(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 11:39

Hey, this is the log of what exactly happened with Helena and Jekyll/Hyde. I have to warn you, it gets pretty graphic. (Rated R for violence and sexual content)

Helena: *hasn't slept or eaten very much the past few days, so probably looks... not very good*

Jekyll: *tiredly oozes into the room and onto a couch*

Helena: *looks up and blinks* ... Henry?

Jekyll: *starts* Helena? Is that you? *realizes that's not a good way to greet your wife*

Helena: Henry! *dashes over and hugs him tightly*

Jekyll: *hugs her back* I've missed you dear.

Helena: I've missed you too... *buries her face in Henry's chest, trying not to cry*

Jekyll: Shh...shh...what's wrong dear?

Helena: Oh, everything's gone wrong, Henry...

Jekyll: What do you mean, love?

Helena: Bertie... my friend he... *bursts into tears*

Jekyll: Hush, now...what happened to Bertie?

Helena: He... he snuck into your lab and... oh God, Henry, he took some of the formula.

Jekyll: WHAT!

Helena: Darcy, his other half, is horrid! He's worse than Hyde!

Jekyll: Has he hurt you? Where is he?

Helena: No, he didn't hurt me... *touches her neck*

Jekyll: You're lying. What happened?

Helena: He... took me by the throat... and threw me onto one of the couches... twice.

Jekyll: Twice! *seething* I'll kill the bastard.

Helena: No! Please Henry, don't hurt him.

Jekyll: Why I'll...oh, no, dear, you know I didn't mean it like that...

Helena: He did it to help me.

Jekyll: How could this possibly help you?

Helena: I told him... *looks nervous* I told him about you and Hyde and... he decided that he'd give you another subject to test on... himself.

Jekyll: Helena!

Helena: *starts crying again*

Jekyll: *cuddles her* Oh dear...I should have done something sooner.

Helena: It's all my fault! I was the one who asked you to stop working on the formula

Jekyll: Hardly, dear. If I had been here, this wouldn't have happened.

Helena: *sobs into his shoulder*

Jekyll: *strokes her hair* Shh...I can fix it. I promise.

Helena: Henry... you're too good to me...

Jekyll: You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't want to take that for granted.

Helena: Oh God Henry, you'll hate me! *sob*

Jekyll: I could never hate you. Tell me what hapened.

Helena: I... Bertie and I... oh God... *hides her face in her hands*

Jekyll: *sick feeling in his stomach* Helena, please, just tell me.

Helena: We... we slept together. *bites her lip and looks away*

Jekyll: *too stunned to speak*

Helena: *too frightened and upset to look at him*

Jekyll: *recovering a little* You...you slept together?

Helena: *nods silently*

Jekyll: *quietly* Was it your choice, or was it forced?

Helena: *just as quietly* My choice

Jekyll: I see. *pulls away and sits on the couch to let it sink in*

Helena: *whispers* I'm so sorry Henry...

Jekyll: It's all right. *swipes at his eyes because men don't cry*

Helena: *shakes her head* No... it isn't. I was unfaithful.

Jekyll: Hyde isn't exactly the picture of marital fidelity. I can't hold it against you.

Helena: *looks over at Henry tearfully* ... what?

Jekyll: Helena, I can't help but feel I drove this to happen.

Helena: What... how...

Jekyll: MY potion, MY absences, MY alter-ego...my fault.

Helena: Henry...

Jekyll is now known as Hyde

Hyde: Bloody little tramp!

Helena: *winces*

Hyde: *stands and advances on her* So, I'm not good enough for you?

Helena: *backs up* No! That's not it at all!

Hyde: *grabs her wrist* Then perhaps you would be so kind as to explain it.

Helena: *a bit more forceful* As if you've never slept with other women, Hyde!

Hyde: An entirely different matter, my dear.

Helena: How?

Hyde: -I- do not have to deal with the possible reprecussions of illicet affairs.

Helena: You -- you think it doesn't upset me?

Hyde: What, being a whore?

Helena: *blushes deeply* No! Your sleeping with other women.

Hyde: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I plagerize too, and don't care a wit what you think.

Helena: *tries to pull away from him* You're hurting me, Hyde.

Hyde: *tightens his grip* Good.

Helena: *winces* Please stop.

Hyde: *leers* Make me, tramp.

Helena: *tries to twist away from him*

Hyde: *backhands her to the floor*

Helena: *cries out in pain and tries to scramble away from him*

Hyde: *steps on the edge of her dress to stop her*

Helena: *her dress tears but she stops trying to get away*

Hyde: *grabs her by the hair and pulls her back up*

Helena: *grabs hold of his wrists and tries to twist away again, but only succeeds in hurting herself*

Hyde: *laughs* You are a fool, Helena. An utter and complete fool.

Helena: *whimpers a bit*

Hyde: *hauls her off to his lab*

Helena: *haul'd*

Hyde: *drags her in and throws her on the floor while he locks the door*

Helena: *curls up in the corner, trembling*

Hyde: *turns to her* Now, i think it's time you and I had a nice long chat.

Helena: *whispers* Oh God

Hyde: *crouches over her* Now, because I'm so generous, I'll let you choose where we start.

Helena: I'm so sorry.

Hyde: A good start. *picks her up by the arm*

Helena: *doesn't struggle*

Hyde: *leans as though he might kiss her, then throws her across the counter instead* *fourtunately, his aim is bad and he mostly misses the beakers and such*

Helena: *whimpers in pain from the counter*

Hyde: *hops up and pins her by the shoulders* Anything else to say?

Helena: *winces as broken glass cuts into her back* I... I still love you.

Hyde: How touching. *throws her off the counter*

Helena: *hits floor hard and skins the palms of her hands*

Hyde: *hops off the counter and looms over her for a moment*

Helena: *huddles on the floor*

Hyde: Now, how shall we continue. Any preference, my dear?

Helena: *choked sob*

Hyde: Come come, certainly you've some preference.

Helena: *in a wavering voice* Please... please stop.

Hyde: *snort* You would say that. *picks her up and shoves her against the counter*

Helena: *closes her eyes, mentally willing him to go away*

Hyde: *sits her on the edge of the counter* Dress. Off.

Helena: *hesitates*

Hyde: NOW!

Helena: *strips off her dress quickly, standing in her corset and underskirt*

Hyde: *smirks* Better. Keep going.

Helena: *fumbles with the laces of her corset, hands trembling*

Hyde: *flicks out a smill knife* Need some help, love?

Helena: *closes her eyes and nods*

Hyde: *neatly slices the laces* Continue.

Helena: *slips out of her underskirt and stands there naked, blushing*

Hyde: Better, tramp.

Helena: *hides her face in her hands*

Hyde: Tell me, love, what do you think of the laboratory?

Helena: ... it's just fine.

Hyde: *smirks* That's a lie if I ever heard one.

Helena: ... I hate it.

Hyde: That sounds like what I expected.

Helena: *closes her eyes again* What do you want with me?

Hyde: I cannot for the life of me decide whether I should enjoy you like this, or continue playing games.

Helena: Oh God...

Hyde: Perhaps you'd like to have a say?

Helena: You wouldn't listen to me either way.

Hyde: Well, perhaps if you actually played along...

Helena: Tell me what you want me to do.

Hyde: *chuckles* So many possiblities...

Helena: *shudders at that chuckle*

Hyde: *strokes her cheek, letting his hand trail down her chest*

Helena: *shivers and parts her lips slightly*

Hyde: *kisses her harshly*

Helena: *gasps, but has finally learned not to struggle*

Hyde: *quickly shoves her back onto the counter and takes her*

Helena: *clings to him, crying quietly*

Hyde: *finishes and drags her onto the floor with him* How are you feeling, love?

Helena: *curls up on the floor, bruised and bleeding and crying*

Hyde is now known as Jekyll

Jekyll: *jolts and falls back against the wall* What the devil..? *sees Helena* God no...

Helena: *silently pulls her dress back on, not bothering with the underskirt*

Jekyll: Helena...no, oh no...did he...? *slowly reaches out to her*

Helena: *takes his hand and slowly moves over to him*

Jekyll: *gently puts his arms around her* I'm sorry.

Helena: *lets him, despite the pain* It wasn't you...

Jekyll: *holds her and starts to cry* I should be able to stop him...after all this time and I still can't protect you...I love you.

Helena: *falls in love with him all over again* Henry... I love you too... *puts her hand on his cheek, leaving a smear of blood*

Jekyll: *clasps her hand and cries uncontrolably*

Helena: *holds him tightly, ignoring the blood slowly seeping through the back of her dress*

Jekyll: You...You're bleeding.

Helena: The glass... on the counter...

Jekyll: *hides his face* What have I done...

Helena: Oh no, love, please don't... I'm sure they're only shallow cuts, and I just skinned my palms, please don't worry so...

Jekyll: *suddenly stands and slams his hands against the counter* Damn! Damn damn damn him!

Helena: Stop! You'll hurt yourself!

Jekyll: At least hurting myself is better than hurting you!

Helena: Please stop! *tries to pull him away from the counter*

Jekyll: *raised his hand, but catches himself* What have I become? Look at me! I'm as bad as he is!

Helena: No... you'll never be like him.

Jekyll: I am him! Don't you see that!

Helena: *shakes her head* No, you are Henry Jekyll, the man I love and married.

Jekyll: *slams his head against the counter and collapses* I can't do this...

Helena: Henry no! *falls to her knees next to Henry and cradles him in her arms* Oh God, my love.

Jekyll: *pulls away from her and staggers across the room to a cupbord, out of which he pulls a vial and a syringe*

Helena: Henry what are you doing?

Jekyll: *hands her the vial and syringe* This is the closest thing to an antidote I have. There's a seventy-five percent chance it will work, but there's only one dose. Take it to Bertie and I wish you both well.

Helena: *looks at the vial and syringe, then back up at him* Henry...

Jekyll: *utterly defeated look* I'd rather give him that chance to get rid of this; I brought it upon myself. Give him my regards.

Helena: Henry don't do this, please.

Jekyll: What else can I do?

Helena: You could take it yourself. That way you could work to make another one for Bertie.

Jekyll: Yes, that's a noble and gentlemanly thing for me to do. What if it fails? Then were both doomed. At least if he takes it he'll have a chance. You both will.

Helena: *closes her hand around the vial and syringe* But I love you.

Jekyll: I love you too. That's why you need to give him the antidote. I have something else for myself.

Helena: ... what is it? *panicked expression*

Jekyll: Nothing you need to worry about.

Helena: Henry what are you talking about?

Jekyll: Just go. *goes back to the cupboard and pulls out another vial*

Helena: What are you doing? *moves closer to him, even more panicky*

Jekyll: *fills the syringe* Trying to make everything right. You should go take care of yourself.

Helena: What is in the syringe? Dear God Henry, what are you doing? *grabs his arm*

Jekyll: Let go! Would you just leave me in peace? *starting to cry again*

Helena: Henry please!

Jekyll: *kisses her* Goodbye love.

Helena: *crying now* Don't do this, please!

Jekyll: *trembling, jabs the syringe into his leg*

Helena: HENRY!

Jekyll: *falls on the floor breathing heavily* I'm sorry...

Helena: Henry... *kneels beside him, holding him*

Jekyll: *clasps her hand* I...I love you...*trails off and passes out*

Helena: NO! *clings to him*


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