's starting to get in the way a bit... *smiles thinly*
Legolas: we all are worried
Alix: *nods* Ah. Are you all doing all right, then?
Hermione: Other than nearly 6 months pregnant? Yes, I'm within acceptable parametres.
Alix: *smiles* That's all you can really hope for, isn't it?
Hermione: Yes... I suppose so.
Alix: Exceptional comes along very infrequently, and the most any one of us can really do is function. *sighs*
Legolas: *blinks as he is trying to understand what they are talking about*
Hermione: Well, most of the past two weeks were just that.
Alix: Exceptional?
Hermione: Really rather exceptional, but I miss Ro.
Alix: *nods* I can imagine, although I really only know him via reputation....
Hermione: *smiles softly* He's one of the few people I can actually talk to.
Alix: I understand that feeling entirely.
Hermione: *sighs*
Legolas: *cuddles Alix*
Alix: I hope you feel that you can come to me, Hermione.
Alix: *cuddles Legolas* And I'm here for you, too, but you already know that.
Legolas: I know, and I thank you for that.
Alix: *softly* I wish all of this would just stop.
Legolas: I do too...*sighs heavily*
Alix: That would be asking too much.
Legolas: that is the way of life, sometimes
Alix: *snorts* All the time. I've been at war too long.
Hermione: I do... and I appreciate it, Alistair.
Alix: *to Hermione* It's no trouble at all.
Hermione: I'm going to have an interesting few weeks ahead of me... but I do not wish to interfer with your personal time, Alistair...
Alix: It's not that much of an interference, is it, Legolas? And you know I do answer owls, Hermione.
Legolas: no, you are not interfering at all
Hermione: Ron's said the babies were waking him up at night...
Legolas: how? for they are not born yet
Alix: Bit active, hmm?
Hermione: *laughs* Legolas... human children are, as Alistair says, a bit more active, even before birth.
Hermione: They move around a lot, when they are with their mother.
Hermione: And sometimes, they kick against the mother's tummy, which is something that can be felt from the outside.
Hermione: If I hug Ron, and the babies kick, he can feel that.
Hermione: And if I sleep in his arms, they might kick his side and thus wake him up.
Alix: Hermione? Do you mind me asking you a personal question about that?
Hermione: Not at all...
Hermione: *looks at Alistair questioningly*
Alix: How does it feel? I asked Honor, and she didn't know how to explain.
Hermione: A baby in general? Or the kicking?
Alix: Well, both. *blushes*
Hermione: Well... I can probably explain the kicking part better than the general question...
Alix: That's fine. *smiles*
Hermione: The kicking really starts off as... well... butterflies fluttering in your stomach, when they're still little.
Hermione: And from there, it moves on to full-blown kicks.
Hermione: You could probably feel it for yourself... *smiles*
Hermione: As for a baby in general...
Hermione: the best I can do is that it's a very... happy, warm feeling... like a coccoon almost.
Legolas: um...strange noise in house, brb
Hermione: Like a warm blanket, almost.
Hermione: There are parts that aren't as rosey... like the throwing up and the exhaustion...
Hermione: but overall... *smiles dreamily*
Alix: *nods* Yes, I've heard of those, from my sister before she decided to tube.
Alix: *very softly* So, are they moving about right now?
Hermione: *nods*
Alix: *hesitantly* May I?
Hermione: By all means... *sits back a little*
Legolas: *is just sitting there, enjoying the talking between the two women*
Alix: *puts her hand on Hermione's tummy* I do feel it!
Hermione: They're actually fairly calm right now...
Alix: That's calm. Oh, my.
Alix: They take after Ron, don't they?
Alix: *laughs* I can imagine.
Hermione: *yawns* Sleep is sometimes a problem.
Alix: A certain acquaintance of mine gets like that too, Hermione.
Hermione: Sleep deprived because little ones are awake? *yawns again*
Alix: I think so, but she hasn't told me much about that.
Hermione: Any question you'd want to ask, feel free to do so!
Alix: No problem. Thanks.
Hermione: I think I will try to get some sleep myself...
Alix: All right. I'll see you later, then.
Legolas: goodnight Hermione, and thank you
Hermione: Good night!
Hermione: *gets up and leaves the room, waddling ever so slightly*
Alix: *goes over to Legolas and sits next to him, and puts her arm around his shoulder*
Alix: *almost whispering* What are you thinking about, other than Elrohir? I noticed you looking at us.
Legolas: *blushes* We already talked about that...
Alix: I want to, love. Not right now, but as soon as possible.
Legolas: *quietly* how long before...you change back?
Alix: Soon. A few weeks. But I could always ask to be returned to this, later.
Alix: Someone will do it for me.
Legolas: *nods and holds close*
Alix: *is held, and sighs* I'd never thought that I'd have a hard time deciding.
Legolas: Deciding what?
Alix: Whether or not to change back.
Legolas: I will love you, no matter which form you are in
Alix: It's irrelevant to both of us, except for that one simple difference. But, as I said, we should probably wait for that, just a bit.
Legolas: Well...I would like something first. *smiles*
Alix: What, love, although I think I know the answer. And I am, now, willing to take all associated risks.
Legolas: I think you guessed right...a wedding.
Alix: *eyes widen* Are you...proposing to me?
Legolas: *nods and blushes* Will you marry me?
Alix: *still a bit shocked* Yes. Yes, I will.
Alix: Nothing would make me happier than to become your spouse in truth.
Legolas: *smiles widely and kisses, deeply*
Alix: *kisses him back, embracing him and crying*
Legolas: *pulls back, and notices the tears* *gently wipes them away* I did not mean to make you cry.
Alix: I'm crying because I'm happy!
Legolas: Oh! *kisses again*
Alix: *is kissed, and moves as close to him as is possible on the couch without sitting on him*
Legolas: *actually does pull Alix onto his lap*
Thranduil: *saves chat from typist takeover by entering!*
Alix: *is happy, and kissing*
Legolas: *is too busy kissing Alix to notice daddy*
Thranduil: ... *goes to get tea to avoid son snoggage*
Legolas: *um...air is a good thing, and eventually breaks away for some*
Alix: *snuggles close*
Thranduil: *comes back with tea, and look! They've stopped making out*
Legolas: *see Thrandy, and eeps!*
Thranduil: *smiles at him, glad to see his son, and does smile at Alistair too*
Alix: Legolas? What is it? *still on his lap, and attempting to snuggle.
Legolas: Suilad Ada...
Alix: *looks around* Hello, sir.
Thranduil: Suilad, Legolas, Alistair. How are you?
Legolas: Good. We have something to tell you.
Thranduil: *blink* Yes?
Alix: *smiles, very blissfully*
Legolas: I have asked Alistair to marry me.
Thranduil: ...oh. *long pause, looking between them, then smiles, genuinely* That is wonderful.
Alix: Thank you. That means a lot to us.
Legolas: yes it does, Ada
Thranduil: How long ago was this? *tilts head* I know I have not been around...
Legolas: ...Just before you walked in
Thranduil: ...oh.
Alix: You have exceptionally good timing.
Thranduil: *slightly amused* I suppose so. I will not ask on arrangements, then, as it is obvious you would have had no time to discuss it.
Alix: We do have to think about that. What do we do for an Elven wedding?
Thranduil: Well, many things will have to be arranged...
Alix: *nods* Like what?
Legolas: Concidering that this would be a royal wedding...
Alix: *blushes* I forgot about that.
Thranduil: It has been long since I have organized or attended a wedding. *ponders on this*
Legolas: The last wedding I attened was between Arwen and Aragorn.
Alix: And I can imagine that that one was a massive royal wedding.
Alix: I was at my brother's wedding, over sixty years ago, and don't remember much of it; that's all.
Thranduil: Perhaps they would like to have a hand in helping? I know they are friends of yours...
Legolas: I would like that, Ada.
Alix: How big of a production is this going to be, Legolas?
Legolas: as big or as small as you want it to be, meleth
Alix: Well, we do have a lot of friends, and they all need to be there. So it will be a medium-sized wedding.
Alix: I only wish my family was here. *grasps Legolas' hand*
Legolas: ...I wish they were here too
Thranduil: *frowns slightly in sympathy*
Alix: I doubt they'll show up here, though, and I do have at least one family member, albeit adopted.
Legolas: ...I only have one family member here too.
Alix: I know. But at least it's your father.
Thranduil: *...awkward*
Legolas: *snuggles*
Alix: *snuggles* We should start making plans, though, as soon as possible. How long do we need to prepare?
Thranduil: A year is normal, no?
Alix: A year. I can do that.
Legolas: So can I *smiles*
Alix: The anticipation will be its own reward.
Legolas: *nods*
Thranduil: And should give us plenty of time.
Alix: *nods*
Legolas: So nothing needs to be decided tonight, for we have plenty of time so back to snogging?
Thranduil: Exactly. *smile* Er, I'll leave you to that, then?
Alix: True. But I already told you, I'm a trained planner. Yes, let's go back!
Honor: *look who's here, with treecat and armsman in tow*
Thranduil: *smiles and stands* Congratulations, then. It was good to see you both.
Legolas: same to you, Ada
Alix: Good day, sir.
Thranduil: *nods head to them both and left*
Alix: *notices Honor walk in*
Honor: *nods to Alistair and Legolas*
Alix: Honor? *smiling* We have something to tell you.
Honor: Yes?
Alix: Do you want to tell her, dear, or shall I?
Legolas: You tell her *grins*
Honor: *...if this is an Alistair!pregnancy, is going to cry*
Alix: Legolas has asked me to marry him. I've accepted.
Honor: That's wonderful news, Alistair. *...is, um, a bit tired-looking, probably ><*
Alix: I know. Don't worry about it being any time soon though. Apparently these engagements last one year.
Alix: *worried look* Honor? Are you okay?
Honor: That's a long time. *blinks* Hmm? Yes, I'm fine.
Alix: You look kind of worn out.
Honor: Mm. No, I'm fine. *liarliarliar*
Alix: Are you sure? Paul keeping you busy? *grins* Or is it the something else?
Honor: *slight blush* ...I haven't been seeing much of him lately, actually. And, yes, I'm sure.
Alix: All right, if you say so....
Legolas: *kisses Alix* I need to do something for a little bit, I will be back later
Alix: No problem, Legolas. I'll be waiting, hopefully, and if not it will only be a bit.
Alix: Sit down, Honor, and let's talk.
Honor: *sits* About?
Alix: Everything, or anything. It's been a while since I've seen you.
Alix: *decides to use treecat sign to at least make it less obvious. *clumsily*
Honor: *laughs slightly* You don't have to sign about it, Alistair. It's getting to be obvious. The baby is fine.
Alix: Ah, someone pointed it out to you, didn't they?
Honor: McQueen did, yes.
Alix: She's a sharp one. Theisman pointed that out to me.
Honor: Did he? What did he have to say about her?
Alix: And no, I don't think he's noticed; out of his field of expertise entirely. He's said that she's been helpful with getting him to socialize.
Honor: He's probably the last one of the Peeps I'd worry about knowing.
Alix: I like him, surprisingly. He thinks I'm odd, I'm sure, but we can't have everything.
Honor: He's a good man.
Alix: I know. He's been a bit less depressed over the last day or so, which is good.
Alix: *still smiling* Sorry, Honor, I'm still thinking about my news.
Honor: ...It's fine, Alistair. I probably would be too. In fact, I pretty much /was/ when I had my own news. *grins at him*
Alix: I remember that.
Alix: I just can't believe it yet. Me, married.
Honor: It's ... a bit surprising, yes.
Alix: You're all right with it?
Honor: Of course I am, Alistair. It makes you happy. That's ... an excellent thing.
Alix: That's good. Even with the other news I've had today...I've never been this happy.
Alix: Now I know how you feel.
Honor: *raises an eyebrow* Other news?
Alix: Yes. Apparently Morgoth has kidnapped Elrohir.
Honor: .........................That's ... bad. *so eloquent, Honor*
Alix: Before bed, I will do what I have promised and petition Eru to see if He can do something about it.
Alix: Legolas and Hermione asked me.
Honor: ...Eru?
Alix: Yes. The God of Arda.
Honor: ...Ah. Oh! Yes! Right. I knew that. *tired!*
Alix: You remind me of Hermione, there. She keeps nodding off. It's the baby.
Alix: In her case, at least. Is it keeping you up, or draining you?
Honor: ...The baby's not what's keeping me awake. ...Not that I'm being kept awake. I'm sleeping perfectly well.
Alix: Well, that means that the baby is tiring you out. Are you eating enough? You need to eat for two normally, now you probably need to eat for four.
Honor: I'm eating as much as I can keep down.
Alix: Still throwing up? Oh, Honor!
Alix: You're not okay, really, are you?
Honor: I am not throwing up! Over-eating, however, would led to me throwing up.
Alix: That's not what you said, Skip.
Honor: As much as I can keep down. As much as I can eat without making myself throw up.
Alix: But is that as much as you used to eat?
Honor: ...Yes...
Alix: And don't lie to me, I've seen you at dinner.
Honor: I'm not lying!
Alix: *gives her a very disapproving look* And I'm not sitting on the couch next to you.
Honor: *tilts head to one side* ...You're not?
Alix: You know what I mean.
Honor: ...Yes, I do. I really am eating, Alistair.
Alix: Hey, Nimitz, is she telling the truth?
Nimitz: *signs 'No'*
Honor: *glares at Nimitz*
Alix: Honor? Come clean. What's up.
Alix: We're concerned about you, and Nimitz isn't lying for you this time.
Honor: ...I just haven't been sleeping well.
Alix: I knew it. What's wrong?
Honor: Bad dreams.
Alix: Oh, no. Can you talk about it?
Honor: *shakes head and ... gah, actually looks physically scared and cowery*
Alix: *holds her* It will be all right, Honor, they're only dreams.
Honor: ...They don't /feel/ like it, though.
Alix: I know. I have horrible dreams myself, too.
Alix: I have for years. Have you?
Honor: *nods* Since ... well, really since the Academy.
Alix: About...that, right? Oh, dear. *hugs her tightly*
Honor: *nods*
Alix: Have you ever told anybody before?
Honor: ...About what?
Alix: About the dreams?
Alix: I know you lived with Mike Henke at Saganami, and she never noticed?
Honor: ...They didn't start right away. 've never told anyone about this one. It's the worst, of all of them.
Alix: *hugs her again* Oh, no.
Honor: *wibbling on the couch, hi*
Paul: *frowns at how upset she looks, and goes over to hug her* Love?
Honor: *clings to him* It's nothing.
Paul: *holds her, rubbing her back* Doesn't look like it.
Honor: Just ... nightmares again.
Paul: *kisses her cheek* What about?
Honor: ...Young.
Paul: *tightens his arms around her* He's dead. I love you.
Honor: Love you too. So're you.
Paul: Yes, but I'm here, and he's not. And if he ever showed his face, he'd be so much... squashy pulp on the floor before he knew anything about it. *cups her face in his hand* He can't hurt anyone now.
Honor: *nods slowly*
Alix: *has moved over to empty couch facing Paul and Honor*
Legolas: *comes back in and sits down next to Alix*
Alix: You're back! *kisses him on the cheek*
Legolas: *grins* Yes, it took less time than I thought
Alix: That it did. I moved over here because, well, Paul and Honor need their privacy. Honor's been troubled lately.
Paul: *kisses her softly* I can't stop your nightmares. I wish I could. But don't give them credit awake. *brings his arm around to that his hand is on her stomach, and cuddles*
Legolas: what is wrong?
Alix: Bad dreams, apparently. Like the ones I have, but worse.
Honor: They'll go away again. They did before. They will again. Love you. *kisses him*
Legolas: ...can anything be done to help?
Paul: *kisses back* They'd better. Love you too.
Alix: Not as far as I know, save for reassurance, which she's getting.
Alix: I know if I wake up in my sleep, you'll soothe me back into it, so....
Legolas: *nods*
Alix: And I'd do the same for you.
Honor: *just ... clingsnuggles* How've you been?
Legolas: Elves dream differently though, it is hard to explain.
Paul: *hugcuddles* I've been fine. What about you? Aside from the nightmares.
Alix: Well, you'll just have to point it out to me when you do. You did notice me twitching a bit when we slept together, though?
Honor: Just fine. Better, now.
Legolas: I did...
Alix: I probably was dreaming.
Paul: Good. *cuddles*
Legolas: What do you dream about?
Alix: Sometimes, good things, like being with you. Sometimes, bad things, like of the past-battles I've been in, people I've been unable to save...
Honor: *snugglelove*
Legolas: ...past battles...someday I will have to tell you about some of mine, which still haunt me
Alix: Yes, you will.
Alix: We can talk about them with each other. We're too haunted.
Alix: *softly* Would it be so bad if I was never able to go back home? Would I be breaking my oath?
Legolas: I don't know...but where you go, I will follow
Alix: *sighs* I know. I'd follow you too.
Legolas: How much does your oath mean to you? Would you be able to live with yourself if you did break it because of being here?
Alix: It means...it was my life.
Legolas: *holds her close* let me be your life now.
Alix: This is what I want, now, yes. To be with you. Forever.
Legolas: You are my life, now and forever *kisses*
Alix: *kisses back*
Legolas: Oh! I forgot something! *pulls something out of a belt pouch*
Alix: *looks expectantly*
Legolas: *opens his hand to reveal a simple silver looking chain with a metallic green leaf hanging off of it* My mother gave this to me when I came of age. The chain is mithril and the leaf is made from a green colored gold.
Alix: It's beautiful....
Legolas: My name means 'green leaf'. I want you to have it
Alix: I can't possibly...it was your mother's....
Legolas: *slips the chain over her head* and now the person I love will be wearing it
Alix: *blinks back happy tears* I'm honored. That you'd want me to wear this....
Legolas: *smiles* I love you. *can't seem to say that enough*
Alix: I love you, too, but I have nothing to give you.
Legolas: You have already given me more than you could possible imagine
Alix: *starts crying, without blinking it back, and hugs him*
Legolas: *holds her*
Alix: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Legolas: You are too.
Alix: *sits there in silence, being held*
Alix: I was thinking, dear...
Legolas: Hm? *is listening*
Alix: About the wedding, and after. I know it's a long way off, but...
Legolas: but...?
Alix: Where will we live? In here, or shall we do what Feanor is doing and build a house?
Legolas: a place of our own would be nice
Alix: *nods* I'd like that.
Alix: There's another thing. *looks pensive*
Alix: *touches his ear* Still awake, my little leaf?
Legolas: Yes...I enjoy holding you.
Alix: *giggles* Ah.
Alix: Well, there was one more thing I was thinking about.
Legolas: You seem to do a lot of thinking...not that I mind it.
Alix: I am a tactician by training. I think a lot. Always busy.
Alix: Oh, I was wondering if it would be proper for me to be male at the wedding, you know, but that's a long way off.
Legolas: same sex relationships are not unheard of in in my world, so it would be your choice.
Alix: We'll see. In any case, well, after the wedding...but you're right, Legolas, I overthink. We have a year.
Legolas: *smirks* Is there anything I can do to get you to stop thinking for at least a little bit?
Alix: *giggles* I can think of many, many things.
Alix: Wait, that's thinking again! How about you show me?
Legolas: *kisses her deeply and adds a bit of a grope*
Alix: *giggles, kisses back, and blushes*
Legolas: *whispers* Close you eyes and only feel. *gently strokes all over, without taking off any clothing!*
Alix: *closes eyes and shivers a bit*
Legolas: *gently places small kisses over Alix's face and neck*
Alix: *still with eyes closed and is smiling*
Legolas: *whispers something in Sindarin into her ear*
Alix: *whispers* What's that?
Legolas: you will know, someday
Alix: I assume you will teach me?
Legolas: of course
Alix: I can't wait to learn.
Legolas: are you still learning from Ner?
Alix: She hasn't started teaching me yet.
Alix: But she will; she's just tied up right now.
Legolas: I can understand that.
Alix: But I'll learn.
Legolas: I would love that, very much. My language is very beautiful, but it's hard to learn.
Alix: I've tried teaching myself. I know.
Legolas: You have plenty of time, meleth.
Alix: I don't want to think right now.
Legolas: then let me take you up to our room and keep you from thinking.
Alix: So it's ours now? *laughs*
Legolas: *smirks* of course.
Alix: Oh, yes. I'd like that so much.
Legolas: *picks her up and carries her upstairs*
Alix: *is carried*

honor harrington, legolas, thranduil, hermione, alistair, paul tankersley

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