A log in 3 parts: part 3

Aug 28, 2005 19:39

In which Alistair and Nerdanel talk, and make a sort of alliance:

Alix: *walks in, hopefully being followed*
Legolas: *comes in a few moments later*
Alix: *to Legolas* It's so bright in here. And noisy.
Nerdanel: *smiles at them and waves*
Legolas: I know...
Alix: *waves at Nerdanel*
Alix: Quite jarring, this is.
Legolas: unlike the peace outside.
Alix: *looks into Legolas's eyes* Yes. But as you said, I carry it with me.
Legolas: *kisses her hand* I am glad. Unfortunately, I have to be going.
Alix: That's fine. I know I'll see you again someday. Good night.
Legolas: *smiles* good night.
Alix: *walks over to Nerdanel* Greetings.
Nerdanel: *raises an eyebrow, smiling* Good Evening, Alistair.
Alix: It has been, hasn't it? *grins* For me at least.
Nerdanel: *amused* Oh?
Alix: I know I haven't talked to you for a while.
Alix: Especially about ...this sort of thing.
Nerdanel: It is alright. The last few days have been rather busy. This sort of thing?
Alix: I decided not to do anything about...you know, the man I had been talking about.
Alix: It would only ruin our friendship.
Alix: But today, I met that Elf you saw me with...and we went walking, and...*blushes*
Nerdanel: *begins to grin**teasingly* -Alistair.- What exactly were you doing with that elf prince?
Alix: *quietly* He kissed me. Three times.
Nerdanel: *giggles*
Nerdanel: Was he a good kisser?
Alix: Excellent.
Alix: I had only wanted to show him the trees...
Alix: And nothing more. It turned out delightfully, though.
Nerdanel: *smiles* I am very happy that you had such a lovely evening.
Alix: I am too. He told me about his people, and he said this prayer to me about the Lady Elbereth in the stars, apparently...it was beautiful.
Nerdanel: *beams at him*
Nerdanel: So, do you think this lovely outing may be the start of something?
Alix: I don't know.
Alix: I suppose I'll tell him eventually...probably sooner than I hope.
Alix: But knowing Elves, I don't think he'll be as fickle as my last was.
Alix: He seems to be quite taken with -me- and I'm amazed.
Nerdanel: Nay, I doubt it. *smiles* Why would you ever be amazed by that?
Alix: I don't know! It's just.. me!
Nerdanel: *chuckles* Have a seat, Alistair, and stop flushing like that. It is nothing to be embarassed about. *amused look*
Alix: *sits down* I'm just wondering if I'm going to be attracted to him when I'm...myself. And the other way around. He is certainly pretty.
Alix: However, as a male, I am very much -not-.
Nerdanel: *laughs* If Armand is a good example, you do not change much from male to female, so I do think you must have been a handsome man.
Alix: I was, I grudgingly suppose, but not -pretty-.
Nerdanel: *laughs*
Nerdanel: Do you want to be attracted to him when you change back?
Alix: *blinks* I think, yes.
Alix: Because I wasn't, at first, but he charmed me. I don't know how or why.
Nerdanel: So it is not just physical. *smiles*
Alix: Not at all.
Alix: We were talking. And we've gone through similar things, with wars, and being attached to the great heroes of the day. Although Frodo and Honor are about as dissimilar in every aspect -but- that.
Nerdanel: *smiles* So, why should it not be the same when you are changed back?
Alix: Because...I don't know. I've never really been attracted to men before, as I told you. But it should be irrelevant.
Nerdanel: *smiles* Indeed. *shrugs slightly* We shall see, though, how it goes? I hope things turn out. He seems to be a very good elf, from all that I have heard about him.
Alix: I hope something turns out.
Alix: Except, I keep thinking about Fleur...I've been rotten, haven't I?
Alix: But she never comes around, or speaks to me, or anything, and I've tried.
Nerdanel: Well, personally, I think you have a right, if that is true. *wrinkles nose slightly, though secretly feels a bit guilty for being a hypocrite, sort of*
Alix: But I can't keep waiting forever.
Nerdanel: *nods* Indeed.
Alix: And I think Legolas knows a bit of what...well, what I've gone through.
Alix: At least with regards to combat.
Nerdanel: And if he pleases you... *smiles* Why should you not attempt a relationship?
Alix: Because I had made a promise...
Alix: But she already broke it.
Alix: You're right.
Alix: Is it all right, though, for Elves and Men to...be together?
Nerdanel: *gives a small laugh* Some of the greatest stories of our times are the loves between Elves and Men.
Alix: Oh?
Nerdanel: *nods* Luthien and Beren's story is one that every elf knows, especially to the younger agers. Elrohir's grandfather is a half-elf, son of Tuor and Idril of Gondolin.
Alix: That's good to know, depending on what the story is.
Nerdanel: The loves between the Eldar and Edain seem to always end well, from what I know of them. *Smiles* Aragorn, one of Legolas's companions, married an elven woman, you know.
Alix: No, I didn't.
Alix: But that's good news, all, isn't it?
Nerdanel: Indeed. Just hope his father is as alright with it. I would hate for you to lose a hand.
Alix: *goes pale* No, I'd hate that too.
Alix: Although his father seems fond of me, too, at least.
Nerdanel: *nods* He seems kind, so I do not think you should feel too terribly worried, though he might be a bit iffy about the situation.
Alix: *nod* I'd probably be in his place as well.
Nerdanel: Yes. Though I would be happy for you, there are some serious issues between Elven and Human relationship, by nature.
Alix: What kind of issues?
Nerdanel: Well...to put it simply, he is immortal, you are not. And Elves do not often outlive their partners.
Alix: Oh.
Alix: I do live longer than most humans, though, or will...
Nerdanel: *nods* You will. But just a warning. If Thranduil seems terribly unreasonable, that will be why. Not for lack of affection for you, but for the love of his son.
Alix: But not long enough.
Alix: I understand.
Nerdanel: ...of course, it is not like death is any real bother here. You basically have to want to be dead to stay that way, apparently.
Alix: Well, here.
Alix: But what if...
Nerdanel: *blinks* If?
Alix: We leave?
Nerdanel: Leave? To not come back?
Alix: If we can.
Alix: Admiral Harrington does not wish me to give up looking for a way home.
Nerdanel: ...oh.
Alix: My friend Honor, on the other hand, is a bit worried. Sometimes they can be two drastically different people..
Nerdanel: *frowns* I had not thought of people wanting to get home permanantly.
Alix: I want to go home because I miss my family and my country.
Alix: But I genuinely think that we cannot.
Nerdanel: That is understandable. *bites lip, then blinks* ...you do not?
Alix: Even if we found a way back and forth, I may be killed.
Nerdanel: *small squeak*
Alix: It doesn't look like there's a valid way to get home. If we could all find out how we got here in the first place...
Alix: In war, not just for being me.
Nerdanel: *nods* That does make things hard...since no one seems to know why they are here, not even the gods.
Alix: As long as I am here, I need to make the best of it.
Alix: And I will try.
Nerdanel: *nods*
Nerdanel: If something does happen between you and Legolas, would you leave him behind, if you found a way home?
Alix: I would not if it was possible.
Alix: I had told Fleur the same thing.
Alix: I've told Armand that, too, but he seems to be committed to staying here.
Nerdanel: Most of my family is. Arda does not...have much to offer us, any more.
Alix: *nods* And you've seemed to all fit in quite well here.
Nerdanel: *nods* Much better than at home.
Alix: I'm getting used to being here, too. It's been two months already.
Alix: I have not stopped being homesick but I seem to have things to do now.
Nerdanel: *smiles* I hope you enjoy being here, even...if you do not stay.
Alix: I've enjoyed the company of the friends I've made recently.
Nerdanel: And the kissing too, I suppose. *teases*
Alix: *laughs* I've seemed to get more of that in the last two months than in the last twenty years.
Nerdanel: *giggles* Twenty years? You poor unloved thing.
Alix: I'm not exactly exaggerating.
Nerdanel: *pats his arm* Ah, well. You seem to be making up for it well.
Alix: More than well. I think I've been alone too long. It's dangerous.
Nerdanel: *nods* But you have not been stupid, I do not think.
Alix: *has been, but isn't telling* No, just unlucky.
Nerdanel: *smiles* I hope things take a turn for the best, then.
Alix: Thank you so much.
Alix: You know, you've been like..well, a mother to me, except more like a father, at least more like -my- father...
Nerdanel: *laughs* I will take that as a compliment.
Alix: It's hard to explain.
Alix: My mother was very much not a help in this sort of thing.
Nerdanel: *smiles* From what you have told me of your parentage, I understand.
Alix: Not all mothers are like that.
Nerdanel: Nay, but I understand. I was mostly raised by my father as well.
Alix: One more thing we have in common.
Nerdanel: We do seem to have a lot, though I must say you are much more the military man than I. *smile*
Alix: *laughs* And I don't know how I ended up one.
Alix: Well, I -do-, it just wasn't expected of me.
Nerdanel: What was expected of you?
Alix: Everything -but- join the Navy? Even though my brother did?
Alix: But he wasn't an officer.
Nerdanel: *chuckles* Well, you exceeded expectations, then.
Alix: Yes, I did, I only wish that they had been alive to see all of it.
Alix: When they died, I had just been promoted to lieutenant. I hadn't expected to make it much further.
Nerdanel: *sympathetic wince* How far are you now, in the ranks?
Alix: Well, I'm a rear admiral. About six ranks higher than that.
Nerdanel: *suitibly impressed* Wow.
Alix: I still haven't got over the shock of that and it's been over four years.
Nerdanel: *laughs* I think you do not think high enough of yourself.
Alix: I'm beginning to see that.
Nerdanel: *smiles, glad for non-angsty conversation* Good.
Alix: Perhaps I will be a successful civilian, after all.
Nerdanel: You never know. *grin*
Alix: At least I'm getting progressively more used to it.
Nerdanel: I have faith in the ability to adapt. After all, I turned out to be a semi-presentable Queen.
Alix: Yes, you do make a good one.
Nerdanel: *laughs* I am afraid I quite worried the royal family when I first was courting Fëanor. I have certainly calmed down a bit. *amused* I am even lady-like. *mock poses*
Alix: *laughs* Well, you helped me get ladylike down, at least.
Nerdanel: *amused* I should start a school, or something.
Alix: A school for the unfortunately transformed?
Alix: *touches fold in skirt* I admit I'll hate giving this up, though.
Nerdanel: *smiles* Well, I am certain if you ever feel nostalgic there will always be a god you can bother.
Alix: *snorts* You're unfortunately correct.
Nerdanel: *laughs*
Nerdanel: And you do look ever so pretty.
Alix: Yes. I've become used to that. A bit.
Alix: Although I am still waking up in the morning and wondering who I'm sleeping with.
Nerdanel: *looks amused* Oh?
Alix: Then I drag myself in to the bathroom for the morning necessaries and I get shocked.
Nerdanel: *giggles* That is an amusing image.
Alix: It was a bit more unsettling when I was sleeping unclothed.
Nerdanel: *laughs out loud*
Alix: It was an interesting first day of this, yes.
Nerdanel: Well, I must say I certainly do hope never to be in your position.
Alix: I hope so too, especially not now.
Nerdanel: *glances at her belly* Very true. That would be quite upsetting.
Alix: Well, maybe you're right about the pesky god thing and reverting, come to think of that.
Nerdanel: Hmm? *blinks*
Alix: Well, if it ever got to the point...but that's thinking entirely too far ahead.
Nerdanel: ...well. *amused* That would certainly be a confusing story to explain to your children.
Alix: A very confusing story.
Alix: But that would be years from now. For one thing...never mind, that's another thing that isn't mine to tell.
Nerdanel: *blinks, raising eyebrow*
Alix: I can't tell you. Yet.
Nerdanel: *curious, but respects that* Very well. *bites lip, is not going to ask*
Alix: Wait...I think I already told you.
Alix: No more than two of us doing that at a time, it would be too much
Alix: One, I mean.
Nerdanel: *chuckles* Ah, that.
Nerdanel: Is she still not wanting to tell?
Alix: No. Now it's because of those men we met in the kitchen.
Nerdanel: The...what did you call them? *wrinkles nose* Peeps?
Alix: Yes. The Peeps.
Nerdanel: An odd name. What does it mean?
Alix: It's a derogatory name.
Alix: Shortened from the name of the country. People's Republic of Haven.
Nerdanel: *amused* Ah. Great love between you, I am supposing?
Alix: *dryly* Yes, the greatest of all.
Nerdanel: *grins at him, shaking her head* They did not seem too dangerous, that pair, but then again, first impressions are not always correct.
Alix: They're not dangerous without followers.
Alix: They're just annoying.
Alix: I believe Honor is thinking they'll try to gain followers.
Nerdanel: Do you think they will succeed?
Alix: Well, Rosier got someone to help -him-.
Alix: And they seem to look down on us as decadent tools of the aristocracy.
Alix: There are enough of the republican and revolutionary sorts around here who'd eat that crap up.
Nerdanel: *nods, frowning* I suppose so.
Alix: Especially since Honor isn't exactly social.
Alix: I don't think they'd believe that about me...well, I don't think the Elven aristocracy matters much to the Peeps.
Nerdanel: They may try to paint her with a false image.
Nerdanel: As for the revolutionaries...I have not met any terribly dedicated ones, but then again I have only met Keller and his few.
Alix: Exactly.
Alix: They've done that false image thing before.
Alix: They were going to execute her...based on a falsehood...
Nerdanel: Execute her? *startled*
Alix: Yes.
Nerdanel: *makes a displeased noise* What pigs.
Alix: We were captured, and they brought back some old lie about when we destroyed one of their ships for an apparent attempt to start hostilities.
Alix: And they said she killed people who couldn't defend themselves. Ha. They certainly destroyed -our- ship as well.
Nerdanel: *with distaste* Well, I certainly hope we can counteract whatever they throw.
Alix: So do I. Thank you for helping.
Nerdanel: Not at all. *smiles* I do not want my friends hurt because of a few lying prats.
Alix: Liars they are. Definitely.
Nerdanel: *smiles* Do not worry. They will not succeed.
Alix: We'll get 'em, and good!
Nerdanel: *laughs* Most definatly.
Alix: I have confidence in our abilities. *grins*
Nerdanel: *returns the grin* We certainly have the wiser team.
Alix: That we do.
Alix: And the more experienced one.
Nerdanel: I would drink to that, if we had anything to drink.
Alix: Well, we could get something to drink, and drink to it?
Nerdanel: That sounds like a delightful proposal. *stands*
Nerdanel: *thank Eru for the plot hole*
Nerdanel: Any preference?
Alix: No, no preference at all.
Nerdanel: *goes to fetch wine, then*
Nerdanel: *comes back with two wine glasses, and hands Alistair one*
Alix: Thank you.
Nerdanel: Not at all. How should we word this? Hmm. *raises glass* To the Lady Honor's continued health, and to the downfall of frauds and liars that attempt harm against our friends.
Alix: Sounds good to me. *raises glass*
Nerdanel: *gently clinks their glasses and takes a drink*
Alix: *drinks* This is interesting...
Nerdanel: Hmm?
Alix: The taste, that is.
Alix: Good, though.
Nerdanel: Do you not drink wine often?
Alix: I do, but not that often.
Alix: I think it depends on what world the grapes were grown on.
Nerdanel: *smiles* I suppose so. I admit that I do not know much about wine-making.
Alix: Neither do I; once again, Honor's department.
Nerdanel: What are you departments, then?
Alix: Fixing mechanical bits and reading very ancient texts,
Nerdanel: *curiously* Ancient texts?
Alix: Old poems and stories.
Alix: Things very few people care about anymore, but apparently my ancestors thought they were important enough to bring and pass down.
Nerdanel: Stories are always important. It is a shame if many people do not think so.
Alix: It's just that so much of it is lost.
AmandaStJust: *hugs her again* Although now I must be getting back to bed soon. *looks over at Nerdanel* There is one thing I want settled. *reaches to take Margot's hand*
Margot: Yes?
AmandaStJust: *tries to tug her over to Nerdanel and Alix* You're the prettiest. I keep telling them. They don't believe me.
Margot: *blushes* Arma-
AmandaStJust: *arrives* Naneth, Alistair. You have to see. You know Margot right? *nods at Margot*
Alix: I know Lady Blakeney, yes. Greetings.
Nerdanel: *smiles, and sets down her glass to stand up* I do not believe we have yet met. A pleasure, Lady Margot. I have heard much of you.
AmandaStJust: Margot, this is Nerdanel. Feanaro's wife and queen. And a darn good mother too!
Margot: It's an honor to meet you, Lady.
Nerdanel: Aww, thanks. *beam* The pleasure is mine.
AmandaStJust: And now we can settle something. Margot is prettier, yes?
Alix: I'm not getting into this one, Armand. You are both very pretty, in different ways.
Margot: *blushes* Goodness, ma petite!
Nerdanel: *smiles* A wise one, that Alistair, no?
AmandaStJust: I keep... I'm not pretty.
Nerdanel: Dear Margot, I am afraid Armand is delusional.
Margot: That he-she, is.
AmandaStJust: Then why in two weeks have I only been able to get a chaos god to sleep with me?
Margot: Armand!
Alix: Not like I've had much luck either, kid.
Nerdanel: Well, at least not before this evening.
Margot: *mock covers the baby's ears*
Alix: ....well, that wasn't the kind of luck Armand meant.
AmandaStJust: I am not delusional. I look hardly any different at all.
Alix: You do enough. The same features, but more delicate.
Alix: As was done to myself. It shouldn't make that much of a difference, but it does.
Nerdanel: *to Margot* I think they just have some moral 'guy' thing against being called pretty, myself.
Margot: Indeed. It has been a pleasure meeting you all, but I must go. Lady, I can see you will take good care of Armand for me, and for that I thank you. Goodnight.
AmandaStJust: Goodnight, Margot. *smiles*
Nerdanel: *smiles* Good evening. It was delightful to meet you at last.
Alix: Good night.
Nerdanel: Well, I should turn in. Good evening, dears. *embraces them both*
Alix: Good night.
Alix: We should probably scoot too.
Alix: Hopefully my snoring hasn't been keeping you awake much, Armand.
AmandaStJust: Yes. We should. *smiles* No, it hasn't.
Alix: I'd hate to think I was the cause of restless nights.
Alix: And you are just the tiniest bit inebriated, aren't you?
AmandaStJust: *blushes* Who me? Maybe.
Alix: Yes. I can tell. I've seen enough slightly drunk junior officers in my day. Ask Scotty.
Alix: So, as your father and commanding officer, I order you--and me--to get some rest.
AmandaStJust: And you're not going to yell at me? I was upset. *sadly* Margot didn't even notice.
AmandaStJust: Rest is good.
Alix: I'm not going to yell at you. I've been there myself.
AmandaStJust: Let's go. And you can tell me about your walk with Prince Legolas as we're getting ready for bed.
Alix: *blushes* Are you sure? Yes, let's go.
AmandaStJust: *is not so sure as that wsa the reason for the drinking* If you like... I'm terribly tired.
Alix: So am I. Let's go, before I'm too tired to think.
AmandaStJust: *nods* Need help up?
Alix: No, I think it's the other way around. *smiles*


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