Looong log.

Sep 11, 2005 22:12

Continuing with the motif of Galahad just not being able to be left alone by gods... Ares transforms him into a seven-year-old.

Hilarity ensues.

[13:17] * Ares has joined #desperatefans
[13:17] Ares> *bounces in*
[13:18] Galahad> *looks at Ares and frowns*
[13:18] Nemesis> *AH ARES, which typoed, can be ARSE. AHAHAHAHA.* *Wave*
[13:18] Ares> *YES, IT CAN! AND IT'LL BE RIGHT!* *waves at Nem and grins at Glatna.* Hey there.
[13:19] Galahad> *nods stiffly*
[13:19] Eris> *waves at Ares too*
[13:20] Ares> *waaaaves at Eris cheerfully and bounces over to Glatna.* 'Sup?
[13:20] Galahad> ...Nothing.
[13:22] Ares> You suuure? *pokes Glatna.*
[13:22] Galahad> *scowls* Will you *please* leave me alone?
[13:23] Ares> Whyyyy? *grins and pokes again*
[13:24] Galahad> *takes a deep irritated breath*
[13:24] Ares> This is fun! *pokes more*
[13:24] Galahad> Please stop.
[13:24] Ares> Asked you why! You didn't say! *pokepokepoke*
[13:24] Galahad> Because I asked you to.
[13:25] Ares> ...annnnd?
[13:25] Ares> *pokes his side*
[13:25] Galahad> And I was *polite* in so doing.
[13:26] Ares> ...aaaand? Do you have a real reason? That isn't wimpy? *pokes his nose*
[13:27] Galahad> What reason do you have for doing it?
[13:28] Ares> ...it's fun? *grins* *pokes his forehead*
[13:29] Galahad> ...What, precisely, is *fun* about it?
[13:29] Ares> It's fun to watch you not enjoy it! *grins*
[13:31] Galahad> Can't you find someone else to annoy?
[13:32] Ares> Hmmmm...*pauses* *considers* *grins brightly* Nope! *pokepokepoke* What's your favourite colour?
[13:33] Galahad> ...What does it matter?
[13:33] Ares> *shrug* Cuuuurious? *pokepokerevolution*
[13:33] Galahad> *sets his jaw firmly* White.
[13:39] Ares> White, huh? *grins and...Aresmods Glatna.'s clothing black*
[13:40] Galahad> ..... How amusing.
[13:41] Ares> *beams* I thought so too.
[13:41] Galahad> Quite.
[13:43] Ares> So. What were you like as a kid?
[13:44] Galahad> Why is that remotely important?
[13:44] Ares> *shrugs* I wanna know?
[13:44] Ares> And my sister's having a baby. And she's over there. *points*
[13:45] Ares> And it's made me think about kids 'n stuff.
[13:45] Ares> Yeah.
[13:45] Galahad> *shrugs* Much the same as I am now.
[13:45] Ares> Really? *squints* That boring and prudish, huh?
[13:46] Galahad> *frowns* I was raised in a convent.
[13:47] Ares> ...a CONVENT?
[13:47] Ares> *bursts out laughing*
[13:47] Galahad> ... What, dare I ask, is so amusing?
[13:48] Ares> A bloody CONVENT! *laughs hysterically* That...explains...so...much!!
[13:48] Ares> *suddenly goes serious* Want me to tell you a story about nuns?
[13:48] Galahad> .... Not particularly.
[13:49] Ares> Why not? 'S a good story. *grins wickedly*
[13:49] Galahad> I have absolutely no desire to hear the type of stories you would think are good.
[13:50] Ares> What's the problem with my stories? They're GREAT stories!
[13:50] Galahad> To you, perhaps.
[13:52] Ares> *pouts* Okay, you know what?
[13:52] Ares> *ARSEMODS* *turns Glatna. into a kid! er, whatever age the typist wants*
[13:53] * Galahad is now known as LittleGalahad
[13:53] LittleGalahad> *totally seven years old!*
[13:53] LittleGalahad> *blinks, looks around confused*
[13:53] Ares> Awwwwwww!
[13:53] Ares> He's so cuuuuuuuute.
[13:54] Ares> *pats his head*
[13:54] LittleGalahad> *blinks and looks at Ares* Excuse me, sir, where am I?
[13:54] Ares> *grins, kneeling next to Glatna.* You're in Madagascar.
[13:55] LittleGalahad> *blinks* Where is that?
[13:55] Ares> In an obscure backwater little-known planet in a galaxy far, far away, in a universe you can never possibly comprehend.
[13:55] Ares> *nods wisely*
[13:55] LittleGalahad> *blinks* ....What?
[13:56] Ares> *ruffles his hair* Don't worry about it.
[13:56] LittleGalahad> Where is Sister Mary Bernadine?
[13:56] Ares> ...hey, I remember her! Is she the one with grey eyes and the HUGE boobs?
[13:56] Ares> *obviously has NO IDEA of how to talk to kids*
[13:57] LittleGalahad> *blinks* What?
[13:58] Ares> Y'know. Boobs. Breasts. They give milk and stuff. *makes gestures to his chest* Chicks have 'em. We don't.
[13:58] LittleGalahad> *blinks* Baby birds give milk?
[13:59] Ares> *snickers* *points at Eris* See? Look at Auntie Eris over there.
[14:00] LittleGalahad> *looks at Eris* What about her?
[14:00] Ares> *takes Glatna.'s hand and leads him over to Eris and JohnBoy*
[14:00] Ares> Hey, sis. Mind if I teach the kid a thing or two?
[14:01] Constantine> *stares at Ares* The hell?
[14:01] LittleGalahad> *follows, yes.*
[14:01] Eris> ... Yeah, sure, Ares.
[14:01] Ares> *waves at JohnBoy* Yo. Ares. God of war. 'Sup?
[14:01] Ares> *points to Eris's chest* Now, little Galahad, these are what we call knockers.
[14:01] Constantine> Um. Word, yo. *raises an eyebrow*
[14:02] Constantine> ... HEY!
[14:02] LittleGalahad> ...Knockers?
[14:02] Eris> *stares at Ares and starts to laugh*
[14:02] Ares> *nods solemnly*
[14:02] Eris> *a lot*
[14:02] Ares> Or boobs, if you're so inclined.
[14:02] Constantine> *facepalms*
[14:02] Ares> *raises an eyebrow at JohnBoy* Hey,. I'm givin' an anatomy lesson here. Got a problem with that?
[14:02] LittleGalahad> *nods slowly* All right.
[14:02] Constantine> Think he's a little young for that?
[14:02] Constantine> (says the guy who started smoking at NINE)
[14:03] Ares> ....young?
[14:03] Ares> Of course not!
[14:03] Ares> He's...how old are ya, kid?
[14:03] Eris> Are you giving him the man to man talk, brother darling?
[14:03] LittleGalahad> Seven.
[14:03] Ares> See? Seven! Should've started years ago. *winks at Eris* I might. Wanna help demonstrate, if need be?
[14:03] LittleGalahad> I want to be a knight! Or maybe a priest. Or a priest and a knight.
[14:04] Constantine> No! No demonstrating!
[14:04] Ares> *pats his head and beams* Knights! I love knights. ...but, hey, priests get a lot more action...*ponders*
[14:04] Ares> *sticks his tongue out at JohnBoy* Not like we've never done it before.
[14:04] LittleGalahad> *blinks* Action?
[14:04] Eris> *snickers at Ares* Maybe, sweetpea.
[14:04] Ares> Yeah, y'know. Sex.
[14:04] LittleGalahad> What's sex?
[14:05] Constantine> ... Ares.
[14:05] Constantine> He is SEVEN.
[14:05] Constantine> He does not need to know this.
[14:05] Ares> And?
[14:05] Ares> Sure he does!
[14:05] Ares> All growing boys need to.
[14:05] Ares> And I'm the perfect god for the job!
[14:05] LittleGalahad> *eyes widen* You're God?!
[14:06] Constantine> No, he's not God. He's -a- god. A stupid one, at that.
[14:06] LittleGalahad> *frowns* There's only one God, though.
[14:06] Constantine> Gah! *picks Eris up*
[14:06] Ares> *snort* One of 'em, kid.
[14:06] Ares> Pshhh. Where've YOU been?
[14:06] Ares> ...I'm not stupid!
[14:06] LittleGalahad> *frowns, confused*
[14:06] Ares> ...so, anyway. Sex.
[14:06] Constantine> *sets Eris back on the couch* You ok?
[14:07] LittleGalahad> If you're an idol, I don't think I should listen to you.
[14:07] Ares> I'm not an idol! I'm a god!
[14:07] Ares> See? *ARSEMODS up a white flower and hands it to Glatna.*
[14:07] Eris> *dying of laughter* I'm fine.
[14:07] LittleGalahad> *takes the flower* That's just a trick.
[14:08] Ares> Tell me what I should do to prove it, then.
[14:09] Eris> I love my brother.
[14:09] Constantine> You're brother's an ass.
[14:09] LittleGalahad> There is only one God, I know that. *totally starts reciting catechism, which I can't replicate, because, dude, I'm not THAT good a Catholic.*
[14:09] Eris> *kicks John in the shins*
[14:09] Constantine> Ouch!
[14:10] Eris> He's still my brother.
[14:10] Ares> *sticks his tongue out at JohnBoy and winks at Eris* *looks Glatna. in the eye* *and...attempts to ARSEMOD believing him into Glatna.'s braaain* *...or something*
[14:10] Constantine> My sister's a bitch and I still love her!
[14:10] LittleGalahad> *continues reciting, woo*
[14:11] Eris> And if I said your sister was stupid?
[14:11] Constantine> I'd agree.
[14:11] Ares> *sighs and rolls his eyes* Okay, okay, I lied. I'm not a god. I was just...trying to prove that you were really a...what, a good Catholic or whatever. And you've passed the test.
[14:11] Constantine> Cheryl is a lovely person, but she's not the smartest.
[14:11] LittleGalahad> *smiles* I am! But lying is wrong.
[14:12] Eris> *overhears Ares and just snickers*
[14:12] Ares> It is. *looks mock!sorrowful* I'm sorry. But you DID pass the test! Yay! *pins a gold star on Glatna.'s shirt*
[14:12] LittleGalahad> *smiles proudly*
[14:13] Ares> So, anyway. Back to sex.
[14:13] Eris> *calls out to Ares* Are you going to draw pictures, sugar?
[14:13] Jake> I'm not like that.
[14:13] Constantine> Ok. Ok, I won't insult him anymore. Happy?
[14:13] LittleGalahad> Right. ..Sex.
[14:13] Ares> *winks at Eris* Might, babe.
[14:13] Ares> See, kid, when a dude and a chick - or two chicks, or two dudes - love each other very much...or think that the other's really hot...
[14:14] Ares> *leans down and...whispers the rest in Glatna.'s ear, because...hey! PG-13!*
[14:14] LittleGalahad> ....*BRIGHT. RED.*
[14:14] Constantine> *... snickers a little*
[14:15] Ares> *stands up with a grin* Get it?
[14:15] Eris> Amusing, isn't he?
[14:15] LittleGalahad> But.. but.. If someone's hot, why don't you just give them some water to cool down?
[14:15] Constantine> That's what cold showers are for, kid.
[14:16] LittleGalahad> That just.. sounds... complicated. And disgusting. Especially the part with the small animals.
[14:16] Constantine> ... Ares what the HELL did you tell him?
[14:16] Eris> ARES! I thought you were just giving him the beginner talk!
[14:17] Eris> And the small animals are 'dite's thing, anyway.
[14:17] Ares> *looks innocent* That WAS the beginner talk! *looks back at Glatna.* See, hot is a word to describe someone with huge tracts of land knockers. If they're a chick. Or...well, we'll get into that later. And trust me, it's fun. You just have to be careful with the animals.
[14:17] Ares> *grins at Eris* Who d'you think I learned it from?
[14:18] LittleGalahad> ... I don't like it.
[14:18] * Lancelot has joined #desperatefans
[14:18] Constantine> Sex is fun! *smirk*
[14:18] Ares> *pats his head* You will. You just need to try it first.
[14:18] LittleGalahad> *frowns thoughtfully*
[14:18] Lancelot> *wanders in*
[14:18] Ares> Hey! It's that Lance dude! 8waves at him with a wicked grin*
[14:18] Ares> **
[14:18] LittleGalahad> *doesn't notice Lance, not that he'd recognize him if he did*
[14:19] LittleGalahad> *looks over at Ares' mention and bows a bit* Hello, sir.
[14:19] Lancelot> *blinks and nods* Hello, lad.
[14:19] LittleGalahad> ... Are you a knight?!
[14:19] Ares> Don't you know who this IS, little Galahad?
[14:19] LittleGalahad> ...No?
[14:19] Ares> *enjoooying this*
[14:20] Lancelot> ...*blinks*
[14:20] Lancelot> .......Galahad?
[14:20] Eris> He likes to vistit France a lot.
[14:20] LittleGalahad> Yes, sir, that is my name.
[14:20] Ares> *slings an arm around Lance's shoulders* This is my boyfriend! *snogs Lance*
[14:20] LittleGalahad> *O.O*
[14:20] Constantine> He likes to sing and dance a lot?
[14:20] Constantine> .....
[14:20] Lancelot> ....*pushes Ares away*
[14:20] Constantine> *laughs*'
[14:20] Lancelot> What are you DOING?
[14:21] Ares> *grinning insanely* Why, I'm snogging you, dear!
[14:21] Eris> I lo - yeah.
[14:21] LittleGalahad> ....Snog...ging?
[14:21] Lancelot> *pushes him farther away*
[14:21] LittleGalahad> I don't think Sir Lance-dude liked that much, sir.
[14:22] Lancelot> ...*kneels and looks at Galahad quizzically* It's Lancelot, m'boy.
[14:22] LittleGalahad> Oh. All right.
[14:22] Lancelot> *smiles* ...*then looks slightly guilty* S'pose you don't know who I am.
[14:22] LittleGalahad> No, sir.
[14:23] LittleGalahad> I think you're a knight, though!
[14:23] LittleGalahad> I want to be a knight. Or a priest. Or a priest and a knight.
[14:23] Constantine> ... this is entierly too amusing.
[14:23] LittleGalahad> *points to Ares* He says priests get more action, and it sounded somewhat disgusting when he described it, so maybe I'll just be a knight.
[14:23] Lancelot> I am a knight. *nods*
[14:23] Lancelot> .....Don't listen to him.
[14:24] Lancelot> He's an idiot.
[14:24] Constantine> Bah, sex isn't disgusting!
[14:24] Constantine> ... leastways I don't think it is.
[14:24] Eris> It's better then chocolate!
[14:24] LittleGalahad> What's chocolate?
[14:24] Lancelot> ....*tilts head* I have no idea.
[14:24] Constantine> Ou, sex AND chocolate...
[14:25] Eris> *Erismods poor Glatna some chocolate* Try this, honeybunch.
[14:25] LittleGalahad> *takes it and looks at it* What do you do with it?
[14:25] LittleGalahad> *carefully takes a small bite* ... That's quite good!
[14:25] Eris> Sex? Is better then that.
[14:26] Constantine> Better -with- that.
[14:26] LittleGalahad> *offers the chocolate back to Eris* Would you like the rest?
[14:26] Eris> *smirks at John* Especially melted chocolate.
[14:26] Lancelot> *wonders if he should tell Glatna. who he is*
[14:26] Eris> Oh no, honey, you can have the rest.
[14:26] Constantine> You're giving me very naughty ideas, Eris...
[14:26] LittleGalahad> Oh, I don't want the rest. It's too good, I've had enough. Having more would be gluttony.
[14:27] Eris> 's what I do.
[14:27] LittleGalahad> *shrugs and offers the chocolate to Lance* Would you like it, Sir Lancelot?
[14:28] Lancelot> *takes a piece* Thank you, Galahad.
[14:28] Constantine> Naught ideas that should not be done in front of children.
[14:28] Constantine> *Naughty
[14:29] LittleGalahad> You're welcome, sir.
[14:29] Lancelot> *eats it quietly* ...Galahad?
[14:29] LittleGalahad> Yes, sir?
[14:29] Eris> Whisper it in my ear then?
[14:30] Lancelot> ...Do you have --er-- a father?
[14:30] LittleGalahad> No, sir.
[14:30] Ares> *the typist is back and Ares can get back to corrupting! yay!* 'Cooourse he does. Do you know who your dad is, Galahad?
[14:30] Lancelot> *OMG TEH GUILT*
[14:30] Constantine> *leans over and whispers something involving melted chocolate*
[14:30] LittleGalahad> *looks at Ares* No. I don't have one.
[14:30] Lancelot> *blushes a little* Yes, you do.
[14:31] Ares> *nods sadly* You do. But...*very quietly in his ear* He's a -sinner-.
[14:31] LittleGalahad> *eyes widen*
[14:31] Ares> He's committing -adultery-.
[14:31] Ares> With -two people-.
[14:32] LittleGalahad> But... you're not supposed to do that!
[14:32] Lancelot> ...*splutters* ..*quietly*
[14:32] Ares> *shakes his head* No. You aren't. Still, he's done it.
[14:32] Ares> And you know who your dad is?
[14:32] LittleGalahad> *shakes his head*
[14:32] Ares> *points to Lance*
[14:33] LittleGalahad> *looks at Lance, rather dumbfounded*
[14:33] Ares> That's him.
[14:33] Lancelot> *flails at Ares* ....*would challenge him, but last time, that didn't work out so well*
[14:33] LittleGalahad> *looks rather conflicted*
[14:34] LittleGalahad> ...Are you really my father, Sir Lancelot?
[14:34] Ares> *yeeeeah* *nods sadly* What a tragic story. Disrespect of a king, adultery, and sin. And also neglect of your only son.
[14:34] Lancelot> *GLARES*
[14:35] Lancelot> ...Yes, I am.
[14:35] LittleGalahad> *bows again* Nice to meet you.
[14:35] Lancelot> *nods* ..Er. Yes.
[14:36] LittleGalahad> *smiles*
[14:36] Ares> *glares at Lance* You're assuming your fatherly duties without repenting?
[14:36] Tom> At least I am not doomed.
[14:36] LittleGalahad> *looks at Ares and frowns* Will you please stop bothering my father?
[14:36] Lancelot> *ignores Ares* Thank you, Galahad.
[14:37] Ares> Your father's a -sinner-.
[14:37] LittleGalahad> All men are sinners. And the fifth commandment says that I should honor my father.
[14:37] LittleGalahad> And my mother, but I don't have one of those anymore.
[14:38] Lancelot> *bites lip*
[14:38] Ares> *snorts*
[14:38] Ares> You're an interesting kid.
[14:38] Ares> Have fun with 'im, Lance.
[14:38] Ares> Not like THAT, though.
[14:38] Ares> Not that I don't support incest or anything, but....
[14:38] LittleGalahad> [EW, ARES..]
[14:38] Lancelot> *blinks* *ignores Ares some more*
[14:39] LittleGalahad> *looks at Lancelot* Father, you knew my mother?
[14:39] Lancelot> ....*weak grin* Briefly, yes.
[14:39] LittleGalahad> What was she like?
[14:40] Ares> *poofs out, because at this point it's getting boring*
[14:40] Lancelot> Beautiful. Not as beautiful as Gwen, but close ...And naive.
[14:40] LittleGalahad> ...Naive?
[14:40] Lancelot> ..Yes.
[14:40] LittleGalahad> What does that mean?
[14:40] Lancelot> ....Er. Innocent.
[14:41] LittleGalahad> Oh. *nods in satisfaction* Well, that's good.
[14:41] Lancelot> I suppose.
[14:41] LittleGalahad> It is.
[14:47] LittleGalahad> So what is this place, father? Last I remember, I was still in the convent.
[14:48] Lancelot> *blinks* A ..very large house. Rather like a castle.
[14:49] LittleGalahad> Fascinating!
[14:49] Lancelot> *grins*
[14:57] * Lancelot has left #desperatefans
[14:57] Marius> Lance: *totally still here*
[14:57] LittleGalahad> [XD]
[14:58] LittleGalahad> Father, where were you all this time?
[14:58] Marius> Lance: ...Er. Doing knightly things.
[14:59] LittleGalahad> Oh, of course! You must be a grand knight!
[14:59] Marius> Lance: ...*grins*
[14:59] LittleGalahad> What is it like, being a knight?
[15:00] Marius> Lance: Very fun.
[15:01] LittleGalahad> Marvelous! I'm going to be a knight, and I'm going to protect the weak.
[15:01] Marius> Lance: *grins and hairruffles* I'm sure you shall be wonderful.
[15:02] LittleGalahad> *smiles brightly* Thank you, father! *totally gives Lance a hug*
[15:03] Marius> Lance: *AWWWWWWWWS(
[15:06] LittleGalahad> *smiles brightly* Thank you for coming, father.
[15:06] Marius> Lance: *hugs!* ...You're welcome, Galahad.
[15:07] LittleGalahad> *nods*
[15:23] LittleGalahad> *hums some hymn or something*
[15:30] * Metatron has joined #desperatefans
[15:31] LittleGalahad> *looks at Meta*
[15:31] Metatron> *looked at!* *er... blinks*
[15:31] LittleGalahad> Hello, sir!
[15:32] Metatron> *blinks again* Um. Hello, there.
[15:32] LittleGalahad> *smiles*
[15:32] Metatron> Er... who might you be?
[15:32] LittleGalahad> My name is Galahad, sir!
[15:33] Marius> Lance: *awwws*
[15:33] Metatron> ...-Galahad-? You -- ...oh. Well, I'm the Metatron, the Voice of God.
[15:33] LittleGalahad> *EYES WIDEN* Ohhhh.
[15:33] Metatron> *blinks* Hmm?
[15:33] LittleGalahad> *kneels and stuff* It is an honor.
[15:34] Metatron> I -- thank you, then, I suppose. *blinkblink*
[15:34] LittleGalahad> You're welcome, sir.
[15:35] Metatron> *facepalms* ...this is odd.
[15:36] LittleGalahad> Is it true what Sir Ares said about priests, sir?
[15:37] Metatron> Hmm? What did Ares say?
[15:37] LittleGalahad> He says that priests get more actions than knights, but how he described it sounded rather dreadful, so I think I want to be just a knight instead of a knight *and* a priest, now.
[15:38] Metatron> ...more -actions-?
[15:39] LittleGalahad> That's what he said. Or perhaps more action, but that didn't sound right, because it should be plural, shouldn't it? It all had something to do with that sex thing, and as I said, it sounded disgusting.
[15:41] Metatron> *...ellipses. like that tall chick's father* ... *can't form the proper words to phrase what he's feeling at the moment*
[15:42] LittleGalahad> What, sir?
[15:42] LittleGalahad> He told me about knockers, too, and it has something to do with chickens.
[15:42] Metatron> -Priests-... they -- ... *chokes* ...................
[15:43] LittleGalahad> Are you all right, sir? Did I say something wrong?
[15:45] Metatron> The -- priests... -no-. No. Ares -- ...no.
[15:47] LittleGalahad> Oh, so he was wrong? Was he wrong about the sex being better than chocolate thing, too? I've only had one small bite of chocolate, not enough to be gluttony, I hope, but it seemed rather delightful.
[15:47] IckleMark> [I <3 Ickle!Glatna]
[15:47] LittleGalahad> [Don't we all?]
[15:47] Famine> [Ickle!Glatna pwns.]
[15:47] IckleMark> [yes.]
[15:49] Metatron> I... the... yes, he was -- well, actually -- ...um. *turns slightly pink* Er... you might want to talk to an actual priest about this.
[15:50] LittleGalahad> Well, but you're an angel! Shouldn't you know?
[15:50] Metatron> Er... I just file paperwork, really.
[15:51] LittleGalahad> Oh, like copying out the Bible, as monks do?
[15:52] Metatron> Not... exactly. A lot of people want to talk to Him, and -- er... prayers and such, and... well, that's not the point, the point is, I'm really not the right person to ask -- *flails*
[15:52] LittleGalahad> Who is, then, sir?
[15:52] Metatron> Perhaps a priest? Anyone but me? *TRAUMA*
[15:54] LittleGalahad> Yes, but where is there a priest to be had? There was one that came into the convent to do Mass every day, but he's not here, and I found I have a father, but he's a knight and not a priest, and perhaps knows more about knights than priests, and I'm sorry, am I talking too much? Sister Mary Thomas says that children should be seen and not heard.
[15:54] Famine> [Ares: Mary Thomas! SHE was a memorable bang.]
[15:54] Famine> [....*kicks him*]
[15:54] Metatron> Ireallydon'tknow -- fervent apologies -- *FLEES*
[15:54] LittleGalahad> [XDDDDD]
[15:55] LittleGalahad> *blinks*
[15:55] LittleGalahad> Was I rude, father? I appear to have upset him.
[15:55] Marius> Lance: No! No, you weren't, Galahad.
[15:56] LittleGalahad> Then why did he leave? *frowns*
[16:13] LittleGalahad> *yawns*
[16:13] Marius> Lance: *pats Glatna.*
[16:14] LittleGalahad> 'mtired, father.
[16:14] Marius> Lance: Would you like to sleep on me?
[16:15] LittleGalahad> *smiles gratefully and nods*
[16:15] Marius> Lance: *picks up ickle!Glatna and sits down*
[16:16] LittleGalahad> *rests his head drowsily on Lance's shoulder*
[16:16] Marius> Lance: *hairruffles*
[16:16] LittleGalahad> *totally drifts off to sleep and GOD, how ridiculously cute*
[16:16] Marius> Lance: *AWWWWW*

glatna., eris, lancelot, crackplot!, ares, constantine, metatron, nemesis

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