The Finwëan Soap Opera Continues...

Sep 02, 2005 22:06

So, continuing the Elf!Drama that began here. Things get interesting when a much more sober pair of elves wake up in the same bed…and then are promptly walked in on. So, basically? Elf-angst. Duh.

[Thranduil] *sleeping soundly, worn out by the previous evening**has curled himself against Fingolfin, subconsciously still seeking comfort even in rest*
[Fingolfin] *also sleeping soundly, although beginning to stir a little* *snuggled around Thranduil contentedly with an arm still around him almost protectively*
[Thranduil] *makes a small, sleepy noise of protest when Fingolfin shifts, but does not yet wake, instead simply tightening his grip*
[Fingolfin] *on the edge of wakefulness, sighs softly and curls into Thranduil, instinctively seeking contact*
[Thranduil] *sighs contentedly against Fingolfin's collar bone, warming the skin**drifts closer to waking himself when Fingolfin curls closer*
[Fingolfin] *half awake, and vaguely aware of a lovely, comfortable warmth all around him and a soft breath of air on his neck, but not awake enough yet to anything more than enjoy it*
[Thranduil] *is dimly aware of being nestled somewhere very warm, comfortable, and safe**makes a pleased noise*
[Fingolfin] *makes a contented sort of murmuring sound, and tightens his arm around Thranduil*
[Thranduil] *sighs as the light filtering in teases his eyes, and he buries his face at the base of Fingolfin's neck, starting to wake up involuntary*
[Fingolfin] *smiles as Thranduil's hair brushes his neck, becoming more aware of his surroundings despite his best half-conscious efforts to remain asleep*
[Thranduil] *becomes aware that he is being held, and blearily cracks his eyes open, confusion apparent on his still sleepy features*
[Fingolfin] *makes a sleepy noise of protest as Thranduil wakes up and begins to lose the complete relaxation*
[Thranduil] *tenses instantaneously as his mind clicks on**desperately tries to remember where he is and just who he is curled against*
[Fingolfin] *awake now, thanks to Thranduil's sudden tension* *blinks blearily and tries to remember where he is* *looks down, and look! A blonde!*
[Thranduil] *is slightly afraid to look up, as his memories are slow in surfacing**remembers feelings first, and feels himself turning red very quickly*
[Fingolfin] *eyes widen as memories rush in* *stirs and raises himself on his elbow, staring down at Thranduil and flushing profusely*
[Thranduil] *looks up at him slowly through a curtain of hair* *mouth drops open slightly* ...Fin...Fingolfin?
[Fingolfin] *tries to say something and can't* *swallows* I... yes. *realises he still has an arm around Thranduil, but can't quite get up the presence of mind to remove it*
[Thranduil] ... *apparently the ability to make a coherent sentence has not returned yet* I...we...oh Eru, I...
[Fingolfin] *likewise incoherent, and so very embarrassed* *falls back down, and peeks out from behind his arm* I...
[Thranduil] *sits up quickly, and then realizes that all he is wearing is a thin under tunic* Ai! *flushes and attempts to pull it down as far as he can* Sorry, I, um. *latches on to Fingolfin's single word* You.
[Fingolfin] *oh, well, at least that's better than what he's wearing, which is, well...* *attempts to sit up and curl up at the same time, grabbing a sheet and wrapping it around him* *stares at Thranduil helplessly* ...Me. You. We. I... *inwardflail*
[Thranduil] *notices this and quickly looks away*
[Thranduil] We...*flushes more, if possible* SosorryIwasverydrunkIdidn'tthink...
[Fingolfin] *would like very much to hide behind something right now* *flushes and looks away* ...It's my fault, I... Istartedit.
[Thranduil] *heart gives a mutinous skip at the memory* *attempts to speak, but fails, instead opening his mouth and closing it several times in comic manner*
[Fingolfin] *tries to get thoughts in order* *bites lip* ...Should I go?
[Thranduil] I...I d- *stops, confused, both wanting to say yes and no* *turns gaze to floor* ...erm...well...clothes...
[Fingolfin] *looks around at the clothes strewn around, and blushes more at the thought of how they got there* I... yes. *unwilling to get up yet though, ostensibly because of the sheet*
[Fingolfin] .............................................
[Nerdanel] *opens the door to what she thought was an empty room, and freezes*
[Fëanáro] *stops short, totally unaroused all of a sudden*
[Fingolfin] *you want frozen?* *stares, horrified*
[Thranduil] *sitting near Fingolfin on the bed, dressed only in an
undertunic* *makes a strangled sound*
[Fëanáro] ... what in Eru's name---
[Nerdanel] ...oh dear. *flushes, looking pointedly away from the two
elves on the bed*
[Fingolfin] ... *looking anywhere but at anyone else* ...Why don't
you... leave... and we'll all pretend this never happened?
[Fëanáro] WHAT exactly happened? *'tis fairly obvious, but is hoping
against reason that there's some innocent explanation*
[Thranduil] *winces* upset, and Fingolfin was keeping me
company and we were drinking and things apparently went out of hand
and... *trails off, ducking his head in embarrassment*
[Fingolfin] *wereallydon'tneedtobetellinghimthisomeome*
[Thranduil] *reallydoesnotknowwhatelsetodoflailflailflail*
[Nerdanel] *sympathetic wince, but otherwise is calmly pretending they
are not there*
[Fingolfin] *please, not to the extent that she wants to stay in here?
because that would be... yeah*
[Fëanáro] *is still staring* *Thranduil-wards* I'd never have thought...
[Fingolfin] ...*quietly humiliated* Well, could you stop thinking and leave?
[Thranduil] *stares intently at the bed sheets*
[Fëanáro] *enraged at being addressed like that. by half-naked
half-brother* Certainly you jest.
[Fingolfin] ...If you really wish to stay, I can't stop you.
[Nerdanel] *puts hand on Fëa's shoulder* Fëanor...we should leave, and
speak of this at a more...*looks at the clothes on the floor* proper
[Fëanáro] *stubbornly* Now is quite a perfect time, I believe.
[Fingolfin] *folds arms* ...No, it really is not.
[Fëanáro] *will insist now just to annoy Nolo*
[Fingolfin] *is just as good at ignoring as Ner seems to be*
[Thranduil] *glances slightly at Nolo, before dropping his gaze again*
[Fëanáro] *folds arms* So?
[Nerdanel] *hovers behind Fëanor, not wanting to draw the ire of
either brothers, or worse, that of both*
[Fingolfin] *closes his eyes and sighs* *because there are a few ways
this could get worse, but they're few and far between*
[Fëanáro] *coldly* Well, get dressed. Little brother.
[Fingolfin] *equally frostily* Please. Get out.
[Thranduil] *flinches on Nolo's behalf* Please.
[Fëanáro] *doesn't take well to being ordered by Nolo, not even with a
please there* I don't think so.
[Nerdanel] *distressed* ...Fëa...
[Fingolfin] *shrugs* Stay, then, if it suits you. *wraps the sheet
more tightly around his waist.
[Fëanáro] *curls lips*
[Fëanáro] Well, out here. Now.
[Fingolfin] *doesn't take to well to being ordered by Fëa, either*
*stays right where he is* No.
[Fëanáro] *grits teeth* Oh, yes. *takes step in, actually*
[Nerdanel] Fëa! *inward!flail*
[Fingolfin] *would give Ner a pleading look, if he didn't think it'd
make things worse*
[Fëanáro] *does not take well to nicknames in this situation, either*
[Nerdanel] *does not take well to her husband being an ass and
humiliation two people for no reason, either*
[Fëanáro] *is being insistent, though*
[Fingolfin] *is being stubborn*
[Fëanáro] *will lay hands on Nolo soon, alas*
[Fingolfin] *...*
[Fëanáro] OUT.
[Thranduil] *gritting teeth* Lord Fëanáro, perhaps if you would give
us a moment of privacy we could dress ourselves and then we could go
about this civilly.
[Fingolfin] *has no desire to go about this civilly, or at all*
[Fëanáro] *coldly to Thranduil* Get dressed now, or leave it be. I
shall not leave alone.
[Thranduil] We are not prisoners planning escape! I merely wish you
and your lady wife to not be in the room for a moment so I can dress
without further humiliation.
[Fingolfin] *glaring at Fëa* We were here first. You cannot order us
out. Leave us be.
[Fëanáro] aaaah, but you are under my command, half-brother. Watch me.
[Nerdanel] Fëanor! Leave them be for a moment, for Eru's sake!
[Fingolfin] Not yet, I'm not I am. It doesn't seem to be working.
[Fëanáro] You are, until daddy officially takes the crown. *is not amused* *is sorely tempted to draw his dagger*
[Fingolfin] *over -this-? Bloody hell*
[Fëanáro] *has unfortunately lost his good mood from earlier that day*
[Fingolfin] *can tell*
[Thranduil] *looking up now, less embarrassed and now both angry and worried*
[Fëanáro] *looking forward to Nerrie-secks and being stopped because
of unloved brother does that to you*
[Nerdanel] *well he's certainly not getting Nerrie-secks anytime soon
if he keeps this up*
[Fingolfin] *you could have left and gone somewhere else, couldn't you?*
[Fëanáro] *aaah, but that would have spoiled such a good argument.*
[Fingolfin] *this is true*
[Fëanáro] Well, my lewdly half-brother, there's the door. *gestures*
[Fingolfin] *narrows eyes* So use it.
[Fëanáro] I am showing you.
[Thranduil] Why should he leave? These are not your chambers.
[Fëanáro] Neither are they yours.
[Fëanáro] You can stay, if you wish to. 'tis goodly Nolofinwë I command.
[Thranduil] Why are you treating him so? *angry* What is it so
terrible that he has done?
[Fëanáro] *would quote Finding Neverland if he knew the movie*
[Fingolfin] *glances at Thranduil* Be born. *looks back at Fëa* You
are the intruder here.
[Fëanáro] *getting really angry now* *narrows eyes* So, after you
intruded upon my father's love, and my father's place, you believe
that I am going to leave quietly?
[Nerdanel] Oh Eru!
[Fingolfin] Oh, bloody-hell-*
[Fëanáro] Oh, come on. You saw that one coming, didn't you?
[Fingolfin] *eyes flash* Do not even try to pretend that you were -and
are- not the favourite. *sighs* I will not get into this again.
[Fëanáro] Indeed you won't, and you will get out of here, too.
[Fingolfin] I will not.
[Fëanáro] *grabs one shoulder* You will.
[Nerdanel] Curufinwe! *storms forward, grabbing his arm* What madness
are you sowing?!
[Fingolfin] *jerks away, glaring*
[Fëanáro] *not mad enough to shove Ner off, luckily*
[Fingolfin] *wishes Ner would just drag Fëa off so he can be
humiliated in peace*
[Fëanáro] *is not going to be dragged off without Nolo* *grabs wrist*
[Fingolfin] *pulls his wrist away*
[Fëanáro] *tears free and shoves Nolo into direction of door, then*
[Nerdanel] Leave him alone! Have you learned nothing from your first
chance at life? *makes an angry noise when he shoves Nolo* What is it
that you want from him, Fëanor?
[Thranduil] *on his feet, glaring daggers at Fëanor*
[Fëanáro] Humiliation. *can't reply as he doesn't actually know an answer*
[Fingolfin] Well, you've got that. *catches himself against the wall, glaring* Get out.
[Fëanáro] You get out.
[Nerdanel] Fëanáro! *hand tightens on his arm* Please, drop this and
let us leave them.
[Fëanáro] But...!
[Thranduil] *reaches out to help steady Fingolfin*
[Nerdanel] Now, Curufinwë, if you have an ounce of common sense left!
[Fëanáro] *would glare if he could*
[Fëanáro] ... very well. But I shall not forget this. *turns around brusquely*
[Nerdanel] *makes sure he is leaving before shooting an apologetic
glance at the pair and following*
[Fëanáro] *is leaving, is leaving*
[Fingolfin] *gives Ner a thankful look*
* Fëanáro has left #desperatefans-2
* Nerdanel has left #desperatefans-2
[Fingolfin] ... *sits down on the bed and facepalms* ...I'm sorry.
[Thranduil] *sits beside him, putting his hand on Fingolfin's arm* It
is not your fault.
[Fingolfin] *looks at him in surprised thanks* *even so, feels like he
can't do anything -not even have a drunken one-night stand- without
Fëa somehow ruining it*
[Thranduil] I am sorry as well. *leans forehead against Nolo's
shoulder, stressed by the turn of events*
[Fingolfin] *turns his head to smile slightly at Thranduil* It isn't
your problem. Be glad of that. ...Thank you, though.
[Thranduil] *returns it with a small smile of his own* And Legolas is
not your problem, yet you helped me. If I can help, in anyway...I will
be here.
[Fingolfin] I... Thank you. *huddles miserably in his sheet*
[Thranduil] *gets up and picks up clothing off the floor until he
finds Fingolfin's breeches* Here.
[Fingolfin] *takes them with a grateful smile* Thank you- *looks like
he may be about to say more, but doesn't*
[Thranduil] *smiles at him, his embarrassment seeming to have gone with Fëanor*
[Fingolfin] *doesn't move quite yet, either* *opens his mouth to say
something, fails, and tries again* ...Thranduil?
[Thranduil] *blinks* Yes?
[Fingolfin] ... *just says it quickly* Should I be sorry for this
*gestures around the room* as well?
[Thranduil] *pauses, and drops his gaze to the clothes in his hands*
I... *flushes deeply, looking away* *quietly* Not unless you regret
[Fingolfin] *too late to go back now* *looking away as well* ...I do not.
[Thranduil] *looks back, stunned*
[Fingolfin] *still not daring to look back at him*
[Thranduil] *bites lip* Then...what happens now? *sounds
worried, and confused*
[Fingolfin] *stands up, somehow managing to wear a sheet with dignity,
don't ask me how* I think that depends.
[Thranduil] On what? *looks up at him, nervously shifting a tunic in his hands*
[Fingolfin] *bites lip, then meets his eyes* On whether or not you regret it.
[Thranduil] *meets his gaze, and holds it for a long moment* ...I do
not. *seems to surprise himself by this admission*
[Fingolfin] Then now I think... it just depends on whether or not you'd
regret this. *moves forward and kisses him, lightly*
[Thranduil] *freezes for a moment, startled, then lets out a soft sigh
and kisses back*
[Fingolfin] *wraps an arm around him -the other is still holding up
the sheet-, pulling him closer* *eventually pulls back* ...I'll take
that as a no?
[Thranduil] *gazes up at him, a slightly mischievous smile ghosting
across his face* I believe that would be a proper assumption. *wraps
his arms around Fingolfin, dropping the tunic*
[Fingolfin] *smiles* Oh, good. *kisses him again, forgetting about clothes entirely*

* Fëanáro has joined #desperatefans
*Nerdanel has joined #desperatefans
[Nerdanel] *...okay, now is here, following Lord Crabbypants*
[Legolas] *sees Fëa, and attempts to hide in the chair he is sitting in*
[Fëanáro] *seething*
[Nerdanel] *five different shades of pissed, herself*
[Legolas] uhoh...*sees the pissed off elves, which is never a good thing*
[Fëanáro] *sits down heavily before the half-finished pudding*
[Nerdanel] *goes to get herself a glass of water*
[Fëanáro] *eats some pudding to calm himself*
[Fëanáro] *stops eating, suddenly, to bury his face in his hands*
[Nerdanel] *comes back, sees Fëanor, sighs, and sits across from him* *places the water in front of him*
[Fëanáro] *clenches one fist* ...Ihatehimso.
[Nerdanel] Why? *sits back, anger melting away into sadness*
[Fëanáro] *clenching fist tighter* Because... he is.
[Nerdanel] *sighs* What does he have that you want, Fëa?
[Fëanáro] ...
[Fëanáro] I... my father's heart.
[Nerdanel] Fëanor... *closes eyes tightly, then opens them again* How can you doubt your father's love for you?
[Fëanáro] Well, did Nolofinwë supplant him - and me! - or not?!
[Nerdanel] Your father followed you into Exile, Fëanor! He loved you enough to set down his crown, all his power, to be with you!
[Fëanáro] And made Nolofinwë his heir apparent!
[Nerdanel] He thought you worth more than the power of the crown our people!
[Fëanáro] *helplessly caught up in old prejudices* He should've kept it, instead of leaving it in his hands!
[Nerdanel] Your brother is not your enemy, Fëa. He is not Morgoth. He will never replace you in your father's heart, or in any other place.
[Fëanáro] *wrings hands*
[Fëanáro] buthetriesto.
[Nerdanel] *soothingly* He does not. *reaches forward, her fingers ghosting over his cheek* He just wishes for a piece of his father's love as much as you, like any child wants of their parent.
[Fëanáro] *shakes head violently*
[Nerdanel] Because your father loves Fingolfin as well does not mean he will ever stop loving you. Do you think I love Maitimo less than I did the day he was born because he has so many brothers?
[Fëanáro] He chose Nolofinwë mother instead of honouring his bond with my mother. *more wringing of hands*
[Nerdanel] *bites lip* Tell me, Fëanor, did you ever stop loving me?
[Fëanáro] *stares at her, uncomprehending* What does that have to do with things?
[Nerdanel] Just tell me. After I left, did you stop loving me?
[Fëanáro] *unhappily* Nay. I could not.
[Nerdanel] Yet you found love in Mandos, though somewhere you still cared for me. Why do you think Finwë could not do the same?
[Fëanáro] *buries face in hands again, because that makes sense*
[Nerdanel] *leans over and slips her arms around him*
[Fëanáro] *leans against her* *would cry but still can't*
[Nerdanel] *kisses him on the top of the head and holds him*
[Fëanáro] ... now you hate me again, eh?
[Nerdanel] ... love, if you think holding you and stroking your hair in the middle of public is hate, we need to talk.
[Fëanáro] *snuggles up to her* ... I won't apologize to him.
[Nerdanel] *sighs* I would not have suspected you would. Just refrain from harming him, please? I should not like a civil war to break out.
[Fëanáro] ...
[Fëanáro] Ineverreallyharmedhim.
[Nerdanel] *takes that as a 'yes dear' and leans her head on his with a small smile*
[Fëanáro] *it was, too. more or less.*
[Fëanáro] ... so... where did we leave of before we were... interruptinged?
[Nerdanel] ... *looks down at him for a long moment, then stifles a laugh* You are hopeless. *kisses him passionately before tugging him off to somewhere private and not occupied by family members*
[Fëanáro] *is glad that one actually worked* ... *might be offended by the hopeless, though*
[Nerdanel] *she's sure she'll be forgiven*
[Nerdanel] *after all, hot elven wife*
[Fëanáro] *touchy hot elf here, though*
[Nerdanel] *well then, she'll have to make him forget it was ever said*
[Fëanáro] ... not if you don't want to. *withdraws, slightly*
[Nerdanel] Dear, when have you known me to not be stubborn enough to refuse to do something I did not wish? *catches his sleeve* I would not fake a want simply to please you.
[Fëanáro] I know you wouldn't. *somewhat stiffly, but also hopeful* Well, I would not want to be hopeless beyond the Nolo-hatred.
[Nerdanel] I jested, love. Forgive me. *looks up at him* If it is you who do not wish to join me, I will not force you.
[Fëanáro] *small smile* How could I resist you? You are forgiven, then.
[Nerdanel] I love you. *kisses him lightly*
[Fëanáro] And you know that I love you. *kisses back, less lightly*
[Nerdanel] *leaves with him, finally*
[Fëanáro] *yay.*

…there will be more. Of course. =D We’re not addicted to the elves at all.

thranduil, fingolfin, nerdanel, feanor

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