(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 20:08

Horus sees Ibis with no eyes, and pries the story out of him. He's now broken. Ibis, that isn't your fault either.

[14:10] * Ibis has joined #desperatefans
[14:11] [Ibis] *comes in rather unsteadily, pausing at the entrance to lean against the doorframe, head slightly lowered and a white silk blindfold covering his eyes, or lack thereof*

[14:12] [Horus] *...walks in, as his mun is being stupid today*

[14:13] [Feanaro] *evasive side-glance, and look, a blind Ibis!* ... what...?!

[14:13] [Ibis] *doesn't see Horus, because...hey, lackofeyes* *turns slightly towards Fea's voice* Yes?

[14:13] [Horus] *sees Ibis* ...Thoth? *goes over to him* Are you alright?

[14:14] [Nerdanel] *follows Fea's gaze and bites lip*

[14:14] [Feanaro] *to Ner* Excuse me for a moment. *walks over to Ibis* ... your eyes. What happened?

[14:14] [Ibis] *turns towards Horus with a small smile* Oh. Horus. Hello. I'm - *breaks off and winces slightly, not turning towards Fea again but speaking to him* Forgive me. I don't know who you are.

[14:15] [Feanaro] Curufinwë Fëanáro [s]High King of the Noldor[/s]. One of the Elves.

[14:16] [Ibis] Ah. King Feanor. I've read some records of you. *faint smile* Don't worry for me. I'll heal.

[14:16] [Horus] Thoth...your eyes.... *brushes his hand next to Thoth's eyes, stopping the bleeding* What happened?

[14:16] [Feanaro] Are you sure? ... was it Acheron Hades?

[14:18] [Ibis] *smile* Thank you, Horus. *quiet laugh at Fea* I am a god, King Feanor. No damage done by a mortal would last very long. I'll be all right, Horus. They're just gone.

[14:18] [Nerdanel] *watches quietly, biting lip*

[14:18] [Horus] Thoth, what happened? -Why- are your eyes gone? *mental flailing*

[14:21] [Ibis] *...apparently has some sort of scruples against incriminating Set to Horus* I told you not to worry, Horus. I'll be fine. It'll heal. I may get them back. *faint, slightly sad smile*

[14:21] [Horus] ...Thoth, you're not fine. What happened to your eyes? *is calm, is calm....ok, is flailing and trying not to panic*

[14:25] [Ibis] I'm not fine. But I will be. *looks up, then around, then sighs* ...can you help me sit down, please?

[14:25] [Horus] *nods, then realizes Ibis can't see him* *bites his lip* Of course. But you -are- going to tell me who did this to you. *determined*

[14:26] [Ibis] *shakes his head with another small smile* I'm sorry. I can't.
[14:27] [Horus] *frowns* Why not?

[14:27] [Ibis] *laughs quietly* I can't tell you why, either.

[14:27] [Horus] Thoth. Who. Was. It.

[14:27] [Ibis] *lowers his head* ...can I sit down?

[14:28] [Horus] *leads Ibis to a couch* Who was it.

[14:29] [Nerdanel] *looks at Fea*

[14:29] [Ibis] *sits, bites his lip, and looks away* *as if it matters, but...* *barely audibly* Set.

[14:30] [Feanaro] *wonders whether he should follow Ibis or leave him alone* ... Set? *whoops*

[14:30] [Ibis] *winces*

[14:30] [Horus] .......... *goes tense, and a little pale, but of course Thoth can't see that* *quiet, flat, unsurprised tone* ....did he.

[14:32] [Ibis] *nods* *because Horus CAN see that* This was after he threatened to kill me and informed me he hated me. He also wishes I had never existed, but I can't grant him the satisfaction of fulfilling that. *looks up, expression nervous* ...don't hold it against him, please.

[14:32] [Feanaro] *decides, finally, to follow Thoth and Horus after all*

[14:33] [Horus] ........... *nods just a little, but doesn't say anything*

[14:34] [Nerdanel] *tired of standing there and waiting, so goes to stand by Fea*

[14:34] [Ibis] *can't see!* *bites his lip* ...He still has them. He'll give them back eventually. It'll be fine, honestly, Horus.

[14:35] [Feanaro] ... Sir? When I lost my eyes a while ago, I made myself a replacement. I am certain they would work for you, too...

[14:37] [Nerdanel] *half-winces in memory*

[14:38] [Feanaro] *notices that* ... sorry, love.

[14:38] [Nerdanel] It is not your fault, dear...

[14:39] [Feanaro] *curls lips*

[14:41] [Nerdanel] *does not look at him, so does not notice*

[14:42] [Ibis] *smiles faintly* Thank you for the offer, King Feanor. But I can't have any eyes save my own. It's a matter of pride.

[14:42] [Feanaro] ... as you wish.

[14:44] [Feanaro] *half-nod, half-bow, and returns to Ner*

[14:48] [Horus] *is just kinda going numb and shutting down and would be thinking 'how -could- he' if he could manage to be surprised but he's not*

[14:51] [Ibis] *sighs, running a hand tiredly through his hair* Horus...come here. *holds his arms out, attempting to face Horus as best as possible*

[14:52] [Horus] *hesitates for a moment, then clings tightly feeling guilty and betrayed and helpless and more guilty because how must -Thoth- be feeling and there's nothing he can -do- and....*

[14:57] [Ibis] *clings just as tightly, because is also feeling guilty for reasons he doesn't understand, and has just upset Horus, and has no idea what will happen now and it still hasn't properly sunk in that -his eyes are gone-...*

[15:00] [Horus] *slowly pulls himself together, he can break later, -can't- break now because if anyone needs help now it's Thoth* *quiet and determined* I will get your eyes back from him.

[15:03] [Ibis] *tilts his head slightly, biting his lip* ...I don't want Set to be angry with you as well.

[15:05] [Horus] *determined and a little angry* He shouldn't have done this.

[15:05] [Ibis] *shrugs uncomfortably* ...I'm sure he had reason. I don't know exactly what it was, but...*trails off as if he's about to add something, then bites his lip*

[15:06] [Horus] *surprised* He didn't even tell you -why-? *notices* ...What is it?

[15:08] [Ibis] He...said a few things, but...didn't clarify. Suffice it to say he hates me. *pause* *barely audibly* ...whatever it was, I'm sure I deserved it.

[15:10] [Horus] *frowns* Thoth, I can't think of anything you have ever done that would deserve this. You don't even like to -argue-, so what could you have done to deserve this?

[15:13] [Ibis] *looks down* ...I...needn't've done it on purpose...I wouldn't hurt him if I could avoid it...he...mentioned wanting to...anger Anubis. *bites his lip*

[15:15] [Horus] Then it wasn't anything you did, he was just using you to get to Anubis. ....But why would he want to anger Anubis? *confused* I thought that Anubis was the one person he's never hated.

[15:18] [Ibis] He said he hated me, though. He wanted to kill me. *touches the spot on his sternum where Set's knife was absently* I showed him where to stick the knife. He did this because he knew it would be worse for me than death.

[15:19] [Horus] Set's hated most people at one point or another. You -will- have your eyes back, I promise you.

[15:23] [Ibis] *nods* I just...*shakes his head slightly* I...hate the tension in the family. We can never avoid it. For...a while, it was fine, but...*breaks off, shaking his head* I wish things would be all right. I don't like seeing everyone get -hurt-.

[15:26] [Horus] *faint, almost bitter smile* *tries to keep his tone light* Nothing is ever peaceful for very long in our family. Haven't you noticed that by now?

[15:28] [Feanaro] [[... well, Thoth, currently you WON'T see anyone get hurt. Um.]]

[15:29] [Horus] {{....ouch, Lyra.}}

[15:29] [Feanaro] [[sorry! *ducks*]]

[15:33] [Ibis] Of course I have. *mirrors the smile* I've recorded all of it. *turns his hand over, palm up* I...don't know how I'll record this without bias. ... *flinches* *voice catches* ...not that I'll be able to for a while.

[15:35] [Horus] *puts a hand on Ibis's shoulder* Everyone's allowed to be biased sometimes, even you. *squeezes gently* You -will- be able to, I promise. And until then, if you like, you can dictate and I'll write for you. *encouraging smile, that falters when he realizes that Thoth won't see it*

[15:43] [Ibis] *shakes his head* I'm a scribe of history. I do what I can to leave the bias out; if my records are bad, whose will they turn to? *raises his head with a slight smile* Thank you for the offer. And...for everything, Horus. Please, please don't be harsh with Set. He had reason for what he did.

[15:45] [Horus] *dark look* Not a good enough reason.

[15:48] [Ibis] *can't see it* Please, Horus. Keep your temper and don't be angry with him. He wouldn't tell me why he did it, but he'll be honest with you. He needs you.

[15:49] [Horus] ... *sighs* Alright. *[s]because you asked[/s]* I'll ask him why.

[16:09] [Ibis] *...this is so not late due to OOC insanity, what?* *smiles* Thank you. I'm all right, honestly. It'll be fine.

[16:14] [Horus] *nods, and hugs* It will be. I promise.

[16:16] [Ibis] *hugs tightly and nods, a slightly bloody tear trailing down his cheek* I...should leave.

[16:19] [Horus] *bites his lip and gently wipes away the tear* ....alright, if you want to. *stares down at the blood on his hand and wonders if leaving Ibis alone right now is the best idea*

[16:21] [Ibis] *faint smile* I don't particularly want to. I'm being told I must, though. Take care of yourself, all right?

[16:21] [Horus] *nods* Alright. You too.

[16:22] [Ibis] *smiles, then gets to his feet and walks slowly to the door, leaning against it briefly before heading out*
[16:22] * Ibis has left #desperatefans

[16:22] [Horus] *watches him go, worrying*
[16:25] [Horus] *sighs and slowly walks out*
[16:25] * Horus is now known as Horus-out

And now, as a bonus, a conversation I had with Horus earlier.

Me: ...Are you ok?

Horus: No. I’m not ok. My lover tore out Thoth’s eyes to make Anubis angry. I’m not fucking ok!

Me: *wince* Well...let’s just stay calm now...

Horus: He’s hurting everyone I care about, how am I supposed to be calm? My boyfriend is fucking psychotic!

Me: *you just now realize this?* You don’t know that...

Horus: Yes I do. He upset Bast. He tore out Thoth’s eyes to upset Anubis - the one person I thought he’d never hated! - and who knows what he’ll do to Loki...or me... Wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to kill me...

Me: He wouldn’t kill you. And he wouldn’t hurt Loki.

Horus: You don’t know that.

Me: I... *sigh*

Horus: He thinks it’s his fault. Thoth is the one person who would never deserve something like that. I wish he’d taken my eyes instead, I really do. Whatever Thoth thinks he did not fucking deserve it. *stalks off to be emo somewhere else*

ibis, horus, nerdanel, feanor

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