(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 03:14

So there are these two Animorphs. And they can be really cutely adorable. And sometimes, they sort of talk about sex without actually talking about sex, and you only think they're talking about sex because you have most of the window cut off with OOC and it's like "Wow. Did you two just have sex and I missed it?" Anyway. They were really cute and adorable once they started abusing their powers, and I think the log was purty enough to post.

[22:37] * Cassie has joined #desperatefans
[22:37] *is on the couch*
[22:38] *...is in a daze and wanders to the kitchen for ... a coke of some kind*
[22:38] *bites his lip when he sees her* *gets up and follows her* ..Cass?
[22:38] *turns* Jake?
[22:38] How are you?
[22:39] *actually manages to look perfectly all right* I'm fine. Went for a run last night. It helped.
[22:39] Good. I'm glad you're doing better. I was worried.
[22:40] Were you? *not sarcastic at all. No, really. She's not. Just curious.*
[22:40] Yeah.
[22:44] *shrugs and sips at coke* How're you doing?
[22:45] All right.
[22:45] Tired.
[22:45] Tired?
[22:45] *meanders in, healed up yay!*
[22:45] *nods* Tom.
[22:45] *winces* I'm sorry.
[22:46] 'S all right.
[22:46] *hears the name Tom and goes* ...you know Tom?
[22:46] *doesn't know what else to say*
[22:47] *doesn't either* *hey! Look! a distraction!* *turns to look at Teatime*
[22:47] *blinks at Teatime, too* ...Yeah.
[22:48] Really? *slides nearer* Tell me, how do you know him? He's not right.
[22:49] ...Tom who?
[22:49] *slightly uncomfortable, so ... drinks of the coke*
[22:51] Berenson. Your brother, right?
[22:52] ... *bites his lip* Yeah.
[22:53] Tell me, what's wrong with him? He simply isn't right.
[22:53] ...He has some issues, is all.
[22:53] *stays quiet and such*
[22:53] He'll be all right. *looks unhappy*
[22:54] Somehow, I highly doubt that. *smiles at them, all cheerful-like but with the glass eye and those new fangs*
[22:54] ... *um* ...Right.
[22:54] *...blinks at Teatime and hugs Jake* He will be.
[22:54] Please, tell me, is there any way I might be able to help?
[22:56] ...Um... not really.
[22:57] Really...
[22:58] ...Yeah... *uncomfortable*
[23:02] *looks over at Cassie* *to Teatime* I'm sorry to go, but we were just about to go, huh, Cass?
[23:02] Huh? Oh. Yeah.
[23:03] Nice to talk to you. C'mon, Cass?
[23:04] Yeah. *follows ... whereever, I guess. Yeah. She'd follow him whereever.*
[23:04] *goes outside onto the porch*
[23:05] * Now talking in #dfporch
[23:06] ...Okay... least we're away from him...
[23:06] ...yeah.
[23:07] ...Um... Yeah.
[23:08] Right.
[23:08] So... um... what do I say?
[23:08] What do you mean, what do you say?
[23:08] You're upset with me, right?
[23:08] No.
[23:09] Then why...?
[23:09] Why what?
[23:09] Why won't you talk to me?
[23:09] I'll talk to you. What do you want to talk about?
[23:09] I'd -like- to talk about whatever is bothering you.
[23:12] If I knew what it was, I'd tell you.
[23:13] Would you really?
[23:13] Why wouldn't I?
[23:13] Because you wouldn't want me to know.
[23:14] Why wouldn't I want you to know?
[23:14] I don't know, Cass.
[23:15] I really don't know, Jake. I just don't.
[23:16] I hate to see you upset.
[23:18] *sits on the porch railing* I don't think there's anything you can do about it.
[23:19] Is it because of me and Tobias?
[23:20] I've already told you. It has nothing to do with that. How is he, anyway?
[23:21] ....Did he tell you?
[23:21] ...tell me what?
[23:21] ...Cass.. *looks usure*
[23:22] ...Jake?
[23:23] He's stuck.
[23:23] He's /what/?
[23:23] *looks troubled* Two hours, Cass.
[23:24] ...oh, that's just /great/, Jake.
[23:25] Yeah. I know. *very unhappy*
[23:25] *hops off the rail to hug him again*
[23:26] *clings to her just a little cause he's Jake and can't be weak* ...I tried to get him to change....
[23:26] He wouldn't go back?
[23:26] ... *shakes his head*
[23:27] He refused. *hollowly*
[23:27] ...Why?
[23:27] ...Because... he just wants it to end, Cass.
[23:27] He's not cut out for a war. None of us are.
[23:27] Oh, so /now/ you realize it.
[23:29] *snaps slightly* I've always known. Why the hell do you think I worry?
[23:33] *has already snapped, kthxbai* *opens mouth and then shuts it* You know what? Never. Fucking. Mind. *gets off the porch and starts going horse*
[23:34] Cass?
[23:34] Wait, -please-!
[23:34] I'm sorry...
[23:34] *...finishes the morph*
[23:36] Hurting you! Snapping at you.
[23:36] ...Getting us all into this.
[23:37] *desperately* Like you do?
[23:40] It's about -us-. Please, Cass, come back?
[23:43] Because... I don't want you to go... *looks helpless*
[23:45] ...What do you mean?
[23:48] ...I don't understand....
[23:50] Why you follow me. I'm not any different from all of you.
[23:52] ...If you follow me... then why are you leaving me, Cass?
[23:53] *snorts and begins to morph back. Girl with horse-head, yep* I wasn't leaving you, Jake.
[23:54] What were you doing?
[23:55] Running away.
[23:56] ...From me?
[23:59] ...from everyone. From everything? I don't even know anymore.
[23:59] Can I help you? Is there anything I can do?
[00:01] I don't /know/, Jake.
[00:03] *sighs* God... I'm sorry Cass...
[00:04] Once. Again. Sorry about /what/?
[00:05] -Everything.-
[00:05] WHAT everything?
[00:05] Everything that's happened!
[00:05] Ever!
[00:06] And for upsetting you, even if you -won't- admit it.
[00:06] Stop. Blaming. Your. Self. For. Everything.
[00:07] I don't know what else to do!
[00:07] And you're -snapping- at me and it's confusing!!!
[00:08] ...Jake. It's /not/ your fault.
[00:09] How isn't it my fault?
[00:10] What is your fault, Jake?
[00:11] You all got dragged into this, first of all.
[00:11] And I keep getting you hurt by doing the wrong thing.
[00:14] You weren't the one who dragged us in, Jake!
[00:15] Still!
[00:15] Cass... Sometimes I don't know -what- to do but blame myself...
[00:17] It can't all be your fault. Don't be greedy.
[00:18] *leans against the railing, not looking at her* I'm trying.
[00:20] Try a little harder. You can always try a little harder. *half talking to herself, yeah*
[00:20] Yeah, well, I can only die trying.
[00:22] You can only live if you try.
[00:22] *sighs* Right.
[00:26] *bounces a little* I'm going to go for a run. Want to come?
[00:26] Yes! Please.
[00:29] *gets up off the railing, then jumps down on the other side and starts to morph into his racehorse*
[00:29] *goes horse. Prettily.*
[00:31] *finishes up, and looks at her out of one eye*
[00:32] *slightly surprised, but begins to make with ... mm. Trotting. Yeah. Just trotting for now. Warm up. And such.*
[00:33] *matches her gait, enjoying the feel of being a horse again*
[00:34] *if she could, would grin. But. Can't. So... nickers or something and ...switches up to a canter*
[00:35] *pauses, then catches up to her and keeps pace again*
[00:35] *full-blown gallop, yep*
[00:36] *starts out at a fairly easy gallop, letting her pull ahead a bit*
[00:37] <...Sounds good.> *speeds up, and stays close next to her*
[00:39] *puts on a tad more speed for another minute, then slows to a trot*
[00:40] *sighs horsily and runs on ahead of her, then stops and waits*
[00:40] *would smirk, but can't. Oh, lackoffacialexpressions*
[00:41] *waits for her*
[00:41] *probably about caught up with him by now, yeah*
[00:42] *would shrug* *paces next to her*
[00:43] <...Please don't talk about that, Cass....>
[00:43] <...Sorry. It's true, though.>
[00:44] <...You're right.>
[00:44] *horse!sigh*
[01:00] *snorts*
[01:00] *would shrug again, but... horse. Yes.*
[01:03] <...I don't think so. Thank you, though.> *concentrates on the horse's physical-beingness-type-thing for a moment and then adds a /little/ more speed*
[01:03] *lets her pull ahead a bit, observing her*
[01:04] *doesn't even notice he's falling behind, not really. Enjoying herself a lot.*
[01:07] *starts to morph back to human*
[01:08] *stops and turns* <...Sorry.>
[01:08] *finishes the morph and pauses to rest for a moment*
[01:09] *...runs in circles around him. Yeah.*
[01:09] *and, of course, by run, I mean trot. Or ... actually. Canter. Yeah. Canter.*
[01:09] *focuses on the falcon, morphing as quickly as he can, then looking up at the horse circling around him* *takes off*
[01:11] *nickers happily and ...oh, hey, cool, brief gallop*
[01:12] *flies over her, reveling in the sensation*
[01:14] *focuses completely on the feel of /being/ a horse. Not losing herself to the horse-mind, but ... how it /feels/ to just ... yes. Horsey-happiness* *and is back down to a trot*
[01:15] *swoops down to terrify a mouse, then back up, screaming at the night*
[01:18] *neighs with one of those sensations of sheer joy in being. Yep.*
[01:20] *is silent for a moment, then swoops low over her*
[01:22] *slows down to a walk, because half wants to stop, but doesn't want to quit /moving/.*
[01:23] *speeds into a trot, closely followed by a canter*
[01:24] *swoops low, flying next to her a few feet away, level with her eye*
[01:26] <...> *stays level with her, not wanting to move away just yet* <...Yeah>
[01:28] *doesn't even notice that he's doing it*
[01:29] <...Now?>
[01:30] <...If we survive... we won't have to, will we?>
[01:33] <...We'll survive. I don't think we'll have to. Is it possible to lose the ability? Could we stop using it if it was still possible to use it?>
[01:33] <...I couldn't.>
[01:34] *longpause*
[01:37] <...Yeah. But... I don't know what I am anymore.>
[01:41] *tosses head*
[01:43] *is silent, thinking* *swoops higher, skimming the trees*
[01:46] *is okay with silence and such and just keeps running and suchlike*
[01:47] *flies higher and higher, but keeps in thoughtspeak range*
[01:54] *sounds slightly panicked*
[01:57] <...Probably should.>
[01:58] *wheels and drops back down to circle above her*
[02:00] *switches to a canter and heads straight back towards the porch. Which will take less time than the moving around and twiriling and swirling and twisty-turning they probably did on their way away*
[02:00] *oh, yes* *follows her*
[02:06] *>
[02:06] *horse!grin*
[02:07] *swoops over her head*
[02:08] *rears up*
[02:09] *circles around her*
[02:15] *flies a little ahead and perches on the roof of the porch* It's a nice night.
[02:17] *gets a little closer to the porch and morphs back.*
[02:17] *flies down onto the porch and does so, too*
[02:29] *hey, look, this exists* *yawn and stretch* I'm going to go get to sleep. I'll see you later?
[02:32] Yeah. *smiles* It was fun.
[02:33] Yeah. *walks off*
[02:34] I'll see you later! *goes back inside*

cassie, jonathan teatime, jake berenson

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