Fingolfin/Thranduil: This is doing its best to pretend it's not a crackpairning.

Sep 01, 2005 14:38

Part two of the elf-log from last night/this morning. I say morning because the sun had risen here by the time we were done. Anyway, there was angst with Thranduil, regarding Legolas wanting to court Alistair, and Fingolfin doing his best to make things better. Now, he goes to even greater lengths. (Forgive me if that made no sense. I had about four hours of sleep, and am very not awake.)

[Thranduil] *returns from outside, followed by Fingolfin, and heads for the kitchen*
[Fingolfin] *yep, following. Into the kitchen*
[Thranduil] *washes the glass out, and returns it to the cabinet*
[Fingolfin] *leans on the counter, watching him still with some measure of concern*
[Thranduil] *looks over and notices the worried look, and feels a bit bad* *quietly* I will be alright, in time.
[Fingolfin] *slight, sad smile* I hope so.
[Thranduil] You are sad.
[Fingolfin] *shakes his head* Worried.
[Thranduil] Not about me, I hope. *bites lip*
[Fingolfin] ...Yes about you.
[Thranduil] *bites lip* Apologies for upseting you.
[Fingolfin] ...Don't. Please, let me worry. It's the least I can do.
[Thranduil] *a bit embarassed for reasons he does not understand, so he simply nods* ...alright.
[Fingolfin] *smiles* Thank you.
[Thranduil] *gives him a small smile*
[Fingolfin] *is relieved to see it*
[Thranduil] Do you mind if we stay in here, for a while? *saw Alistair in the main room*
[Fingolfin] Not at all
[Thranduil] *sits up on the counter, finally raising gaze to watch Fingolfin*
[Fingolfin] *watches him back, still concerned, but less flaily*
[Thranduil] *is very confused by the worry*
[Fingolfin] *what, is not allowed to be worried about a friend?*
[Thranduil] *certainly, but Thrand's pulling an Earen, I think, because he's stressed*
[Fingolfin] *oh, my* *smiles a little self-conciously*
[Thranduil] *picks at the trim on his tunic*
[Fingolfin] *not knowing what to do or say now, whee*
[Thranduil] I. Um. *stops, not knowing what to say, but tired of silence*
[Fingolfin] *looks back up at him* . . . Yes? *nope, not knowing what to say either, but...yeah*
[Thranduil] . . . The wine was nice. *INNER!FACEPALM*
[Fingolfin] *smiles, as does understand, and would probably have said something equally facepalmy himself, given the initiative* I'll have to steal some more sometime.
[Thranduil] *small smile, though he still looks a bit embarassed* I would like that. We need to make sure that Elrond cannot catch us, next time, however.
[Fingolfin] *smiles a bit more widely* Yes, we shall. Although I can always call in Cano to distract him, if it comes to that.
[Thranduil] A wise plan. We must implement it at soonest possible oppurtunity. I shall look forward to it.
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: I do not need to be a tool in your nefarious plots to get plastered, you two.]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: Please? Sympathy for the slightly broken?]]
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: ...Yes you do.]]
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: ....You do realize who my brother is, don't you? I'm halfway immune to brokenness by now.]]
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: Come on. For me?]]
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: *eyeroll*]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: ...dammit.]]
[Elrond] *would gladly get plastered*
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: Look, as long as it's for you, and as long as it does involve Elrond, then fine. Sure. Whatever.]]
[Thranduil] [[Thranduil: *grin*]]
[Elrond] ((Elrond: *blissfully oblivious*))
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: *more eyerolling* Honestly, you two. Just snog already.]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: *turns several interesting shades of pink*]]
[Elrond] ((Elrond: I counted six shades.))
[Fingolfin] Yes. We must, and we shall *smiles* Excellent.
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: *thinks Thrand is cute in that hue*]]
[Thranduil] Getting plastered sounds lovely right now. *manages a real smile*
[Fingolfin] If you're up for it... *smiles back*
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: ....Like I said. Just. Snog. Already.]]
[Thranduil] I am so up for it.
[Fingolfin] ...I'll get you some now. You look like you could use it.
[Thranduil] *gratefully* I could.
[Fingolfin] *smiles, and goes to fetch the bottle they presumably left out earlier* *returns to the kitchen and pours them both a glass*
[Thranduil] *sighs* You are wonderful. Thank you. *takes the glass*
[Fingolfin] *smiles* I do my best.
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: I reiterate...]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: *FLUSHES* Hush, you.]]
[Thranduil] *sips at the wine, relaxing slightly just from the familiar motions*
[Thranduil] *manages to down most of his glass without looking like he is gulping it*
[Fingolfin] *relaxes himself, seeing Thranduil relax* *motions to refill his glass*
[Thranduil] Yes, thank you. *smile*
[Fingolfin] *refills, then* *and tops up his own* You know, if we don't want the proprietor of this to catch us, we might consider relocating.
[Fingolfin] [[Maglor: Look what you just said. You see what you just said? Bloody hell, you guys.]]
[Thranduil] A good thought. *gets off of counter* Where would you suggest?
[Nicki] (not!Nolo: My bedroom)
[Nicki] (... *turning into Maj)
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: *flails*]]
[Nicki] (Relocate... INTO MY ARMS!)
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!]]
[Nicki] (yessir)
[Fingolfin] *shrugs* There's rooms all over.
[Nicki] (Rooms with beds)
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: *FLAILS* I'mnotdrunkenoughforthis]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: either. WE NEED TO BE DRINKING MORE.]]
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: I'll get more wine, shall I?]]
[Thranduil] [[Thrand: Please.]]
[Nicki] (So drink more and then GET YOUR ELVISH FREAK ON!)
[Fingolfin] [[Nolo: *thinks that may be the plan*]]
[Nicki] (Finally, yeesh)
[Nicki] (*chokes*)
[Fingolfin] Yes. *examines the quickly-emptying bottle* We'll be needing more of this, of course.
[Fingolfin] *goes to the plothole to fetch more wine... this stuff may or may not ever run out, but it sure is good for getting elves plastered*
[Thranduil] Most certainly. *smiles again, because yay, wine*
[Fingolfin] *returns with another large bottle* *smiles* Let's be about it, then.
[Alix] [Honor/Thranduil?]
[Helen] ((..........I pity Claire's brain.))
[Fingolfin] [[So do I. And it lives here.]]
[Thranduil] *leads the way*
[Fingolfin] *follows*

* Now talking in #desperatefans-2
[Fingolfin] *follows Thranduil into a room with, presumably, somewhere to put the drinks*
[Thranduil] *found a nicely sized room that looks like it may be a sitting room* *sits heavily, but manages not to spill his wine*
[Fingolfin] *oh, lovely* *sits by him and sips*
[Thranduil] I hate being like this. *glares slightly into wine glass* Being upset. Upsetting other people.
[Fingolfin] *inwardflail* *looks at him concernedly* ...Is there... anything I can do?
[Thranduil] I am sorry. I did not mean to... *sighs* Just stay here a while? Keep me company?
[Fingolfin] Of course I will. Don't be sorry. I don't mind being upset on your account.
[Thranduil] *smiles* I am glad, because it would be dreadful if you did mind, noting the state I am in. *pours himself a third glass*
[Fingolfin] *steadily working on his second* I'm just sorry for being so useless. I wish I could do more to help.
[Thranduil] *shakes head* You are not useless at all. You are keeping me from thinking too much. That helps.
[Fingolfin] *smiles* As long as something helps.
[Thranduil] It does, very much. Otherwise I would still be outside. Crying. I hate crying. *blinks* Why did you come outside anyway?
[Fingolfin] ...Crying can help, sometimes. I came out because I was starting to worry where you'd got to.
[Thranduil] you think so? I would hate to cry on you, though. It would be depressing. *gets himself glass number four* Worried about me.
[Fingolfin] I do think so. And I'm cryable-on, at need. *half-smile* Yes, worried. I seem to be making a habit of it.
[Thranduil] I shall remember it. *looks at him* You should not worry. You do not deserve to be unhappy.
[Fingolfin] Do. *looks right back* Being worried is not always the same as being unhappy. I'd be more unhappy if you didn't let me worry about you.
[Thranduil] You would?
[Fingolfin] ...Yes
[Fingolfin] *drains and refills his glass*
[Thranduil] Oh. Well...I will be touched. Am touched.
[Fingolfin] *smiles unaccountably, and pats Thranduil on the shoulder* ...Now you're touched.
[Thranduil] *blinks, then giggles* So I am. *reaches over and pats him on the cheek* And so are you.
[Fingolfin] *grins* How touching. *giggles and leans a bit*
[Thranduil] Touching is nice. *as if to prove his point, he flicks Fingolfin's hair off his shoulder and leans on it*
[Fingolfin] *smiles* -You're- nice. *pokes him to prove the point* And soft. *keeps poking, because it's fun*
[Thranduil] *tries to twist out of the way of his hands and yet still keep his head on Nolo's shoulder* *whines* Not fair!
[Fingolfin] *giggles* Life's not fair. *keeps with the poking and twisting, and eventually ends up pinning Thranduil against the couch cusions* Life's not fair... and then... you get poked. *grins proudly and pokes his side*
[Thranduil] *squeaks, squirming for a moment more, then stills, glaring up at Fingolfin with an annoyed expression* You are -on top- of me. *sounds almost offended, but mostly just manages to pout*
[Fingolfin] *takes a minute to consider this, and realizes that he's right* *considers that* ...So?
[Thranduil] you supposed to be? *blink blink*
[Fingolfin] Am I -not- supposed to be? Because I -can- get up, if you want. *doesn't move, or look to have any intention of doing so, though*
[Thranduil] Well...I do not know. You are bigger than me. Um...*made sense when he was protesting it at first, but now he cannot seem to piece together a good argument either way*
[Fingolfin] *aha! is distracting, then?* *looks at him and pokes his chest -or, well, his shoulder, as we're rather lying on his chest- for emphasis* You know what you should do?
[Thranduil] *is definatly distracted, and as much pinned by said elf's eyes as the body* ...what?
[Fingolfin] You should... *grins wickedly* I dare you. I dare you to give me one good reason not to kiss you.
[Thranduil] ...uh...uh... *fails at coherent sentences, and flushes wildly*
[Fingolfin] *giggles* ...So not good enough. *kisses him*
[Thranduil] *makes a suprised sound, twisting under the other elf* *his mind decides to shut down, and he finds himself kissing back without restraint*
[Fingolfin] *yaykissing* *after a minute, pulls away and looks at him, half-amused, half-quizzical*
[Thranduil] ... *even more flushed now, panting slightly* ...see? Not...fair. Now I can't think. *stares wonderingly up at him*
[Fingolfin] *smiles* Thought you didn't -want- to think.
[Thranduil] Did I not? I think it has worked.
[Thranduil] But I that means I thought, and I do not want to think and... *confuses himself*
[Fingolfin] *grins* Then don't. *kisses him again, to preclude thinking*
[Thranduil] *makes a pleased sound, and kisses back passionately, which is better than thinking any day*
[Fingolfin] *oh, it is* *kisses happily, winding his hand in the collar of Thranduil's shirt*
[Thranduil] *frees his arms enough that he can cling to Fingolfin's shoulders, keeping him in a steady kiss*
[Fingolfin] *brings his other hand up to cup Thranduil's cheek, catching his fingers in his hair, and smiles into the kiss*
[Thranduil] *begins to kiss more gently now, but deeper, knees tightening around Fingolfin's hips*
[Fingolfin] *runs his tongue along Thranduil's lower lip, biting gently, pressing against him*
[Thranduil] *whimpers slightly, twisting under him in an attempt to bring their bodies closer*
[Fingolfin] *is not opposed to that at all* *in fact, so unopposed that we're going to just fade to black while various unspeakable things are done, since it's sorta kinda going on half-past six*
[Thranduil] *Mmm, unspeakable things*

thranduil, fingolfin

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