A log in 3 parts: part 1

Aug 28, 2005 19:21

The reunion of the Fellowship of the Ring, and an invitation that may go wrong:

Alix: *walks in, rather tiredly*
Thranduil: *smiles at Alix*
AmandaStJust: *sees Alix* Alistair? There's porridge in the kitchen if you're hungry. It may be still warm.
Alix: *calls to Armand* Thank you, but I'm not hungry at all.
Alix: *walks over to Thranduil* Greetings. Apologies for the other night; we were rather cranky and tired.
Thranduil: It is perfectly alright. *smiles*
Thranduil: Are you feeling better?
Alix: A bit. We've had a lot to worry about this week. Do you mind if I sit down?
Thranduil: I would welcome your company.
Alix: *nods and sits* I'd welcome company too. I assume you did hear about what I did earlier this week?
AmandaStJust: *grins at him* What?
Thranduil: *shakes head* I am sorry, no. I have not been around much, I am afraid.
Alix: I executed a man this week. He was guilty, his punishment deserved, but why do I feel so awful about it?
Thranduil: *frowns slightly* Because you are a good man. Er, woman. You do not take a life without regret because you respect it.
Alix: *nods* That's a good way of putting it.
Alix: Won't stop me from, well, being mopy, but it is a good way to frame it.
Thranduil: *smiles* No one is asking you to, though I do hope you feel better soon.
Alix: I hope so too. I need to be a bit more social, else I go a bit off.
Thranduil: I understand the feeling.
Alix: You too? I'm sorry.
Thranduil: Oh, it is nothing. We can be social together.
Alix: If I can find anything to talk about, that is. Other than the past, which I can't get back.
Thranduil: Well then, talk of the future.
Alix: I would if I could see much of one.
Alix: My friends and I are trying to find a way back home.
Thranduil: They wish to leave?
Alix: *to Thranduil* We are naval officers, and there is a war we need to get back to.
Thranduil: That seems to be something you would normally want to avoid, but I can understand the want to protect your home.
Alix: *nods* Exactly it. And we swore an oath.
Alix: But it's preventing me from setting up any sort of life here.
Thranduil: *nods* A pity. I would like to have you stay.
Alix: Me? Why?
Thranduil: You are kind, and are pleasant company, though I do not know you well. And my headmate adores you like one of her own.
Alix: Thank you. I needed to hear that. ....oh, my.
Alix: I don't know you well either, but you're also enjoyable company.
Thranduil: *smiles* Thank you. Do I sense on coming angst?
Alix: I'd like to stay here, if I could find something to do. I hate being jobless. Not exactly. Whiny.
Thranduil: Well...perhaps you could join the defences against the Death Eaters? *shrugs* I am not sure if they are doing much of anything, though.
Alix: I did. We're just waiting.
Alix: And, of course, I have Armand to take care of...
Thranduil: And he does seem to be doing quite well these days.
Alix: That he does....I just hope it lasts.
Alix: I like it when he's social and happy. It makes me also social and happy.
Alix: We mope, we both get into trouble. *smiles* Of the bad sort.
Alix: For once, I'd like to get into some trouble of a good sort.
AmandaStJust: *curtsies as a farewell to Argon and goes to see Alsitair and Thranduil* Good afternoon.
Alix: *smiles* Hello, Armand.
Maitimo: Afternoon, Armand
AmandaStJust: I totally fail at seducing elves.
Alix: That's all right, Armand, so do I. I think.
Thranduil: *blinks, and cannot help but chuckle at that*
AmandaStJust: *smiles ruefully at Thranduil* I even practiced on your son a few days ago.
AmandaStJust: Alistair, were you trying to seduce an elf?
Thranduil: *chuckles*
Alix: Not yet, because I don't know if little old me could even do it.
Thranduil: *completely amused*
Alix: Besides, there are only a few elves here who aren't your brothers, Armand, and I'd -never- seduce one of them.
AmandaStJust: You're gorgeous, Alistair. I guess it would depend on the elf.
Alix: *blushes* Thank you.
Thranduil: Greetings, Legolas! *beams and rises to embrace him*
Legolas: *embraces him* It is good to see you too, Ada
Thranduil: Are you well?
Alix: Is this your son?
AmandaStJust: *smiles at Legolas*
Legolas: I have been better. Unfortunately I do not seem to be getting used to this place
Alix: *smiles sweetly at Legolas*
Thranduil: It will come with time, do not worry. Legolas, I know you have met Armand...have you met Alistair?
Legolas: *looks curious as to why a bunch of people he doesn't know is smiling at him*
Maitimo: *nods to Legolas, because he's polite and because he's Thrad's son*
Alix: He's met me, but under a different circumstance. And he probably doesn't remember. Greetings, Legolas. *smiles*
AmandaStJust: *pouts coz Legolas so has met Armand, even as Amanda, though it was nearly 2 weeks ago*
Legolas: Mae Govannen. and I apologize that I do not remember you
Frodo: *walks in and looks around, smiling a bit* Legolas!
Alix: That's all right.
Legolas: *smiles* Frodo!
Legolas: *motions for the halfling to come over by him and Thranduil*
Frodo: *heads over with a smile* How are you?
Thranduil: *smiles at Frodo* Hello Master Frodo.
Legolas: I am well. and yourself?
Frodo: *nods to Thranduil* Hello. *returns to Legolas* Well enough, my friend.
Alix: *to Maitimo* Who is the small person?
Legolas: I should introduce him.
Maitimo: He's a Halfling. Frodo, I believe.
Alix: *nods*
Legolas: Our world owes him a great debt.
Maitimo: *smiles*
Frodo: *smiles a bit* Not so great, I think.
Thranduil: I must disagree. Without Frodo much that we had and loved would have been lost forever.
Legolas: *nods in agreement*
Frodo: I had... much help. I could never have done it alone.
Legolas: Ai Frodo, always so humble.
Alix: The truly great men and women are always humble.
Frodo: Only because it's true, Legolas.
Legolas: *smiles at Frodo* Yes, you did have much help, but do not sell yourself short, for there are not many that could have carried the burden you did.
Frodo: Perhaps not.
Alix: *smiles at everyone, looking completely lost*
Thranduil: Do you know much about the history of our world, Alistair?
Alix: I can't say that I do, other than your ancient times.
Thranduil: *nods* You have seen Melkor here, correct? Sauron, his servant, after he fell, created a great weapon. He was seperated from it, and thus weakened. It was Frodo who kept that weapon from getting back within Sauron's grasp, and carried it to its destruction.
Frodo: *blushes a bit*
Alix: *nods* He is a great hero, then.
Thranduil: Indeed.
Alix: *to Frodo* And it is perfectly all right to be modest about it.
Frodo: Thank you, sir.
Legolas: *smiles down to Frodo*
Alix: How did you meet Frodo, Legolas?
Legolas: I was one on the Fellowship to escort him to distroy the ring
Frodo: *nods* Couldn't have done it without him.
Alix: *appreciative look at Legolas* Well, then, I assume you have also done great deeds.
Thranduil: He has. *proud look*
Legolas: *blushes slightly* It was an honor to do my part.
Alix: *smiles at Legolas* I understand fully. It sounds quite familiar.
Frodo: *looks at Legolas with a smile* Now who's being modest?
Legolas: *laughs slightly* I guess I am...
Thranduil: *smile* You both speak to little of yourselves.
Alix: You're both allowed, after all. It's the ones who talk about their deeds all the time that you have to watch out for.
Legolas: *smirks* Gimil seems to be that way at times.
Frodo: *looks at Thranduil again* I only did what I had to, and in the end, it wasn't even me who did what needed to be done.
Thranduil: *smiles* I will not try and convince you otherwise.
Alix: You won't be able to convince them. I've been working on Lady Harrington for twenty years on that.
Thranduil: *chuckles*
Legolas: *sighs*
Frodo: *shrugs* I'm fortunate to be alive.
Alix: *nods at Frodo* All of us who have gone through war feel like that. It's understandable.
Frodo: *looks at his hand* Very fortunate.
Thranduil: We all are, I think.
Alix: At least that's all you've lost.
Frodo: Yes. I know. The cost of my own weakness.
Alix: Or the mark of your endurance, perhaps? Reframe it.
Alix: *to Legolas* I overheard you saying that you felt a bit lost here. I believe we all do.
Legolas: this place is so different to what I knew.
Frodo: Yes, it *is* different...
Alix: It's different to me, too. I come from a mechanized world, where I travel around in space. This is clearly not it.
Legolas: Whereas we come from the opposite end. Our world is less mechanized, to use your word.
Frodo: *nods* Yes.
Alix: I suppose I could get used to that, but I doubt it would go the other way for all of you.
Thranduil: Indeed. I am having a hard enough time with the 'technologies' of this place.
Legolas: *nods in a agreement*
Alix: If anyone needs any help with that, I'd be glad to serve as guide.
Legolas: It would be most useful to know how some things in this world work
Alix: I can definitely help you with that.
Legolas: *smiles* for example? *points up to the lights*
Frodo: Yes, I suppose it would. Although it seems very little is made for one of my size.
Alix: The lights work because of a power source called electricity. It is *trying to recall* a charged waveform? You cannot see it.
Legolas: *blinks in confusion*
Frodo: *frowns*
Alix: It travels through copper wires, and the wires connect to metal in the lightbulb which makes it glow.
Legolas: ...if you say so.
Alix: It's hard to explain. I'll try to find a simple book on electricity in the library here for you both.
Alix: Frodo, I'm sorry that things don't work out for you. You're about the size of a young girl here named Alice, and she seems to cope well; if you see her, ask her about finding things for you.
Frodo: *smiles a bit* Oh, I'm used to it, after enough time in the world of Men.
Legolas: for not much outside the Shire is made for one of his size
Alix: *nods* I understand, because I feel undersized with all these Elves around, and I'm actually quite tall for a woman.
Legolas: *is not that tall...for an elf*
Maitimo: *is hella tall, for anything*
Frodo: *is... er... short*
Alix: Legolas, you're just the right size for me not to feel small.
Frodo: *laughs a bit*
Alix: *nods to Frodo* Of course, it's not really that drastic...
Frodo: *smiles a little*
Alix: *smiles at Legolas* Would you like to sit next to me so Frodo doesn't have to keep looking up?
Legolas: *didn't realize he was standing* *sits down*
Frodo: It really is no trouble.
Alix: Forgive me for asking, but what did you two do before you got caught up in that mess?
Legolas: I am the Prince of Mirkwood, so I served my father.
Frodo: *smiles a bit* Lived a simple life in the Shire. It seems so long ago.
Alix: *nods to both of them in turn* And I, despite all outward appearances, am an officer in a space navy.
Frodo: ... Merry!
Merry: Frodo! *bounds in*
Legolas: What is it like traveling through space?
Eomer: *wanders in and brightens at the Third Agers*
Legolas: Suilad Merry and Eomer
Merry: *whee, Third Age reunion*
Legolas: *yay!*
Frodo: *total Third Age reunion whee!*
Eomer: *grins* Well met, my friends!
Eomer: *bows low to Frodo*
Alix: Traveling through space...it's wonderful. Amazing. And I miss it.
Alix: *smiles at new people*
Merry: *bows to Eomer, then perches beside Frodo and lights a pipe*
R: *pops in to wave a tricoleur at Eomer*
Eomer: *totally ignores R*
Legolas: *to Alix* maybe you could show me sometime. *smiles*
R: *also sings the Marseillaise* ...*then leaves*
Eomer: *bows at everyone else because he is polite*
Alix: *smiles at Legolas* If I could, I would.
Frodo: *smiles a bit at Eomer* Goodness, we are gaining quite the collection.
Merry: *perches! And smokes, grinning widely*
Alix: Some more friends of yours, Frodo?
Merry: *waves* Cousin, actually.
Frodo: *smiles at Merry* But friend nonetheless.
Merry: *grins* Well, of course.
Alix: True, the two don't necessarily follow the other.
Eomer: It's been quite awhile. *smiles at Merry*
Merry: It has indeed. *grins*
Eomer: And when will you come grace Meduseld?
Merry: *laughs* Soon, my lord. I swear.
Legolas: *smiles at Aragorn*
Merry: *waves at Aragorn* 'Lo, Strider!
Eomer: *bows at Aragorn*
Merry: *also, bows*
Thranduil: *raises eyebrow, amused by the sudden influx of hobbits*
Pippin: Hullo!
Merry: *yay hobbits*
Frodo: *smiles* Strider! Pip!
Merry: Hi Pip!
Legolas: Suilad Aragorn and Pippin
Aragorn: Suilad Legolas! Mae govannen!
Alix: *bewildered* My, you do have a lot of friends.
Legolas: *smiles* most of them were on the fellowship with me.
Merry: *grins* That we were.
Alix: *nods* All the rest of the men who did great deeds.
Merry: *eyebrows* I'm not a man. I'm a hobbit.
Legolas: Pippin and Merry kept us entertained during the long journey.
Alix: *smiles at Merry* I meant it as in male, not as in the race of Men.
Merry: *grins* Oh, alright then.
Alix: *laughs* You do need a bit of lightheartedness on that sort of mission. It can't be all serious, even when it is.
Pippin: It was the only thing to distract us from starving, I'll have you know!
Eomer: *laughs quietly*
Merry: Exactly! And we had no pipeweed, either. It was terrible!
Pippin: Aahh... remember that excellent stash we found though, Merry?
Alix: *smiles* The equivalent of our emergency rations, warm water, and 40-degree days.
Merry: I do, Pip! It was lovely stuff. Longbottom leaf.
Pippin: And we didn't even have to share!
Aragorn: I'm sure given the chance you two would've eaten the entire palace kitchen!
Aragorn: *mutters* plates and all.
Eomer: *pats Aragorn*
Legolas: Well one of these two *doesn't mention who* got a bit too curious in the mines of Moria...
Alix: *giggles* Well, I can't blame them for likng their meals.
Pippin: *huffs*
Alix: Oh?
Legolas: and how many lembas breads did you two eat?
Pippin: *whistles innocently*
Frodo: *laughs a little*
Frodo: Never change, you two. Please.
Pippin: *mock innocent grin* I didn't -do- anything!
Alix: *grins at Pippin* That's what they -all- say.
Eomer: How are things, my friend? *to Aragorn*
Merry: *pokes Pippin* I didn't either.
Aragorn: Oh, the usual... Haradrim attacking our trade vessels... again.
Aragorn: Why we even -try- to make peace is beyond me...
AmandaStJust: *slips down the stairs* Oh.
Frodo: *grins, shaking his head in amusement*
Eomer: If you need assistance, you know where to go.
Merry: Hey, Pip, want some mushrooms?
Pippin: Oh! Mushrooms!
Legolas: I hope those two never change too, Frodo
Alix: *relaxes and listens to the babble*
Merry: *grins and dashes off to the kitchen*
Pippin: Pity that tall fellow isn't here... he always got sick when I was eating...
Pippin: Strangest thing -ever-!
AmandaStJust: *smiles at Alistair and tries to figure our that the halflings are going on about*
Merry: *laughs* Well then, I wish he were here.
Legolas: which tall fellow is that, Pippin?
Alix: *waves at Armand* Come and join us!
Eomer: *smiles at Armand* Please.
Pippin: Strange fellow... liked to dress in all black...
Alix: I've seen him around but don't know his name.
Pippin: but not like those horrible Ringwraiths... that was another fellow.
AmandaStJust: *goes over to Alistair* Sorry, I left so abruptly. I was tired all of a sudden. *smiles brightly at Eomer*
Pippin: Sallow looking type, that was.
Alix: *nods* That's all right.
Merry: Skinny, wasn't he?
Pippin: *face lights up* Yeah!
Pippin: I can't always tell them apart.
AmandaStJust: *smiles at Legolas again*
Merry: *nods and runs into the kitchen to look for FOOD*
Frodo: Bottomless pits, the two of you.
Merry: Mmph. Thank you, Frodo!
Alix: Sounds familiar. I have a friend like that.
Pippin: I'm -not- a bottomless pit!
Pippin: Just so long as I get my food regularly...
AmandaStJust: Maybe I could learn how to eat again from you small folk.
Pippin: there's breakfast
Frodo: *laughs*
Alix: Especially of the eating things he shouldn't, like celery.
Legolas: *smiles back to Armand*
Merry: And second breakfast!
Pippin: and second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, tea, dinner, supper
Pippin: and not to forget the snacks!
Merry: *nods* *tosses an apple at Pip* There's a snack for you.
AmandaStJust: *all happy coz was smiled at by a pretty elf who is not a close relative*
Alix: My. If I ate that much...imagine how I'd look then!
AmandaStJust: Yes, but everyone agrees I should eat more. I used to eat. Lots.
Legolas: They tried to eat constantly while on the road
Alix: You'll be better soon.
Pippin: Lies!
Pippin: All lies!
Merry: Horrid lies! How dare you defame us?
Legolas: I ask again, how many Lembas breads in Lothlorien?
Alix: I can imagine. I was like that too, when we were on...well, imprisoned...all we had were these horrible prepackaged rations.
Frodo: *grins cheerfully*
Eomer: *is entirely too amused*
Alix: Lembas? Are those Elven emergency rations?
AmandaStJust: *looks curiously up at Aragorn, a most fascinating person because he's never around*
Merry: *whistles* Can I help it if lembas is tasty?
Legolas: basically, one small bite can fill the stomach of a grown man.
Alix: Of course, the Elven rations taste -good-.
Alix: Oh. And how many did these two eat?
Legolas: One ate four, if I remember correctly
AmandaStJust: Is lembas fattening?
Frodo: *laughs* The stomach of a grown man is rather smaller than the stomach of a grown hobbit.
Merry: .....*busies himself with searching for mushrooms*
Alix: Oh, dear.
Alix: Well, I'm sure that I could rival a hobbit on occasion, even though I shouldn't.
Alix: And I know that Lady Harrington could...*laughs*
AmandaStJust: Papa Alistair has round cheeks like a chipmunk.
Legolas: *to Armand* I do not believe lembas is fattening
Alix: *laughs* Well, a bit less so these days, but...
AmandaStJust: Darn. I need something fattening.
Merry: I've -mmph- got some mush-mmph-rooms, sir. *offers from kitchen*
AmandaStJust: Thank you for answering my question, Prince Legolas.
Merry: *to Armand*
Legolas: my pleasure.
Alix: We'll find something for you, eventually. Avocados? Soy?
AmandaStJust: Oh, I like mushrooms very much. *smiles* thank you.
Merry: Ooooh, what're those? *passes mushrooms to Armand*
AmandaStJust: Avacados?
AmandaStJust: *takes some* *sniffs*
Alix: Green, oily Earth fruits.
Merry: They sound lovely!
AmandaStJust: *eats*
Alix: *smiles at Armand* Good, take hobbit lessons.
Pippin: I don't know what "full grown man" you used to measure that, but those things were -not- filling, Legolas!
AmandaStJust: Does it taste good?
Merry: Exactly, Pip!
Legolas: *laughs at Pippin* Apparently in your case, they were not.
Pippin: Complete rubbish!
Merry: ....D'you have any, anyways?
Pippin: Maybe if that tall fellow was standing next to you, you might stand a chance.
Alix: I'll have to look into this lembas. It could revolutionize the face of Manticoran emergency rations.
Alix: Of course, ours tasted good anyway, they're just not as filling.
Legolas: Let me check if I have some. *rumages through his bag and pulls out a few slices*
Frodo: Lembas was... all we had, near the end.
AmandaStJust: May I try?
Legolas: *gives some to whoever wants it*
AmandaStJust: *takes a piece then to try*
Merry: *WHEE! scarfs it down. A lot of it.*
Alix: *takes a piece, and nibbles on it*
AmandaStJust: *nibbles* That's good.
Alix: This is amazing, Legolas.
Legolas: *smiles*
AmandaStJust: It's very good. I wonder if it will help.
Merry: *scarfing down more lembas*
Alix: I hope it does.
Alix: I'm certainly not hungry any longer.
Legolas: and it proves that hobbits do have bottemless stomaches *grins*
Alix: That it does.
AmandaStJust: *keeps nibbling on lembas determinedly even though she feels full*
Merry: They are -not- bottomless! They're just...very. very large.
AmandaStJust: But you're not very large. Where do you put it all?
Merry: .....*shrugs and grins*
Pippin: What do you mean, "all"?
Frodo: *laughs* We must have *something* larger than men.
Pippin: We're just having a small snack!
AmandaStJust: All the food you eat...
Pippin: *looks at his plate piled with mushrooms, fruits, cheeses"
Alix: They just have very active metabolisms, Armand.
Alix: That is, at least, the excuse Honor uses.
Pippin: Meta-what?
Alix: Means you burn off your food faster.
AmandaStJust: I do too. *sighs*
Alix: Considering the Elves, I think they must as well.
Legolas: *looks surprised* That could very well be
Alix: *laughs* I wish I had that problem.
Legolas: *to Aragorn* You are being awfully quiet, is something bothering you?
Frodo: *leans over and nicks some cheese from Pippin's plate*
AmandaStJust: *leans against Alistair* *far too full to eat any more*
Legolas: *takes a small bit of Pippin's cheese*
Pippin: HEY!
Pippin: Why are you munching off -my- food!
Legolas: because it was there?
Alix: *laughs*
Pippin: How would you feel if I did that to you, huh?
Frodo: *smiles, innocently chewing*
Pippin: *takes his plate out of Leggy's reach*
Legolas: you have done that to me
Pippin: That's because you were starving us!
Frodo: *nicks a mushroom from Pip's plate while he's paying attention to the elf*
Pippin: That was NOT an excuse for you to nick my food!
Pippin: Eru! Can't a hobbit enjoy his snack in peace?
Legolas: I think Aragorn and Gandalf were more to blame for that than me *winks*
Frodo: Oh, come on, Pip. Share?
Pippin: NO!
AmandaStJust: *almost laughs*
Alix: There's enough food here to go around, you all.
Alix: Kitchen's full of it.
Frodo: *pouts a bit*
AmandaStJust: You all can have my share of it.
Alix: Overindulged in lembas, Armand?
AmandaStJust: *nods* I don't eat a lot now anyway. This is the problem. Yes?
Alix: You'll get there someday, Armand.
Alix: *to Legolas* Do you know how this stuff is made?
Legolas: unfortunately, I do not. That is the secrets of the Lorien elves
Alix: Of which there are none here.
Alix: We could always do with more Elves, though. *smiles* Although I'm happy with your company now.
Legolas: *smiles* I am glad you are
Alix: Being around you all has made me happy today.
Eomer: *appears to have fallen asleep*
Frodo: *smiles a little*
AmandaStJust: Yay for you Prince Legolas. I haven't been able to cheer Alistair up for weeks.
Legolas: I think the hobbits have more to do with that than me
AmandaStJust: I'm sure you're wonderful company. *grins*
Alix: Well, the hobbits. And you.
Alix: You fed me, after all.
Frodo: See, there you go, Legolas! You helped.
Legolas: It is only proper. Elvish hospility.
Alix: The fact that you're acting proper is a good thing. There are so many people here who don't.
Alix: And perhaps I'll come up with a better explanation about what space is like. I'm glad you asked, although it does make me homesick.
Alix: What is your home like?
Legolas: a lot of trees
AmandaStJust: *cheerfully* Trees are good.
Legolas: Mirkwood is also dangerous, for there are very large spiders that can kill even the strongest of elves.
Frodo: *shudders a bit*
Legolas: but no matter how much of Arda I explore, it will always be my home
Alix: I love trees.
Legolas: *gets a faraway look in his eyes*
AmandaStJust: I'd like to see Arda someday.
Alix: I would, too. All I've heard of it makes it sound a bit like my home, at least the undeveloped parts.
Legolas: there are some places that are quite beautiful, and others that are not so, like Mordor.
Frodo: Mordor is.. far from beautiful.
Alix: *nods* Don't speak of it, if it is not.
Legolas: and you saw far more of it than one would like, mellon
AmandaStJust: It's a pity there are so many places I will never see. Although we can leave Mordor off the list.
Frodo: *nods* Far more.
Alix: Same here.
Legolas: one of my headmates goes to his home regularly. Maybe we could ask him if he would not mind a few companions.
AmandaStJust: But you do not?
Legolas: I do not know how.
Alix: That would be wonderful, if you could ask. Thank you.
Alix: We're having the same problem.
AmandaStJust: It's so odd how it works.
Legolas: he has...special abilities.
Alix: Some of us are luckier than others.
AmandaStJust: I can go to Blakeney Manor but not home.
Alix: I can go anywhere with anyone but not home.
Alix: *whispers* But talking of my home only makes me sad.
AmandaStJust: Then what shall we talk about?
Legolas: *shrugs*
Alix: Well, at least the grounds here have a bit of beauty. I'd love to go walking in the twilight, under the trees that are here...
AmandaStJust: Have you noticed? Is there an orchard out there?
Alix: I haven't seen an orchard, yet, but I'm sure we could look for one.
Legolas: I have not had a chance to explore the grounds.
Alix: *to Legolas* Would you like to?
Legolas: Yes I would.
Alix: Well, you haven't been here as long as I have. You wouldn't mind exploring with me, would you?
Legolas: I would not mind. *smiles*
AmandaStJust: You two just go. I'll be fine here by myself. Alone. Or with people I don't know.
Legolas: *to Armand* would you like to come?
Alix: Yes! You should come.
AmandaStJust: Should I? It looks more like a two person event to me.
Alix: If you'd like. But your typist is leaving, soooo?
AmandaStJust: She's not leaving this moment.
AmandaStJust: *crossly* Just go then.
Legolas: *smiles at Armand and Alix*
Alix: Armand...
AmandaStJust: *looks at her knees* What?
Legolas: Come on Armand. Join us.
Alix: Come on with us. It will be fun.
AmandaStJust: But you don't really want me to...
Alix: Yes, I do!
Legolas: would not have offered it, if I did not want you to come.
Frodo: I should go.
AmandaStJust: Please go without me. I wouldn't be good company right now anyway.
Legolas: *sighs deeply* is there something I can do to help you feel better?
Alix: Yes. Me too. You -know- how I worry about you.
AmandaStJust: You won't do it anyway.
AmandaStJust: I want you both to have a good time.
Alix: We could do it another day?
Legolas: We could. I know I have all the time in the world
AmandaStJust: *closes her eyes and nearly cries at the mention of time* Well, I haven't. And neither does Alistair.
Legolas: ...that is not what I meant.
AmandaStJust: You should go for a walk. Together. Without me.
Alix: I won't if it distresses you so much.
AmandaStJust: Alistair, it doesn't matter now. I have a headache now, and I probably should lie down.
Alix: Do you need me there? *very worried*
Legolas: *nods*
AmandaStJust: I will be fine. Just enjoy yourselves.
Alix: Now I'm not sure if I even want to.
AmandaStJust: *puts her face in her hands* Alistair, please. Be fair to Prince Legolas.
Legolas: I also do not want to do anything if it distresses someone this much.
Alix: All right, but I'd feel better about it if you were there. If you're sick, though...
AmandaStJust: It's too late now. I'm distressed. I also have a headache and my typist has to take a shower. But mostly I think you two want to be alone together, so GO!
AmandaStJust: *runs up the stairs*
Legolas: *wonders what he did wrong*
Alix: Crap.
Alix: I think she was interested in you.
Legolas: I think she is too. The first time we met, she was flirting with me.
Alix: Oh, great.
Alix: And now...I feel like an ass now.
Legolas: that makes two of us...
Alix: Oh?
Legolas: I did not return her advances. It was too much too soon
Alix: Exactly.
Alix: She's been doing that lately.
Alix: As for me, I'm just naturally chatty. As I'm sure you've noticed.
Legolas: I am less so, but I enjoy the conversations when I can
Alix: Understood.
Alix: Which is why I had invited...
Legolas: *sighs deeply and looks at the door Armand left through*
Alix: Do you still want to go, or did that completely wreck the evening?
Legolas: I would still like to go. Maybe we can salvage something from this.
Alix: *nods* I hope so. Just so I can cheer myself up. Slightly. It's like I'm never meant to be ever happy.
Legolas: That is not a nice thing to say about one's self.
Alix: It is, unfortunately, true.
Legolas: surely there must be something in your life that makes you happy
Alix: There is, at times, but then it gets broken.
Alix: It never lasts very long.
Legolas: believe it or not, some times I know how that is. But I try to remember the good times, and not the bad, otherwise my long life would be unbearable to live.
Alix: *nods* I try, too, if the bad didn't threaten to take over. My life may be long by the reckoning of unchanged Men but...
Legolas: *pulls Alix into a hug*
Alix: *hugs Legolas back* I didn't mean to emote like that, but...it's just everything that's happened to me here is wrong.
Legolas: Care to talk to me about it while we walk. It might help?
Alix: I'll try, but a lot of it isn't mine to tell. I've been attempting to care for Armand, and it's getting too much.
Legolas: I know my headmate tried to care for him whenever he is around.
Alix: She's a bit demanding. And it seems like every time things look up for me, something happens to her.
Alix: Or she gets a bit irritated at me. Like tonight.
Legolas: I have heard Elrohir talking about her before. I wish something good would happen to her.
Alix: So do I.
Alix: Other than me. Because I'm about spent.
Legolas: I can understand that.
Alix: I"m glad you're listening to me prattle.
Legolas: *smiles* it has been a long time since I found someone I could talk to this easily
Alix: Oh? That's good to hear.
Alix: It's been a long time for me, too, because of everything that's happened.
Legolas: being elvish naturally seems to seperate me from the other races in Arda, and being a prince more so.
Alix: Understood. I suppose I should be treating you with more deference, but considering how my friend reacts when people do that to her...perhaps not.
Alix: Being a senior officer will also do that.
Legolas: I do not want to be treated any differently.
Alix: Good. Then I won't.
Legolas: good *smiles*
Alix: Shall we go?
Legolas: Yes, we shall. *stands up and offers a hand*
Alix: *takes hand and gets up* Thank you.
Legolas: Lead the way.


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