Return of the Elf-drama

Sep 10, 2005 08:22

... as is usual, the best part happens in strikeouts.

[Elrond] *pads quietly back in*
[Thranduil] *follows him, equally as silent*
[Feanaro] *looks up when the two of them return*
[Elrond] *nods to Feanor, and retreats to the kitchen*
[Thranduil] *ignores, because he has enough stress to deal with without adding Fea*
[Thranduil] *follows* Do you want tea? I'd offer wine, but that might be a bad idea.
[Feanaro] *nods to Elrond in return, and purses lips at ignoring!Thrand*
[Feanaro] We know what happens when you offer someone wine.
[Thranduil] *grits teeth* Excuse me, but do you mind keeping your comments to yourself?
[Elrond] *softly* No, thank you. Wine.. hm.
[Thranduil] And for your information, I was only not offering wine because it may cause him to be more depressed.
[Feanaro] ... of course.
[Thranduil] Alright. *starts some for himself*
[Feanaro] You could have had some of my tea, you know, if you'd asked.
[Thranduil] Oh, but then I would get my cooties all over it, and we would not want anything as terrible as that to happen, now would we?
[Feanaro] You are childish.
[Thranduil] Says the elf who threw a tantrum just because his brother had found a lover?
[Elrond] Down, ladies.
[Feanaro] *GLAAAARES*
[Thranduil] *goes back to ignoring*
[Elrond] Feanor, can't you play nice?
[Feanaro] *is getting annoyed again*
[Feanaro] I can! But only if the others play nice too!
[Thranduil] ...playing nice means leaving a room when you come across an embarassing situation!
[Elrond] Thranduil, please. Play nice.
[Thranduil] ... *sits back down*
[Elrond] *sighs* Feanor, have you apologised?
[Feanaro] To whom?!
[Elrond] To Thranduil and your brother?
[Feanaro] My brother has eluded me ever since. And Thranduil has ignored me. I shall certainly not force my presence on him.
[Elrond] I believe an apology is in order. From both of you, for reacting so childishly.
[Elrond] *booms* THRANDUIL!
[Feanaro] *sees no problem with undressed people unless they're NEKKID, which you totally were, but still* HOW I DEAL WITH MY BROTHER IS MY OWN DECISION!
[Thranduil] *mumbles, looking down* *gets his tea off the stove*
[Elrond] *barks* FEANOR! Enough!
[Thranduil] *was so only naked at that point!!*
[Feanaro] Don't you dare shouting at me.
[Elrond] Feanor, you treated them unjustly. Thranduil, you have every right to be angry, but you don't need to be giving him such a cold shoulder.
[Feanaro] I didn't kill anyone, so there.
[Thranduil] And how much of that was only because your wife was there?
[Elrond] You killed their trust, and you killed their happiness.
[Elrond] You are guilty of handling the situation in a feeble way. You didn't think it through before you went storming around.
[Feanaro] They never trusted me in the first place, and what concern of mine is their happiness?
[Elrond] *snaps* It should be every concern of yours, since your own kin is involved!
[Thranduil] I had no problem with you and considered you fine company until this incident, thank you very much.
[Feanaro] *spits out* Nolofinwë is hardly someone whose happiness concerns me.
[Elrond] FEANOR! Stop. That.
[Feanaro] DON'T SHOUT AT ME!
[Elrond] Stop. Shouting. BOTH OF YOU.
[Elrond] Please try to have a civilised conversation.
[Thranduil] *to Elrond* See? This is why I was ignoring him. It makes things more peaceful.
[Elrond] Thranduil, it's best not to shout at him, though. Listen to his side, give yours, then try to make a deal.
[Feanaro] *glowers*
[Elrond] Feanor, you shouldn't shout, either.
[Elrond] And stop glowering.
[Feanaro] *purses lips* *cannot quite banish the angry look from his eyes*
[Thranduil] *glares still, but focuses it the floor*
[Elrond] *firmly* Feanor, before you say anything, you should know this: Your acceptance is highly valued. You should at least take some time to consider it, and realise what your life might be like without your brother, without your friends if you shun them.
[Thranduil] *mumbles* I do not think he would care if his brother disappeared.
[Feanaro] *snorts* By whom? ... life without my brother = BLISS.
[Elrond] *icily* Your wife?
[Feanaro] ... Nerdanel is not involved here!
[Elrond] What would happen if you walked in on your wife with someone else?
[Elrond] You should be as equally concerned for your brother as you are for her.
[Thranduil] [[Ner: *squeak* What?]]
[Feanaro] ... whyever that?!
[Elrond] Example, Feanor.
[Feanaro] ... what?!
[Thranduil] *confused blink*
[Elrond] *headwalls*
[Feanaro] Example? For whom? What for?!
[Elrond] I'm trying to tell you that you should give the same concern for your brother as you do your wife, as they are part of your family.
[Feanaro] Well, I did not chose my brother.
[Elrond] Well, guess what. He chose Thranduil, and I guess it's all just f***ing swell that you don't give a rat's ass about him, and decide to antagonize both him and his lover, yes?
[Elrond] Do. Not. Scream.
[Elrond] When you hurt someone close to another, you antagonize them both.
[Thranduil] Antagonizing Fingolfin does antagonize me! *glower*
[Feanaro] I'm not screaming, I'm shouting.
[Elrond] It's best that you don't antagonize your brother, then, Feanor. You will gain enemies, and lose friends.
[Feanaro] *flails* I KNOW! He's robbing me of my friends!
[Thranduil] *bites tongue on a catty comment**look! look! Self-control! Something a certain -someone- is missing!*
[Thranduil] No, you're losing them and then blaming your foolery on him!
[Elrond] Thranduil, don't press him.
[Feanaro] ... be glad this is all in strikeouts.
[Thranduil] ...threatening again?
[Elrond] *warning* Thranduil..
[Thranduil] *sighs and drinks tea*
[Feanaro] *clenches fists* *glares at some spot in the air* Afraid?
[Thranduil] *is too angry to be afraid* No.
[Elrond] *tenses*
[Feanaro] *smiles, mock-sweetly* Then why do you think it was a threat?
* Elendil has joined #desperatefans
[Thranduil] *glowers* Being frightened and knowing when someone is threatening you are two different things.
[Feanaro] If you say so.
[Elrond] Please don't start fighting.
[Feanaro] I believe we started that a few angry sentences back.
[Thranduil] ...start?
[Elendil] *enters and looks around*
[Feanaro] *nods to Elendil, stiffly*
[Thranduil] *in kitchen, despite mansion wide strikeouts*
[Elrond] *glances at Feanor*
[Thranduil] *or, is not, since he's with Elrond and Elrond can see Fea*
[Elendil] *nods to Feanor* *and at whoever he recognizes* Good evening.
[Elrond] *quietly* Feanor..
[Feanaro] *raises an eyebrow at Elrond* Aye?
[Elendil] *finds a seat*
[Elrond] *softly* Please apologise.
[Feanaro] *looks scandalized* What?!
[Elendil] *listens to Feanor and Elrond curiously*
[Elrond] *repeats* Please apolgoise.
[Feanaro] What did I do now?!
[Elrond] No, to your brother. Apologise to your brother.
[Feanaro] What? Are you ---
[Elrond] What?
[Feanaro] I most certainly will not.
[Thranduil] *oddlooks Elrond, wondering what the heck he's doing*
[Elendil] *is so not getting involved, is just nosy as heck*
[Elrond] *decides this is the best time to headdesk*
[Thranduil] *keeps Elrond from cracking his skull open automatically*
[Feanaro] *looks positively disgusted at the mere thought of apologizing to Nolo*
[Elendil] *frowns but keeps quiet*
[Elrond] *groans softly*
[Elendil] *looks at newcomer*
[Feanaro] *returns his attention to Elrond* ... what?!
[Elrond] *gets up wearily*
[Thranduil] *looks up at Elrond worriedly*
[Feanaro] *looks up at Elrond offendedly*
[Elrond] *turns to Feanor* I've never seen such a coldblooded Elf in my life. You will willingly destroy other people's happiness without a care in the world, won't you?
[Elendil] *wonders if there's going to be head-bashing and prepared to help defend Elrond if there is*
[Thranduil] Elrond! *also worried about Elrond being head-bashed*
[Feanaro] *gets to his feet, fists clenched but still at his side* I certainly will not.
[Feanaro] And I'll thank you not to judge me; that is most certainly not your place.
[Elrond] It certainly seems like you will.
[Elendil] *tenses, prepared to spring to his feet*
[Elrond] Not my place? I am never in my place, Feanor. You are certainly not in *your* place by doing what you have done.
[Thranduil] *keeps tongue bitten, looking at Elrond like he's gone insane, and also side-glancing worriedly at Feanor*
[Feanaro] *glares like whoa* What happened there is none of your concern. Why you even know of it is a mystery to me, and what exactly you believe to know I do not know.
[Thranduil] Elrond, please. If anyone should handle this, it is I and Fingolfin. *places his hand on Elrond's arm*
[Feanaro] Indeed.
[Elrond] *slowly turns and heads for the kitchen*
[Thranduil] *sighs*
[Elendil] *relaxes*
[Feanaro] *slowly sits down again*
[Thranduil] *follows, in total cold shoulder mode*
[Thranduil] Elrond? *worry*
[Feanaro] *breathes out, slooooowly*
[Elrond] *quietly* I'm sorry.
[Elendil] *golf claps Feanaro though would be astonished to know that is what he's doing is called*
[Feanaro] *looks at Elendil* ... Apologies. I daresay you weren't supposed to have to witness this.
[Thranduil] *sighs* It is alright. I just do not want you getting into trouble for my sake.
[Elendil] Since no blood was shed this time I was more than glad to... witness it.
[Feanaro] *oddlooks* I see.
[Elendil] Is not bloodshed common in your wake, High King Feanaro?
[Elrond] *closes his eyes, loses his balance and falls, flailing*
[Thranduil] *catches quickly* Elrond!!
[Thranduil] *gently lowers to the floor*
[Elrond] *bewildered, and lies on the floor, blinking*
[Feanaro] *purses lips* I am trying not to make it a habit, High King Elendil. Oh, come on, that ONE time!
[Thranduil] Are you alright? *inward!flail* What happened?!
[Elrond] Eating is a good idea, isn't it?
[Elendil] Then why must you continue to wage feuds that are centuries, if not millenia, dead? Surely, this is not good statecraft?
[Thranduil] ...have you not eaten? *FLAIL* Why have you not eaten?
[Feanaro] *coldly* Are you aware what exactly this was about?
[Elrond] I forgot?
[Elendil] I am not, except I assumed it was simply more of your famous grudge against your half-kin.
[Thranduil] ... *frown* Elrond. You need to get something in you.
[Feanaro] Well, that is only half of it. I'll thank you not to jump to conclusions overly quickly.
[Elendil] Then what is the other half oh ancient one? *sounds completely disrespectful and mocking*
[Elrond] *slowly gets up, as to not have another dizzy spell* Don't worry. M'fine.
[Feanaro] *is entirely unimpressed by the disrespectful tone* None of your business.
[Thranduil] Elrond. As the healer here, you should -know- fainting does not count as 'fine.' Sit down, and let me make you something.
[Elendil] But business enough of others to publicly quarrel? *snorts*
[Feanaro] It was not his business either.
[Elrond] Nnnn.
[Thranduil] *stern look* -Sit.- *rifles through kitchen*
[Elendil] And yet he knows?
[Feanaro] Apparently.
[Elendil] Of course, Elrond seems to make it his business to know everything about everyone.
[Feanaro] Indeed.
[Elrond] F*** you.
[Feanaro] No, thank you, not tonight.
[Elrond] Whore.
[Feanaro] !!!
[Thranduil] [[Ner: It had better be -never!- *glareglarerevolution*]]
[Elendil] *shakes head at snark*
[Feanaro] The one time you try to react with humour rather than anger, it gets you more abuse. Nice.
[Thranduil] [[If it's any consolation, I giggled, Fea.]]
[Feanaro] [[Fea: Well, at least something.]]
[Elendil] It seems, High King Feanaro, that reports of your temperament were not exaggerated.
[Thranduil] *cuts up fruit, and finds bread and cheese* It's not much, but it will do for a start.
[Feanaro] *flexes fingers, which were clenched a bit too long* Were they not? Would not the reports have made you expect that I slay someone, and set fire to the place? I daresay you'll find I have done neither.
* Elrond has quit IRC
[Elendil] I don't see much reason not to expect these events to happen shortly.
[Thranduil] *sighs, not wanting to go back into the main room*
[Feanaro] *smiles, tensely and obviously not sincerely* Well, I shall have to try and surprise you, then.
* Maglor-away is now known as Fingolfin
[Elendil] Shall you? Good. I don't like suprises.
[Fingolfin] *comes in, if you wanted those events*
[Feanaro] *looks up and immediately looks away* SHIT.
[Feanaro] *looks up again* *half-assedly nods in greeting* ... Nolofinwë.
[Elendil] *stands and nods politely*
[Fingolfin] *stops short, seeing Fëa, and inwardly curseflails* ...Fëanaro.
[Thranduil] *hears name, and quickly pops back into the main room* Fingolfin! *squee*
[Feanaro] ... how are you?
[Fingolfin] *nods to Elendil*
[Fingolfin] *taken somewhat aback* ...Well enough.
[Thranduil] *watches them quietly from the door, not wanting to interupt because ome was that civil?*
[Feanaro] Good. I believe we have to talk.
[Elendil] *sits again but stays as attentive as he was before*
[Fingolfin] *tensely* Do we?
[Feanaro] Do we not?
[Fingolfin] I suppose we need to. Are you we going to, is the question.
[Feanaro] Not if you keep hiding, I daresay.
[Fingolfin] *doesn't glare, or grind teeth, or clench jaw, or anything like that* And not if you keep throwing tantrums. But neither of us are doing any of that now, so let's talk.
[Feanaro] Very well.
[Feanaro] *clasps hands behind his back, just in case they decide to do something stupid*
[Feanaro] *...which they were close to, actually, at the tantrum comment*
[Fingolfin] *stands with folded arms* What did you want to say?
[Thranduil] *was not amused by that comment at all, what*
[Feanaro] I suppose we have to talk on that... occurance, last week or whenever it was, because the typist isn't sure anymore.
[Fingolfin] *doing his best to be civil, and bites back any bitchy comments* What about it?
[Feanaro] *which is wise of him, because otherwise Fea might forget to be civil, too* I suppose it would be called for that I congratulate you for... well. His friendship. Or love, rather. And add all kind of well-wishes.
[Feanaro] You will understand, I suppose, that I still find it rather difficult to deal with.
[Feanaro] [[*is going to thwap Fea if he says 'suppose' once more*]]
[Thranduil] *...oddlooks Fea, not that he's noticable, really*
[Feanaro] ...what?!
[Thranduil] ...didn't you just say...*shakes head*
[Feanaro] ... WHAT?!
[Thranduil] ...well, I guess you technically aren't apologizing...
[Fingolfin] I don't understand what you find so difficult to deal with except, of course, my happiness, which you never could abide. If you are trying to give me your blessings, I will accept them, although I do wonder who you're doing this for.
[Feanaro] *GLARE* *purses lips* Not for your sake, so much is for sure. I don't know. Maybe I'm just doing it to impress Elendil for father's sake because I suppose it should be done. At any rate. It was wrong unkind of me to shout at you, and order you around, and push you. I should not have done that.
[Feanaro] There. That's as much of an apology as you're going to get.
[Fingolfin] More than I've ever gotten before, anyway
[Feanaro] *narrows eyes* Watch it, half-brother.
[Thranduil] *stunned, actually*
[Fingolfin] *nods* Whatever your reasons, and I don't believe you think it should be done for a minute, thank you. *almost, but not quite, hugging self* *because that really is as much of an apology as he's ever gotten or will get*
[Feanaro] *very true.* *nods* Well, let's say I know that it's expected.
[Fingolfin] No, it really wasn't.
[Feanaro] ... I suppose you should relay that to your lover, as he is apparently hiding from me, too.
[Elendil] *listens and watches and wonders what Fea is really up to*
[Thranduil] ...I heard all of it. And I thank you too. *actually smiles at Feanor*
[Feanaro] ... as in, it's what would be proper to be done. Not as in, it's what I'm likely to do.
[Feanaro] *nods again, Thranduil-wards this time*
[Fingolfin] *nods* We both do. If I thought you were being at all sincere, I might be even more thankful.
[Feanaro] I AM! Trying to be.
[Feanaro] Very well. are welcome. And I will take my leave, then.
[Fingolfin] ...Good night.
[Feanaro] *bows, stiffly* Thranduil... Nolofinwë... High King Elendil... goodnight.
[Thranduil] ...good evening.
[Elendil] Good night.
[Feanaro] *strides off*

elendil, elrond, thranduil, fingolfin, feanor

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