Tom. Is. Back. *squees and bounces around singing 'Happy Happy Joy Joy'*
[20:40] * Cassie has joined #desperatefans
[20:40] [Cassie] *so, look, it's a Cassie!*
[20:40] * Jake has joined #desperatefans
[20:40] [Metatron] *flames in flamingly :D*
[20:41] * Horus-out is now known as Tom
[20:41] [Tom] *walks in, irritated for no apparent reason*
[20:41] [Cassie] *...winces at Tom*
[20:41] [Jake] ... *smiles at Cass*
[20:41] [Tom] *glares in the 'morphs' general direction.
[20:41] [Cassie] *smiles at Jake* *sort of*
[20:42] * Tobias has joined #desperatefans
[20:42] [Tobias] *is... here too :)*
[20:43] [Jake] *smiles at Tobias, too*
[20:43] [Tobias] *kisses Jake's cheek* Hello.
[20:43] [Cassie] *waves at Tobias*
[20:44] [Tom] *smirks evilly at Jake and Tobias*
[20:44] [Tobias] Hi Cassie. *smiles*
[20:45] [Tom] *saunters over* Still with your little boyfriend, Jake?
[20:45] [Jake] I am.
[20:46] [Tobias] *blushes and stares at the floor*
[20:46] [Tom] *shakes head* Such a shame. And I hear he's -living- with you, now.
[20:46] [Cassie] *...did not know that, hi.*
[20:47] [Jake] What's wrong with that, yeerk?
[20:47] [Tobias] *bites his lip*
[20:47] [Jake] *takes Tobias' hand*
[20:48] [Tom] *glances at Cassie, then back at Jake* *smirks* Your little friends know about that?
[20:48] [Tobias] *squeezes Jake's hand for comfort*
[20:49] [Jake] Not about the living together... That was recent.
[20:49] [Cassie] *clearly*
[20:49] [Tom] Keeping secrets now?
[20:50] [Jake] That's not a secret/
[20:50] [Jake] *.
[20:50] [Jake] It just hasn't come up.
[20:51] [Cassie] *it's a secret. But it doesn't matter.*
[20:51] [Tom] But wouldn't something like that be -important-? None of your friends would know where to find him, since you're keeping secrets. It would be very easy for him to just...disappear.... *evil smirk*
[20:52] [Jake] He's not going to disappear.
[20:52] [Cassie] *eyes flash at Tom*
[20:52] [Tobias] *quietly* Jake can... take care of me.
[20:52] [Jake] *nods*
[20:53] [Tom] He can't -always- be around, Tobias. What happens when he's a school? When they're all at school? *pauses* It must be difficult to sneak around, constantly demorphing and remorphing to keep Jake's parents from finding out. *realization* ...Or.... *evil smirk*
[20:54] [Cassie] You're going to want to go now, yeerk.
[20:54] [Tobias] I don't -- *stops*
[20:54] [Tom] No, I think I'd rather stay here. *smiles at Cassie* *sharp look at Tobias*
[20:54] [Jake] *DAMN* *squeezes his hand gently* It's not that hard.
[20:55] [Tom] You don't what?
[20:55] [Cassie] *glares at him* No, I think you'd much rather go.
[20:55] [Tom] Why is that, Cassie?
[20:55] [Cassie] Just go.
[20:55] [Tom] *leans in* No.
[20:56] [Cassie] *not backing down* Go. Away. Now.
[20:56] [Jake] *steps closer to them, letting Tobias' hand go after one last squeeze*
[20:56] [Tom] *isn't either* Why should I?
[20:57] [Cassie] Because, otherwise? You're going to get hurt. Again.
[20:57] [Tom] I really think not.
[20:58] [Cassie] Now.
[20:58] [Tom] No.
[20:58] [Jake] Yeerk. Go.
[20:58] [Cassie] ...Get out of here, yeerk.
[20:59] [Tom] Why should I?
[20:59] [Tobias] *stares fixedly at the floor*
[20:59] [Jake] If you don't, you'll regret it.
[20:59] [Tom] What, are you going to glare me to death? *smirks*
[21:00] [Cassie] ...Do you really think that's all we can do?
[21:00] [Tom] Right here, right now? Yes, I think that -is- all you will do.
[21:01] [Cassie] *...slaps him.* *has, apparently, been infected with a sudden severe case of PMS and everything you can say is wrong. :D*
[21:01] [Jake] Cass! *steps closer to them, raising one hand to defend her*
[21:02] [Tom] *head is turned by the blow* *slowly turns back to face her* *raises his hand, open-palmed, to slap her across the face*
[21:02] [Cassie] *ducks*
[21:02] [Jake] *steps between them* Don't. You. Dare.
[21:02] [Tom] *swings, and half way...stops. just for a moment.* *glares at his hand, and continues the swing*
[21:02] [Cassie] *.........blinks at the pause*
[21:02] [Metatron] *would say something to Nem, but... pacifist treehugging girl slapping yeerk, omg!* *frowns and approaches the 'morphs & Tom* ...what's going on here?
[21:03] [Jake] *uses the pause to raise his hand to protect his face*
[21:03] [Tobias] *glances up at Meta*
[21:03] [Tom] *growls* Nothing. *glares at the morphs* Nothing at all.
[21:03] [Jake] Liar, yeerk.
[21:03] [Cassie] *...just ... blinking*
[21:03] [Metatron] *studies Tom thoughtfully* ... *turns to Jake* Do you know what that thing in his head is?
[21:04] [Tom] *blinks at Meta* ......
[21:05] [Cassie] ....erm.....*blinks at Meta* *then goes back to blinking at Tom*
[21:05] [Tom] *gives Cassie and 'I hate you and want to kill you look'*
[21:05] [Jake] *GLARES at Tom* *to Meta* ...Who are you?
[21:06] [Metatron] Me -- oh. I'm the Metatron, the Voice of God.
[21:07] [Jake] ...Voice of God...? *glances at Cass*
[21:07] [Cassie] ....Voice of .... *blinkstare*
[21:07] [Tom] .... *blinks at Meta* *wtf*
[21:07] [Cassie] Wait .... Voice of ... could you get rid of the thing in his head?
[21:08] [Tobias] *stopped believing in God a while back*
[21:08] [Metatron] ...yes, the Voice of God. *smiles politely in a slightly distracted way* *nods at Cassie* I could. Ought I?
[21:08] [Jake] *amen*
[21:08] [Jake] -Yes-!
[21:08] [Cassie] ...Yes. Yes. Yes, please.
[21:08] [Tom] ...You're insane. *turns and starts to walk away*
[21:08] [Jake] *grabs Tom's arm*
[21:09] [Jake] Not so fast.
[21:09] [Tom] *glares at Jake* Let. Go.
[21:09] [Jake] I won't.
[21:09] [Jake] I want to save my brother, thanks.
[21:09] [Cassie] *grabs Tom's other arm* *because Rach isn't here, and someone else needs to be backup*
[21:09] [Metatron] Hold still. *takes Tom's chin in his hand*
[21:09] [Jake] *smiles slightly at Cass*
[21:10] [Tom] *tries to jerk away from all three of them* *and possibly punch Meta if he can get an arm loose*
[21:10] [Jake] *keeps his grip, expecting that*
[21:10] [Cassie] *probably loses hold of his arm, but jumps between him and Meta*
[21:10] [Tom] *...hits Cassie then?*
[21:10] [Cassie] * hit! Gah!*
[21:11] [Jake] *growls* Bastard!
[21:11] [Tobias] Stop! *jumps up*
[21:11] [Jake] *grabs Tom's other arm, and pins them both behind his back*
[21:11] [Metatron] *flinches* *absently, to Cassie* I can heal any damage he causes -- just...
[21:11] [Tom] *swings again at Meta, trying to get his arm away from Jake*
[21:11] [Tom] *or not*
[21:11] [Cassie] *nods* ...Please, just get it out of there....
[21:11] [Jake] *probably can't hold him long, though, being the LITTLE brother*
[21:11] [Tom] *struggles*
[21:12] [Metatron] I'm trying my best -- *before Tom can get away, takes hold of his chin, concentrates for a moment, and forces the Yeerk out (angel... ness. yes.)*
[21:13] [Tom] *struggles against the people holding him, then just...stops, as the yeerk is forced out of his ear* *stares at the yeerk on the ground, shaking slightly*
[21:13] [Jake] ...Tom....
[21:13] [Tom] *looks up at Jake slowly* ....Jake?
[21:13] [Cassie] *..............slowly starts smiling*
[21:13] [Yandros] *chasomods the yeerk into one hand from across the room and stares at it*
[21:13] [Jake] *wraps his arms around his brother tightly*
[21:13] [Tobias] ... Tom.
[21:14] [Tom] *laugh/sobs and clings to Jake*
[21:14] [Cassie] *stays off to the side*
[21:14] [Jake] *holds him tightly* Oh, God, -Tom-...
[21:14] [Yandros] *dangles it from two fingers* ...
[21:14] [Metatron] *steps to the side as unobtrusively as possible* *glances at Cassie* ...are you hurt?
[21:15] [Tom] *laugh/sobs again* Jake...I love you, bro... *clings*
[21:15] [Cassie] I'm fine. Just ... fine. *smileyhappyCassie*
[21:15] [Jake] Oh, Tom, I love you to... God, I thought we'd never get you back...
[21:16] [Cassie] *totally told Jake they would* *have a little faith, man*
[21:16] [Tobias] *smiles softly and Jake and Tom*
[21:16] [Tom] Never thought I'd get back...oh god I missed you... *starting to cry* Thank you...thank you so -much-....
[21:17] [Jake] *just clings* *silently* *and is crying, too*
[21:18] [Cassie] *grins over at Tobias*
[21:18] [Tom] Thank you for...being prepared to do what you had to do. Even if it meant...just -thank- you. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...I...*crying again*
[21:19] [Tobias] *smiles back at Cassie*
[21:19] [Jake] IwassoscaredI'dhaveto...
[21:19] [Jake] But we're -okay- now...
[21:20] [Tom] *nods* *is just...overwhelmed*
[21:21] [Jake] *suddenly, remembering* ...Tom...
[21:21] [Jake] It may... may not be the time...
[21:21] [Tom] *blinks and pulls away enough to rub his eyes* What is it?
[21:21] [Jake] ...Do... do you... Tobias and me...?
[21:22] [Jake] *Nervous*
[21:22] [Tobias] *panicked look*
[21:22] [Yandros] *lets the Yeerk struggle in his hand*
[21:23] [Cassie] *facepalms at Jake*
[21:23] [Tom] *blink* Oh god -no- of course not, I think it's great, I really do. *hugs Jake again, then looks at Tobias apologetically* I'm sorry, I really am, don't believe anything the yeerk said about that, please. *extends hand to Tobias*
[21:23] [Tobias] *smiles and hugs Tom*
[21:24] [Jake] *reliefzomg*
[21:24] [Tom] *hugs Tobias back* *looks up at Cassie* And, Cassie, I'm sorry about before, and hitting you, and nearly killing you....
[21:24] [Cassie] *shakes her head* No, it wasn't you. It's okay. I ... I'msorry.
[21:25] [Metatron] *wheeeeee, this still isn't really awkward or anything... er.*
[21:26] [Jake] *to Meta* *weakly* Thank you so much...
[21:26] [Tom] *shakes head* *sincerely* You have nothing to be sorry for. I'd rather you had killed -me- than the other way around.
[21:26] [Metatron] *blinks, looks up, and smiles faintly at Jake* You're welcome, really. If I'd known what it was, before...
[21:26] [Jake] *shivers* Evil.
[21:26] [Cassie] I'd never have been able to live with myself. You know that.
[21:28] [Tom] ...But if -you- survived, you could keep fighting. And I would have preferred to die than to continue living like that and watching any of you die by my hands.
[21:29] [Tobias] *looks uncomfortable with the topic of conversation*
[21:29] [Jake] *goes to Tobias and takes his hand again, leaning his head on his shoulder*
[21:29] [Cassie] *whoo, topicchange* It's good to have you back, Tom.
[21:30] [Tom] *first really genuine smile in, oh, five years* It's good to -be- back.
[21:30] [Tobias] *kisses Jake's cheek*
[21:30] [Jake] *smiles at him and is very much the little brother at the moment*
[21:30] [Jake] *all shy and cute*
[21:32] [Tom] *notices them and smiles* *remembers something* ...Tobias, how -can- you be living with Jake without our parents noticing you demorphing? ...If you don't mind my asking... *a little uncertain*
[21:32] [Yandros] *curls the Yeerk up into a ball and puts it in a chaoshammerspace*
[21:32] [Tobias] I... I'm a nothlit again. Only in human form this time.
[21:32] [Jake] *tenses slightly, and puts his arm around Tonias' waist*
[21:32] [Cassie] *winces slightly*
[21:33] [Tom] {{Yeerk: *will die in two days, just FYI*}}
[21:33] [Tom] *eyes widen, then winces slightly* ...I'm sorry.
[21:33] [Jake] *Tobias
[21:33] [Yandros] [[Yandros: Oh, I know, I'll find you a host before then.]]
[21:33] [Tom] {{...Oh dear *blink*}}
[21:34] [Metatron] [...oh, lovely.]
[21:34] [Tom] {{That'll be iiiinteresting}}
[21:34] [Metatron] [Rather.]
[21:34] [Jake] [[ *FLAIL* ]]
[21:34] [Metatron] [...I do not want one of my puppets to be yeerkified. I do not want one of... *flail*]
[21:34] [Tobias] I... do you mind? That I'm staying with you all?
[21:34] [Tom] *smiles* Of course I don't mind.
[21:35] [Tobias] *relieved*
[21:35] [Jake] *ISTOO*
[21:43] [Jake] ...Tom...?
[21:43] [Tom] Yes, Jake?
[21:44] [Jake] ...What do we do about Mom and Dad?
[21:44] [Jake] ...Now that you're back?
[21:45] [Tom] .... *smile fades* ...I don't know.
[21:45] [Jake] *untangles himself from Tobias and hugs Tom again* It doesn't matter right now.
[21:46] [Tom] *nods and hugs back* ...I can't go home, though. They'll find out.
[21:46] [Jake] ...You're right... Damn.
[21:47] [Tom] ...I can just stay here... Even being stuck here is better than...that.
[21:47] [Jake] Yes... *clings* I missed you...!
[21:48] [Tom] *smiles and hugs tight* I missed you too, midget. *messes Jake's hair affectionately*
[21:48] [Tobias] If he's a midget what does that make me? *laughs*
[21:48] [Jake] *grins at Tom* I'll get you for that later.
[21:49] [Cassie] *kyah, this is great*
[21:49] [Yandros] *meanders into the kitchen for coffee, pondering where to put his new acquisition*
[21:49] [Tom] *laughs* *to Tobias* I don't know, I'm sure I'll think of something. *grins at Jake* You do that.
[21:50] [Jake] *mock!glare*
[21:51] [Tom] *laughs and hugs him* Love you too, bro.
[21:51] [Jake] *grins and hugs back*