Sep 12, 2005 07:59

Yesss, so this log isn't so much "important" as.......... well, it has Christine!! in it, so it self-evidently won't be exactly deep and meaningful, right? Christine asks her BESTFRIENDFOREVER, Cho, how one makes tea. Cho kindly explains and does not strangle Christine. Meta helps and is be/amused.

Also, I had to post it. XD


First, a little OOC episode which (sort of) explains the mythical substance known as "low-fat tea":


Christine joined the chat room.

Marius:Keller: *waves, but is taken over by angry!Marius*

Christine-YAY:*WAVES* *and goes off to find low fat tea ^^*

Feanaro:[[LOW FAT TEA?!]]

Christine-YAY:[[yess, indeedy.  Christine's watching her figure, you know!!]]


Feanaro:[[... there is fat in normal tea?!]]


Metatron:[...no. XD]

Thranduil:[[...depends on the amount of sugar you put in it. XD]]

Jake:[[ ...Then there's fat in -my- tea >.> ]]

Christine-YAY:[[all intricacies of tea-makinga are a closed book to Christine!!]]


And now the feature presentation:


Cho joined the chat room.

Cho: *oh oh oh, is...here.*

Christine-YAY:*comes back from kitchen, without tea*

Christine-YAY:Mr Metatron... Oooh, CHO!  Hi!!


Cho:O__O! *waves at Christine!!!!!!1111*

Christine-YAY:Hiii!!!  *runs over and hugs*

Cho:Oof! *is hug'd!* Hullo there.

Christine-YAY:Cho-o, do -you- know how to make low-fat tea?!  I was going to ask Mr. Metatron as he made such nice tea last time

Metatron:...does low-fat tea exist...?

Christine-YAY:Yes!!  You made some for me!!

Metatron:...well, yes, but... tea doesn't have fat in the first place.



Christine-YAY:Then how can it be low-fat?!

Metatron:*shrugs* I just didn't add any sugar or cream.

Christine-YAY:Oooooh... well that was clever!  *looks slightly bewildered*

Metatron:*sighs and shakes his head, but luckily is in a Very Good Mood, so*

Christine-YAY:*is also in a Very Good Mood... surprisingly enough*


Christine-YAY:So, Cho, in that case, do you know how to make tea -without- sugar or cream?



Christine-YAY:[[gah, mustn't forget the exclamation marks!!!]]

Umm... of course!


Christine-YAY:Would you be a dear and teach me?!  I would so like to have some tea!!  We could go and make some together!!

Metatron:*is amazed -- it's somebody STUPIDER than him*

Christine-YAY:*is... happily oblivious?*

Feanaro:*hides behind his cup of tea in the hope that Christine will not notice him, because OME the stupidity HURTS*

Christine-YAY:*will notice sooner or later, if not distracted, anyone pretty in the room!*


Metatron:*...is quite pretty, actually, but... um*

Christine-YAY:*thinks Metatron is wonderful and shiny and pretty and most importantly makes really good low fat tea and high fat cookies*

Cho:*mock!happy* Sure thing! That's what best mates are for, right? *cheesy wide grin*

Cho:*mock!excited, more like*

Metatron:*oddlooks Cho*

Christine-YAY:Oooh, that's so nice of you!  *grabs Cho's arm and bounces off to kitchen*

Metatron:*...follows out of sheer morbid curiosity*

Cho:*is taken away! and looks back at Meta and mouths 'HELP'*

Christine-YAY:Soo... how exactly does one go about this?!  It must be frightfully complicated!!

Cho:Mmm, quite. Well, let's see...*opens up the cupboard and gets a teabag* Get the cups, will you?

Metatron:You realize that it's the exact same process as making normal tea. You just... don't add sugar or cream.

Alright.....!  *opens cupboards with determination*

Cho:*mutters* She's too thick to notice...

Metatron:*glances at Cho and sighs in a long-suffering sort of way*

Christine-YAY:Here!!!  *two rose-petal-cup-type-things*

Cho:Good, good. Now...we need hot water--

Metatron:I can provide that.

Christine-YAY:*watches with bated breath*

Cho:*smiles* Wonderful. Thanks, Meta.

Metatron:*angelmods up a kettle full of water and touches the side of it -- the whole "flaming" thing can be useful* You're very welcome. *pulls his hand away and looks critically at the kettle* ...There.

Cho:Fantastic. Soo...watch me carefully Christine, this next step is -EXTREMELY- difficult. !!!!! *amusion*


Metatron:*carefully manages not to laugh and instead perches on the counter*


Cho:*gets the kettle* Wait for it, wait for it.... *takes it and pours the water IN OMG?!!!* THERE!

Christine-YAY:...Oooh!  *head on one side and looks at kettle*

Cho:*pouring water into cups* It gets better, trust me!

Christine-YAY:Is that  tea, then?!

Metatron:...Not quite.

Cho:*snorts* The best is yet to come.

Cho:*takes the teabag*


Cho:*puts it into the cup* *beams* Oh, bless it! I actually did it right!

Christine-YAY:[[*soo deaded*]]


Christine-YAY:Is THAT tea then?!!

Cho:*dips the teabag into the cup repeatedly* Amazingly, yes-- this is the non-fat tea of your dreams. Without sugar or cream or milk, or what have you.
Christine-YAY:Ohh, Cho, that's wonderful!  *hearts*

Metatron:*shakes his head and angelmods himself a nice big mug of hot tea, complete with lots of cream and at least two sugarcubes*

Cho:*smiles* Do you think you could handle it, Christine?

Christine-YAY:I think so!!

Christine-YAY:But I do like the way Mr Metatron makes tea!


Christine-YAY:I don't suppose I could learn to do that?!

Metatron:*looks up* ...It's angelic tea.

Christine-YAY:Angelic?!  Ooooh, how exciting!  Does it always appear just like that?!

Metatron:Er. Well, yes. It... comes with being an -angel-.

Christine-YAY:*wistful sigh*  O!  To be an angel!  You are very lucky, you know!!

Metatron:*blinks* I am?

Christine-YAY:Yes!!  You can FLY, and and... make tea... and do all sorts of wonderful exciting things!

Cho:*in admiration* I'd love to be an angel.

Christine-YAY:Me too!

Metatron:Oh, um. Well. Er. It's not all that wonderful, really. *shrugs*

Christine-YAY:You're just being modest so we won't be positively -overcome- with jealously!  That is very considerate of you, of course!


I also dug up some extracts from the original Origins of Low-Fat Tea Log a couple weeks(?) ago... It is also the Long Log of Inky-Fingered Writer-Boy Bonding and what the Denmark is up with Christine!!-->Keller and far too many characters talking in square brackets and asterisks and all sorts, oh my!

...I just realised how many potential crackfed pairings could be drawn from here...
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